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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. we're still waiting for SF/SF2 sale. I've set aside funds just for that!!
  2. it's like the discussion Fubar and I always have .... one day I'm going to build a SINGLE tile, with every terrain type available sharing that one space sea-city-river-farm-jungle-desert-mountain-green-airfield-valley-road-paddy-grass-rock-basketballcourt
  3. I see that, and think 'ok, which terrain objects are closest to those buildings/tanks etc'. the sea-city-forest-port-river tiles will be slight challenge though. doable, just a challenge
  4. I can add the trees and building, but they' only be the stock WoE style. I don't think those match Jan Tuma's (but can't remember - haven't played FE2 for a while! If you want, I'll zip up my FE only TE; you'll need to add all the new tiles and such (and maybe rebuild the texturelist ini)... don't exactly recall WHICH ones I've got sitting in there right now (maybe Gibralter??) looking real there!!
  5. comment OUT the lline for the HM.bmp on the S1 and S2 tiles. like so: //HeightMap=vietnamS2_hm.BMP iirc, they aren't used on the stock terrain
  6. the destroyed lod can be either in the root of /Aircraft, or placed within the actualy aircraft's folder. you just need to adjust the pointer call out in the aircraft's data ini: original style (as TK uses it) [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=F-4E_Destroyed.lod DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect (this also works for those in the root of the /Aircraft folder) alternative, in the folder: [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=P-40n20-CU/P-40_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect
  7. SHEILD Heilcarrier??? [Texture002] Filename=vietnamS2.TGA HasWater=2 HeightMap=vietnamS2_hm.BMP HeightMapScale=25.000000 Color=0.109990,0.196346,0.292984 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture= betcha it's related to these lines. you'll find them on ALL S series tiles do a search/replace in the data ini (after backing it up!!!) use this figure: HeightMapScale=2.0000 see how that works
  8. if you don't have SF2NA as part of the merged setup, you won't have the radars, as that dll ONLY comes with NA. some editing will be required try switching to avionics70.dll (for shits and grins) and see what happens. with luck, there's an f183 avionics.ini (or whatever it's called), and thing may start working also, I'd give the readme a real good perursal, there should be instructions and requirements listed therein
  9. that would be my question.... cat extractor not working? fastest and easiest way
  10. WTF are you talking about??? The GAME itself is only 20 bucks. the DLCs run from 2-5 dollars. methinks you're posting in the wrong forum, about a completely different game....
  11. wives is more important!! (I wonder if it's called for textures NOT in the /cockpit folder, but referenced from one of the cat files? Since I don't have it ... and am up to my ears in ww2 china- don't have time to look!)
  12. for us to talk MontyCZ into rebuilding his He-111E into the later 111H model? His E is superior to the pre-existing (and for some, hard to get) 111H that's out. I know it'd be a 'job of work', but WELL worth have a newer, better model. what can we do to 'bribe' him??? just an idea...
  13. <cough> Modder Depository here at Combat Ace <cough> we made it JUST for such a propose! Please consider it, Monty.
  14. Honesty At Its Finest....NOT!

    methinks you'll be liking the KAW mod ... a certain person busted their balls getting that terrains "just so"
  15. sorry to hear you've left modding Monty. Your work has always been outstanding!!! a small prayer.. pleasepleasepleaseplease allow the MAX files to have survived.....
  16. one of these days, somebody is gonna tell me "lean MAX for yourself!!". (I do have it, but need the key code to unlock it. ain't saying no more, if ya get my drift!!!) anyway, I have need for a few static, low poly destroyable parked (ok, in this case moored) aircraft (flying boats) H6K Mavis H8K Emily (for a couple of PTO/CBI in the works terrains) PBY Catalina (for Europe, in particular Scapa Flow) they have to sit on the water looking pretty until somebody comes along and blows them up. anyone that can, I'd really appreciate it! Credit in the readmes is all I can offer, and my thanks of course!! TIA!
  17. like any other aircraft, ported to be a 'static ground object', they tend to sink halfway up the body into the ground/water. The poly count on the original Cats is pretty high or at the very least, needs better optimization to reduce/remove the stuttering and FPS drop when external viewing more than one for the one seaplane base (Canton), there'd be 3 or 4. In Scapa Flow, at least 6 moored Cats.
  18. double check your load out inis. The 'new' Intruders have the tanks built into the aircraft's Lod. Also make sure the weapons (ie: the A-6 drop tank) isn't called for a separate lod. Editing the loadout ini is a nothing job. You should only have the centerline tank, and bombs on the wings.
  19. yah, like since sf2 first came out and we started making the AIs flyable. the only problem with 'read only' main inis, is you'll have to manually add any new skins. My (patent pending) "One Click Restore Ini Trick", while requiring 2 or 3 more steps, works just a well and allows for skins to be added the normal way
  20. have you checked the avionics dll pointer??? (paraphrased from 2010, 'have you checked the orbit?')
  21. GH3 my brother! Couldn't do ANYTHING is Asia without YOUR work!!! it's a pity I can't get the 3 Gorges region right (west of Liangshan), but we do what we can with this engine... there's also a couple of airbase missing on the central coast region; have to cross check with the ww2 Formosa rebuild to locate them! Kai-Tak of course, being no where's near it's Real World ™ location....
  22. swwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Honesty At Its Finest....NOT!

    I agree! thank you kentcol!

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