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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. It's still doing it ... I can't even copy/paste from INSIDE CA (like a iink to a KB post) from one forum to another. using IE 11 (=which I DIDN"T know I had!!! Triple cursed Windowns auto-update gave that to me!!) does thise mean the board software is off, or me??
  2. Need books to read! Know of any good titles?

    how about "Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors"??
  3. Miglioramenti

    Moved to the correct Fourm, (More or Less -- Italian Language Forum) ------------------------------------- after running this through google translator... the direct answer is: You'll have to ask TK about the "issues" with the stock game. We've been asking for a LOT things -- and in truth, have received a great many of them-- since 2003. Anything else, especially with 3rd Party Addons ™, you'll have to take up directly with the mod makers themselves
  4. Unimogs are available (as REAL trucks!) ... I've had them for quite a while. Just don't ask me where I got them (1stGens maybe??) my folders call them Unimog Unimog BW (for bundswher? -sp?)
  5. agree 110 percent!! modern aircraft are MUCH more maintained then their WW2 ancestors!!!
  6. True. and I'd do her in a HEARTBEAT!!!
  7. There is NOTHING from the IcelandNA terrain that is usable -- extract the IcelandNA terrain cat, and tell me how many lods you find in it. Also, let me know how many tiles you find (as we normally think of them) To be able to use something from one terrain to another, one first needs to get their hands physically upon the object.
  8. Are they available, oh hell yes!!! . Look to the downloads sections - stary hangars should be in the SF1 section, and the "airfield objects" -- iirc 2 paks, in the SF2 section the layouts you'll find in that particular terrain's _targets and entires describing "what is it" in the _types inis. As to what airfield got rebuilt, couldn't tell ya (other than it's a 1, 5 or 6) judging by the tiles surrounding the airbase, those are GermanyCE tiles, so I'd start looking in the NATO series (yes I AM that good!!! LOL!!! -- yet another entry into the "You've Been Playing SF Too Long When..." list) addendum: the small fuel tank seen in the background of image 4 is called "benzintank", also from The Factory Place -- available buried deep in the SF1 downloads section. the camo truck, OTH, could be one of several items (where they come from I don't recall), but they're not "real" trucks, just static terrain objects, like buildings. I think it's an LKw 1/2 ton Gl Mil. I know I used in and the MBZ fuel tanker on the IR2003 terrain (and Persian Gulf, and , and...) Or a MBZ 1017A, or an MBZ 1115 ... again, don't remember
  9. these are terrain objects, as opposed to ground objects the physical objects themselves (light stands, etc) would be located INSIDE the appropriate terrain folder. without knowing exactly what your looking for/asking about, it's difficult to know how to answer the hangars are Stary's,. the blastshields and power carts are stock 3W items as are the revetments -aka "arming pits" (albeit retextured to sandbags and not sheet metal). the metal roofed open shed-thingy is the VNSEA 'vehicle port', retextured (as I seem to recall redoing the roof in sheet metal from the af5barackb from Polak's Object Library1). Beware of that ... something happened to the lod and it's no longer centered in SF2 like it was in WoV (meaning: it don't show where you place it) the 'crates and barrels' come for The Factory Place, and is called "tools" (for some odd reason!)
  10. that could be the 'blurred' layer; take the original panel line layer, duplicate it, use Gaussian (sp?) blur at 2, place under the original lilnes, and fade opactity to approx. 25% (or what ever looks best in the region) Sometime they spread too far and wide; it's an annoying thing to have to keep fiddling with !!
  11. I have said "the screenies above are STOCK desert airfields, just simply retextured" the top pic is airfield3, the bottom airfield 2 (albeit BOTH very dressed up!) open the NAfrica terrain folder and look for the M_runway bmps and tgas. It's a simply copy/paste
  12. got the text In using Chrome (which I don't particularly like in the way it displays stuff) still, damn odd my IE wouldn't work!
  13. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO RAF Catalina (PBY-5a) Skin/Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 November 2013 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 ETO RAF Catalina (PBY-5a) Skin/Ini Pak 11/11/2013 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = A new skin, and some ini updates for Veltro's Catalina. This skin is for No.210 Squadron, RAF Costal Command as seen approx late 1941. This is an ETO =ONLY= skin, so install the aircraft accordingly!!! This skin/ini package is to be applied to the PBY-5A Reissue Pak, available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/14092-sf2-ww2-pby-5a-catalina-by-veltro2k/ You are =exceedingly= advised to back up some of the inis, and these are listed in the "To Install" section. Also, see the "Notes" section for historical comments. All new 100% historically accurate serials numbers are included. It should ben noted, that although the serials ARE aircraft used by 210 Squadron, there was no way to match plane-in-group letter to serial. Also, as stated in the "Notes" section, these are for Catalina II/IIa/III Flying Boats. Decal Randomizations is TRUE. ALL markings are decals, making it extra easy for other skinners to create other squadrons. The skin itself is in jpg format. An RAF-only Catalina hangar screen is also included (making use of the skin-specific type allowed in SF2). To fly the aircraft, select the PBY-5A from the drop-down, and choose "Royal Air Force" for the service. Included are updated data, loadout and userlist inis. Also included are 2 version of the Mk.XII British torpedo - one a standard torp, the other an experimental "cruise missile" type, ala SF2NA (hence, the Full-5 merged requirement). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them before installing!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for the change list, and other stuff that might be interestering in general. Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  14. well, if Steve wants to pass me his, I can start on it after finishing the Norway/NorthSea map. Be after the beginning of year, and would most likely stick to 'stock' GCE tiles (that way can use mulit seasons by Stary. my upstairs neighbor is from Serbia, so I have a (unwitting!) helper on tap!! (and she's good looking too -just don't tell my wife!)
  15. there are, and have been, quite a few minor lod issues since day one. some of the structures may have a few flipped faces that cause the shimmering. not to mention the shadow beam from the pit1 lod (which is easily fixed by turning OFF the shadow in it's ini -- which is why that ini is in every one of my terrain mods!) Some may also have been induced by DX10/11 when SF2 came out; what wasn't as noticeable in 1stGens, become very noticeable in SF2 just one 'o them thangs, I guess!
  16. airfield 2 and 3 have been repaved to BOTH concrete and marston mat for a llllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. JSF_Aggie did them in the early 2000, and I've did them again a few years ago. They're available in several terrain mods of mine. two ways to do it: rename bmps/tgas to match, place in terrain folder hex edit airfield lod, place in terrain folder with renamed/edited bmps and tgas the difficult thing is, NONE of the airfield lods are available anymore for extraction as gerwin said, there's a alignment screwup on runway2 for the centerline white stripe. Easily fixed by using a runway bmp without the line EDIT: had to find WHICH terrain, and what airfield runway 2, fully paved from the "Eastern Med" (aka NAfrica) terrain. no line misalignments runway 3, fully paved, also from NAfrica, no misalignments (you all think that THE terrain/targets guy hadn't already done this???
  17. Moved to the Correct Forum PLEASE!! Try to pay attention where you post things like this; otherwise, those that can help won't see it. ------------------ you do know there ARE 2 different Balkans terrains, in various states of build? I've got Column5s, which is not very far along, and needs major retiling even before targeting can begin Baltika has another, which is MUCH further along.
  18. but will that fit the new mapping, that's the question!!
  19. that is really looking awesome! so, are you after MY job???
  20. I've never seen one; for either the 3rdWire or the other new ones. edit: ok, f16.net says they were A, block 15 ADF variants with AMRAAM capability. Should be an easy build off the existing one by the Viper Team just a simple rebadge of the national insignia and new serial decals http://www.f-16.net/f-16_users_article10.html
  21. U boats beware! coming in the not-to-distant future
  22. there's never been unvulnerabilty or unlimited weapons. sorry!
  23. from what I can tell, they carried them as far as at least March 42, especially in SoWesPac (New Guiena) on pretty much all USAAF aircraft (39, 40, some b-17s) I've a book I'll be sending you in the next day or so...SAM Combat Colors on the P-36 & P-40

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