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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. antiglare_nose nose looking into the (pre-lock archived) lod, those are the only 2 named nose meshes. looking for "top" gives use clip_top_L clip_top_R (no idea what THOSE are!!!) however... anti_glare_fuselage turns up worth a try, eh!! (btw, liked the 'fragile but agile' skin .. there was a write up on the REAL aircraft in the December 2013 issue of 'Flight Journal')
  2. fixing the skin is only the matter of a few hours work redrawing some lines, and color matching to fill over the stuff not wanted. Then, the real work is decal placements; but again, only a few hours work. if Ron does fix the few (relatively) small issues, I'd find the money somehow, and get them again too!!!
  3. the extractor ALWAYS extractor to a kind of temp folder. you need to move it to the game install where you want it
  4. nose (although I call mine "Joe" )
  5. TK broke that fix earlier this year. "kicking back the wall" no longer works
  6. dude, seriously? need I remind you, it's still a 'work in progress?' I've given him copies of BOTH volumes of the detail and scale books that covers ALL Tomahawk/Warhawk marks, inside and out. you can't use il2 as the basis for comparison to real life or even to SF
  7. 3rd Wire Down Loadable Content aka, extra planes etc, that you purchase from TK ======== IDF mossie: http://combatace.com/files/file/13657-sf2-idf-dh-mosquito-fb-mkvi-pak/ IDF Beau TF Mk.X http://combatace.com/files/file/14115-sf2-idfaf-bristol-beaufighter-tf-mkx-dat/
  8. this might be worth reading (albeit some changes from 2005, like randomization allows for LESS than the used-to-be required 18 Level 2 decals) http://combatace.com/files/file/345-strike-fighters-decal-tutorial/ also, although designed for decal creation, still an informative read
  9. Level=0 -- national insignia Level=1 -- squadon marking (badge, etc) Level=2 -- serial/modex/bunm/plane-in-group-letter Level=3 -- kill markings there's also other considerations; is the aircraft exported? is the nation being selecting on the user list??? is that nation allowed on the terrain being flow on (terrain, LimitedNations=TRUE, with those allowed in the terrain's _Nations.ini) Is the skin's textureset.ini set for a specific nation, or generic?? need more information; not enough in the original post
  10. check my FW-190 and Me-109s; there's a bunch of single number LW decals in the outlined style. Be an awful lot of work to convert back to bmp, then to a psd (as dopey me through OUT the original bmps ages ago..)
  11. I have a MUCH better source. You tell me what part of the world, and I'll go get the charts. Need exact country names and such (looks like western South Africa and points north, cape of good hope?) you're gonna HATE the choice of IsrealME tiles...trust me on this!!! The city tiles need to be completely rebuilt to properly orient them to the cardinal points, the tods will need replacement to match the new tile headings (they all twisted 45 deg off the usual N/S, E/W orientation of ALL the other tilesets. I had nightmares -- and still do -- from the Midwest USA map when I had mistakenly chosen the IME tiles for use.
  12. what about the ww2 IJAAF/IJN number set? You'd need to create a bazillion-layered psd, as the numbers a one layer on this, and probably do some 'inverting', but they are outlilned (albit not perfect...)
  13. we can add that one to the "You Know You've Been Playing Too Much Strike Fighters When..." thread!! good one Beach!!! great picture, too btw!!
  14. I tested it on the SF2E Mig-23P, and it worked with very little issues (just had to add the sf2 fx statements to the DTV section) it's like Kesselbruts SF1 WW2 cockpits there's NO problems with them in SF2, and they were built around 2006!!!... all old stuff (lod wise) works in SF2. It reads both ansi and Unicode lods as to the plug in, iirc, you need max 2009. but not to be worrying!! EVERYTHING you've made works perfectly in SF2
  15. tod creation ain't nothing ... it's having the correct tgas for bushes that's a (very) small problem
  16. Pierre, are you in need of accurate maps of the region?
  17. you make them the same way you do for SF/Wo* (btw, LOVE the new factory pak!!)
  18. still waitn' on the screenie...and didn't answer the question EDIT: after looking at the tiles.... why are you wasting time screwing around the Battle of Britain terrain, when I just uploaded a COMPLETLY rebuilt version???
  19. ah, yah. turn it OFF in the main ini [shadow] CastShadow=FALSE ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=800 (this is from the 3W A-6, but you get the idea)
  20. like I said, check the GR7 data ini to see that the engine statements are calling for that exhaust effect
  21. seriously?? did you EVEN try dropping it in to an SF2 aircraft??? dollars to donuts says it'll work right out of the box

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