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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. What does the announcement -the very first post- say???
  2. File Name: Phillipines Islands 1944, WW2 PTO Terrain for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 06 August 2013 File Category: Full Terrains Phillipines Islands 1944, WW2 PTO Terrain for SF2 - For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) = For Adventures in the Western Pacific = *Note: this pack includes the PI 44 update pak released sometime back. It is designed for the timeframe of the US Invasion of Leyte in late 1944. It uses SF2NA statements for carrier-based operations. Hence, your PTO mods folder =SHOULD= (read: MUST) be built from the SF2NA exe. It is designed to REPLACE, in total, any eariler versions.* **Note2: IMPORTANT! Make sure you have the WW2 ground objects!!** This map repsents the situation in the Phillipines from approximately October thru December 1944, just after the US Invasion of Leyte. To that end, the eastern regions of Leyte, and southern Samar are conisdered (somewhat) 'secured' and in Allied hands. The rest of the country is still "Occupied Territory". The LimitedNations statement is set to TRUE, allowing only for the regional powers that took part. The terrain also makes use of the 'AllowedDates" statement, preventing use BEFORE October 1944 (but dosen't seem to be working quite right post 7/13 patch) LOTS of new tiles and their associated TODs have been created, and match the Green Hell 3 styling. There is also, as expected, a few Easter Eggs. Also included are several (ok, LOTS) GroundObjects, some you may have already, but a few are new. Some are updates of ships, tanks, truck and etc seen in my other terrain mods. These are designed to REPLACE any pre-existing ones I've done. Be advised, you'll still need many of the other WW2 PTO objects I've included in other terrain mod paks. Make sure you have them!!! REMEMBER: you will need the latest WW2 weapons and Guns pack! Some are supplied, but just to be safe... **Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification. Some cities exist as 'named places' only. Some airfields may not be in their historical locaitons due to Height Field and other tiling restrictions.** As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you READ this document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing. Again, as always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Good Hunting! wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  3. As you all know, the downloads are back on line what you may NOT know, is that most (well, just about ALL) the screenshots associated with them are gone. What we need to do is as time goes along, have those people that have uploaded mods to re-upload their screenshots for them. You should be able to do this via the Edit button at the bottom of the announcement statements Now, we know that you all can't reapprove the files after the Edit, but we'll do the best we can to get them up as fast as possible Thanks Gents (and any Ladies!)
  4. yes. indeed! don't forget to delete the blank ones!!
  5. hey MB, I have a Javelin pak already set for upload. the zip is dated from last year!! Apparently, I never uploaded it!! Or, it got lost in the file messup if you want, I can post it. it's all the skins and decals in one pack. Like the others, it has all the small problems with shadows and such, but seem to fly ok otherwise. OTH, it DOES require the Expansion Paks (whichever one!) that gave us the EE Lightning, as it uses that pit.
  6. same here!! all the damn time!! I, too, am glad it's not just me
  7. ok, since the 7/13 patch fiasco (see "Well and Truly...." thread) started with trying to reinstall at an earlier patch level, What is/are the procedures for doing so? Does anyone have a step by step on this?? I'm making the assumption (oh! that word!!) that one would need to COMPLETLY uninstall ALL the SF2 exes, and start with new, unpatched installs, then patch to (whichever) level worked before?? More information in requested, and will be placed in the KB to (hopefully) prevent others from getting raped like I did.
  8. they seem to be still nonfunctional. Getting the message I've got a new tile set that ready for upload!! (replacement for DS and the Iran/Iraq terrains) thanks Boss!
  9. A-16A 'Attack Falcon'



    A-16A 'Attack Falcon' -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or SF2:I ONLY!!! -- As stated above, you =MUST= have a Full-4 Merged install, or at the VERY LEAST SF2:I to make use of this mod package, as it references all stock items for the aircraft and cockpit lods that are ONLY found in SF2:I or Full-4 Merged game installs. If you have neither of these, don't download this, as you'll not be able to use it. This is a modification of the F-16 Netz into the proposed A-16A 'Attack Falcon', a specalized ground support aircraft intended to replace the A-10 Thunderbolt II. Those wishing more infromation on it, are encouraged to Google it, and also look at F-16.net. The aircraft has been completely reskinned in 3-tone Euro 1, from a new home-grown template. Markings represent those based a Nellis AFB, Nevada (for weapons testing and integration). All basic inis, skins and decals are included, as is new green painted version of the AIM-9P Sidwinder (just for this mod/skin pak). All markings are decals, with the exception of the Nellis tail stripe. Serial numbers are spurious; taken from another source. In the Loadout ini, several alternate loadouts are listed. These can be accessed from the 3rdWire mission editor screen (for post-Expansion Pak 2 users). With the exception of the green 9P winder, all loadouts use stock items. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me. Any and all inaccuracies are mine, as we only have the Netz to work from Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  10. updated Gepard's TAKR Orjol to SF2NA standard, and new CV Floggers just for grins!! (now ... if there was a way to get rid of those SeaKings -- which have been repainted with a Red Star!....)
  11. may I suggest you repaint the spinner ... use black. the red is FAR to visible, and could cause blue-on-blue incidents. those few USN birds that used a spinner/spinner cap were usually black (early sbds for example) also might want to create a 'standard" NS blue/NS gray, and have a start date of 05/1942, without the tail stripes and meatballs
  12. which cat are you pointing the terrain too? the original release of the terrain require the Desert cat
  13. do all the ini's names match? Does the TFD and HFD have matching names to the inis (and by inference, the folder's name?)
  14. Lex and Sara, DAT models (there's 2 - one with the 8 inchers, on without)
  15. let us get a bit more caught up. eventually, if they can't be recovered from the backups, yes; they'll probably need new uploads. this is still going to take some time, so PLEASE bear with us!
  16. Member Map

    oh, this thing is way cool! added mine!
  17. File Name: SF2 Lockheed F-94B Starfire Pak by ErikGen File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 09 August 2013 File Category: F-94 SF2 Lockheed F-94B Starfire Pak by ErikGen 10/4/2012 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: this is a re-upload, as the original was damaged in the recent unpleasentness. you do NOT need to redownload if you have it already!*** A brand new aircraft, that will replace the orignal 1stGen SFP1 version you may have. This is the Lockheed F-94B 'Starfire', all-weather interceptor. This is a BRAND NEW MODEL, by ErikGen; part of his exceptional Lockheed Shooting Star series. The aircraft comes with 4 skin/decal sets: 69th FIS 319th FIS (both for KAW) USAFSilver a generic NM skin 449th FIS, as used by the ADC at Ladd Field (AFB), Alaska. * The skins are set to 'turn on' at specific years; in 1948 you'll get the 'generic', 51 the 2 KAW skins, and iirc, the Alaskan ADC 449th. All skins are in DDS format. The first 2 have all new decal sets; the later 2 reuse those I made for the old Pasko Starfire. All decals are Randomized; all skins are in DDS format. A new SF2-style hangar screen, sounds, pilots and drop tanks (same as the Shooting Stars, btw) are included. Other weapons used can be found in the GunnyPak, or the KAW Misc Items downloads. The Standard Animation Keystroke ™ is used for the canopy (Shift/0). As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Did I happen to mention, this is a BRAND NEW aircraft? Just checking...as there seems to be the occasional doubt. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein //for the KAW Team// *everyone know how much I hate wasting good decals! Click here to download this file
  18. unfortunately, NOT for the KAW Korean Terrain (aka: Korea 3). Nobody's made one for that yet
  19. F-4EJ

    but I DON'T!!! thanks Strahi!! ------- Volker, those update EJs will look GREAT on the Kamchatka terrain (now being reworked!!!)
  20. File Name: SF2 WW2 F4U-2 Corsair Nightfighter (Birdcage) by Mod Mafia/TMF File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 December 2012 File Category: F4U SF2 WW2 F4U-2 Corsair Nightfighter (Birdcage) by Mod Mafia/TMF (Ver 2.0) *Version 2.0, for post 7/13 patch. This Version Replaces the earlier one in its Entirety. Although, for the most part, the changes only relate to the wing mounted radar pod. (data and loadout ini edits* = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: There is a distinct possibility that this mod may not work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. A Full 4/5 Merged install is reccomened; at very minimum, SF2:V is required, as this aricraft references the A-1H's destroyed model* *Note #2: this mod will REPLACE, in it's entirety, the F4U-2 I built using Wolf's as a base. You may (well, should!) delete that mod completly* This represents the F4U-2 Corsair Nightfighter, as used by the USMC and USN. This is a mod of the TMF Birdcage Corsair, and uses the -5N cockpit (which I know ain't correct), which has the radar scope. New for Ver 2.0: The AN/APS-4 wing-mounted radar pod has been added as a "fake pilot seat", and will NOT move when the wings are folded. It was done like this, simply because in the post 5/13 and 7/13 patch world, the right wing would disappear. Completely. Units depicted are: VF(N)-101 US Navy VMFN-532 USMC All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE (these decals are reused from the Wolf Corsair mod). Damage textures are the old tga versions. The Hangar screen is the same one resued, and is SF2 compliant. When 'in game', you'll see "F4U-2 Corsair (TMF)" on the aircraft drop-down selection window. The aircraft is fully carrier capable. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystorke ™ of Shift/0. Breaking with Modder tradition, the wingfold operates via the "airbrakes" key. I didn't change to the standard Shift/9, as the last time I did it, I broke it!. So, it is as it was originally set by Bpao. However, commented out ARE the sections that do allow for Standard Keystroke ™ animation wingfold. It is suggested you do NOT change it from how it's done now. Doing so creates "visual oddities" on carrier parked aircraft (the right wing is missing!) All lighting is historically accurate. WW2 weapons (ie: bombs), pilot figres, etc, are NOT included. You should have them already from the other Corsairs. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein For Oli; you are sorely missed! Version 2.0: Fixed mounting for radar pod Click here to download this file

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