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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. more proper 44 gal 'torpedo' tank, serials and call letters. repositioned vertical camera lenses ------- so, if we have one already, what's being said is I wasted 2+ hours last night doing this one up?? anybody got screenies of it? Cause I don't recall ever seeing it before....
  2. quick and dirty (well, not too dirty...) circa November 1942: PR.XI, using the 3w mk 9. I have to move the vertical camera lenses back about 1/2 meter...the oblique lens is perfect. Some references call the mk VII with all guns, as it was used for medium and low level, but the XI apparently was totally unarmed. So I need to figure out the frakking mesh names for the 4 gun barrels. Or just go nonhistorical, and leave them in. You all know how lazy I am... btw, the MkVII was basically the mk v with some mods and stuff (larger oil tank, additions fues fuel tank, 50 gallon external 'slipper' tanks, and so forth. color is FS matched RAF PRU Blue edit: NM -- forgot about the FR Mk.IX ... 3 camera and ALL armament. Simplest way to go
  3. the D&S book on the Intruder calls that screen the "Pilot's Horizontal Display". whatever the hell THAT is!!
  4. Oh Yeah!! (so I'm guessing a Sims as well?? Had to dig out my "Fahey's Ships and Aircraft of the US Fleet" book set.)
  5. too bad we're NOT doing a Crimson Skies mod!! I do think it's kinda cool, though.
  6. Yup, need the Mk.V Trop first. waaaaayyyyyyyyyyy ahead of you, Dave!!! I've already done ALL the decals for the 31st FG (307 -MX, 308 -HL & 309 -WZ) for the DAT Mk.V. Which are also used on the TMF Mk.VIII for the MTO (see below) turning it into a PR is not much work at alll I notice the pathfinder/recce Mossi in the background....
  7. Few More Pics from the USAF Museum

    Dave, is that rack of cups the Doolittle Raiders one?
  8. ah! your're right!! it's was the skin mapping that threw me, as it uses a different style from their others thanks guys.
  9. yah, but don't you still want armed recon truck killing and anti-shipping missions? Plotting routes for those is pretty easy
  10. hang a torpedo on a Br.693 (aka 810??) or should I even bother??
  11. the only place, I guess. 2nd pic...just for fun!
  12. while we're still awaiting the return of the Downloads Section (so I can upload all the stuff I've finished...) I've gone back to working on Coca's Spitfire Mk.V. I'm in dire need of assistance in getting the camo pattern's correct. For some reason, I'm having serious brain farts in trying to match the fuselage/wing joins. All decaling for Northern Europe RAF and 1 USAAF squadron in pretty much done, SF2 versions of the hangar & loading screens, done. I've asked Daniel for some minor lod fixes (to open the canopy), but it's the skin that's got be fuddled. So... Wanted: Professional Level skinner for WW2 RAF/USAAF Spitfire Vs. Aircraft and template will be provided. Any/all changes and corrections to template WELCOMED!!! Many small details need adding thank you!! I also need a 3d Guru to look over the F6F Hellcat MAX file that I received from Zur many months ago. From what I was told, it's 90+% finished (even mapped and skinned!) but not exported to 3W LOD format. With this base MAX file, the -3, -5 and -5N could be done, and give us 3 new Freeware ™ Hellcats, -hopefully!!!- with all the neat little stuff like opening canopy and folding wings.
  13. i'll put the pdf in the zip with the bird thanks!
  14. do you have (or need) the Modler's Datafile on the Merlin Spits??
  15. that would great! be a change from the Crud, huh? I'll assemble what I have (Daniel is getting ready to rework the spinner a bit, and fiddle the Trop and Seafire into being). I'll shoot it to you via PM over the next day or so REALLY appreciate the help!!! fixed the canopy issue -- dopey me had the animation ID wrong!
  16. glad you sorted that out!! 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the stuff at marcfighter's sight pre-dates the 06 patch (iirc) for 1stGens, and pretty much all of them are lacking the textureset.ini required by 08 and SF2. that, and the painted on numbers....
  17. which LOD??? the newer ones are most likely mapped differently, which means those old skins won't work anymore
  18. 2 minutes work to convert... comment out Harpoon/Tomahawk launchers switch Phalanx to 'generic' single barrel 20mm adjust service years. ignore 1980s antenna play game
  19. I thought I had the N DLC.. oh well... at any rate, save the jpg below, and drop it into the 531 skin folder. Make sure it stays names as "F-4N_Hangar.jpg", and the game will automatically use this one. sorry the image got so small, Ken. I can't find the original "large format one...have to keep looking edit: in the zip is the same jpg, just to make it easier
  20. 1st Enemy nation, causes the "Battle Group Spawn Bug" as 2nd Enemy Nation, causes NO spawning of random IJN ships (CV/BB/CA/CL/DD), and all USN strike mission will be against land targets USN remains as 2nd Friendly nation ------- required screenie Iowa in company of Saratoga
  21. The Question Remains..... Will the Breadfish take over from The Eels???
  22. Action off Cape Engano... (and yes, if IJN is first, the "Battle Group Spawn Bug" is back..... If 2nd, no IJN ships spawn anywhere. Good one!)
  23. what tileset are you using? I'm assuming tropical/subtropical??, so VietnamSEA? if so, I definitely recommend the GH3 set. It's a straight drop-in, as they replace all STOCK tiles if you need 'straight' beach lines (SG50-ish), I have VNSEA tiles for that (albeit in GH3 spec), along with a full set of VNSEA Road tiles --including all the transitions, again in GH3 spec. Unfortunately, the road tiles lack TODs. but those would be fairly easy to make (well, the jungle roads, and grass-to-jungle road would need some fiddling!) Also new, straight-beach S-CG and S-GC, and small coastal city/village tiles of the 50 and 25 type. with TODs All are easily remade to the original 'generic' stock flatness. got sick and tired of those scalloped coastlines -- the Real World ™ don't look like that
  24. good one Stratos!! but seriously, they'll be back when they're back. Erik's busting his balls working out the problems and doing MAJOR upgrades Paitence, my friends. paitence

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