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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: SF2 WW2 Douglas TBD-1 Devastator Tweeks Pak (DAT) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 June 2013 File Category: SBD / TBD / TBF / SB2C SF2 WW2 Douglas TBD-1 Devastator Tweeks Pak (DAT) For SF2, Full-5 Merged (RECCOMENDED!!!) *Designed for use in a PTO-centric mods folder built =FROM= the SF2:NA exe. NA coding is required for some statements I've changed/added.* **This mod will NOT work in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. Those that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. No support is/will be available. The skins will most likely work in SF/Wo*, if they are converted BACK to bmp from DDS. This has not, and cannot be tested by me. You have been warned/advised** Those users that cannot access the DAT downloads, you're advised to skip this, as it's of no use to you. This is a semi-complete aircraft mod, consisting of mostly skins, decals, inis and various and sundry other needed bits and parts. This package contains a rebuild of my skins for the Dev A-Team's Douglas TBD Devestator naval attack/torpedo bomber. It is desinged to be used with their latest lod, TBD1A-R1.lod (dated 9/21/2011, make sure you get the Gen2 version!!) The skins have been partly redone to match the new mapping, and are in DDS format. Included are several modified inis, that correct/add/change some things. You are advised to BACKUP any/all originals. The Install instructions list which and what to delete or backup. This package contains nearly 100% historical skins and decal markings for US Navy TBDs as seen at both the Battle of the Coral Sea, and The Battle of Midway; their hour of greatest Triumph and Tragedy. I say 'nearly' 100%, as I couldn't quite get some of the wear-and-tear and fabric effects on the skin exactly as they should be, or as I wanted. Also, the BuNums for the VT-2 skin are not 100% match to Modex. Colors have been FS matched, as best as possible, to BuAer spec. The units depicted are... Battle of the Coral Sea: VT-2 USS LEXINGTON Battle of Midway: VT-3, USS YORKTOWN VT-6, USS ENTERPRISE VT-8, USS HORNET Unfortnately, I was unable to accurately 'pin down' the modex-to-BuNms-to-crew for VT-2 at Coral Sea. (I HAVE the crew listings, but not the BuNums) For the Midway Devestator squadrons, Modex and BuNums have been matched =EXACTLY= to their partiuclar aircraft, exactly as placed within each division of each squadron on each ship represented here. A number list for each squadron is included, with the crew names for each aircraft. Their names will show on the Loadout screen. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins (which it actually shouldn't be -- the Midway Devestator's numbers.lst has them in their historicaly correct order). New damage textures, in DDS format, are supplied, as is an 'new' engine sound from the AvHistory set. NOTE: for VT-3, #s 13 & 14 were spare aircraft, that went down with YORKTOWN when she was sunk; research seems to indicate they did not participate in the Battle. Each skin's paint chip is the historically correct Squadron Patch. New 'box art' style Hangar Screens are included; The Loading screen artwork depicts Ens. George Gay's attack on AKAGI (the sole survivor of VT-8 whom I had to honor of meeting some years ago) Included is the new Mk.13 torpedo by Veltro2K As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! In fact, it would be better if one unzipped this archive FIRST, and read all the instructions BEFORE installing this mod. It will make things go easier. All original DAT readmes are included, for historical and ownership/copyright purposes. Good Luck, and Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein ps: I wanted to get this out by June 4, the anniversery of the Battle of Midway. I had NO idea the DAT would be releasing their All-Inclusive PTO until last night. This in no way changed my plans; but may make it easier for you all to use this. Click here to download this file
  2. Version


    SF2 WW2 Douglas TBD-1 Devastator Tweeks Pak (DAT) For SF2, Full-5 Merged (RECCOMENDED!!!) *Designed for use in a PTO-centric mods folder built =FROM= the SF2:NA exe. NA coding is required for some statements I've changed/added.* **This mod will NOT work in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. Those that attempt to do so, do so at their own risk. No support is/will be available. The skins will most likely work in SF/Wo*, if they are converted BACK to bmp from DDS. This has not, and cannot be tested by me. You have been warned/advised** Those users that cannot access the DAT downloads, you're advised to skip this, as it's of no use to you. This is a semi-complete aircraft mod, consisting of mostly skins, decals, inis and various and sundry other needed bits and parts. This package contains a rebuild of my skins for the Dev A-Team's Douglas TBD Devestator naval attack/torpedo bomber. It is desinged to be used with their latest lod, TBD1A-R1.lod (dated 9/21/2011, make sure you get the Gen2 version!!) The skins have been partly redone to match the new mapping, and are in DDS format. Included are several modified inis, that correct/add/change some things. You are advised to BACKUP any/all originals. The Install instructions list which and what to delete or backup. This package contains nearly 100% historical skins and decal markings for US Navy TBDs as seen at both the Battle of the Coral Sea, and The Battle of Midway; their hour of greatest Triumph and Tragedy. I say 'nearly' 100%, as I couldn't quite get some of the wear-and-tear and fabric effects on the skin exactly as they should be, or as I wanted. Also, the BuNums for the VT-2 skin are not 100% match to Modex. Colors have been FS matched, as best as possible, to BuAer spec. The units depicted are... Battle of the Coral Sea: VT-2 USS LEXINGTON Battle of Midway: VT-3, USS YORKTOWN VT-6, USS ENTERPRISE VT-8, USS HORNET Unfortnately, I was unable to accurately 'pin down' the modex-to-BuNms-to-crew for VT-2 at Coral Sea. (I HAVE the crew listings, but not the BuNums) For the Midway Devestator squadrons, Modex and BuNums have been matched =EXACTLY= to their partiuclar aircraft, exactly as placed within each division of each squadron on each ship represented here. A number list for each squadron is included, with the crew names for each aircraft. Their names will show on the Loadout screen. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins (which it actually shouldn't be -- the Midway Devestator's numbers.lst has them in their historicaly correct order). New damage textures, in DDS format, are supplied, as is an 'new' engine sound from the AvHistory set. NOTE: for VT-3, #s 13 & 14 were spare aircraft, that went down with YORKTOWN when she was sunk; research seems to indicate they did not participate in the Battle. Each skin's paint chip is the historically correct Squadron Patch. New 'box art' style Hangar Screens are included; The Loading screen artwork depicts Ens. George Gay's attack on AKAGI (the sole survivor of VT-8 whom I had to honor of meeting some years ago) Included is the new Mk.13 torpedo by Veltro2K As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! In fact, it would be better if one unzipped this archive FIRST, and read all the instructions BEFORE installing this mod. It will make things go easier. All original DAT readmes are included, for historical and ownership/copyright purposes. Good Luck, and Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein ps: I wanted to get this out by June 4, the anniversery of the Battle of Midway. I had NO idea the DAT would be releasing their All-Inclusive PTO until last night. This in no way changed my plans; but may make it easier for you all to use this.
  3. let's just say, as someone intimately involved in the situation when it all went down, it got pretty f***ing ugly. As things are now, everyone of those Big Name involved with the s**tstorm, on this site, all but one has left the community. And that ONE is no longer (really) involved in 3w modding. With so few modders really left for this sim -and seeminly fewer mainstream modelers/modders everyday, expecially with respect to WW2 modding-, and the fact that 80+% of all ww2 items are theirs, methinks that perhaps it's time they declared "the experiment is over". The results are in, and they won. Perhaps it may be time for CP to revist some the policies. I'm not saying "throw it wide open"; even we have a sign up. BUT... our downloads are readily available to anyone, even non members. Might be something to consider. Limits are ok .. we have them too. But let those that want the items, be able to get them If CP wishes to keep the 'no hosting elsewhere policy'. Fine! Just allow people to get the mods. It's a plus for the ENTIRE community, not just us PropHeads. A plus for 3W as well, as more folks may want to get the games. === now, speaking of the mod... and I've just gotten the terrain part, ...and droppped their Solomons into my PTO mods folder. well, I like the tiles.
  4. hmmm... i know I got them working on the AUP that Sundowner and I fiddled with. Mind you, we use the F-4EJ-Kai cockpit (a tmf mod, irrc)
  5. nope. not even close pal. those that have been around here, espeically when the big blow out and their exodus occured, taking ALL their files from here, and revoking permissions to share copywrited materials (ie: lods), wil fill you in might also want to re read their EULA i'm done here
  6. Low Life Punks torture and kill pet duck.

    there's no doubt about it.. this planet needs an enema
  7. reinstall it bone stock, and see what happens. by chance, is there an AircraftObject.ini floating around your install from a download? If so, rename so the game wont' see it and test again
  8. Be Warned: File sharing of DAT copywrited material is not allowed. Especially the LODs for their products. via 'backchannels' You can be banned from THEIR site and OURS. we may not always agree with their policies, but we WILL abide with them, and respect them.
  9. or a screenshot of the mods folder, listing all aircraft; these in particular actually, it may not be a large violation of EULA or copywrite. Uses that DON"T have DLC28 just won't be able to make use of it. Of course, expect the usual posts of "I d/led this mod and I have no airplane in external view". ======= spinners, is the sharkmouth a decal?? might come in handy for RAAF Spits....
  10. Ok by me Eric!! If we can squash it, lets do so!! it drove me batcrap crazy, lemme tell ya!! ===== In truth, i don't really remember. I do remember the USN/USMC only flying from the land bases. (can't remember if I had cv stations hand placed on the map) The carriers obvioulsy weren't "there" yet. Only in post-NA did the freeze/crash occur. and oddly, ONLY in starndard SF2. the same groundobjects, the same terrain, when placed in the NA mods folder worked 'out of the box', after I added the CV zones to the water bmp. So, I just assumed (oh! that word!!! ) it was something NOT in standard SF2 coding, even when full-5 merged i still think there's coding differences in plane-jane SF2/E/V/I from NA. but that may be just me!
  11. that's actually not paint, or more preciscly, "intact" paint. the exhaust collectors are located at the FRONT the Herucles engine. it may be special paint, like used on headers (partly heat resistant) or specialy coated metal to NOT react to the heat. Personally, I go with a 'special metal'. The european and RAF MTO Beaus tended to be a more brown color, indicated to me a heat resistant metal reacting TO the heat (again, think of headers changing color after a few weeks of running) The modlers datafile on the Beau dosn't specify, even with the factroy drawings in it apologies the image isn't larger
  12. dswan: use the Nesher statement. M5s don't (for the most part) have a AI (air intercept) radar [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=Mirage 5DE AircraftShortName=Mirage 5 AircraftDataFile=Mirage5DE_data.ini LoadoutFile=Mirage5DE_Loadout.ini UserList=Mirage5DE_UserList.ini CockpitDataFile=Nesher_cockpit.INI LoadoutImage=Nesher_loadout.TGA HangarScreen=Nesher_hangar.JPG LoadingScreen=Nesher_Loading.JPG AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.DLL AvionicsDataFilename=Nesher_avionics.INI (smaks self on head) dooh!!! should've thought of that! I was more thinking about Blue users (IDF)
  13. there's something in the terrain itself, or one the ground objects. I was never able to run down exactly what was f***ing it up. Seems like Eric couldn't either! (and he's DAMN good at what he does, i'm here to tell!!) When I first released the Cuba OTC+ terrain, it NEVER worked in any install OTHER than SF2NA or mods folders built FROM the SF2NA.exe. when testing, I removed the ENTIRE GO folder from my 'all is everything SF2 install", and it worked. Putting it back in, caused a freeze or crash. Even readding stuff one at a time, I was unable to located the offending item bottom line: use the terrain as I designed it. In the SF2NA environment ONLY
  14. don't forget, USMC is a "seperate Nation" (and I'm sure they want to be! ) from USN or USAF. Therefore, Exported has to be TRUE same thing goes with RAF and RoyalNavy (although the Nation in that case stays UK for attachment proposes, but exported still would be TRUE)
  15. what makes you think there isn't one?? it's delayed due to research on, or if, any individual markings were carried, right down to RAF serials (if any). I have a reputation for impeccable research, unlike others.... (also why the RAAF Spit 8 for SWP is delayed due to data ini "issues" with either the CG or tail gear)
  16. you answered your own questio in the title. and it's spelled Capun so... the DAT site the only place
  17. sf2i meteor f8, albit not fully Red by default, but "ExportedToEnemy=TRUE" the s-199 has this also (i guess the IDF is enemy, when looked from the Arab airforces side)
  18. mine reads in kmph...as I added UseMetricUnit=TRUE to the aircraft data section. this is correct
  19. comment out the OnGroundPitchAngle, test again was driving me batchit crazy with the PTO RAaF Spit VIII (TMF) until i did that (kept leaning forward and almost striking the prop)
  20. 104c: ]Nose [ ShowFromCockpit=TRUE cockpit ini: (postion is still off a few cm -- one may need to make changes forward in 0.05 increments, literally inching it forward. oth, this positiong is DAMN close) Position=0.00,5.70,0.61 see screenshots thread, page 111 for basic in cockpit views
  21. after patching, you have to reset EVERYING -- graphics, general options, etc. with luck, the controls default ini remains intact (mine did)
  22. I say, go with whatever (FM wise) looks and feels best. as for bump mapping, i personally tend to lilke it rather subtle, more on the softer side. Don't forget, skin panels are butted together and really don't stand out too terrible much (at least on the museam birds I've seen) but again, whatever looks best!
  23. I'm going to open a thread in the Prop Forum (WW2) just for the S-99/S-199 so we don't clog this one up toooooooo much!
  24. File Name: SF2 WW2 PTO/CBI Nakajima Ki-44 Tojo by Geo File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 01 June 2013 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 PTO/CBI Nakajima Ki-44 Tojo by Geo = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod will =MAY= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level. However, due to some/many of modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, not all features will be active.* ** Notex2: The aircraft herin have several different skins ... for the CBI, SoWesPac (ie: Dutch East Indies), (semi) Central Pacific (read: Phillipines), Home Islands defense. I've tried to tag them as best as I can. If running seperate CBI and general PTO mods folders, you may want to seperate them out, or move the texture listing around to fit your usage. ** This model seems to be either the Ki-44-Ib, Ic or IIB, as it carries the 4 12.7mm machine guns. I chose to call it the "Ic". Skins within the pack are the originals from Geo's 1stGen release. They are (as bes as I can ID them): 23 Sentai 29 Sentai (PI) 47 Sentai 50 Sentai, 1 Chutai (CBI) 85 Sentai (CBI -china mostly) 23 & 47 both carry the 'white bandage' marking that usually denote Home Islands Defense, but some units around Pelambang, NEI also carried them. New (semi)compliant SF2 FM was cobbled together. As has become expected, the FM is NOT perfect, and needs further fine-tuning by Experts. A New SF2 style "box art" hangar screen, Geo's original 2 loading screens, converted to jpg, so you can switch to whichever one you like better. Weapons (drop tanks and bombs), guns, a pilot figure and engine sounds are included. All skins remain in their original bmp format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE (for the few number decals we have). As is usual, all lighting is 100% historically correct. The canopy has been switched to the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0. Damage textures are new, in DDS format. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. All original readmes are included for historical purposes (when discoverable from the archives) Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein with thanks to Geo!! Click here to download this file

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