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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. i know the feeling aaaalllllllllllllllllllllll too well!!
  2. Seaplane Missions - In Progress

    that tender is OUTSTANDING!!! great work, man!
  3. has to be something in the cockpit lod itself; the size of the mesh?? is there a display setting in the occkpit ini for the map node (maybe called 'moving map' or something like that?)
  4. excellent, russ!! "Many thanks" don't cover it!
  5. bless you russ! TLet should be Level=0, as that's the CVW (Carrier Air Wing) designator I assume the hook is mapped on the 5 jpg? or seperately? looks like I'll have some updating to do ... wonder how much of Fubar's Sabre FM I can reuse.... you know, on the forthcoming ww2 eaw euro terrain, you have a very nice house in Cardiff
  6. what I did with my WW2 version (many moons ago), was extract all the desert aifield inis, drop them into the BoB terrain folder, and changed all the pointers in the targets ini... like so.. [TargetArea001] Name=Lympe RAF FC Position=838009,610794 Radius=5000 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY AirfieldDataFile=desert_airfield2.ini NumSquadrons=1 Target[001].Type=Runway2 Target[001].Offset=0,0 Target[001].Heading=0 except for the airfiled _kurz, of course
  7. WW2 ETO/MTO Naval Units



    WW2 ETO/MTO Naval Units -- Something for the ETO/MTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: in particular, these are designed for use in a WW2 ETO/MTO mods folders built =FROM= the SF2NA.exe. No others seem to have whatever coding is needed (at least in my testing) for proper CVBG formation. Be advised, it will absolutely =NOT= work in 1stGens. Please also note, that the WW2 EAW ETO map, even the (as yet) unfinshed rebuild will NOT contain NA style ship-specific zones, as it lacks enough 'sea room' for maunvering.* Most of these ships are mods of Hinchbrooks's or Geo's, reflagged and slightly tweeked. Some you may have already, and have transfered over to you ETO & MTO games, as they've been used on several terrain mods of mine for The Pacific War ™, MTO or etc.. These will replace them. I'm no Naval Archetiect, so "those that know", please make any needed corrections and upload! When discoverable, armor values reflect Real Life ™. Names lists have been created for all. REMINDER: if you have these ships already, you may want to back up the originals, as this pack WILL completly replace/overwrite them!!!! REMEMBER: For the most part, these are "stand in" ships!!! and may not reflect the full capabilities of their Real Life ™ counterparts. (Or, in some cases, even look like them) Unless otherwise indicated, all ships were originally created by Hinchbrook a loooooooong time ago. This pack contains naval units for the Royal Navy and German Kriegsmarine, and a few French Navy ships thrown in for good measure. Some of these are repeats from the PTO Naval Units pak; no US Navy ships are included. You can transfer them from the PTO, if necessary. HMS Attacker Class CVE HMS Eagle CV HMS Formidable CV HMS Nelson Class BB HMS Victorious CV Renown Class BB (aka: "Repulse") Tribal Class DD (rebuilt from Daring) Leander/Dido class CL - rebuilt from Foch Suffren Class CA (French, aka "Foch") Malin Class DD KriegCruiser (includes cruisers and "pocket battleships") KriegDestroyer KriegFlakDestroyer In another subfolder, called "z-MTO sepcific", are the Italian Regia Marina ships: Conte di Cavour Class BB Condottieri Class CL/CA Navigatori Class DD a 'generic' MTB, and... a KM Graf Zepplin Class CV, a "what If.." rebuild from the Formidable lod. This is slightly beter than the original I'd done some years back, based off EAGLE. Of course, we lack Lufwaffe carrier capable aircraft...but, what the heck, right? Still working a FN Bearn stand-in.... All ships include a full "Names.lst". These are JUST the surface combatants; there are no support/supply ships included, other than a 'generic' minesweeper. Make sure you have the WW2 Nations ini that includes the Nazi Germany and WW2 Italy. It's available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13095-ww2-nations-formations-inis/ It should be noted at this time, I am NOT a Naval Archeitect, and pretty much all these ships need SOMEBODY to go through them and add the 2ndary and Tertiary AAA batteries - expecially the Cruisers, Battleships, and stand-in Destroyers. Included are the ships sounds wavs, and my SoundList.ini. If you have an extracted soundlist, just edit your existing one to add the 2 sounds. It's also advisable to have the WW2 Guns pak, as it includes the Naval Artillery. It's available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13268-guns-pak-for-ww2-mods-folders/ However, some new guns ARE included for the RN boats. NOTE: WW2 Gunpack Updated 4/23/2013 to include some missing naval guns. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Where possible, and if I still had them, original readmes are included. Reminder: a lot of these vessels are really old (2004/05), and therefore do NOT have multiple main gun installations or secondary/tertiary batteries; those that do, have been jiggered into being, and =DO= need further tweeking. Due to their age, "they are as they is". Of course, if someone wants to build new ones.....<grin> Remember, they are all pretty much 'stand ins', but do work relatively well. With thanks to ALL our Shipbuilders!! wrench kevin stein
  8. wonder how the EAW Euro terrain rebuild will effect this ... you all won't BELIEVE the number of changes made to it!!!
  9. yes aren't you using the SF2 Fury pak??? Because mine all work....shouldn't have to mess with anything edit - linky http://combatace.com/files/file/12233-fj-3m-fury-by-zur-and-co-for-sf2/
  10. Version


    Mitsubishi F1 and T2 by Veltro2K = For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 RECCOMENDED/Prefered!!!) = This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's JASDF aircraft. These had been removed at one point, and I'm now reissuing them for any that might want them or whatever. For more detailed info, both the original readmes from my 2010 and 2011 tweeks pak are included. You might want to give them a look see, as both contain pertinant information, as well as all the credits. Weapons are included (the JASDF EO bomb and drop tanks); most of the others reference Stock Items.Decal randomization is TRUE. Skins for both are in jpg format. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular, as the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft. **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein (I thought I'd re-uploaded earlier this year, but found I'd never finished assembling the pak! Enjoy!)
  11. yes! I thought I'd sent you MAX file, Russ (since I don't have 3ds, and couldn't view it!)
  12. ALL the Sabres (and by inference, the FJ-3M -as it's a Sabre lod) need new physical models. have you tried referencing (meaning: copy/paste and rewtire the shadow statment in the main ini) from the KAW Sabres?? edit: ok, the F86F1 shadow also present's the artifact from teh aileron meshs, as does the F86F shadow lod. Just turn the damn thing off, and live without I guess I have Zur's MAX files for a NEW FJ-3, but nobody wants to take it on and finish it. (and a new F6F-5 hellcat too!)
  13. File Name: WW2 ETO/MTO Naval Units File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 25 April 2013 File Category: Other WW2 ETO/MTO Naval Units -- Something for the ETO/MTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: in particular, these are designed for use in a WW2 ETO/MTO mods folders built =FROM= the SF2NA.exe. No others seem to have whatever coding is needed (at least in my testing) for proper CVBG formation. Be advised, it will absolutely =NOT= work in 1stGens. Please also note, that the WW2 EAW ETO map, even the (as yet) unfinshed rebuild will NOT contain NA style ship-specific zones, as it lacks enough 'sea room' for maunvering.* Most of these ships are mods of Hinchbrooks's or Geo's, reflagged and slightly tweeked. Some you may have already, and have transfered over to you ETO & MTO games, as they've been used on several terrain mods of mine for The Pacific War ™, MTO or etc.. These will replace them. I'm no Naval Archetiect, so "those that know", please make any needed corrections and upload! When discoverable, armor values reflect Real Life ™. Names lists have been created for all. REMINDER: if you have these ships already, you may want to back up the originals, as this pack WILL completly replace/overwrite them!!!! REMEMBER: For the most part, these are "stand in" ships!!! and may not reflect the full capabilities of their Real Life ™ counterparts. (Or, in some cases, even look like them) Unless otherwise indicated, all ships were originally created by Hinchbrook a loooooooong time ago. This pack contains naval units for the Royal Navy and German Kriegsmarine, and a few French Navy ships thrown in for good measure. Some of these are repeats from the PTO Naval Units pak; no US Navy ships are included. You can transfer them from the PTO, if necessary. HMS Attacker Class CVE HMS Eagle CV HMS Formidable CV HMS Nelson Class BB HMS Victorious CV Renown Class BB (aka: "Repulse") Tribal Class DD (rebuilt from Daring) Leander/Dido class CL - rebuilt from Foch Suffren Class CA (French, aka "Foch") Malin Class DD KriegCruiser (includes cruisers and "pocket battleships") KriegDestroyer KriegFlakDestroyer In another subfolder, called "z-MTO sepcific", are the Italian Regia Marina ships: Conte di Cavour Class BB Condottieri Class CL/CA Navigatori Class DD a 'generic' MTB, and... a KM Graf Zepplin Class CV, a "what If.." rebuild from the Formidable lod. This is slightly beter than the original I'd done some years back, based off EAGLE. Of course, we lack Lufwaffe carrier capable aircraft...but, what the heck, right? Still working a FN Bearn stand-in.... All ships include a full "Names.lst". These are JUST the surface combatants; there are no support/supply ships included, other than a 'generic' minesweeper. Make sure you have the WW2 Nations ini that includes the Nazi Germany and WW2 Italy. It's available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13095-ww2-nations-formations-inis/ It should be noted at this time, I am NOT a Naval Archeitect, and pretty much all these ships need SOMEBODY to go through them and add the 2ndary and Tertiary AAA batteries - expecially the Cruisers, Battleships, and stand-in Destroyers. Included are the ships sounds wavs, and my SoundList.ini. If you have an extracted soundlist, just edit your existing one to add the 2 sounds. It's also advisable to have the WW2 Guns pak, as it includes the Naval Artillery. It's available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13268-guns-pak-for-ww2-mods-folders/ However, some new guns ARE included for the RN boats. NOTE: WW2 Gunpack Updated 4/23/2013 to include some missing naval guns. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Where possible, and if I still had them, original readmes are included. Reminder: a lot of these vessels are really old (2004/05), and therefore do NOT have multiple main gun installations or secondary/tertiary batteries; those that do, have been jiggered into being, and =DO= need further tweeking. Due to their age, "they are as they is". Of course, if someone wants to build new ones.....<grin> Remember, they are all pretty much 'stand ins', but do work relatively well. With thanks to ALL our Shipbuilders!! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  14. eliminate them change their alingments to NEUTRAL
  15. i think only available in the avionics60.dll you'd think the stock SF2NA A-6 TRAM would have it, but it's main ini dosen't even LIST an avoinics dll, let alone an avinoics .ini (the stock ones! The tweeks/mods somebody did (don't even remember if it was me or not!), has it listed in the avionics ini. The 'ground clarence' height is easily adjusted in the avi ini [AvionicsData] AvailableModes=GROUND_MAP,TERRAIN_AVOIDANCE RangeUnit=NM RangeSetting[1]=5 RangeSetting[2]=10 RangeSetting[3]=20 RangeSetting[4]=40 RangeSetting[5]=80 RadarPosition= MaxElevationAngle=15 MinElevationAngle=-45 MaxAzimuthAngle=57 ScanPattern[1].BarElevation[1]=2.0 ScanPattern[1].BarElevation[2]=-2.0 ScanPattern[1].ScanRate=60 ScanPattern[1].ScanBeamAngle=6.0 ScanPattern[1].ScanArc=40 GroundMapRangeSetting=1,2,3,4,5 GroundSearchStrength=75 TerrainAvoidanceRangeSetting=2,3 ClearanceDistance=152.4 <----- StartRangeSetting=3
  16. it sure does... [TargetType083] Name=Spitfire9 FullName=Parked Spitfire IX ModelName=SpitfireIX.LOD TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=1942 TargetValue=50 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=0.04 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=0 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=16100.0 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion DestroyedModel=SpitfireIXDest.LOD SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryChance=100 list in targets ini, the types ini start year turns it on however, locations still must be plotted. for examples, go through the targets and types inis for Iran/Iraq 2003, Persian Gulf, the 'modern' North Africa, etc....
  17. you'll have to build the template, layer by layer, as none exist for DAT aircraft (other then user made) redraw all the panel lines redraw all the rivet lines redraw all the weathering (seperate layers for exhaust gas darkineing of paint, seperate layer for gun smoke blastback, etc) not terribly hard to do, but exceedingly time consuming
  18. File Name: Mitsubishi F1 and T2 Remod Pak by Veltro2K File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 24 April 2013 File Category: Other Origin Mitsubishi F1 and T2 by Veltro2K = For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 RECCOMENDED/Prefered!!!) = This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's JASDF aircraft. These had been removed at one point, and I'm now reissuing them for any that might want them or whatever. For more detailed info, both the original readmes from my 2010 and 2011 tweeks pak are included. You might want to give them a look see, as both contain pertinant information, as well as all the credits. Weapons are included (the JASDF EO bomb and drop tanks); most of the others reference Stock Items.Decal randomization is TRUE. Skins for both are in jpg format. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular, as the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft. **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein (I thought I'd re-uploaded earlier this year, but found I'd never finished assembling the pak! Enjoy!) Click here to download this file
  19. Version


    NAA F-86E Sabre, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force) for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and probably SF2 -Part of an on-going series of mod recreating Central American Airpower Modifications, and a complete reskin of F-86 Sabre into those as used by the Honduran Air Force. This is a aircraft mod, with everything included to (well, pretty much) just unzip and fly away with!! The skins, from templates supplied by Zur about a milliion years ago, represent a "USAF SEA style" of coloring and pattern. The pattern itself might be considerd "interperative", but follows fairly closely to what few photos I was able to find in the research phase of this mod..New decals for the individual aircraft are from historical listings. The numbers.lst, while included, is NOT active, to prevent 'running out of numbers in game'. It's just renamed, so it's easy to reactiveate it. You also get a new WoE style Hangar screen, all the weapons are included (well, ok just the drop tanks in this cas...)in the new "folder format" for use in post-patch installs, -and- in EACH weapons folder is a _data.ini as used by SF2. Unfortunately, as I don't have SF2, some experimentation on your part will be required to install and get them up and running. (meaning, I'm not sure how the numberation runs...) Cockpit mods are the inclusion of the "K-14" style air-to-air and air-to-ground sights, as seen on some other Sabre mods I've released. This mod is designed for use with, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak. You may just need to add a few things. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however. As usual, the readme contains pretty much all the info necessary to get up and running (or flying as the case may be!)So, give a read through Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Version


    SF2 WW2 PTO B-29 Superfortress Pak (Ver.2) 4/27/2015 -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = This is a revamp of the version released in April, 2013. There have been several major and minor changes. See the Change List in the Notes section for what got fiddled with. This is the complete aircraft, with all the skins, decals, sounds and whathaveyous needed. The 2 skins included are: 498th BG 73rd BW (all 60 aircraft) 509th Composite Group (the Atomic Bombers) Serials & nose arts for the 509th are 100% historically accurate. The 498th nose arts in some cases are interperative, some are historical. Serials/tail markings =ARE= 100% historical. Decal randomization is TRUE for both skins. The skins, due to their small size, remain in bmp format. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. For those users that have the 2013 version, you will be deleting the /B-29 folder from you PTO mods folder's /Aircraft main folder. Again, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS -- in fact, unzp the package FIRST, read them through, and then follow the instructions. If allowed to overwrite, bad things may happen. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Be advised, the "Leagel Notice" also includes a small change. Which seems to be ignored by some people. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Version 2, uploaded 4/2015

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