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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. afaik, they are NOT player useable; mostly because they exist "beyond the rim" (ok, The Wall) designed for AI controled bombers, and maybe fighters too
  2. Full Ocean graphix! wow

    holy crap!!!! unbelievable!!! not THATs simming!
  3. ah...... HA!!! one of San Diego's finest products! (or Ford's, depending when it was built)
  4. hmmmm....little early to venture an accurate guess... but I"ll go with Mitchell
  5. yup, the 56th was the unit to field them .. and half were lost to accidents and mechanical failures
  6. and remember the order of the numbers x left/right y fore/aft z up/down
  7. exactly like the paint bucket tool in the 3W TE ... and it will also need a 'directionality' function, just like the TE. "0", "90", "180", "270" and "Randomize" otherwise you get 'checkerborading' of the tiles
  8. yup, know issue with 1stGen terrains, where there exists a _enviormentalsystem.ini statement. Remove that line from the terrain's main ini, and all will revert to "stock" sf2
  9. and then... since each airfiled is pointing the a 'germanyce' airfiled ini, you'll need to edit every single runway reference to switch them over. which terrain download EXACTLY are you using???. IIRC, the "Ostseeausgang" terrain folder for the baltic (displayed name is Baltic Sea (Denmark) ) was already converted touse the desert airfields. if it's the 'basic' Sweden map, you have 2 choices: 1) edit the targets ini, as stated above, and extract the desert airfield inis (all six), and drop them INTO the terrain folder 2) buy SF2:E, and make sure the catpointer line 'reaches around' to the GermanyCE cat. (<--- this is much easier!)
  10. that's impossible to do, and do CORRECTLY, with being able to read the TODs. You need to know WHERE exactly every single 'solid object' and 'alpha object' resides on each and every tile as to not have you terrain objects wind up inside them. the only things that can be accurately dragged/dropped are airfields, as they use (read: need) a fully 'clear zone' tile for their placement
  11. however, I recently learned that Gerwin's TFD tool WILL generate water bmps, but the "CVzone" will still need painting in
  12. MOST interestering!! thanks Eric!! Things to remember, and check over! since the ability to move "The Wall" got locked out, methinks that might be part of the problem; as you say, bases too near The Wall.
  13. this is true for all the "2" series ... they're sorta of optimized for multi-cores. You'll start seeing all kinds of cool stuff (both FE and SF!)
  14. File Name: SF2 Lockheed F-80C/RF-80C/T-33A Shooting Stars Pak by ErikGen File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 05 October 2012 File Category: F-80 SF2 Lockheed F-80C/RF-80C/T-33A Shooting Stars Pak by ErikGen (Ver.2) = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = Ammended: 36th FBS skin now has the correct national markings! This package contains 3 completly new aircraft for SF2. As there are some 1stGen versions available, you'll most likely want to delete the old Pasko versions, if you have them, from your SF2 installs. *Note: as these aircraft were built with the latest 3W exporter, they will most likely =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen Installs* Aircraft included, and skins are: F-80C: 35th FBS, 8th FBG 36th FBS, 8th FBG 80th FBS, 8th FBG - Korea, 1950/51ish 'Generic' USAF (represents 416th FG circa 1948*) RF-80C: 45th TRS, Korea T-33A: 'Generic' USAF Football City AF (a 'What If' skin for fans of "The Wingman" series*) While designed with the Korean War in mind, they are easily used in any 'early jet' scenario. All skins are in DDS format. Decal randomization is set to TRUE for all skins. The 8th FBGs 3 squadrons have 95% historicaly accurate serial numbers. The 416th skin has 'semi-hisorical' serials (meaning they ARE for F-80Cs), and all the nose arts from the original release for Pasko's F-80C. The RF-80 and T-33 have 'generic' serials, but reflect actual aircraft, though no squadron affiliation was discoverable. Drop tanks for all are 'built in' to the aircraft lod; weapons data inis included, as are the pilot figures and seat. Bombs and rockets are NOT included; they're in the GunnyPak, and the soon-to-be-released KAW Weapons pak. The canopy for all is controlled via the standard Animations Keystroke ™, Shift/0 Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein *you all KNOW how much I hate wasting good decals!!! <grin> Updated: corrected 36th FBS skin Click here to download this file
  15. irrc, the ks19 did NOT network to the SON-9s. otherwise, it would have specified that ini the data ini. all the Red AAA units that would network to the Fircan, are ALL already set up for it. There is no need to fiddle with things
  16. oh yeah! that's were I get most of the squadron crests I use for the 'patch.bmp'. GREAT site!!!
  17. depends on how fond you are of the terrain! try an experiment --and this WILL be a lot of work (and that I mean!). rename & backup the original movements ini, and create a new one. keep the upper section, as that defines the 'front line' dividing red & blue exmaple (from Waterworld): [FrontLine] FriendlyBase=Levu Vana EnemyBase=Gavabutu Position[001]=467511,552932 Position[002]=545958,512183 Position[003]=587163,512770 Position[004]=600237,536868 StartShow=1 EndShow=5 delete all the other routes have at least 1 each, for both sides, shipping routes truck routes ground attack routes keep them near the middle 2/3s of the map. see if the problem persists. like I say, this is a random f***up that just been appearing (to my notice) over the last 4-5 months (or I just was too selfinvolved TO notice it before!) And it's only on 3rdparty terrains. Which leads me to belive it's in an ini somewheres, as opposed to a dying terrain engine dll or other core file.
  18. one of the biggest buggers would be the Luftwaffe.... breaking down each JG into the staffels (staffelen?) ... II/JG1, 9/JG26, etc .. best to just use the full geschwader (JG1), and let the skin 'name' show for each staffel. JG would be like the wing or group (4th FG), were the staffel are the individual squadrons (334th FS). Just soooooooooooooo much work!! don't even want to think about the Japanese (IJAAF or IJNAC) or the Regia Aeronautica!!!! Never have figured out either ww2 RA or modern AMI numbering systems!!
  19. nope. the only way I can think of to do it, is go through EVERY ww2 skin (expecially the Allied and Axis ones that actually are named) and start listing them. A lot (most) of mine are called by their squadron numbers. I know some of my AA and RAF are already activated, as they call 'modern' pre-existing squadrons from the stock 3W squadronlist.ini. then, you'll have to edit every single decals ini, adding my fake "SqTail.tga" as a Level=1 decal to some mesh not covered (I like using an aileron), to activate the squadron display on the Loadout page. I wouldn't even worry about bombers .... far too much work, and as they're reccomened for AI-only, who cares??
  20. like your stuck at one of The Walls, right?? it's happening to a LOT of terrains, and all of a sudden. same as the 'waypoint down at the lower left corner' issue. Don't know what it is, but seem releated to the movement ini (at least as my testing on the ww2 New Guinea seemed to indicate) Methinks something, in some dll when to s**t all of a sudden. Test for this on ALL terrains; preferably ones that are more geophysiclly correct than the norways
  21. could you be more specific as to the problem?? what exactly is happening? the 2 norwary terrains are, well, crap at best....black sea works ok (have to check again, been a while)
  22. read http://combatace.com/topic/77421-piracy/ and http://combatace.com...c/66613-piracy/
  23. nope iirc, this was one of the pirated models, stolen from marcfighters

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