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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. are we forgetting that Ant's Canberra cockpit is NOT for general usage?
  2. KA52

    necro thread much??? the question has been answered in the post above
  3. if you look at the credits posted for 31, that's the insky version, or at least a variant thereof. They're notorious for inaccuracy and "other things". Lindr2 did all his Mig Mods for SF1 only. A high probability that it's NEVER been fully integrated to SF2. IIRC, Veltro's hasn't been released (and I could be wrong. it's happened, rarely). Also, there IS a newer, improved model for the 25 coming "in the near future" (ok -- spoiler, sorry my teammates) CORRECTION: yes, Ed's 31 is OUT I approved it myself last December. Also, PauloPanz issued and update for it So, maybe the Alexis should have started there??
  4. do we have a 'beating head against a wall emoji"? asking for a friend.
  5. Indeed, patch after patch after patch. many of which totally fucked up the game mechanics. What worked in Feb, stopped working in April, and so on. There's still stuff that got "fixed" on the last patch that has borked many other things. re: negative numbers: you could have them in SF1 (for example, max steering angles for nose gears). That doesn't work anymore in SF2 (see, again, nose gear steering angles -- covered in one of the KBs someplace).
  6. MIG-29M Fulcrum E=RWR_MIG-29M FULCRUM E.tga isn't that an incorrect pathway? shouldn't it be "MIG-29M Fulcrum E=RWR/MIG-29M FULCRUM E.tga" if you're using an RWR subfolder? Basic programming
  7. Unless the basing for the 31 is a base NOT included on the Iceland map (like a runway 4 on the red side??) I'd be checking that first. No other reason why it shouldn't show up, other than that and service start dates. you mean an extra hour in a hospital with my wife, where she's been since the beginning of July (actually 3).
  8. This thread is for posting of pictures of Work(s) In Progress. ONLY Comments, questions posted in here WILL be deleted. Such posts (questions/comments, etc) will be posted in below, and please, use a topic heading naming the aircraft/ships/vehicle/creature posted here Thank You! wrench kevin stein
  9. DO NOT TOUCH THE ROLLING RADI!!!! THIS IS A 'FEATURE' OF =ALL= GAME GENERATED PARKED AIRCRAFT. it's a fault of game engine itself, NOT the air craft. the only way to move the rails is to actually have the 3d Max files FOR that aircraft. As hese models are, basicly, 20 years old ... ain't gonna happen. Personally, I'd just leave this stuff alone. It cannot be fixed outside of MAX
  10. be VERY careful when doing that!! you can fuck up the landing gear and on-ground handling faster than anything.
  11. Version


    Israel 2 Terrain (ver 4.1) Upgrade/Update for SF2 3/28/2015 = For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!!!) = **Note: this terrain replaces any and all previous versions!!** This is an (almost) complete rebuild of my 2008 build of Gepard's Israel 2 terrain. The terrain has been 90% retiled to more match the stock IsraelME and my "Eastern Med" terrains. However, the farm and city tiles remain in their original 'desert' style. All other tiles have been replaced. The target areas have, for the most part, been rebuilt, enhanced and/or expanded. As is to be expected, several new tiles, and their associated TODs had to be created. It is designed to be used =ONLY= in the SF2:I environment. The addon terrain objects have been kept to a minimum (no, not really!). Stock in-game items have been used in most cases, although some additional structrues HAVE been added. Add-on GroundObjects, while heavily listed in the _Types.ini, have been kept to as small an amount as possible. I've included =SOME= of the Ground Objects needed but NOT all of them. Its up to the End User ™ to make sure that you have the theatre-specific (read: Israeli and Arab nations) proper items. That means, I've given you no AAAs/SAMs/Radars, Tanks, SPGs, ships, etc (and any associated guns/weapons they'd require). Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features, and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, even if they might have had strategic or tactical values (most don't!). Just someplace to fly over. When in game, you'll see: "Isreal 2 (Full Scale)" Limited Nations is set to TRUE, and only contains regional states. This terrain is =NOT= carrier capable in =any= SF2 Environment (see notes - and I don't know why!). As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, but before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonsense section may make for entertaining (and essential!) reading. It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with. There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein ---------------------- Changes for 4.1: moved Az Zaqaziq (Abu Hamed) AB Added Hulwan AB Added Al Mazza AB Added Mezze AB Retiled region between the Nile and Qaroun Lake Please note, if you've already download this full terrain, you need not do so again. An update containing the changed files can be found at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/15384-israel-2-terrain-ver-41-targets-tweek-for-sf2/ ---------------------
  12. I would look at the nodes/meshes first. what you're attempting may not be possible on that aircraft, based on HOW the pylons/rails are constructed
  13. Yup. been using it for well over 12 years. Utterly useless for making skins, however. Only good for lettering for decals (CONSTANTLY using it for that as it handles text MUCH better than Photoshop)
  14. re-approved, and ready for downloading
  15. I get it!! It's Capun's Kangaroo!!! (lets see who else gets it)
  16. I guess no one's ever heard of Eritrea
  17. nope, no one has ever done that. It'd be cool to have Western battlefield rockets!
  18. the aircraft needs a permanent camera built into the airframe
  19. SF2 F-111B "Dominator"



    GD F-111B Dominator, Fleet Defense Fighter = For SF2, Any and All = A "What If..." for your enjoyment. A full(ish) SF2 upgrade pack for the F-111B Fleet Defender, assuming it had reached serial production and entered Fleet service in multi-squadron strength. This pack contains 2 skins; one East Coast and one West Coast Squadron: VF-84 "Jolly Rogers", USS Roosevelt (including CAG markings on #100 Bird) VF-161 "Chargers", USS Coral Sea "Accurate" BuNums, extrapolated from the protypes, reflect production versions. All markings are decals. Decal randomization is set to "TRUE". All needed weapons (excepting the Sidewinders and Sparrows -which use stock in-game items-) are supplied. The AIM-54 supplied herein will NOT conflict with any others, stock or add-on. New, SF2 versions of the hangar and loading screen are supplied. The aircraft is fully carrier rated, and the data ini incorprates the 'parked' wingspread statements for use in SF2NA or Post-April 2012 patch levels. Canopy animation is controled via manual animation keystroke, the Usual Susped ™, Shift/0. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! The Notes section contains further details, descriptions, elightenments, illuminations, and so forth. Be good to read them, too. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  20. it's actually called 'de-spawning" it's usually caused by trans-dimensional rifts created by non-fully calibrated phase-shift hyperdrives
  21. approved, and ready for downlaod
  22. Yes, what Nyghtfall said. PLEASE use the proper text size and formatting? It's harder than hell to see what's been written, and even harder to edit and bring back to NORMAL size
  23. Just a reminder -- we have a pinned "Masquerade" thread at the very top of this forum. Just saying

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