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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. none of that matters. have you actually examined the aircraft, either in game or via the Lod viewer?? You'll probably find that NONE of the pylons you require for conventional strike exist on the model (LOD). Oh, sure, you can create 'new' stations, and adjust loadouts, but what are you going to hang the racks & bombs from??? There's no pylons (actual meshes on the physical model itself that are the pylons/mounts/etc), other then those required for the Real World (tm) mission of nuclear strike. To do what you wish, would require a completely new model.
  2. Steampunk and Petrolpunk era vehicles

    in particular, Scarlett's aircraft at the end
  3. Version


    as stated, the inis covering WW2 Nations, and the WW2 Formations ini install instructions inside (ie: unzip, and drop in /Flight folder in you WW2 Era and/or Theatre specific mods folder) Important Note: NOT compatable with an 'all is everything' SF2 base install!!! You must use this in a stand-alone WW2-based mods folder
  4. I forgot that limit! ran into that heavily when we did the first ODS terrain in 2008.
  5. Never been a problem for me placing them anywhere on the map. Obviously, they're in logical places; new airfields, outside of cities, oil fields. Even inside a countries border, facing the likely approach routes for E/A. So, I can't explain or understand the issue your presenting
  6. as i stated earlier in another thread, the engine is NOT friendly to BLUE side SAMS. also, if you use a direct call out for a type of unit -- ANY SAM unit, launcher, EWR or SAMRadar), they disappear from ALL RWRs. You must use generic terms. Which causes other problems -- even networked units (HAWKS, Patriot, SA-2/3/5/6/etc) will mix and match. This is an issue we terraformers have been dealing with since the early 2000s. THERE IS NO FIX FOR THIS -- experts have already trod the ground you walking on. I know for a fact, there are already modified Desert targets and types inis that have added Blue AD units. Instead of beating your head against the wall, why not just search those out, and take advantage of the work of your forefathers <gr> I should know, I buit, or rebuilt, most the terrains around here over the last nearly 20 years
  7. if we can get them, and a 3d guru is willing to finish, i've no problem with that. in relation to the Havocs, there no template. the skins shown have no panel or rivet lines, and the lower gunner position is also missing. Now, buliding a template isn't that hard, just time consuming. I would reccomend taking the 'easy way out', and just do panel lines. Rivets, at that scale, even with a 1 pixel brush, would be about 2-4 centimeters in size. Given the actual rivets use about about 5mm (I've measure them on the P-47N once), they're best done away with.
  8. And his A-3B Skywarriors. I've got like 5 variants sitting here, all painted and decaled but they need more LOD work, and FM work (can't catch the wire on the boat)
  9. ok, a quick look via lod viewer.. many untextured regions some animations "questionable' FM need more work, loadout positonings, etc also, there IS a G as well without angelp's MAX files, or his willingness to work on this, or someone obtaining the MAX files and taking it over... well, there you have it
  10. range should be 25 miles (ish). The old Polack versions (2005) had a revamp later one, by Nichols Bell, who had served in a HAWK battery in Europe. So, the man actually knew his Real World (tm) stuff on that missile
  11. Who cares about YAP??? It's bad enough the only other existing ones are DAT
  12. angelp started one in 2019, but it's never been finished. I should know, I was working on it with him via CAF Group. we need at least 3 models C/boston iii G (gun nosed J (glass nosed) all were planned. I"ve got LOTS of books and data, if someone wants to pick up the project. to say nothing of shitloads of decals that need a home that isn't on a DAT bird
  13. it seems like the issue is the TFD tool itself
  14. What he said. are you converting the fps to mps??? EVERYTHING in this game is metric. also, I'd really just leave them alone. There's always been an "issue" with Western SAMs since the first ones were released around 2005. The game is slightly biased towareds RED side air defence. (so much so, after NA came out and a bunch of twats whined about having their asses blown off by RED shipboard SAMs, TK dumbed the down) Basically, if it works, DON'T fix it
  15. it works on all cockpits, regardless of Gen1 or NextGen. TK never changed the mesh names, that i'm aware of, from sf to sf2. make use the ]insturment number[ is listed, and then add the 'move' statements at the end. Never used the 'inactive' command, so if Nyghtfall says it work, take that as gospel!!!
  16. why would I download someone else's work, when my mod works correctly right out of the box??? (in truth, I didn't even know of yours, Mac!!)_
  17. that happens alot around here; people upload things that just don't quite work. or compile others work that DOES, then make changes they think are better than the experts, and break them (I been doing this since 2004, so....) if you'd read the read mes from my 2014 A/C mods, it's all explained. Even down to what sections to change/add/remove
  18. well, the ones i uploaded in 2014 work with no issues. So, your choice
  19. are you doing this yourself, or are you using the 'make them flyable' package that readily available in the downloads section?? don't forget, the 104C has the refueling probe on the port side, and WILL be visible from the cockpit. there should also be several posts in the forums from 'way back when the 104A/C and CF104 were released by 3W. You'll have to search for them

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