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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. i feel thats waaay too many! TKs Spit 9 has 250 rounds for the 50 cal MGs,, the stock 3W Mustang 270 per gun, the TMF Spit 1 has ~350 per gun ..303 and 7.92 are pretty much the same size bullet. 300 per gun sounds more like it. Gone through all my books, and can't fnd a damn thing!
  2. the cockpit ALONE is worth the money! I haven't noticed any shadow artifacts, but it's been a while since I've flown it
  3. amriani, well, since you've on the Nice List, maybe Santa will have something for you.... ========================
  4. iirc, they had 20 NF30s, which would require a new lod, as the nose is completly different (sort of a 'bull nose' with the scanner, like the P-61) they had 4 PR.16s with the 2-stage superchaged Merlins, with means the engine section of the data ini woulod need rebuilding by someone taht understand that stuff; but I could easily make it from the B Mk.IV. Just finding the serials would be an "interestering" exercise..have to really scour my SAM IDF book.. give a couple of days...
  5. well, since it's SF2E Expansion Pak 2's Lightning ... i'd say yes
  6. amriani: why not use the REAL F-6???? ... it was relassed as the RF-51D --------- W/C Grant isn't going to be very happy with me... IF I make it home!!
  7. Snailman, give this a shot: backup any inis you've modded first!! Expeically the main ini (Yak-38.ini) this uses the J-7II cockpit, with some 'tweeked' statements for the avaionics. Seems like everything is working...at least on my end Personally, I think the pit looks pretty good in the Yak! (dn't know if it has TEWS, but that should be a fairly easy tweek back to 3-ring RWR)
  8. Version


    SF2 IDF DH Mosquito FB Mk.VI Pak = Something for the SF2:I Players = = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, not all features will be avaliable. Plus all the other issues...* Some mods/reskin/redecaling for Pasko's Mosquito FB Mk.VI, as seen in the early to mid 1950s while serving with the Israeli Defense Forces. Like the recently released WW2 versions, this get new skins in jpg format, decal randomization is TRUE. A new (semi) compliant SF2 level FM, and other ini tweeks. Just like the others! This is a complete aircraft pak, designed to replace any eariler version (as seen in the Suez Crisis Campaign Pak). 2 skins are included: Overall 'Silver Dope', as delivered in 1950 Overall 'Silver Dope' with Black/Yellow "Invasion Stripes" as seen during Operation Mokeed. This skin replaces the one included in the Campaign Pak. I've kept the aircraft folder name the same, so it should just drip right in, and NOT mess up the campaign ini (I cross-checked the aircraft name in said ini to be sure!). No weapons are included, other than the drop tank. These reference those from the Suez Campaign Pak. Pilot figures, engine sound and a NEW SF2-style hangar screen are also included. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as mentioned, the "Notes" section for other stuff of interest. *This mod is being released in an "as is" condition; the same notations seen in the WW2 Mossie Pak apply here as well* Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  9. SF2 WW2 DH Mosquito Pak



    SF2 WW2 DH Mosquito Pak -- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged ( Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, not all features will be avaliable. Plus all the other issues...* Mods, rebuilds, reskining/redecaling for Pasko's Mosquitos. This is a compilation, in some respects, of many 1stGen WW2 mods of this aircraft. However, ALL the skins and decals ARE new builds. Aircraft and Skins in the Pak are... Mosquite B. Mk.IV 105 Squadron 139 "Jamacia" Squadron Mosquito FB.VI 418 "City of Edmonton" Squadron, RCAF 464 Squadron, RAAF Mosquito NF.XII 96 Squadron Mosquito PR.IV 1 PRU ...and one "just for fun" aircraft -- you all KNOW which movie Mosquito's I'm talking about! When discoverable, the Squadron Crest is used for the 'color chip' on the Loadout Screen. A new (mostly) SF2 compliant FM was created*. All loadouts have been corrected; gun round counts are now accurate. Unfortunately, due to AI problems, the FB.VI has all the guns set as "Primary". Sounds, pilot figures and weapons are included, as are new SF2 versions of the Hangar screens, several of which are COMPLETLY new for this package. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as mentioned, the "Notes" section for other stuff of interest. *See Notes section for more IMPORTANT information! This mod is being released in an "as is" condition* Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein ChangeLog: re-added forgotten Decals for 633 Squadron FB.VI (SOE)
  10. if you use avionic 60, you loose the HUD tested it last night. standard game glitch, me thinks
  11. not unless you build me a proper LOD, with the Molin's barrel and 'breech bulge' on the belly
  12. that only works for aircraft that actually HAVE Search, Track, Boresight, etc functions. apparently, the Yak has the range-only type, like the Sabre or one/several of the recently released J-7 series. Range-only's don't have a display; in the Sabre's case it was a light next to the gunsight. I'd be reasonably certain the WarPac stuff would be similiar. this is my avionics ini for the MiG-19S; i've also given it a audio-only rwr. uses avionics 60.dll [AvionicsData] Name=SRD-5M GunsightRangingOnly=TRUE RangeUnit=Meters TrackRange=1000.0 ScanBeamAngle=10.0 MinAltitude=1828.8 //Audio only RWR [RWR] Type=AUDIO_ONLY TrackSound=RWRTrackSound.wav LockSound=RWRLockSound.wav ThreatLaunchSAMOnly=TRUE ThreatLaunchFlash=TRUE LockFlash=TRUE LockFlashRate=0.1 [RWRTrackSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 [RWRLockSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 if you fly in Normal mode, you'll get the yellow diamond onthe target aircraft when it' in range/locked edit: ranging works perfeclty welll with the avionics 70 ... check out the J-7IIA; everything works as advertised
  13. on the EuroWW2 map rebuild it ain't working. No matter what I do, after retiling to Germany, the damn thing locks/freezes up; not, at least, it goes to 100% before freezing. So ... I'm givng up on that one OTH, I've been closly looking at it "as is", with the single tile setup it has. I believe it may be possible to 'extend' the landmasses that are missing (see below). Now, some of the places WILL be unusable due to proximity to THe Wall, and not accessable (now that the 'expanding borders trick no works, thanks a lot there pal!) this will be a months long project, and the actual layout of the landmasses will be as close as I can make them...don't forget, I'll be filling water with land, and there WON'T be any hills/valleys/mountains/physical features except for flat land. This is expecially true for Scotland and Norway/Sweden. S/W France (Bay of Biscay) can be textured in, and 'basic' targeting implemented. anyting in the 'x' zone witll just be land, including those regions in The Med (which will not be accessable) but, on the plus side, that parts that were empty ocean, now will actually be there. possibly even an RN CVzone in the North Sea
  14. nope. just the mouse click on the shortcut/exe to restart the game. once you been booted the desktop, you have to restart the game not even a 'boss key' (see who remember THAT one!)
  15. but it DO make a nice metalic grinding/crumpling/bending noise now. survivable? no
  16. stiching DEMs? only once... the final hm was, well... "odd" to say the least. what I think I'm ging to do, is tile in Scotland a bit higher (latitude wise), and jus not put any targets there. Same with Denmark; maybe one or 2 small airfields in the western part of the country. to the south....I may skip the Bay of Biscay completly!!
  17. how many times do we have to say PLEASE DON'T POST IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---------------- guns are added to ships like any other system ... look at the data inis for any other warships, and you'll see how it's done. the real hard part is figuriing out the fore/aft, and up/down placement. hunt down my "USNCargoShip" mod of TK stock cargo ship .. it has a couple of MGs added. Not perfectly, mind you, but they DO shoot back!
  18. I would be more than happy to send over the entire bird!! the avionics ini makes use of bits from the A-7E (iirc), all parts sould be available in a full-4 merged install (and most definatly work in a full-5 one, too. Like mine! one other thing I need to check is if the HUD is reading metric or american (speed in kmph, alt in KM) ... should be fairly easy to determine
  19. "Camara" I assume this the final result we want? I "cheated" on the avionics ini; "borrowed" it from my Panama Mirage III...not perfect, but everything works (Search, SST, ACM, GM) there's no RWR gauge..if I can figure out what dial is what;, maybe reprupose one of those 2 on the left (on the front frame) to a 3ring or even TEWS this screenie is NOT the aircraft you sent me, but one I built a few weeks back when the thread was started; different skin (newest), newst data ini as well edit: forgot picture!
  20. also to remember, the LOD is not in Engilsh... it's Spanish, so the node name must be in the correct language of course, that dosen't explain why no avionics70 HUD bits show up...
  21. hmmm...you're right. the more I look at it, and the more I look at it in the TE, the less I want to do that..... methinks I'm going to focus on fixing Denmark, maybe add a little of the norwegian/swedish coast, and just not do the northern uk. The map originally was just designed for the war in western europe; france, germany, etc. I'll fiddle with it, and see what come of what. definatley wanted is normandy, brittany, the low countries, etc.

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