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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. iirc, isn't WoA a DAT mod? If so, nothing from it can be shared outside the DAT site. as to the terrains, when I remade it, it's still basicaly Gepard's Iseral2 map, with places renamed to WW2-ish types, so 'modern' placements for whatever is there i wonder if I still have a TE set up for it... have to look and see
  2. no longer availalbe. unfortunately, it was removed
  3. WHAAAAAA HOOOO!! many thanks Raven!
  4. mon Capitaine, please check the SF2 screen shots thread!! and Thank You for the data/info ... it helps a lot! as to the 520, sommat different, but also Syrian based (and used a slightly 'revised' IsraelME map). You're welcome to my not-so-stellar Home Grown template for Veltro's 520; unfortunatly the aircraft itself is no longer available. but if we're nice, maybe he'll (re)build us a new one!
  5. sorry, no not a Seafire. As we don't have one readily availalbe but.. the profile linked IS the one!
  6. look in the terrainfolder, and tell what is the 'date modified' for the 4 airfiled inis desert_airfield1 desert_airfield2 desert_airfield3 desert_airfield6 you'll need to 'change view' in your windows exploer pane set setup mine are dated 2009 they most likely need updating/replace in the later versions,but that may nessicate rebuilding the airfields, as they're general layout is different from stock, at worst, back up those 4 by renaming, and extract the latest ones from the desert.cat, drop them into the BoB terrain folder, see what happens
  7. that don't bother me all.
  8. as in 'what official files?" aircaft? ships? vehicles? effects? which SF2 version to use??? i don't have that knda time! invilved in 8+ other projects all at the same time...
  9. in the 10 GunVal Sabres? I've got them too, with 100% historic serials (like those were hard to figure out...). Be advised, however, they have a service lifespan of 12 months.
  10. some of those look like the painting of war, by that Argentine artist, whose name escapes me (I have some of them as jpg scans)
  11. it was removed which is sad, as my upgrade pak was really good (breaks arm, patting self on back)
  12. ...that old EAW Euro WW2 map. Now, it's actually a little too early to be certain, but I'm hopefull that using the same procedure that I used on the New Guenia map (yes, I know .. I haven't touched it for month; busy with KAW stuff). IF this does work out, that means a REAL full 4-season Europe for WW2 can be created. Of course, the targets ini has to be completly s**tcanned and rebuilt for 1940s accuracy...so don't expect to see anything before the middle of next year sometime. Mind you, the map has some excpetional "oddness" in in construction, so keep fingers crossed! But it IS looking slightly hopefull. Once I get the texturelist rebuilt, the tiles imported, and begin in-game testing. I'll know more wish me luck!
  13. good to see you again! thanks for the link, I"ll certainly jump over and take a look. at last testing, however, the cursed thing keeps locking on loading (10%!!!!!), so I know I messed up something
  14. very COOL!!!
  15. it means, if you want to fly Arab/Israeli Wars, buy Wing Over Isreal. and.. as an extra added bonus, TK has an expansion pak for WoI that adds the following aircraft: C-47A Mig-15 Vampire (at 2, if not 4 variants) P-51D Meteor F.8 and it brings WoI almost to the level of the orignal relase of SF2
  16. now, thats just bloody weird!!
  17. no not at all "core files" mean "built into the game engine"
  18. File Name: SF2 WW2 Curtis Hawk 75A, Vichy AdA File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 02 December 2012 File Category: French Origin SF2 WW2 Curtis Hawk 75A, Vichy AdA -- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = A revamp, for SF2, of my Vichy French Hawk 75A (a mod of Wolf257's P-36 Mohawk). Like the NEI & AdA versions, it has a semi-compliant SF2 FM (which, as always, needs further refinements by Experten). Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. A "repersentative" verion of those aircraft used in North Africa and Middle East (Syria/Lebanon). All weapons (ok, the 7.5mm FN machine gun), pilot figure, sounds and new SF2-style Hangar/Loading screens are included. The original Wolf cockpit has been replaced by one of Star's "Generic WW2 Cockpits" (in this case, Midwar #3). A "Destroyed Model" (converted from on the ww2 terrain static aircraft) is also included. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. The original Release Readme from the 1stGen version is included, for hysterical purposes, and it contains all the necessary credits and thank yous. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein edit: forgot picture! Click here to download this file
  19. Version


    SF2 WW2 Curtis Hawk 75A, Vichy AdA -- Something for the WW2 ETO/MTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = A revamp, for SF2, of my Vichy French Hawk 75A (a mod of Wolf257's P-36 Mohawk). Like the NEI & AdA versions, it has a semi-compliant SF2 FM (which, as always, needs further refinements by Experten). Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. A "repersentative" verion of those aircraft used in North Africa and Middle East (Syria/Lebanon). All weapons (ok, the 7.5mm FN machine gun), pilot figure, sounds and new SF2-style Hangar/Loading screens are included. The original Wolf cockpit has been replaced by one of Star's "Generic WW2 Cockpits" (in this case, Midwar #3). A "Destroyed Model" (converted from on the ww2 terrain static aircraft) is also included. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. The original Release Readme from the 1stGen version is included, for hysterical purposes, and it contains all the necessary credits and thank yous. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein edit: forgot picture!
  20. File Name: SF2 WW2 Curtis-Wright Hawk 75A, French Armee De L'Air Package File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 02 December 2012 File Category: French Origin Curtis-Wright Hawk 75A, French Armee De L'Air Package - For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged (Full 5 Reccomended) An SF2 revamp of my original 1stGen AdA Hawk 75 Package. This is a complete package including ALL parts necessary to unzip and install a new, export version of Wolf's P-36 Mohawk, for the French Air Force from the start of WW2, to the time of the 'Sitzkrieg', and then into the Battle of France. This package contains 7 skins & decal sets for the following units: N124 SPA67 SPA95 SPA153 SPA155 SPA160 By using my 'fake SqTail decal', those French AF squadrons listed in the game's SqudronList.ini will have there actual name show up on the Loadout Screen. Some I could match to present day, some I could not. A couple actually revert to the same 'parent unit'. Go figure! Like the NEI and Vichey versions, it has a semi-compliant SF2 FM (which, as always, needs further refinements by Experten). Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. All weapons, guns and 'fake pilot' pylons, pilot figure, sounds and new SF2-style Hangar/Loading screens are included. The original Wolf cockpit has been replaced by one of Star's "Generic WW2 Cockpits" (in this case, Midwar #3). Readouts have been semi-converted to Metric standards. A "Destroyed Model" (converted from on the ww2 terrain static aircraft) is also included. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. The original Release Readme from the 1stGen version is included, for purposes of historicality, and it contains all the necessary credits and thank yous and such likes. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  21. Version


    Curtis-Wright Hawk 75A, French Armee De L'Air Package - For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged (Full 5 Reccomended) An SF2 revamp of my original 1stGen AdA Hawk 75 Package. This is a complete package including ALL parts necessary to unzip and install a new, export version of Wolf's P-36 Mohawk, for the French Air Force from the start of WW2, to the time of the 'Sitzkrieg', and then into the Battle of France. This package contains 7 skins & decal sets for the following units: N124 SPA67 SPA95 SPA153 SPA155 SPA160 By using my 'fake SqTail decal', those French AF squadrons listed in the game's SqudronList.ini will have there actual name show up on the Loadout Screen. Some I could match to present day, some I could not. A couple actually revert to the same 'parent unit'. Go figure! Like the NEI and Vichey versions, it has a semi-compliant SF2 FM (which, as always, needs further refinements by Experten). Skins are in jpg format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. All weapons, guns and 'fake pilot' pylons, pilot figure, sounds and new SF2-style Hangar/Loading screens are included. The original Wolf cockpit has been replaced by one of Star's "Generic WW2 Cockpits" (in this case, Midwar #3). Readouts have been semi-converted to Metric standards. A "Destroyed Model" (converted from on the ww2 terrain static aircraft) is also included. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. The original Release Readme from the 1stGen version is included, for purposes of historicality, and it contains all the necessary credits and thank yous and such likes. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  22. ...and since it was used far past WW2...and only a 'proof of concept' test at that! new tanks would have to be made, of course; thise are just standing in, so to speak. and someone esle would have to figure out the camo patter mapping..not even gonna attempt that! but, you get the idear! now...if we had the max files; be easier to build them in (and not have to use the remove component trick to take off the turrets and guns)

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