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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. It happens, the reason 15 years ago I wrote a tutorial on "having 2 aircraft named the same" and how to keep them seperate. hint: as you've discovered, unique names
  2. seriously? Did you notice the DATE of this thread? 2012??? So, you can probably bet it was "made for personal use" and never uploaded
  3. yes, we tried everything. it's even stated in the read me. physically, the hook does NOT have to touch the deck. the length parameters are in the data ini, so that's where the "contact' happens. There are even aircraft here, dating back to 1stGens that are carrier capable, that don't even HAVE hooks on the physical model, that catch the wire just fine. so ... there ya go
  4. in the cockpit ini, look for anything releated to "Head" or words to that effect
  5. Interestering I assume (oh! that word!) there'll be a drop down, like in the TE for selecting the type of solid object? (the differing buldings)
  6. I'll almost bet the root cause was a missed number someplace in the terrains' data ini of tile listings. I've seen something similar in the TAE, when a number is missed in the _types ini AND in the targets ini; for instance, a target area item listing will still show the items in the TAE, even after the break. On the target area view pane in the TAE, you can see a break, but the later listed items. Same for the types ini, although thats MUCH more rare; it usually won't show a broken numeric sequence, but stops at the break at least, that's been my experience
  7. Alexis: when you delete (or re-delete) the unneeded aircraft leave ONE each of the later model Player Flyable (tm) and AI. What I do, for a period specific install is leave one of the Skyhawks and the MiG-21MF. I've never had the "others" respawn by doing that. (that's how I have all my WW2 installs). Try that and it should work fine!
  8. Connecticut has a completely different tail design; and were all in NMF/ADC gray (serials are placeholders)
  9. did you add the appropriate lines to the 23's main ini???
  10. "All right boys, close it up. There's a giant monkey climbing all over the building in the city."
  11. All Hali Mue the Merciless. All files shall fall before him!!!
  12. can you tell us the steps you took, one by one, to install the mod?? Right now, we don't have enough info to help out
  13. well, shit. the one I have the "c" model
  14. almost all the AI aircraft are missing that engine data. I even check an old extracted WoE 08 level data ini, and it's not there either. I think it was assumed (!!oh that word!!!) that the AI birds would be left that way, as simple targets, and never would need them. If one REALLY wanted to finagle those statements in, I'd find an engine fairly close in thrust, and just use those (mystre IV, F-100A, etc) and see where it takes you
  15. you mean Zur's old model??? It's not in the 1stGen downloads??? I know I have it, give me a few days. Lots of serious personal real life (tm) issues with the wife health right now ....
  16. Postcards from Korea

    good stuff! some of those I've never seen before!!
  17. <cough> LimitedNations = TRUE on the IsrealME map. Only nations in the IME_nations ini will show up during campaign play. And mostly, in single missions as well (ie: no USMC A-7s, for example). This is what the limited nations statement in the terrain, AND aircraft user lists are for.
  18. if you have the SF2 weapon's editor, yes. it works
  19. Planes on a Stick July 2021 edition

    "Proud Bird" resturant, just outside of Los Angeles International (images from 2017)
  20. Found it... it's a mod of Pasko's 1stGen Hustler
  21. I guess you haven't tried the SEAD version of the B-58 I did, like 10 years ago. Based off the #6 ship from "FailSafe" (movie and book). They're externally mounted anti-radar missiles (4 of them), with a special (weapon) touch. I'll see if I can't find the link again ... it's been a (quite) a while. As to your ARM armed Stratojet ... my suggestion is to clone the original bay/hardpoints for ARMs only. See if that works. A hell of a lot easier than screwing around with the 'main' bay. Also, by default, iirc, 32 is max number of "carrying items" for any single station
  22. yes, and doing ACTUAL research on the Real World (tm) aircraft ... well, we all know that's impossible
  23. a picture is worth 1000 words click on the airplane icon, and you get a drop down. the rest should be self evident
  24. can you at least TRY and use some punctuation?? You're post are almost unreadable. Help us out here, huh?

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