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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. you don't have SF2NA?? the coding is built into that game, and in the full-5 merged install, all others. also, safe to assume (oh! that word!) that each terrains' _water.bmp has the required "carrier zones"? and using the latest 3w Stock and/or latest patch level 3rdParty CVs is a must. out of curiosity, which Cuba map? CubaOTC+ has some CV issues I've been unable to resolve (ie: CTDs)
  2. the Mk51 has been around since 2005 -- however, new fully compliante sf2 versions are near completion "2 weeks" to say nothing of theartre-specific naval forces
  3. "TRANSPORT" or download the other avialable trucks .. should be some GAZ around...
  4. that's because there's no ENEMY airfields on the map. LimitedNations is set to TRUE, and the Soviets arn't on the list It would require a complete rebuild to accomplish your goal. Sounds like a good project for ya! Learn how terraforming works, eh?
  5. "3" seems to be the average for the stock 3W birds ... anything beyond that forces the engine/GPU to work more than it should, trying to render something beyond normal visual range
  6. I actually have 2 Mk.51 SHars; one is the original, the other is based off the stock GR1 (but its damn close!!) here's a screenie of the upgrade in question from the Mirage2000 release thread, on the orignal Mk.51 (it really needs a LOT of going over; perhaps even a new LOD, and most definately a new FM)
  7. Armchair Aces

    like the SF and SF2 series, there's an ~50km "Bubble" (for lack of a better term) around the Player Aircraft ™. Anything outside this 'bubble' de-spawns from reality. Conversly, they re-spawn when your 'bubble' comes back into range, so to speak. You can easily test this; start a regular mission, climb out to 2000 feet. Set the wing leveler and your heading along the longest axis of the map. Set throttle to a steady speed that's easy to calculate time with. Go to the free camera veiw back to your airbase. After however long it takes to fly the 50km, you should see the parked planes and any vehicles (ie: GroundObjects -NOT- terrain objects like buildings) "pop" out of existence. That's how I discovered it!
  8. I have to give you a correction here.... due to Political Correctness ™, "retarded" bombs, etc can no longer be refered to as such. Their status has been changed to "Drag Challenged". thank you for you attention ===== on the good side, that's a COOL link!!
  9. yah, but that's cheating, as Ajundair supplied the OUT file for his!!
  10. Honestly, that's just too much frakking work, when there's soooooooooo many easier ways. Try this attached; of course, it assumes a full-4/5 merged install with the Hunter 1 available. If you don't have the Hunter 1, you can use the FGA.9 pit, and the positioning as shown in the attached ini. in the screenie below, you can see what it looks like. The gunsight is from my WW2 mods, it's the Mk.III 'AceMaker' edit: for everyone else, it's usable on ALL 3W Vamps
  11. Brother Raven should get a cee-gar for finding that!!
  12. sometimes you do things, just to see if it can be done (and for grins and giggles). Now, Sandesh will need to make another dozen decals!! As much as I bitched about SF2NA, it DID bring some workable items to the table (like the CVBG above), and this. It'll look nice parked on the bases
  13. that was the clue I needed!! Using an 08 level 104G lod, that shows up on the 'LOD Hunt'. EDIT: forgot I have archived pre-lock extracted cats. Yes, that is the node name for the 104G and CF-104s as well
  14. need to add the CastoringNodeName= which, unfortunately, was left out of the data ini. That's create the visual of the nose wheel piviting CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName= <---- Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=41.15 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=25.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL
  15. testing the new naval forces on the India-Pakistan map. Virrat's BG under attack...
  16. it's considered a 'new upload' or more acurately, updated upload. For us, it's just one click to re-approve the What If Hangar is... SF2 Serise Add On Aircraft/What If Hangar you'll see it as a 2nd category under the main
  17. all uploads have to be approved by The Staff and just so's ya know, "What If.." and other Fantasy stuff goes in the "What If Hangar". It's for aircraft and skins
  18. ed, where did you install the aircraft's folder to??? remember, the "mods folder" is in the C:\Users\*your-name-here*\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic folder don't forget that decals go in the C:\Users\*your-name-here*\Saved Games\ThirdWire\SF2-*name-of-game-here*\Objects\Decals\*name-of-aircraft-here* folder (and of course, I deleted all the screenshots of folder structures...over the weekend....)
  19. make sure it gets into the correct category ....
  20. File Name: India-Pakistan Terrain Water Bmp Fixit Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 July 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains India-Pakistan Water Bmp Fix Pak 7/18/2012 - For SF2, Any and All, But Designed for Full-5 Merged w/SF2NA - A very small fix that removes a "modder induced problem" (hangs head in shame), with the _water.bmp for the India-Pakistan Terrain. I had totally forgotten that the Game Engine ™ classes India as an "Enemy" nation, therefore it uses the 'other color' for it's carrier zones. I'd orignally used the 'standard green', as seen on various others; that's the 'Friendly Nation' (Blue Side) color. That pale-ish green is used for those classed an 'Red Side". This is now corrected. A Blue Side green zone was added in case anyone make Pakistani Navy ships, so the DD/FF/whatever groups have someplace to steam around. Sorry for the inconvience! As always, fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions are included. Please read and follow them. It's pretty straight-forward (for once!) Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  21. as soon as they're finished testing, there's a whole slew of ships comming too, carriers, frigates, and so forth

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