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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Battle Creek Airshow 2012

    those Sabre shots are AWESOME!!!
  2. Catastrophic wildfire

    i HATE wildfires ... for us here in SoCal, it's a yearly event. this one, however ...
  3. while testing the new skins/decals, this shot was just too nice to pass up Stary's clouds really add something!!
  4. nicely done!!! ... suggetion: why not upload the corrected data ini to the WW2 planes section. a lot of folks are not familiar enough with The Ini Dance to do it themselves. be easier in the long run for some people
  5. .... unless you start adding terrains!!!
  6. extracct the MessageSystem.ini from the /FlightData.cat, place in /Flight folder edit iirc, the 2 lines I marked with the arrows. set the sizes to 0 if that don't work, it's an easy re-edit, and try something else
  7. that's because the exportation statements were left off the F-104A' s data ini. A recently relesed pack fixed that. http://combatace.com/files/file/13089-f-104a-pakistani-af-and-ini-tweeks-pak/
  8. it really dosen't matter .... you download the patch exe to a temp folder, and run it from there. it'll automatically find the correct path to patch
  9. why not just swap them out for the 3W Nimitz class???
  10. the 'nation specific' loadout would be the best (and easiest) way to go. Then, there's no need to extract all the skins and inis to create a nationalized aircraft.
  11. well, since Iran has no carriers .... the game engine will default them to land bases on most terrains (excepting on NavalMap=TRUE terrains, with carrier zones) (had this in testing RAN Fireflys ... without a nation-specific boat, they showed up on a US carrier) But.... as Iran is considered a 'friendly nation' in the Nations.ini, don't be surprised to see them show up on US decks.
  12. Argentine bomb types

    there's an argentinian weapons set in the downloads sections somewhere ... i disremember if it's SF/Wo* or SF2
  13. Straits of Mackinac...

    great shots, Ken! (i had a heck of time throwing a bridge across that strait on the MidWestUSA terrain, lemme tell ya!)
  14. for the promised RAAF Mirage IIIO, DLC he menioned sometime last year
  15. File Name: SF-2 series March 2012 Tools Kit File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 15 March 2012 File Category: SF2 Patches and Tools Inside the zipped folder are the exes for.... March 2012 Cat Extractor March 2012 Weapons Editor March 2012 Guns Editor Happy Editing!! (note: I'm taking the chance and approving my own upload, so if it acts funny --like they have before!-- one of the other Moderator/Admins will have to disapprove and re-apporve it! Apologies in advance for any inconviences that may occur) Click here to download this file
  16. these skins shown are jpg ... the engine reads both :)
  17. just for grins, I did a 73-style overall green camo (based off the CF-104s)
  18. File Name: F-104A, RJAF Skin/Decal Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 June 2012 File Category: F-104 F-104A, Royal Jordanian Air Force Skin/Decal Pak = For SF2, Any and All = A new(ish) skin for the recently re-released revamp of Ajundair's F-104A Starfighter. This package is =ONLY= to be applied to the SF2 F-104A Pak by Spillone104 & Co, available at: http://combatace.com/files/file/13082-f-104a-pack/ This represents RJAF F-104As, with historical serial numbers and ID Letters (albeit 3 or 4 actually are for their 104Bs ...). Decal randomization is set to TRUE. This is a reuse of one of the newly released natural metal skins, with all new decals. What little I've been able to determine via research, they weren't painted in camo until their retirement (1980s??), and used as decoys at various RJAF bases (* the pattern described is very similiar of the Mirage F-1 the RJAF was using at the time*) Please note, the skins are in jpg format, so be at least at the Jan 2012 patch level (or whichever one in 2011 allowed it) for them to work. If not ... you can figure out the alternatives. As always, READ the enclosed readme for usual fully detailed install instructions. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  19. http://www.916-starfighter.de/F-104_PAF_web.htm
  20. thanks Sandesh! I knew there was a camo skin around, I just couldn't find it!!!
  21. please tell me the "June 2012 Update" dosen't mean another frakking patch???? I just all my install where I want them for May!!!
  22. File Name: WW2 Nations & Formations Inis File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 June 2012 File Updated: 27 June 2012 File Category: SF2 Series WW2 Aircraft & Skins as stated, the inis covering WW2 Nations, and the WW2 Formations ini install instructions inside (ie: unzip, and drop in /Flight folder in you WW2 Era and/or Theatre specific mods folder) Important Note: NOT compatable with an 'all is everything' SF2 base install!!! You must use this in a stand-alone WW2-based mods folder Click here to download this file
  23. missing the ww2 nations ini, perhaps? btw, ww2 mods should ONLY be run in a seperat 'game install' (ie: a era specific mods folder)

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