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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. CombatAce Photographers

    you all make me feel jealous ... our digital is one of the little 'plam sized', and my real camera is a 1979 Pentax ME Super (yes, real film!!!), with varous and sundry lenses. i'd LOVE to have a late model digital SLR ... sigh.....
  2. baby, that's how its done!! have fun! don't forget the airfield development kits, over in the SF2/Objects downloads ... lots of cool stuff there!
  3. those original 300 AD blue tanks ARE Skyhawk tanks!! (I should know - I made them!!)
  4. Version


    Yellow US Fuel Truck = SF/Wo* & SF2 series Games (Any and All!) = A simple repaint of the stock OD US Fuel truck into a more 'easily' seen and sometimes period correct bright Yellow color. As used by the USAF through the 1950s and 60s; later models did seem to revert to OD and/or Theartre Camo patterns. To that end, the PSD templates are supplied (they're 1024x, so easy to work with) to allow other skinners the opportunity to create other skins. Designed as a 'stand alone' vehicle, the skin can also be added to the existing (US) FuelTruck (NOT the Zil for Red Side!!) and hopefully, the Game Engine ™ will randomly select it for use in/on the various terrains. The inis supplied herein are in ANSI format, allowing for use in both 1stGen SF/Wo* and SF2 series. See the 'To Install' section below for more notes, and how to add to Terrains as a seperate item via _types and _targets editing. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! This is a perfect addition for use alongside BadFrank's Yellow and Red "Follow Me" jeeps! They'll all add a little color to an otherwise drab setting. Happy Gassing! wrench kevin stein
  5. i've got new skins, and histerical serials coming for all them .. AND!!! steering nosewheels!!
  6. you need the april 2012 3rdWire extractor ... http://combatace.com/files/file/13040-3rd-wire-toolkits-april-2012/
  7. this is important! should I add this the KB???? for the 3d guys??
  8. Palestine terrain

    something I got wrong up above; in my install, the Desert.cat is in the C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\First Eagles 2\Terrains\Desert (assuming -oh! that word!!- this is FE2 that you're using??) in FE/FEG you should be able to drop the whole /Desert terrain folder in the game's /Terrain folder (don't have FE insalled, as I'm fully commited to 2ndGen games)
  9. have you tried cloning the centerline station, and making it an ONLY fueltank station and adjusting the mounting positions???
  10. we've had the Paki Mirage for quite some time, at least for SF2 (check the downloads sections) There's even a ROSE 1 for the SF2 Indo-Pak mod
  11. how about posting a screenshot of the cockpit?? looking over mine (A-4M_78 is the folder name), it references ALL stock items, available in a Full-4 merged install (ie: it's looking for the Kfir C-1_77 cockpit) help us a little, so we can help you a LOT! from dtm's readme, emphasis added by me:
  12. Congratulations Cadetebra

    congrats! can I have a corner piece?? (old family joke)
  13. Palestine terrain

    hmm...odd because that's one building that's "standard issue" throughout the SF/SF2 series. what color is HQBuilding showing up as? White or black? (either one means untextures meshes -missing skins) what the 'build date' of your desert cat? Can you open it with the cat extractor, and see if the following files are present inside it: HQwindows.bmp block_wall2.bmp metalrods.bmp controltowerA-6.bmp tar_roof1.bmp gravel1.bmp blastshield.bmp if not, youll have to extract them from a 1stGen Desert/GermanyCE/VietnamSEA/IsraelME terrain cat, and drop them into the /Palestine terrain folder. best thing is use a 1stGen Desert cat, from the 08 patch level, with whatever edits are necessary for FE2 (some things may not be fully supported)
  14. it would be nice to know exactly what issues are presenting themselves ... the original question is more than a little vague...please elaborate
  15. thanks PB! it goes nice with Badfrank's red & yellow 'followme' jeeps! as to smaller vehicles, we do have several LandRovers floating around -- more WarPac stuff would be nice!!
  16. Palestine terrain

    do you have a copy of the stock, SF/SF2 Desert.cat in your /Terrain(s) folder? It needs that for the various terrain objects. While good looking, Aggie's tiles are missing several transitions that are (sometimes) vital to the 'look'. Unfortunately, to add the ones I made for the Eritrea (Ethopia) terrain, would mean rebuilding Palestine.
  17. there are literally hundreds of GOs (and terrain objects) I'd like to see ... more airfield equipment, fer instance (although the package we have is excellent!) there is a new firecan in the works, but I don't know it's exact progress was working on the repaint seen below yesturday, as I'd watched a 1950s era movie, and noticed the fuel trucks were yellow...(still need to do the lines on the tank trailer) construction/repair equipment would be nice to have laying around, as it is we only have a bulldozer left over from some of the ww2 terrains EDIT: changed screenie to finshed version of the truck, NOW!!! with a back window (so you can see where you been)
  18. Is Stary Getting old?

    pretty soon, you'll be as old me!!!! have a GREAT day, my friend! and a round on me ...
  19. Gravitating back to CA...

    as to PMs, they're disabled until you get 50 posts. it's an anti-spamming measure we had to take, due to some "unpleasentness" even though I'm not an OFF player (and hardly even touch FE), it's good to see you all here.
  20. extract --> copy --> paste relevant FM data from stock data ini
  21. was looking over the aircraft, and was wondering if those templates are available? Want to try something with them on another Sabre TIA!
  22. nigel: check the french seafire release thread here; I've posted the necessary ini edits.
  23. "vitural" tailhooks make them carrier-capable. 8-9 years ago, that's how we got the FJ-3 Fury's on the boat -- the game don't care if the physical part isn't there, as long as there's data ini entires
  24. did one a long time ago for the DAT's (FAA/BPF version), and one from TK's Mk9. didn't I post a screenie in the PropHeads Forum ... last year?? BUT .. you released yours!!!

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