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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. the extra pilot is caused by not having the proper item for a 'fake pilot' the game defaults to a stock pilot figure for whatever reason ... check your install, as it happens when a step is missed (meaning: dropping something into the /Pilots folder)
  2. well, not the right one, at least (the SCB-125 can be made to work, but it's just wrong for the era. Yes, we are DESPERATELY pleaing for the correct Essex/Ticonderoga straight-deck carriers (basicly, in their WW2 configuration, with the 5" turrets intact) It's messing me up not having it! thank your for you time!
  3. ...and for me to finish retargeting the terrain!!!
  4. cutting the Corinth Canal should just be a matter of retiling (due to the game engine limitation of not being able to put a water channel down the middle of a canyon -the same issue I had in Panama for The Canal) I haven't flown over it for a long time ... would have to see it again depending on how far apart Rio-Antirio is, that new bridge you built me, PB, should fit! As that's where/what I used it for! yes indeed, ALL maps need more World Heritage sites!! (that stock 'ruined temple' just won't cut it for the Parthenon! )
  5. Michael: are the 'primary target' tags showing up for CAS, ArmedREcon or Auntie-Ship? I know they didn't before on the April Patach, but DO on the May Patch (they never showed for me on April, but work fine on May) and it working pointed to the IseralME.cat???!!!!
  6. OT: Call of Cthulhu:Wasteland

    used to play the CoC RPG long time ago ... it was great!! (wonder if I still have th boxes, books???)
  7. don't know if that'll effect anything -especially with the 'naval zones'- on the water bmp? There were LOTS of issued at the April patch level, hence the 'May requirement' but check the usual suspects; double nested folders, wrong install folder and so forth. 252 other downloads, and if there was a problem, somebody else surely would have griped!!
  8. with my luck, back to the fraaking middle east... although, gods willing and the river don't rise, central america (followed -even more hopefully, by Korea)
  9. File Name: 3rd Wire Toolkits - April 2012 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 June 2012 File Category: SF2 Patches and Tools This zip contains the: Cat Extractor Gun Editor Weapons Editor for 3rd Wire games (SF2 series) at the April 2012 patch level These REPLACE all previous versions Click here to download this file
  10. looks like it's time to upload the April Tools Pak...
  11. and now, for something completely different....
  12. use the 3rd Wire extractors ... the old ones don't work anymore http://combatace.com/files/file/12744-sf-2-series-march-2012-tools-kit/
  13. we've got some 4096 Phantom skins by Sundowner. the game, at it's current levels will accept bmp, jpg and dds for skins (iirc, dds has to set in the lod. as mabye to the others? not sure -- 3d gurus please step in!!). oddly, bmp and jpg are pretty much interchangle -at least on stock aircraft. For reason I'm totally unclear on!!!
  14. that's what the Userlist.ini is for, and the ObjectCats are litterly stuffed with things folks don't know they have, without exploration of said cats. A thing that most End Users™ simply can't be bothered with. time to start exploring, yes?
  15. flightdata.cat and the SF2 Knowledge Base is chock full of answers, expecially relating to mods folders.... http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/ start at the top, adn work your way down!
  16. NEVER, NEVER, EVER unzip a download directly into a mods folder -- it's surefire way to f*** things up!!! even for those that are 'exe' types -- run the exe pointed to a temp folder. from pretty much every readme I've written, this example is from the AC-119 update pak: the onus is truely on the uploader (modder) to make sure install instructions are clearer than a bell, and that PROPER sub-folder useage is maintained. mod enablers are a bigger PIA than they need to be, especially in the 'drag & drop' environment of SF2.
  17. if you'd please be so kind as to upload these to a more 'correct' download section, the "SF2 What If Hangar", as that's designed for BOTH fictiional aircraft, and skins. It'll remove one less thing we Moderators have to do! thanks!!
  18. love the GT-40!! haven't seen one, but only once in my life!
  19. nice to see the 'new' East Med terrain being used!! ==== The Real Korea ..
  20. drop tanks are considerd "weapons", Gunny just seperated them out into 'the tank farm' (iirc), so the End User ™ could pick and choose which were needed. The all go into the main /Weapons folder example of a 'non stock weapon' would be any AMRAAM or the AIM-9X, late model Mavericks, GBU-38 (JDAMS) - anything operational after 1983 (usual stock game end years)
  21. i'd reccomend the M-15 seat, from Pasko's old Mig-15, maybe?
  22. ActiveYear= in the target ini (example: lookin in the IsarelME_Targets.ini there's an airbase that turns off after a certain year) the bitch is, if it sits in an 'airfield zone' -those empty tiles used for bases, you'll have a blank spot when you fly over it in years befor (or after!) it's operational years.
  23. it should be just 'drag and drop'. the weapons data ini is part of each weapon, and in each weapon's individual folder. The weapons editor really isn't needed anymore try this experiment ... just pick and choose 4-6 'new' items that aren't stock, and see if they show up on whatever aircraft they're used on
  24. http://combatace.com/files/file/2688-uss-tarawa/

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