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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. the closest tileset would be the hated/dreaded/missing transitions IsrealME set. The farms and desert tiles would be closest; although all new mountain tiles would be needed --stock is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to purplish for the region
  2. thanks guys!! (all this, again!, just to take a screen over the new 'Eastern Med' terrain ... the lengths I go too.... Gotta be the OCD!!)
  3. we can edit that easily ... in fact, you'll see I changed the 'main title' for you!
  4. having some oddities with the front line on the persian gulf map...as seen in the screenie below there's this 'extra line' that I didn't plot, that no matter how I re-plot the dividing front line, keeps showing up. This is the statement in the movements ini: [FrontLine] FriendlyBase=Doha EnemyBase=Bandar Abbas Position[001]=101088,861538 Position[002]=419906,453846 Position[003]=688958,358461 Position[004]=752773,374262 Position[005]=931859,492200 StartShow=1 EndShow=5 some of my questions are: does the location of the EnemyBase have any bearing on how the lines are drawn? If so, should the EB be placed more towards the center of the map? Do the new 'naval zones' (which are well within friendly waters) have anything to do with this? (meaning: they're well to the south of iranian waters, between Qatar and the UAE) any and all help is appriciated!! This has always been a bug-a-boo for me!!
  5. sound like the post-April Patch Bug. several threads about it scattered around (read: ships missing colisison lods)
  6. and all that land region will be behind The Wall. Need to go east about 500 km
  7. copy/paste this into a blank notepad sheet: [LOD001] Filename=pit1.lod Distance=6000 [shadow] CastShadow=FALSE ShadowCastDist=500 MaxVisibleDistance=2000 "save as..." Pit1.ini, and place into EVERY SINGLE TERRAIN FOLDER!!! You8'll also find it in just about everyone one of my terrai mods (from last year, forward)
  8. a little less information, please. worthwhile reading, this: http://combatace.com/topic/51162-a-reminder-before-you-upload-a-mod/
  9. letting TK know, over at the 3rdWire Forums might also be a good idea!
  10. oh, so it's only an F-16 shoot, I thought is was Dave .... coming out ....
  11. just testing some new tiles ... 'filling the blanks' we don't yet have
  12. LA-9 FM

    i've added some armor -even if as above, to only represent the wing skin and fuel tank itself , and self-sealing to all of them ... i know for a fact that NONE of the western powers (US,UK) DIDN'T use some kind of protection and/or selfsealing on any aircraft manufacutred after 1941. I would make the same assumption (Oh! that word!!!! ), that even the Soviets would use something similiar.
  13. the line is ther at all zoom levels, on the highest, it's just further down the map interestering thought about the naval zones, and DEFINATELY something to experiment with. The terrain is finished; just waiting for the next patch that fixes the 'navalmap' issues with CAS/ArmedRecon/AuntieShip having no primary targets listed/shown during the mission. immage below is the 'as is' water bmp 'CYA' is a very old term, was much in vogue when I was a mechanic -- it measn 'cover your ass'
  14. I've always built mine with airfields down 3 or 4 target listings
  15. for you that don't seem to be reading the full thread....and as stated just a few post above... here's the link again: http://combatace.com...post__p__565140
  16. it almost looks like the RAF font from simmerspaintshop ??
  17. A straight-decked Essex (post-WW2) for Korea. We don't have one for KAW. and it's holding things up. Quite a bit. and the patch from 3W that fixes the CAS/Armed Recon/Aunti-Shipping Issues ™
  18. and extracting the data ini to find out -- as it IS listed post-april, wasn't an option??
  19. so, based on GE and Pureblue's terrain, how green really is the eastern Agean/Anatolia region?? revamping one of the old terrains (see screenie below -- it shows too much desert and mountain). Mind you, I'm sticking to the desert tileset due to libya needing such. Altough some thought has been given to using JSF_Aggie's enchaned desert like I did for eatrea/ethiopia - if I have enough of the right tiles (casue I'm lazy and and really don't want to make more....) so, from our friends/memebers that have been or live in the region ... advice please! edit: targeting will go no higher than Athens, so some stuff will be needed to add on the east coast of Turkey TIA
  20. well, I took a slight "different" route .... used the tileset I swore up and down I'd never use again (I reallly DO hate it!!) Plus imported/create/modified some of my other 'special' tiles below are 2 views of athens; i don't particualry LIKE the mountain tiles ... and really don't want to make another set, but if you all think they're too 'purpley' (??), i can figure something out. Don't forget, those same mountains will be showing up in Egypt and Libya.. There is an alternate tile, thats more brown, but without all the nice 3d-ish 'folds and furrows' (ie: valley tiles)
  21. why would you need to attach it to the node? It's not exactly like the wing lights... use this for the landing lights, example is from a Skyhawk... [Landinglight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.88,0.88,0.88 Brightness=0.05 Position=1.44,1.20,-1.29 LightSrcOffset=2.6046,49.0560,3.50 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE LightNodeName=LandingLight IsLandingLight=TRUE it'll automaticlly turn off as the gear starts retraction having done hundreds of lighting corrections.....
  22. SF2NA E-2C Hawkeye Upgrade Pak



    SF2NA Nor/Grum E-2C Hawkeye Upgrade Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Reccomended and/or SF2:NA ONLY! = REMINDER: you MUST have SF2:NA to access the the E-2C. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do NOT download this mod, and you'll not be able to use it This pak is a compilation of the 5 skins now available, and adds several new and/or tweeked inis, including a cockpit, that make this aircraft Player Usable. Importantly included is my (Patent Pending) "1 Click Restoration Main Ini", for when the aircraft reverts to AI controled after patching or DLC installation. The skins/decals included are: 601 Hikotai, JASDF VAW-112 (renamed from it's 'USNGray') VAW-121 VAW-123 VAW-124 The cockpit supplied is a very slightly modified version of the S-3B Viking. New avionics and data inis are supplied. Mods to the data ini add manually folding wings (use the Usual Suspect manual animation key, Shift/9), and all lighting positions have been corrected, and other running lights added as needed. Wingtip position lights will now 'move' with the wings when folded. Landing lights have NOT been added. A new turbine engine sound, borrowed from Del's C-130s is used, and supplied as well. New Hangar & Loading screens are included. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein see the rest of the readme for full credits!

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