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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ck my latest terrain mods for QRA building for runways 1,4,5 and 6. should include updated desert airfield inis with 'parking slots' in the QRA sheds
  2. and the 08 level (or is it 06 level??) FM from the original will not be fully SF2 compliant. and.. without SF2E, you miss out on the 3 CF-104s. To say nothing of the F-104G stock skins and decal sets (also SF2E)
  3. File Name: F-20A Tigershark, Skin, Decals and Ini Tweeks Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 November 2011 File Category: The Combat Ace What If Hangar F-20 Tigershark Skin, Cockpit, and Ini UPgrades Pak for SF2 =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*) *Note: due to some stock decals used, USAF & RAF, at minimum, you need SF2:E* A bunch of new skins for Veltro2K's recently released Northrup F-20 "Tigershark". This pak will also includes some cockpit and many ini tweeks. This pak is designed to be installed OVER your existing F-20, with several caveats ... so it's important you read the install instruction =BEFORE= applying this pak. As this is an Reskin/Ini Pak, the aircraft lods are not included. A new cockpit, however, is. This mod represents Production variants, had they been made, for the USAF and other Allied Nations. The export customers are based upon those identified by Nothrup as "Tier 1" customers (ie: users with F-5 experience). A new Userlist is supplied, for those wanted to create/redecal some of the existing skins for those shown in the user list, but not provided here. A new, Generic Hangar screen is included. 11 skin/decal sets are included in this pak. The name in paranthesis (name) designates the skin folder name. The skins are: Football City AF (from "The Wingman" book series) (FBCAF) JASDF,1 Hikotai, in overall Martime blue (JASDF) ROCAF, 2-tone F-15/16 style grays (ROCAF) RSAF, in a solid 'Air Superiority' gray (RSAF) RNZAF, #75 Squadron 'King Kahu', in overall green (RNZAF) RAF, #92 Squadron, overall gray (RAF) 57th FW, Nellis AFB (Nellis) 152nd FS, 162nd FW, AZANG, in a dark F-16-style gray (AZ) 10th TFS Hahn Germany, in 2-tone F-15 style 'Compass Ghost' grays (Gray2) "Generic" Dark Air Superiority gray (Gray) "2 Tone BlueGrays", a repaint/rename of the original release skin (2Tone) These last 2 listed have "Generic" nation callout, and can be rebadged/decaled/reused for the creation of other user-nations of the aircraft; either through selection via the Single Mission/Loadout screen, or via creating entiely new skins. One of the massive advantages of not painting on markings... All markings on all skins =ARE= decals, making is quite easy to create said other user nations. A great number of new decals were created for this mod, and many borrowed from other skins. A full listing of those are in the Credits section. New damage textures in DDS format are also included. My Home-Grown Templates ™ are included, for those wishing to create new skins, and/or improve on my basic design (yeah, it could use it! LOL! -cough- RAF Euro camo -cough- various SEA 3-toned -cough-) No weapon are included; they are either stock, from pre-existing mods and/or reference those from the GunnyPak. The drop tanks from the original release are NOT included (as they're kinda sorta stock, too) The cockpit included herein more than likely has more funcionality than would have been in the production aircraft. The avionics ini also makes use of dtmdragon's complied RWR tweeks/expansion pak ... if you don't have it, you should! Sounds are also not included, as those from the F-16 paks are referenced here. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things. That section needs to be read, as it explains/offers alternatives as to WHY some of the nation-specific loadouts are NOT working as they should It is vitaly !!!IMPORTANT!!! that you read this document throughly before installing ...as you will be deleting, renaming and/or moving several files and folders to make full and correct use of this Pak. So, unzip it first to a temp folder or your desktop, or anywhere that allows ease of access to it. READ IT!!! Good Hunting!! wrench kevin stein with special thanks to Veltro2k for bringing us the much wanted bird! Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: Baltic Terrain (Ostseeausgang) Tweeks Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 May 2012 File Category: Full Terrains Baltic Terrain Tweeks, for "Ostseeausgang" Terran by Gepard = For SF2, Any and All = (can also more than likely be used in 1st Gens as well, you just don't use the water.bmp) Just a little, quick and dirty tweeks pak, that adds new planning maps (all 3) and a modified Pit1.ini that removes the shadow 'tractor beam issue'. Also included, for SF2 usage, is a new _water.bmp (called Baltic_Water.bmp) The terrain is available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/13009-baltic-entrance-ostseeausgang/ Super easy, simple install instructions are below. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein (ps: the squadron take-off mod Gepard did is excpetionally cool!!) Click here to download this file
  5. MFG Zippers over the Baltic (Gepard's new terrain)
  6. the desert terrain is still quite important for it tiles and objects. btw, TK got ALL the titles on sale today for quite reduced prices!
  7. WHERE did you install the game to??? if using Win7, you should't install to the default path: C:/Program Files X86/Wings over Europe, but to the ROOT of /C C:/Wings Over Europe this avoids the Win7 security thingys
  8. Memorial Day

  9. editor armi in wings over europe

    all capital letters is considered shouting... shouting is considered rude. Please use regular upper/lower case when posting questions! thank you!
  10. you'll find a LOT of what you're looking for in the downloads section
  11. should be several mods that have that already -- depending on which cockpit you're using. (stock 3W or Razbam?) basically, we've "repurposed" one of the gauges (as there's a LOT in the stock 3W A-6A pit that just was never turned on) so, which pit?
  12. Fleet Week 2012 in NY Harbor this week

    and... the IOWA is on her way to her new home in LA http://www.startribune.com/nation/154887515.html
  13. if the skins are jpg format, he may not be at the right patch level (at minimum, iirc, Nov 2011)
  14. File Name: US M-1 120mm AAA Gun File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 May 2012 File Category: Ground Object Mods US M-1 120mm AAA Gun - For SF2, Any and All - Simple modifications (read: ini edits) create the 1940s-mid 1950s 120mm radar directed US Auntie-Aircraft gun. Based on Pasko's KS-30 130mm, as this is the closest shape available. (unless a 3d guy builds a more accurate one). A new 120mm gun is included. As this gun was radar directed, I took a little poetic liscence, and 'built in' the search/track radar to the data ini itself (ala the ZSU-23 and M-51 Skysweeper). Simple easy to follow instructions are below, in the "To Install" section. Happy Hunting! (or flak dodging!) wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  15. not without a new lod, and other specials. you may recall stary's experimenta searchlight mod for WW2 ... had some issues (like range of the light cone) Probably game engine limitation. hey, it's got a radar!! stop complaining!!!
  16. Moved to a more appropriate Forum, where it might actually be seen, and help given -- PLEASE do not post in the Knowledge Base!!! It's for anwers, not questions
  17. Moved to a more appropriate Forum, where it might actually be seen, and help given -- PLEASE do not post in the Knowledge Base!!! It's for anwers, not questions
  18. File Name: Eastern Mediterranean Terrain for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 May 2012 File Category: Full Terrains Eastern Mediterranean Terrain for SF2 = For SF2, Any and All = This is a complete rebuild of the WW2 "North Africa" terrain by Edward, for use in modern time (ie: 1970s-to date). It has been completely rebuilt, from the bottom up, and completely retiled using a 'combo set' of various and sundry imported tiles. Also, there are =MANY= totally new tiles, and their assiciated TODs, that can be used for either the Desert or the IsrealME terrain. Read: lots of new transitions that fill in 99.9% of the blanks of the original tilesets. This terrain does =NOT= have the SF2NA "NavalMap" statement activated, either on the _waterbmp or in any ini. It is designed =ONLY= for ground-based air forces. It is highly suggested it remain as such. The LimitedNations statement is set to TRUE, and Egypt is now classed (on this terrain ONLY!) as a Friendly Nation. Don't be surprised to see IDF birds parked on EAF bases, or EAF birds in Turkey and Greece! This terrain covers the area from the bottom of the Gulf of Sirte (S/E corner), north to central Greece, east to western Turkey (Anatolia), back south to Egypt, as far east as the Suez Canal. Covering the Eastern Med, Crete, Agean Sea, and points in-between. See the planning maps for full coverage. It'll make a nice companion Map for both the Modern Libya, and PureBlue's Anatolia terrains. Those familiar with Edward's orignal WW2 version will recognize the base region, but the targeting and tileing have been completly redone, and is more reflective of the Real World ™. Place names have been changed to local spelling (where discoverable, spellable and pronounable). Expect to find several World Heritage Sites scattered around and, as always, the occasional Easter Egg. Also included is a modifiend SingleMission.ini, that adjusts the minimum values for various missions. Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features, and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, with no strategic or tactical values. Just someplace to fly over. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but -BEFORE- installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  19. OOPOPPS!!!! I did forget the water.bmp line in the main ini, even though the waterbmp exists! That's bascially for shipping routes That will NOT, however, allow for carrier useage. You need to add the 'green freindly naval zones', which will completly f*** up all movement routes -- as we've yet to see a patch tht fixes the 'lack of designated primary targets' on auntie-ship, CAS and Armed recon missions as stated: there really is no need for carrier stations, as this terrain was designed to NOT use them. Of course, for your own personal installs, you're free to do what you like!
  20. File Name: MiG-21MF Fishbed-J, EAF, Hi-Viz Markings File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 24 May 2012 File Category: MiG-21 MiG-21MF, EAF, Hi-Viz Markings = For SF2, Any/All (albeit Designed with SF2:I in Mind) = A simple repaint for the stock MiG-21MF Fishbed-J in Egyptian Air Force service. This skin repsents 'late model' versions with the Hi-Visibiliby Orange Triangles. Based off the stock skin, and run though my Home-Grown Template Set ™; all markings use stock in-game items. This skin makes use of the 'start default year' statment in it's textureset.ini, and is set for 1983. My "best guess" as based on photos and other researched kinda stuff. This skin is in jpg format for post-Nov 2011 patch level. If you are not at that level (for whatever insane reason), you'll have to convert them back to bmp. Also included are slightly modified Data and Loadout inis, making some small, but needed, adjustments. The canopy is activated via the Standard Manual Animation Keystroke ™ -shift/0. The engine sound has been changed to the TMF "MiGEngine.wav", also included. It is also quite possible this skin can be adapted for use on other Fishbed variants, as used by the EAF. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Obviously, this mod makes the assumption (Oh! That Word!!) you've made this aircraft flyable. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  21. US M-1 120mm AAA Gun



    US M-1 120mm AAA Gun - For SF2, Any and All - Simple modifications (read: ini edits) create the 1940s-mid 1950s 120mm radar directed US Auntie-Aircraft gun. Based on Pasko's KS-30 130mm, as this is the closest shape available. (unless a 3d guy builds a more accurate one). A new 120mm gun is included. As this gun was radar directed, I took a little poetic liscence, and 'built in' the search/track radar to the data ini itself (ala the ZSU-23 and M-51 Skysweeper). Simple easy to follow instructions are below, in the "To Install" section. Happy Hunting! (or flak dodging!) wrench kevin stein

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