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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. gods! haven't seen that movie in yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrss!!! wish I'd taken the screenie of the destroyers ... it was funnier than hell! I figured they were 'camoflagued', and wwaiting to spring out on any unsuspecting attacker against the battle group
  2. File Name: A-7E(74) Lo-Viz Skin/Ini Pak for SF2/SF2NA File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 04 April 2012 File Category: A-7 A-7E Corsair II (74) Skin Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged Required; and/or SF2:NA -ONLY!!- = Again, as stated above this is for the stock 3rdWire A-7E_74 ONLY!! If you do not possess SF2NA (or other games that may have this aircraft accessable), DO NOT download this mod, as you will =NOT= be able to use it. However, as the standard or garden variety A-7E shares the same mapping (as do all the 3W Corsairs), it is VERY possible that these skins would be usable on them, with a simple rename to fit. BUT...as the stock A-7E has an end-of-service-date of 1976, that may be a moot point. Read on... This pack contains 2 new "TPS" lo-viz skin and decals sets. These skins were created from a new Home Grown Template ™ and are in JPG format. The templates will also be available for use, once I upload them. Also included are slightly modified Data and Loadout inis. The wingfold (which was NOT active at ALL before) and canopy are operated via manual animation keys; the Usual Suspects - Shift/0 for canopy and Shift/9 for wingfold. The loadout ini includes some changes to standard dumb-bomb loads, giving you a bit more striking power. As I like to have Altantic & Pacific Fleet squadrons represented by at least one skin each, the skins in this pak are: VA-25 "Fist of the Fleet" (circa late 80s/early 90s) VA-46 "Clansmen" (in the Corsair's final deployment during Desert Shield/Desert Storm) These skins BOTH have the "StartDefaultDate=" set for 1982, an approximate date based on my research. This will OVERRIDE any other stock skins, so be aware of this fact. This was done for historicality, and to encourage other skinner/decalers to step up and fill in some of the gaps. Get to it people! All markings on both are decals, making it MUCH easier for other squadron to be created in the Lo-Viz scheme. Almost all decals are new; some are repurposed from other mods. The 1st 10 Bunms for the Clansmen are newbuilds, based upon BuNums from a FOTF original skin. I think the Corsair II is a very overlooked aircraft, and it's time to give it a little love. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them before installing! Please browse the Notes section for other illuminations. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  3. OMG!

    actually, it's tommorrow, the 5th ... but I thank you all for you thoughts! getting old suck, though!!!
  4. inversion fog is what we have on a daily basis here in Los Angeles!!! Usually a brownish color (but it's gotten better over the last 25 years or so...)
  5. you'll need the 3rd wire cat extractor; the latest version is availabe over at 3rdWire http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm you'll probably need the April 2012 version
  6. if you've followed the original discussion... http://combatace.com/topic/71724-bigger-sukhois/ you'd know WHY the original aircraft is not available here We (CombatAce) have a Zero Tolerance Policy ™ on piracy now, we Modderators/Admins can't control what goes on behind the scenes or via private, personal emails....
  7. the coast will never be clear.... there's a Soviet Battle Group just over the horizon!!!
  8. have you pulled the SF2 A-6A data ini and compared the aerodynamic statments???? (as in, you really shouldn't use 1stGen data inis on the SF2 aircaft) I also agree, the roll rate is too high (on all of them, A-6E, A-6E_79 (aka:TRAM) and EA-6B -all stock birds
  9. what can I say?? many of us would be happy to volenteer.
  10. cockpit may need repositioning. pull the F-8C_Cockpit.ini from whichever ObjectData.cat it's in, put it in the F-8A folder, and match the positon of the pilot from the aircraft's data ini like so (these are ONLY examples!!! not the real thing!) data ini: // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=PilotN1 Position=0.0,5.42,0.75 <---this line!! SeatModelName=seat_f-4 SeatPosition=0.00,5.42,0.38 f-8C_cockpit.ini: [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=F-8C_pit Offset=0.0,-0.10,0.0 Position=0.0,5.56,0.75 <<--this line!! ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 some adjustments may still be necessary, either up/down, fore/aft but left/right should be OK the numbers work like this: 0.0,5.56,0.75 0.0 is distance from center, in meters left or right 5.56 is distance from center, in meters, forward or aft (aft numbers have a minus sign -) 0.75 is distance from center, in meters, up or down (down has the minus sign) there are alos some other odd entries, that may or may not be needed in the data ini. In the AircraftDAta section, somethime this line is needed (in bold) [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=F-8_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect EmptyMass=7476.7 EmptyInertia=92146.6,9761.3,96832.0 ReferenceArea=34.84 ReferenceSpan=10.87 ReferenceChord=3.59 CGPosition=0.00,0.00,0.00 CockpitCGOffset=TRUE OnGroundPitchAngle=1.5 it's doubtfull here, so don't use it yet
  11. a couple of Phantom skin revamps, one for the F-4M_80 and DLC15, the FAA F-4K (both by Sundowner, both from my F-4K 'standalone' mod from a year or so ago)
  12. as has been outlined elsewhere, in several posts about the non-sinkable cargoships and tankers.... if you have an 08 or 06 level object cat, extract the 2 lods: cargoship.lod tanker.lod place them IN their respective /GroundObjects folders (ie: /Cargoshop and /Tanker) RENAME each lod as follows: cargoship_col.lod tanker_col.lod extratify and place IN both the ship's folders!, their respective data inis... add the following lines in the GroundObjectData section in EACh data ini... CollisionMesh=CargoShip_COL.lod and CollisionMesh=tanker_col.lod
  13. just to be safe, as I'm the High Priest of CYA, rename the cockpit folder to xCockpit. using the pointers in the main ini, will pull all the needed bits from the relevant ObjectData cat. like so: CockpitDataFile=F-8C_cockpit.ini AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-8C_avionics.ini alos, what's up with all the odd-ball coding stuff at the top of you post??? Try not to use ANYTHING other than the stock fonts available here. We (the moderators) hate having to edit posts. Thanks!
  14. ok...lets get this straightened out.. THERE ARE NO TEMPLATES AVAILABE FROM 3W FOR =ANY= AIRCRAFT FOR SF2. PERIOD We have to make our own (unless you know the secret handshake and walk)
  15. yup, as simple as it gets ... nothing but copy/paste
  16. unfortuneately, there's no way (at least, none we've ever discovered) to add them to the airfield inis
  17. or just swap it out for a stock one, like the Phantoms or something close
  18. i'll bet the game engine is reading the CG position, which on pretty much MOST of the 3rdParty birds isn't 0/0/0
  19. and, for our next Lo-Viz Projet...(yes, still wip .. lots and lots for rivets to draw...)
  20. "Rose!!! Rose!!!" ah...shut the f*** up and drown already, Leo!!
  21. zip it up, and then it should attach (I do it that way all the time!)
  22. Birthdays!

    alll riiiiightt!!! happpy birthday gents!!!

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