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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. looks like the opening zoom shot from a certain movie.....
  2. try flying it Kodiak ... you'll see they ALL work. I don't release stuff that don't work, you all know that by now!! it blew my mind too ... the lod calls out bmps, but the GAME ENGINE read both, regardless. If you extract many different skins -for the same stock aircrft,you'll see a mix of jpg and bmp.
  3. Version


    Tunisia Terrain & Targets Upgrade For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 MTO mods This started out as a simple targets upgrade, and turned into a major rework of Edward's Tunisia Terrain for WW2. As you can expect, the targets have been greatly 'enhanced', with many additions, and most areas have been retiled for ease of targetization. The visuals (ie: the eye candy) has been enhanced by these revamped target areas. This will allow single mission and campaign builders more latitude in their creation of missions and campaigns. It also has the side effect of enhancing in-game generated single mission play, too! This is a COMPLETE terrain, designed to REPLACE the original verison in it's entirety. It is also NOT compatable with any other terrain retiling or TOD mods to the original terrain that are presently available. All necessary parts are included; tiles, inis, LOTS of new terrain items, with the excpetion for some 'permission-only' GroundObject items. All new planning maps are also included. Also, there are at LEAST 3 Easter Eggs on the map. There are also several brand new tiles, and their associated TODs (new city ports and some other interestering items). There ARE some historical flaws (and probably physical geographic ones as well!!); they are fully detailed in the "Notes & Explinations" section below. You may also experience extended or longer than usual loading times; this is normal due to the shear number of terrain objects on this map. The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post-08 patch or SF2 "NextGen" series. The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data included!!! (however, that is easily added if you're familiar with the varous terrain data inis, and how to 'update' them). = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE WW2 WEAPONS PAK !! = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST, WW2 NATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST WW2 FORMATIONS INI IN YOUR FLIGHT FOLDER = = MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GEO'S WW2 GROUND OBJECTS PAKS!! MOST IMPORTANT!!! = It has been tested in 06 Patch Level WoE (my WW2 install of choice), using the cat pointer line to all the Origianl 3 ™ Terrain Cats (Desert, GermanyCE and VietnamSEA). As most of the new terrain objects and tiles are residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post-08 SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI or any of the SF2 'NextGen' series; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Although, it should work pretty well in most case. Some data ini adjustments will probably be required for the additional effects. Consult the SF2 Knowledge Base at CombatAce for more information on "how to.." As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings... Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's =HIGHLY= reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  4. at the same top level as the others /C:\Users\kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Effects (except your name isn't kevin!! )
  5. Version


    Layered Templates for Stock 3rdWire F-16A "Netz" These are the PSD templates that I created from the stock bitmaps for the Netz from SF2:I. These are NOT hi-rez, but only 1024 x 1024 maps. You can experiment with upsizing, but I personally feel that 1024 is perfect 'in middle' size, that looses no detail in game, and will keep frame rates smooth. (after all, the game engine WILL resize to fit) Feel free to make changes, repaint -the purpose of the upload- and correct any/all errors that I may have induced. Remember, folks, I ain't Sundowner, so things won't be as pretty has his!! (Ant being the Skinning Deity) I've left ALL my 'working' layers intacat, so there's undoubtedly a bunch of stuff you won't be needed there. Also included are templates for the pylons and drop tanks. Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  6. SF2 Hangar Screen Template



    Hangar Screen Templage for all SF2 series I've been forgetting to upload this ...and finally remembered! This is a stripped-down version of my Photoshop PSD Hangar Screen templage. I've left 2 'aircraft' layers in, other than the background/foreground items so you can see how it was done, using both a photograph and screenshot to replicate the old WoE-style. Get used to using the cut/slice tools and the eraser!! And don't forget, SF2 wants them save as jpgs for in-game use (same goes for Loading Screens, too)!!! Have Fun! wrench kevin stein
  7. File Name: P-51D Mustang, 47th FS, 15th FG (for 3W Mustang) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 March 2012 File Category: P-51 P-51D Mustang, 47th Fighter Squadron, 15th FG, WW2 PTO -- For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Prefered), and/or SF2I ALL w/ExpansionPak 1 -- (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the stock P-51D) NOTE: you =MUST= have, at minimum, SF2:I Expansion Pak 1, and/or with a full-4/5 merged w/Exp1 installed. If you don't have these, don't bother downloading this package. This skin represents aircraft of the 47th FS, 15th FG as based at Airfield #1, Iwo Jima, during mid-1945 through wars end. "Plane In Group" number decals reflect the actual type used (150-199); serial numbers are stock -so make sure you've the the latest 3rdWire stuff intalled. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). Good Hunting!! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  8. Version


    EA-6B Prowler, for SF2 by Hawker, Agemmenon & 331KillerBee = For SF2, Any and All (but designed for Full-5 Merged and/or SF2:NA) = *It should work fine in non-SF2NA installs* REMINDER: you =MUST= install this update package to the original download. The location URL and Full instructions ™, are below in the "To Install" section. It is also HIGHLY reccomended you read this entire document, after unzipping but BEFORE installing over the original download. There are a couple of extra steps you'll be taking... The package builds further on the original SF2 conversion done by 331KillerBee, and expands the usable skin set "a bit." Included is a mix of early Hi-Viz markings, and later Lo-Viz markings. They've been diferentiated by a "guesstimated" transition year of 1985, when the LoViz automaticlly appears. The HiViz skins are listed normally; the LoViz have the "lo" suffix. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Skins contained herein are: HiViz - VAQ-132 "Scorpions" VAQ-134 "Garudas" VAQ-140 "Patriots" VMAQ-2 "Death Jesters" (later version?) VMAQ-2 "Playboys" (early - folder is called Playboy) Lo-Viz - VAQ-130lo "Zappers" VAQ-135lo "Black Ravens" VAQ-136lo "Guantlets" VAQ-138lo "Yello Jackets" VAQ-139lo "Cougars" VMAQ-1 "Banshees" The folder and main ini have been renamed "EA-6B_AH" (for Agemmnon & Hawker) to keep this aircraft seperate from the stock TW EA-6B version that comes with SF2:NA. To further differentiate it from the 3W model, on the Aircraft Selection Drop-down, it will read as "EA-6B Prowler ICAP II" (KB's work -not mine!) The install method being used here will cause you to do a few more steps =BEFORE= installing, but they are all outlined in the "To Install" section. The new carrier lines for SF2NA have been added, but for End Users without SF2NA, it should pose no issues for use. The earlier Game Engine will simply ignore them. You will still be able to set them for carrier usage via the mission editor or campaigns. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! The Notes section contains further details, descriptions, elightenments, illuminations, and so forth. Be good to read them, too. No, seriously ... unzip this archive and =READ= everything first!!! It's exceptionly important you do so....and equally important, to follow the instructions exactly as I've given them to you! With thanks to all the skinners and ini dancers to kept this old mod from disappearing! KB's original readme is included, as are one or two from the skin downloads. Happy Jamming! wrench kevin stein
  9. using TK Spit, a very passable Seafire III can be created. this is just to show the decals (FAA 887 Squadron, BPF); I have to build a new full template set to repaint in the correct BPF colors (unless, of course ... somebody already has a set??? In a minimum 1024x???) several weeks, at least...
  10. that's great news!! now here's better ... the skin below will be uploaded over the next day or so for TK's Mustang (so make sure you have SF2I Expansion 1 for that one). Sorry, no nose arts -- I didn't feel like researching 50 airplanes and making more decals than I needed. Although I'm quite sure, with the knows positions from the plane in group numbers, the distance forward could be sussed out
  11. stary: can we split the profits? 70/30 (70 to you!)
  12. don't forget, the 750x map is really only 670 due to the missing 80km surrounding it behind The Wall. Hence, some of the issue IselandNA is having. Even with my Expanded Worlds Trick (patent pending) I think we can agree to disagree, and keep it friendly! You have your way, and there's The Right Way
  13. since the mesh names for decaling the stock NA Prowler are not forthcoming ... and since we have a perfectly good one, SF2-ized by KillerBee... (which needs just a few more tweeks, already done by me) and since we have a butt-load of skins... Should I go ahead and do the full conversion? Just like for the KA-6 and EA-6A recently uploaded? 90% of the works is already done by KB, just assemblying all the skins/decals, fully SF2izing them, and a few minor tweeks. Also, WHERE are the pre-85 HiViz skins?? I only found like 2, between here and FOTF. Thoughts, please... TIA!
  14. iirc, there's a data ini edit to remove the hardcoded pre-built hardpoint items. Cause I'd rather have a centerline tank 2 wing jammers (hi and lo band), and maybe some ARMs. But, again, without the node names ... we're SOL hence, my moving forward with the Old One
  15. it all depends on how much time one wishes to spend on building/adding stuff. You should see the dispersal area I built for Bandar Abbas Int'l ..... that was eye crosser!!
  16. that's why we built the KB!!! Us lazy guys find it easier to post a link, then an explination!
  17. That certainly sounds like the Lazy Man's Way ™ of doing things.... I'd suggest taking a look at a real map --- Google Earth will do fine. Detail in maps is what WE do ... I kinda take offense at that statement. Look at the shot below; chopped out of planning map3 for the Persian Gulf terrain, and dosen't show the bases further noth and west (like Bahrain, Saudi, more UAE or the carrier stations) ... thinking you can get away with just 3-4 airfields is udder nonensense. Some of us are the 98 percentile region of the Real World ™, when translating it to the Game World ™ People don't want a little piddly 500x500 map. When they DO get one, they'll always bitch and moan (where's this or that? How come there's no cities? Where's the ____ (fill in the blank). Nobody's EVER complained that "there's too much detail" in any of MY terrains -- EVER (too much AD, yes , but that's cause I know where all the SAM batteries are - in the Real World ™) Chuck, I must completly disagree with your statements on all levels.
  18. try READING what Gepard posted .... and... because the lod is PART of SF2:NA, and ONLY available there
  19. don't know which version you're using, but that isn't the latest one. What I'd reccomend, is just d/l the SF2 versions ... they'll work just fine in 1stGens. you'll probably have to down-convert the weapons, but pretty easy
  20. telll ME about it ...I've got 3 skins sitting here for it, and no respone to my mesh name query at 3W. carlo, if you or SidD want what I got .. let me know! (i DO need to get back to my terrains.....)
  21. i would guess the formations ini; which I haven't pulled to inspect yet....unless he's added it somewhere else!
  22. never seen another mission builder like FAs ... could make that stand up and sing the national anthem. of any country I wanted it to ...ah...the days! SF2V dosen't come with one 'out of the box', but iirc, you can purchase it from 3d Wire as a DLC (down loadable content). 10 buck or so??? disremember... there's buttloads of mods (for the ENTIRE series!), but for SF2V -- the SF2V Expansion Pak is probably the best. It's a VERY large download, and worth the time. Each game in the SF2 series is basically a stand alone, but they all merge with each other (allowing acces to some "oddness" sometimes - like Israeli Mirage over Germany!). If you run each one from it's exe, they create seperat 'mods folders' so there's no possibility of cross-contamination (Red Menace!!!). Or reduced possibility. Best advice we give ... get the game. Play it "as is" for several weeks to get the feel for the aircraft, campaign, single missions, etc. Use that time to get comfortable with the folder system, the 'how things work', and so forth. When downloading stuff, always unzip and READ the readme.txt that (hopefully!!!) came with it. and Welcome (to MadHouse!) We've got an extensive Knowledge Base for both 1stGens (SF/WoV/WoE/WoI) and NextGens (the SF2 series). A little mouse time browsing the post/thread/tutorial/etc pay off in the end.
  23. An IronHand flight, ready to launch and they show up spotted and parked too! (look to the left of the island, just aft of the cats)
  24. unfortunately, this isn't Raz's ... it's Hawker's. I don't think the mapping is the same (not having Raz's Prowler...) definately chk the WoV kit!! thanks allen

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