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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I always thought that, along with "daylight hours" in (some) dll or another (terrain engine?), that this line in the cockpit ini controlled external lighting: I know that a lot of the originals (all the way back) were set at like 0.25. I seem to remember that setting it to 0.50 or higher made the lights come on earlier (of couse, I may be disremembering as i'm getting old --<gr>). I do know that In Enemy Territory (tm), wingmates lights go off.
  2. carrier qualifications (remod coming soon)
  3. SF2 H04S (CH-19E) HC-1 SkinPack

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 H04S (CH-19E) Hc-1 SkinPack 4/24/2021 -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Recommended) This is a new skin for the recently released UH-19 Chickasaw by Stahri. You can find the aircraft (the upgraded pack) at the following url: https://combatace.com/files/file/17603-sf2-uh-19ho4shrs-chickasaw-upgrade-pack/ This skin represents HC-1 "Angels" based at NAS Ream Field, CA in 1965. These were used as Search & Rescue in the San Diego area. The aircraft is finished in International Orange Overall. 18 BuNums (serials) and Modex/Pennant number decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE. The SF2 'date switch' =IS= active on this skin, and will automatically be selected for the US Navy in 1962(ish). This skin also has it's own Hangar Screen. As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  4. I think he's talking about shortcut icons. we've got all kinds around here. I know there should be a bunch in the SF1 downloads, 'cause I did 'em. They're easy enough to make. Where I put them, is right into the core install's main folder. Then, it's just a simple matter to change it like Dr. Quest said
  5. thank you! I LOVED that revell kit from the '60. Had both the navy and usaf version with floats. many times!!! :)
  6. View File SF2 H04S (CH-19E) HC-1 SkinPack SF2 H04S (CH-19E) Hc-1 SkinPack 4/24/2021 -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Recommended) This is a new skin for the recently released UH-19 Chickasaw by Stahri. You can find the aircraft (the upgraded pack) at the following url: https://combatace.com/files/file/17603-sf2-uh-19ho4shrs-chickasaw-upgrade-pack/ This skin represents HC-1 "Angels" based at NAS Ream Field, CA in 1965. These were used as Search & Rescue in the San Diego area. The aircraft is finished in International Orange Overall. 18 BuNums (serials) and Modex/Pennant number decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE. The SF2 'date switch' =IS= active on this skin, and will automatically be selected for the US Navy in 1962(ish). This skin also has it's own Hangar Screen. As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 04/27/2021 Category Other  
  7. there's a MAJOR difference in how a ship is steered, and what the AoA indexer does. It's not even apples and oranges -- it's apples and rocks. No comparison at all. Don't forget, when the helm is put over, say to port, not only does the bow swing to the left, the stern swings RIGHT. This is why the helm is always brought back to center (neutral) as soon as the turn is about 50% complete. Lets not even discuss the Titanic's rudder being too small for a ship that size
  8. checking the game's user list should always be the 1st option (most of the time, they're actually pretty close!) straight from the M3C userlist ini: [France] ServiceStartYear=1961 ServiceEndYear=1988 Availability=RARE I can't believe RARE is correct!!!
  9. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Westland Whirlwind HAR Upgrade Pack 4/19/2021 -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) **NOTE: this is for the British built versions -0NLY-!!** This is major upgrade of the Westland Whirlwind (piston powered) as released by Strahi. Please be advised, if you have the original download, you will unfortunately have to delete it from your mods folder(s). THIS version is highly modified, with many additional items. If left as "drag & drop" over the original, there will be conflicts that might be unresolvable. Thus, the need for complete removal of the original. This has been approved by Strahi, to whom I extend great thanks!! The following services/units are covered. The first listing is the name of the skin folder itself. The rest is the description you will see on the skin selection dropdown on the Loadout Screen: Royal Air Force: RAF1 - No.22 Sqdn, 55-62, overall yellow RAF2 - No.28 Sqdn, ?? date, Eurocamo* RAF3 - No.110 Sqdn, 1954, Kuala Lampur* JHU - Joint Helicopter Unit, HMS Ocean, Suez, 1956 Royal Navy: RN - 848 NAS, DGNB overall, early 50s RN2 - Ship's Flight, HMS Protector, 55-65, Antarctic Patrol RN3 - 848 NAS, HMS Bulwark, 1960s RN4 - 781 NAS, RNAS Yeovilton (Green Parrot) Suez - 848 NAS, HMS Albion, Suez 56 JRV: YU - Soko Whirlwind, Yugoslavian Air Force, 1961 *= be advised, these units MAY have had the later, turbine power marks. It's also possible some of those listed above, while still having serving piston-powered Whirlwinds, would have also recieved turbine power aircraft. The SF2 'date switch' is =NOT= used on any of the skins. I felt it would cause too many issues and confusions. Many painted on insignia and service markings remain as such. This is due to the minimal amount of meshes used to build the aircraft. All new serial number decals have been made for all included versions (up to 26 each). As is to be expected, while all are correct for the aircraft & services depicted, they are 'generic' in nature. When a unit's or service's serials HAVE been found, you'll see the star (*) in the number list dropdown. Decal randomization is TRUE. When possible, the RAF & RN squadron badges are used at the "patch" for viewing on the Loadout Screen On the aircraft selection drop down list, you'll see: Whirlwind HAR/HC (st) The (st) is for Strahi, and will diferentiate this Whirlwind for any others that may or may not exist. As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein EDIT: added missing Decals folders!! Sorry people!!
  10. SF2 Westland Whirlwind HAR Upgrade Pack

    Fixed! thank you!!
  11. The C-133 Cargomaster takes to the skies for the first time on April 23,1956. It flies from the Douglas Plant in Long Beach, California to Edwards AFB.
  12. The Corona Virus Thread

    Yes, I asked the tech who administered my shot, what superpowers I could expect when the nanites really got going. I wasn't sure it the power are preprogrammed, or if they're random. She couldn't answer, as she was telepathicly communicating to our Alien Overlords (tm) no, seriously, she thought it was one of the funniest requests she'd ever had! We spent time discussing which power we'd actually like. I had a great experience, everyone was kind, and polite, even standing in line for 40-odd minutes. It went pretty fast.
  13. View File SF2 Westland Whirlwind HAR Upgrade Pack SF2 Westland Whirlwind HAR Upgrade Pack 4/19/2021 -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) **NOTE: this is for the British built versions -0NLY-!!** This is major upgrade of the Westland Whirlwind (piston powered) as released by Strahi. Please be advised, if you have the original download, you will unfortunately have to delete it from your mods folder(s). THIS version is highly modified, with many additional items. If left as "drag & drop" over the original, there will be conflicts that might be unresolvable. Thus, the need for complete removal of the original. This has been approved by Strahi, to whom I extend great thanks!! The following services/units are covered. The first listing is the name of the skin folder itself. The rest is the description you will see on the skin selection dropdown on the Loadout Screen: Royal Air Force: RAF1 - No.22 Sqdn, 55-62, overall yellow RAF2 - No.28 Sqdn, ?? date, Eurocamo* RAF3 - No.110 Sqdn, 1954, Kuala Lampur* JHU - Joint Helicopter Unit, HMS Ocean, Suez, 1956 Royal Navy: RN - 848 NAS, DGNB overall, early 50s RN2 - Ship's Flight, HMS Protector, 55-65, Antarctic Patrol RN3 - 848 NAS, HMS Bulwark, 1960s RN4 - 781 NAS, RNAS Yeovilton (Green Parrot) Suez - 848 NAS, HMS Albion, Suez 56 JRV: YU - Soko Whirlwind, Yugoslavian Air Force, 1961 *= be advised, these units MAY have had the later, turbine power marks. It's also possible some of those listed above, while still having serving piston-powered Whirlwinds, would have also recieved turbine power aircraft. The SF2 'date switch' is =NOT= used on any of the skins. I felt it would cause too many issues and confusions. Many painted on insignia and service markings remain as such. This is due to the minimal amount of meshes used to build the aircraft. All new serial number decals have been made for all included versions (up to 26 each). As is to be expected, while all are correct for the aircraft & services depicted, they are 'generic' in nature. When a unit's or service's serials HAVE been found, you'll see the star (*) in the number list dropdown. Decal randomization is TRUE. When possible, the RAF & RN squadron badges are used at the "patch" for viewing on the Loadout Screen On the aircraft selection drop down list, you'll see: Whirlwind HAR/HC (st) The (st) is for Strahi, and will diferentiate this Whirlwind for any others that may or may not exist. As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein EDIT: added missing Decals folders!! Sorry people!! Submitter Wrench Submitted 04/22/2021 Category Other  
  14. the .dat file is also no longer used your pathway should be: Objects --> Weapons --> Folder-name-of-weapon --> name-of-weapon.ini, name-of-weapon_data.ini. Also including any skins or lods, if aftermarket units. (exempt are cloned stock weapons, that reference 3W lods) Do you know the format for the folderized _data ini??? example: just making sure :)
  15. Paulopanz has brought it to my attention, that I forgot to include the /Decals!!! This has been fixed. Sorry to all! You'll have to re-download the package to get them! Thanks Paulo!!
  16. The Corona Virus Thread

    Got my first shot today! Looks like the Pfizer one. 2nd shot on May 17
  17. This "new" system may not work due to how the cat file system works. You'll probably have to make a folder for every single weapons listed. Inside that, you'll need all new inis and data inis for every single weapon (including stock ones) with this "new" naming system. Typename= would probably stay the same, as that's what's being read by the loadout ini (of each and every single aircraft -- pray that you don't have to edit them, as well). The FullName=, as you know, and have editied, is what's seen on the loadout screen. It should work as you wish BTW, editing the weaponsdata ini hasn't been needed since SF2 came out. You folderize all the new weapons and place them in the /Objects/Weapons folder. It's been a 'drag and drop' since day1. Hence, what I'm thinking that you have to do the whole thing from scratch, individually folderized.
  18. 'member this??? Had that kit so many times, I didn't need the instructions!! (with floats, too!)
  19. I just liked this shot, with moon
  20. thank you!! the only comment I have, is the "RCAFROUNDEL" was set to Level=2, which is for serial numbers and such. Since that's the national insigina, it should be Level=0. An easy text edit (once the read-only was turned off) Great job on the skin!
  21. New in FE2

    Done! Carry on!!
  22. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 UH-19/HO4S/HRS Chickasaw Upgrade Pack 4/12/2021 -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) **NOTE: this is for the American/non-British versions -0NLY-!! Upgrades for the Whirlwind will follow** This is major upgrade of the UH-19/HO4S/HRS as released by Strahi. Please be advised, if you have the original download, you will unfortunately have to delete it from your mods folder(s). THIS version is highly modified, with many additional items. If left as "drag & drop" over the original, there will be conflicts that might be unresolvable. Thus, the need for complete removal of the original. This has been approved by Strahi, to whom I extend great thanks!! For those interested, the following services/units are covered: US Air Force: 41st Air Rescue Squadron, Hamilton AFB (early/mid 1950s) US Navy: HU-1 "Pacific Fleet Angles" (c.1952, Korea) US Marines: HMR-161 "Greyhawks" (c.1952, Korea) US Army: 6th Transportation Co. (H), (Korea) Generic Olive Drab overall Royal Canadian Navy: VH-21 (c.mid 1950s) Many painted on insignia and service markings remain as such. This is due to the minimal amount of meshes used to build the aircraft. All new serial number decals have been made for all included versions (up to 26 each). As is to be expected, while all are correct for the aircraft & services depicted, they are 'generic' in nature. When a unit's or service's serials HAVE been found, you'll see the star (*) in the number list dropdown. Decal randomization is TRUE. You will also be adding a new nation, "US ARMY", unless you have the Expanded Nations Mod by Menrva. Full instructions will be found in the INstall section below. If you do not wish to, you'll have to edit the texture set inis for the 2 Army skins back to "USAF". Game-wise, it won't matter either way. On the aircraft selection drop down list, you'll see: H-19 Chickasaw (st) The (st) is for Strahi, and will diferentiate this H-19 for any others that may or may not exist. In reality, it should read "H-19/HRS/HO4S", but what the hey! We all know what it is! As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! You can expect the same treatment is being given to his Whirlwind pack, as well. It will be relased when finished. Good Hunting & Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  23. View File SF2 UH-19/HO4S/HRS Chickasaw Upgrade Pack SF2 UH-19/HO4S/HRS Chickasaw Upgrade Pack 4/12/2021 -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) **NOTE: this is for the American/non-British versions -0NLY-!! Upgrades for the Whirlwind will follow** This is major upgrade of the UH-19/HO4S/HRS as released by Strahi. Please be advised, if you have the original download, you will unfortunately have to delete it from your mods folder(s). THIS version is highly modified, with many additional items. If left as "drag & drop" over the original, there will be conflicts that might be unresolvable. Thus, the need for complete removal of the original. This has been approved by Strahi, to whom I extend great thanks!! For those interested, the following services/units are covered: US Air Force: 41st Air Rescue Squadron, Hamilton AFB (early/mid 1950s) US Navy: HU-1 "Pacific Fleet Angles" (c.1952, Korea) US Marines: HMR-161 "Greyhawks" (c.1952, Korea) US Army: 6th Transportation Co. (H), (Korea) Generic Olive Drab overall Royal Canadian Navy: VH-21 (c.mid 1950s) Many painted on insignia and service markings remain as such. This is due to the minimal amount of meshes used to build the aircraft. All new serial number decals have been made for all included versions (up to 26 each). As is to be expected, while all are correct for the aircraft & services depicted, they are 'generic' in nature. When a unit's or service's serials HAVE been found, you'll see the star (*) in the number list dropdown. Decal randomization is TRUE. You will also be adding a new nation, "US ARMY", unless you have the Expanded Nations Mod by Menrva. Full instructions will be found in the INstall section below. If you do not wish to, you'll have to edit the texture set inis for the 2 Army skins back to "USAF". Game-wise, it won't matter either way. On the aircraft selection drop down list, you'll see: H-19 Chickasaw (st) The (st) is for Strahi, and will diferentiate this H-19 for any others that may or may not exist. In reality, it should read "H-19/HRS/HO4S", but what the hey! We all know what it is! As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! You can expect the same treatment is being given to his Whirlwind pack, as well. It will be relased when finished. Good Hunting & Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 04/19/2021 Category Other  

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