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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. meteor craters are hard to do, I'm here to tell...!!!
  2. of course not! you all KNOW I'm not a 3d guy!!! If there's a LOD issue, that's up to Capun to fix!
  3. you mean the trick with painting the borders on the transition tiles, or just in general? and, did yo still need advice/help in placing a tile?? to all: You're Very Welcome. Remember, at some point in the future, I may not be doing terrains or whatever. It's always good forethought to train replacements....
  4. The importance of a clean machine (internally!)

    for me it's a monthly event; I'd just never thought to pull the card field strip it (so to speak). Not just a smoker, but a pet owner, so that adds another dimension as well ... cat fuzz! So Remember People: keep it clean and cool!
  5. did you transfer the *tile-name*.TOD files as well? that's where the '3d objects (trees and buildng) are stored
  6. yes, you'll have to edit the TOD callouts in EVERY tile listing of the terrain's data ini to get the correct Ter_Objects. (or just copy/paste the tile listing from Stary's GH3 data ini directly OVER the existing VietnamSEA data ini)
  7. i don't think they're used (like a lot of the 'functions' in GCE TE -- conntect rivers, connect road, etc) At least, i've never used them!
  8. SF2 uses seperat folders for each gun, in the /Objects folders. best way, is download the McGunnyPak, as it's got all the guns all set up for SF2 as such, the gundata.ini for all weapons dosen't exist anymore
  9. ya know, I'm really surprised that NOBODY's thought of this before..... (yes, needs better 3-tone skin --- oh, Paulo!!!....!!
  10. To Anyone who'll Listen

    good to see ya back, man!!
  11. truthfull, same here. I reeditated my WW2 airfield target inis, removed the parked statics, and just let the game populate them (of course, one can always add the stock destroyed models to terrains,too. If one wants wreck shoved in the corner someplace for eye candy)
  12. I think whole years only, but mm/dd/yyyy may work - it does for aircraft, in the data inis you mean something like this? [Anti-Ship_ArgN] Nation=ArgentineNavy DefaultFor=Anti_Ship StartDefaultDate=07/04/1976 Loadout[01].WeaponType=Pod_SUE Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=AM39 Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType= Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType= Loadout[05].Quantity=1 can't hurt to try!
  13. 42106 is right one! and here's a little trick TK taught me for adding and then flattening airfields, when no citylist.ini exists, or you're adding a new one. Create a new citylistlini (I call my kj_*terrain-name*Cities.ini) then you just add the one place that needs flattening....the example below is from the Persian Gulf, now in the works [City001] Name=King Kahlid IAP <--name of base TextureType=2 Randomness=0 PositionX=240.000000 <--location coordinates, taken from debugged HUDData.ini) PositionY=284.000000 Width=6.000000 Height=6.000000 <--- average size for runways1,2,3,5,6 HasAirfield=TRUE runway4 (the semi-x 2 crossing airfield) is a different story, as it reques not 6 tiles, but 10-14 due to it's size save it IN the working terrain's subfolder in the TE (C:\Terrain Editors\Woe_ONLY_TE\GermanyCE) (please note that I name EACH terrain editor for the base terrain, and have one for everyone, plus specific versions for other terrains being worked on) another little hint for airfield placement --- do NOT put them within one tile widt of the ocean or other water feature. When flattened, they tend to really screw up the coastline. edit: adding screenie to illistate airfield tileing
  14. have you checked the main aircraft ini (F-16C-40, or whatever, .ini) for the required line: HangarScreen=*name-of-hangar-screen.jpg* (or bmp -- jpgs take less space)
  15. or just build lo-poly statics, like we have for WW2 (look in the WW2 terrains folders)
  16. might want to let TK know about that over at the 3rd Wire site .. so he can fix it BEFORE SF2NA comes out nice catch!! (and thanks for the walkaround book ... didn't have that one in my collection!)
  17. mavherc: might want to give this a read: http://combatace.com/topic/20789-how-to-make-ai-planes-flyable/ lots of still usefull information in the SF/Wo* Knowledge Base
  18. remember guys, I didn't build the model ... what ever is wrong with the lod, is Insky's fault. And there's no support from them available here, due to their banishment If you find something that's fixable, why not post said fix??? I just assembled it "as is", with whatever I could to do straighten things as best I could.
  19. make sure you're using the right TE ... it's NOT the Desert TE, but the WoV/WoI/WoE version. Has slightly better functionality TE work is the very last thing any modder should attempt, cause it just a plane out bitch-and-a-half. as to the runway, have you looked at airfield4????
  20. AV-8A Harrier for SF2



    MDD/HSA AV-8A Harrier, USMC -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or SF2:E ONLY!!! -- As stated, above, you =MUST= have a Full-4 Merged install, or at the VERY LEAST SF2:E to make use of this mod package, as it references all stock items for the aircraft and cockpit that is ONLY found in SF2E or Full4 Merged game installs. This package represents AV-8A Harriers as used by the USMC when first delivered. The skins (located for me by CA Member Amariani -many thanks!!) have been run through my HomeGrown ™ template, for to reuse the tail markings, courtesy of 331KillerBee/SFP1Ace's WoE-to-SF2 AV-8A conversion pak (which this expands upon) Skins and decals in the pak are for: VMA-231 'Aces' VMA-513 'Flying Nightmares' VMA-542 'Tigers' New decals for the serial, service name and BuNums are incuded. Some decals are modified from stock ones. These make use of the full color National Insignia, and not the LoViz as seen after 1980-ish (or thereabouts). All weapons used are stock in-game items, excepting the 'new' units included. These are either clones of existing or, in the ALE-37s case, from the GunnyPak. The canopy is NOT activated, as there are no more animation slots available for it. Sorry! However, in compensation, there IS a working landing light!! <grin> As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. As usual, the expected "Notes" section for notes and other insane ramblings Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. trying to get a little more cooling for some reason, my GPU seems to overheat occasionaly (yes, I keep the case interior as clean as I can...*), and I loose video (SF2 stilll running ... just no vid) want to try and change the fan 'stragety' So, anyone use it, and how to configure? *unless this is a GTX240/Dell issue???
  22. like i replied in another thread.... how about using known positions....???? wing lights tail lights pilot position hardpoint position and so forth...
  23. i wonder what vid card they're using......
  24. SF2 Q/A-5 Fantan Pak



    Q-5 Fantan Series Pak = For SF2, Any and All* = *Note: Full-4 Merged reccomended, but can be used in any game with access to the F-4F Phantom from SF2:E* A new skin/decal pak for the Q/A-5 Fantan series, upgraded for SF2. This package is based off lindr2's work for 1stGen, which in turn is/was based off the Insky release, with some modifications/tweeks/fiddling around and general 'messing with' to bring it more in line with SF2 This is a complete package, of 3 aircraft containing various and sundry cockpits - Remember!!! you must have a Full-4 Merged, or at least acess to SF2:Es BLW F-4F Phantom, as the Q-5II references that cockpit. All other pits are included. Rebuilt data inis use the latest (Nov 2011) MiG-19 FM; while not perfect, work much better than before. A new userlist ini is included, for all models, regardless of A or Q naming. They're still Fantans, no matter what. Some name changes have been implemented by me; what was called the D is more closer to the A, so you have the following aircraft, keeping their PLAAF designation, regardles of export status Q-5A Q-5E (called Q-5D/E/F in the displayed name -they're nearly identical) Q-5II The original skins, of course, are included, as is a NEW Sudan AF for the Q-5E. New serial numbers for the SuAf are 'best guess' based upon the 2 photos I could find (SuAF shown in the screenie above) of them. New DDS damage textures are included, but they don't work as advertised. It's your choice to use them or not (turns the aircraft black for some reason -probably a mapping issue) A 'home grown' template for A/D/E/F series is included for skinner. PLAFF weapons, for the most part, are included, as are the pilots & ejection seats. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! As well as the "Notes" section Any/All faults, mistakes, etc are mine & mine alone. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein

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