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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. per target area, in theory, the max number is 999 objects listed. The game only recognizes 3-digits - XXX. Remember, too, that's 3 lines/entries for each target area object ... so if one creates a 999 object target area, that's 2997 individual lines/entries. Total target areas, also in theory, is 999. The most I've ever built has run into the 400s. As to populating, see my other post about the spawn/de-spawn of GroundObjects. Terrain objects (those from the terrain cats) are a completly different animal; they seem to be permanent fixtures well beyond the 50km Bubble ™. Hence, the reason I keep them to the minimum amount necessary (prefering to use custom TODs for cities), to hold processing cycles down, and (hopefully) keep framerates in mid-20s or above (you do know the human eye can only see 25 FPS?)
  2. with very few exceptions (Col. Scotts fer isntance, USAFE) they're all Korean Era i think that missing tank might be a mass hallucination ... I don't ever remember seeing it!
  3. on the physical map, or listed in the _types ini??. There IS a difference....................
  4. I'd reccomend (yes, shameless plug!) my SF2 versions of the G T-Jet ... in fact there's 3 different 84s recently (well, last year/early this year) released for SF2 that should work pretty damn well in 08 levels (with minor tweeks) Also, if you d/l those, you'll see I used the Sabre drop tanks ... they're about the correct size and shape (see below)
  5. Ethiopian AF Su-27 Flanker



    Ethiopian AF Su-27 Flanker Skin Pak 2/10/2011 = For SF2, Any and All = A new skin/decal pak for the Marcfighters Su-27, representing EtAF Flankers from the late 1990s to the present. A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!), as well as slightly tweeked data, avionics and cockpit inis (made some general fixes in regards to things not working/missing/fitting quite right). Weapons are NOT included, so you'll need the GunnyPak or some other full WeaponsPak for SF2. You also =MUST= have the Su-27 in your game install (doh!) to install this pak to. These skins have been partly repainted (with redrawn panel and rivet lines) in several areas to remove the painted-on markings creating a 'blank' canvas to allow for the use of decals for ALL markings. The side effect of that, is other countries can easily be created by simple edits of the decals ini. On this version, as stated above, ALL the markings used here are decals. Serial numbers are 'best guess' based on the limited information (both text and photographic) available. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  6. Oh! for the heady days of open cockpits and silk scarves!!! try canopy_front that's all I could find that seemed close
  7. File Name: MiG-21UM Mongol by AmokFloo File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 February 2012 File Category: MiG-21 MiG-21Um "Mongol" by AmokFloo = For SF2, Any and All* = *Reccomended for Full-4 merged, as it references some decals from SF2:E and SF2:I* Fairly Complete SF2 package of the MiG-21UM "Mongol", with a collection of skins (well, those that I had ... feel free to add others!). 10 skins/decal sets are included in this package. Looking through the 1stGen downloads shows several more skins that can be easily added. You have these skins in this package: 4 Indian AF (24 Sq, 101 Sq, HAL, IAF Gray) 2 Czech 1 East German 2 Soviet (NM & Camo) 1 "Generic" overall Desert (tagged for EAF) A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!). Minor tweeks to data, loadout and avionics inis. The avionics ini now as a gun-rangine radar and an audio-only RWR. A new Hangar screen is also included. All lighting has been adjusted to fit the aircraft, however, a landing light was NOT added. It also references the 'MiGEngine.wav' from TMFs MiGs (not included) Decal randomization is set to true, for the most part. With a little luck, I got them all dialed in correctly!!! Feel free to make any/all adjustments and correction. Weapons, with the exception of the MG pod are NOT included, as they use all stock in-game items. The KV-1 seat is also included in the /Pilots folder. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  8. you know what, I'm just gonna make the tweeks, assemble the full package, and upload it. Lots of small fixes -- avionices (gun ranging radar, etc0 give me a few hours, as I have to make a hangar screen too
  9. interestering, .... that's completely different from what I have. Did a lot of tweeks on it for the Indo/Pak mod... weapons stations... loadout...(generic!) I remember (vaguely!) doing research, and now I'm not sure if they carried the GP-9. I DO recall the MG pod... here's the stuff for the gun...there is NO lod!! Cerate folder "21UM" main ini: (ie: 21UM.ini) [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=21UM Gunpod ObjectDataFile=21UM_DATA.INI [LOD001] Filename=NOLOD Distance=1200 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=2000 MaxVisibleDistance=100 weapons data (ie: 21UM_Data.ini) [WeaponData001] TypeName=21UM FullName=MiG-21UM Training Gunpod ModelName= Mass=28.000000 Diameter=0.000000 Length=2.100000 AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET NationName=Soviet StartYear=1969 EndYear=2030 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=6 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1969 ExportEndYear=2030 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=3 GunTypeName=7.62mm_PKB MaxRounds=200 MuzzlePosition=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 LightPosition=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 AimDirection=0.000000,1.000000,0.000000 EjectShells=0 have a 98.8% accurate userlist.ini too, if anyone wants it. Or I could just put everything together in one Big Pak, and upload it.
  10. lights are an esay fix .. take the positions off the stock Fishbed, and move as needed.
  11. in 1stGens, there was this thing called the MissionControl.ini, that had the altitude statements; and you could edit them. I've looked through all the usual suspect cats, and I think it just dosen't exist in SF2 anymore. which is too bad, as it had this statement: [Altitude] Normal=3000 Low=500 VeryLow=100 High=5000 VeryHigh=8000 If anyone finds it, let me know!! edit: oh, dopye me!! It's n the MissionData001.cat, and it reads exactly as above. It's still editable ... extract, drop in /Flight folder. Drop VeryLow= to maybe 50?? all numbers are meters AGL
  12. 1935-1948 (don't forget the action in China in the early 30s) SCW, as a stand alone also, with whatever years it ran, but ending BEFORE 1939
  13. Feb 29th, 2012. (2nd choice would be April 5, my birthday, but i feel it'll be out waaaay before then)
  14. File Name: Ethiopian AF Su-27 Flanker File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 February 2012 File Category: Su-27 Ethiopian AF Su-27 Flanker Skin Pak 2/10/2011 = For SF2, Any and All = A new skin/decal pak for the Marcfighters Su-27, representing EtAF Flankers from the late 1990s to the present. A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!), as well as slightly tweeked data, avionics and cockpit inis (made some general fixes in regards to things not working/missing/fitting quite right). Weapons are NOT included, so you'll need the GunnyPak or some other full WeaponsPak for SF2. You also =MUST= have the Su-27 in your game install (doh!) to install this pak to. These skins have been partly repainted (with redrawn panel and rivet lines) in several areas to remove the painted-on markings creating a 'blank' canvas to allow for the use of decals for ALL markings. The side effect of that, is other countries can easily be created by simple edits of the decals ini. On this version, as stated above, ALL the markings used here are decals. Serial numbers are 'best guess' based on the limited information (both text and photographic) available. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  15. I think so, but not really sure. All distance/height/length/weight, etc is metric
  16. Attached here is a new data in for the DATs Ki-61 Tony. This is for the Ki-61Ia Tony comes from the "Ki-61 Family Pak" by christian59 ---> http://combatace.com/files/file/7111-ki-61-family/ it's set for just this one mark, right now, but is easily adapted to the others by a simple copy/paste of their original guns /Guns sections. It would be advisable, if one DOES change the others, to rename the Tony_Data.ini to whichever mark is being modified (ie: Ki-61IIB_Data.ini, etc) after downloading, you'll need to edit the Ki-61Ia.ini by adding these lines (just copy/paste them off this post) //AircraftDataFile=Ki-61-Ia_data.ini AircraftDataFile=Tony_Data.ini this will allow for easy reversion, if for some reason you don't like this mod. Please feel free to make changes/tweeks (which I'm sure a necessary). I personally feel the roll rate is low, so...do what needs doing. The canopy has been changed to a manual animation key (Shift/0 as always) Post all fixes here. enjoy! edit: there IS an issue with the rolling radi on both main gears ... this is NOT fixable without them rebuilding the LOD the 'piviot points' for the main gear axles are NOT aligned with each other (this is a constand SF2 problem with older models) --do not f*** with the rolling radius, you'll cause irrevocable problems!!!
  17. testing a new Tony FM (for SF2).... Action over the Phillipines, 1944
  18. oh, that is just wrong, on sooooooooooooooooo many levels!!! (btw, if that's Wolf's Corsair, I have templates....)
  19. individual data ini can be tailored for specific needs, by adding specific AI sections. in ObjectData001.cat, you'll find the AircraftAIData.ini. In that, you'll find the parameters for LevelBombAI: [LevelBombAI] PullOutRange=500.0 PullOutAlt=300.0 ReleaseAlt=1650.0 SecondPassRange=6000.0 SecondPassAlt=1000.0 ReleaseCount=12 ReleaseInterval=0.14 copy/paste that into the Bone's data ini (anyplace, top, bottom --usually just above the [AircraftData] section-- and edit the parameters, and test. all distances are meters, and are changed with a simple text edit
  20. here you go...had to finish a few things (at the cost of time working on REAL mods....), it's set up for SF2, but it should work as well as can be expected in 1stGen. Hope you like aircraft that explode on the runway. canopy is manual animation (shift/0) uses Wolf's Jug pit -much more accurate- FM needs complete overhaul -as do they all- do whatever you want with it ... but do try and get the rock-back-and-forth-flip-over-and-explode-into-greasy-bits fixed. (the real way would be to have them rebuild the LOD -- the issue seems to be there, and no data ini edits seem to be able to fix it) The attached file will remain attached in this thread for 1 week ... then, it'll be removed.
  21. Infantry Units

    those are WWAAAAAYYYY cool!!!
  22. where's sparkomatic??!!! He can use this against the Evil Togo Imperium ™!!!

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