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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. no, actually it's kinda sad! to quote William Shatner: I need to "Get A Life"
  2. And Gepard's WW2 BoB map is too far west .... even with 'modernization' So,there's a big gap between GCE and anything else That leaves the Impossible To Fix ™ EAW-EuroWW2 map; so, in essence, no map exists. I'd shudder to think of the targeting needed for for late 40 Western Europe Gepard: thanks for the correction! I did't know that!
  3. I'd seriouly wait until SF2NA comes out ... the odds are, something will get changed in how SSMs work given the new ships that are comgin
  4. this might be of use too, http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2011/12/aerograph-5-douglas-3-skywarrior.html
  5. saaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt!! Go For It Paulo!!! (I made my own templates off those stock skins ... I think yours are better!)
  6. Sea-Desert-Farm1 Sea-Farm-Desert1 Sea-Desert-Mountain1 Sea-Mountain-Desert1 Sea2Mountain50 "You know you've been using the Terrain Editor too long when...." you can look at a screenie and ID all the tiles
  7. The importance of a clean machine (internally!)

    thanks! It's the auto mechanic I was; he has to take everything apart to see how it works, and IF something comes apart, maybe fix the bits inside!
  8. edit: something I should have checked, since the OUT file WAS included...AND I know how to read the damn things! to make the ailerons move, change the node names to LeftAileron RightAileron but DO NOT TOUCH THE AERODYNAMIC VALUES -- just those 2 lines without the underscore; that left over from lindr's original data ini. the horiziontal stabs will NEVER move, as they didn't cut the meshes for them, so they exist in a 'virtual' state Flaps don't deploy properly either ... they're piviot points must be limited somehow. below is the OUT...if someone can point out the horizon stab there .....
  9. my 'quickie' version of the paki skin -- a did quick repaint (oh! the joy of having templates!) to remove the painted on stuff, and decaled it. still needs serials....where's Sandesh??? what is really needs, is a totaly new model, properly mapped. But we make due with what we have...
  10. Yes, you MUST upgrade! IF you're staying with 1stGens -- which to be bluntly honest, just about none of the 'Name Modders' build for anymore. SF/Wo* is dead. The WoI expansion pak in 2009 (??iirc) is/was the end. Its not being supported by 3w any more, so...... there ya go! SF2 is already set up for it. 08 Parked planes: you can EASILY remove the game-generated statics for all terrains by a simple extraction of each of the airfield inis (there's 6 normally, plus the slightly renamed ones in GermanyCE & VietnamSEA), and delete the 'parking positions' lines. Mabye 5 minutes work. as to the nation limits.... [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Vietnam, Southeast Asia DataFile=VietnamSEA_data.INI TargetFile=VietnamSEA_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=VietnamSEA_types.INI MovementFile=VietnamSEA_movement.INI NationsFile=VietnamSEA_nations.INI LocationMap=VietnamSEA_Location.bmp WaterMap=VietnamSEA_Water.bmp BriefingText=VietnamSEA_briefing.INI DogfightFile=VietnamSEA_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE Longitude=106 Latitude=16 LimitedNations=TRUE GroundObjectTexture=green right from an 08 level VietNamSEA.ini the terrain nations ini says who gets to play in that sandbox. also from 08 level WoV: [Theater] TheaterName=Southeast Asia Location001=South Vietnam Location001.Nation=South Vietnam Location002=Thailand Location003=North Vietnam Location004=Cambodia Location005=Laos Location006=China Location007=Burma Location008=Hainan Island Location009=Gulf of Tonkin Location010=South China Sea [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=USAF FriendlyNation002=USN FriendlyNation003=USMC FriendlyNation004=SVietnam EnemyNation001=NVietnam what I don't remember is, does 08 support these statements, also in the terrains' main ini (just generic years shown): [AllowedMissionTypes] FriendlyMissionTypes=SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,ARMED_RECON,RECON EnemyMissionTypes=SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,INTERCEPT,STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,RECON [AllowedDates] StartDate=9/1/1939 EndDate=12/21/2012* (*=joke! for the Mayans!)
  11. sure thing! nice to add the export versions, at least for Pakistan! (also need a 3-tone USAF Vietnam era camo for the C-47! )
  12. there's an NK and Paki skin around? Must've missed those! Assume they'er in the 1stGen D/Ls someplace? thanks for the fix Paulo ... some folks around here do nothing but bitch/gripe/complain and offer nothing in the way of positive motion in the direction of 'getting it right'
  13. that's what the LimitedNations=TRUE statement does in a terrain's main ini, and what the terrains _Nations.ini does. been around since the 08 patch
  14. meteor craters are hard to do, I'm here to tell...!!!
  15. of course not! you all KNOW I'm not a 3d guy!!! If there's a LOD issue, that's up to Capun to fix!
  16. you mean the trick with painting the borders on the transition tiles, or just in general? and, did yo still need advice/help in placing a tile?? to all: You're Very Welcome. Remember, at some point in the future, I may not be doing terrains or whatever. It's always good forethought to train replacements....
  17. The importance of a clean machine (internally!)

    for me it's a monthly event; I'd just never thought to pull the card field strip it (so to speak). Not just a smoker, but a pet owner, so that adds another dimension as well ... cat fuzz! So Remember People: keep it clean and cool!
  18. did you transfer the *tile-name*.TOD files as well? that's where the '3d objects (trees and buildng) are stored
  19. yes, you'll have to edit the TOD callouts in EVERY tile listing of the terrain's data ini to get the correct Ter_Objects. (or just copy/paste the tile listing from Stary's GH3 data ini directly OVER the existing VietnamSEA data ini)
  20. i don't think they're used (like a lot of the 'functions' in GCE TE -- conntect rivers, connect road, etc) At least, i've never used them!
  21. SF2 uses seperat folders for each gun, in the /Objects folders. best way, is download the McGunnyPak, as it's got all the guns all set up for SF2 as such, the gundata.ini for all weapons dosen't exist anymore
  22. ya know, I'm really surprised that NOBODY's thought of this before..... (yes, needs better 3-tone skin --- oh, Paulo!!!....!!
  23. To Anyone who'll Listen

    good to see ya back, man!!
  24. truthfull, same here. I reeditated my WW2 airfield target inis, removed the parked statics, and just let the game populate them (of course, one can always add the stock destroyed models to terrains,too. If one wants wreck shoved in the corner someplace for eye candy)
  25. I think whole years only, but mm/dd/yyyy may work - it does for aircraft, in the data inis you mean something like this? [Anti-Ship_ArgN] Nation=ArgentineNavy DefaultFor=Anti_Ship StartDefaultDate=07/04/1976 Loadout[01].WeaponType=Pod_SUE Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=AM39 Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType= Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType= Loadout[05].Quantity=1 can't hurt to try!

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