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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. mine work just fine. did you place them in the root of the TE or the terrain being worked on? (btw, they go in the root folder, not the terrain itself)
  2. no problemo, BB!!! Just need the cockpit OUT file and/or lod. Done it several time for WW2 cockpits.
  3. OpenCockpit=TRUE ????? CockpitCGOffset=TRUE ??? you can also hide meshes in the cockpit ini, too
  4. always compare them visually (in an image viewer - irfanview, photoshop, GIMP, etc) to see if they're identicaly mapped and always chec the skin bmp names for identicality (is that word??) also, was there a textureset.ini for Gepard's skin?
  5. it should already have one a little file called the "Loadout.ini"
  6. use the full-4 merged executable (SF2.exe). That (SF2 Full-4 meged) gives the most flexibility; even though all terrains are always available through each mods folder. a very important thing to remember for and ALL stand alones, is that after every single patch, DLC or ahytning else from 3W, that exe will need to be created again (ie: delete the old one, copy/paste the SF2.exe, rename). However, that'll mean that the first time that mod folder's exe is run, it'll add back all the 'modern' stuff. Not a real big deal in deleting them again. Geo's sight has a lot of WW2 vehicles: http://www.geos-aircraft.com/ they're also badly scattered around in the 1stGen Object D/L section. Terrains, of course, are here at CA. be advised, that the DAT stuff needs serious reworking/overhauling both in the FM (08 stuff really don't work as advertised in SF2 -I don't give a damn what anyone says, they really DON'T), and the models are showing their age
  7. Hovercraft Beware!

    "My underwater station is full of eels!!!"
  8. been done methinks! Shoot, we got nuke tipped anythings!!!
  9. Truely spoken by someone that has no idea what it takes to build a terrain; with the TE or otherwise.
  10. yes, something of the 'Berlin Airlift' going hot. Given that the Vamp F.3 isn't too much physically different from the FB.5 we have, it's a very simple matter to clone it down 2 marks. Meteor F3s are too physically different from the F8 in game for practical use, so moving that dates up to late48/49 allows for F8 usage (with some suspension of disbelief) what IS missing, and would be useful for some NATO countries, are late-mark Spits (22s, etc) F-80s and F-84s are already available for USAF (and even an F-86A could be easily made, if needed) WarPac is already coverd (15s, Yak-9, Yak-23 if you 'assume' operational vesions) However, 'light strike' and attack aircraft that would still be in service from WW2 are not available (IL-10, Tu-2). That only leaves Tu-4s, again in 1949) missing, of course, is the C-54. DA wants one real bad!
  11. well, sometime back I asked TK flat out ... will all the older terrains (non-lod driven) still work. He replied "Yes". 'cause I'd sure hate to have thrown away the last 7 years .... I honestly can't even begin to imagine the physical size of a lod (file size) that covers 1000x1000 km with the level of detail in targeting placements and other physical features that some of us have achieved. ------ Remember, people, we're all just speculating until we have the package in our hot little hands, as to what exactly NA is gonna give us. until that time....
  12. Nightfall

    Nightfall is a superb story, one of the good Drs best
  13. I think the term is "near fatal flaws". To say nothing of the physical models themselves needing serious overhauling (with very few expceptions)
  14. The SF2 Sup Etendard pak I released last year was NOT designed for use with the Falklands mod ... may even be mentioned in the readme. As the falklands mod is -and should be a stand-alone, adding my upgrad pak is probably not a good idea. I'd reccomend RE-reading those readmes...
  15. I was going to post something about 'pivoting balls', but thought better of if at the last second.... a Bevis & Butthead quote is needed here, methinks .....
  16. it's called the "Default.ini", and it'll be in the C:\Users\* your name here *\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2*\Controls *=or whatever game your using is .. it'll be the same for all the SF2 series
  17. That's a common problem ... ther's no Huns in WoI, so you'll need all it's cockpit bits the FishFix is easy it's not a cockpit issue, but a DATA ini issue ... extract the newest data ini for each model (meaning all of them), drop them into their respective /Aircraft folders, and like magic the pilots should appear in front of their seats, now cowering behind them like the cheesy candy-ass commies they are (btw, that should be coverd in the 08 patch "Things To Change" thread in the KB ... the 08 patch made some small but significant changes in lods and inis) the section you're looking for is .... (08 21MF shown) [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName= SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.0,2.83,0.85 <---this line MinExtentPosition=-0.30, 2.37, 0.05 MaxExtentPosition= 0.30, 3.42, 1.05 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=GLASS Armor[FRONT].Thickness=62 CanopyNodeName=Canopy CanopyAnimationID=4 Vatour should use the F-4B pit, as it got twin-engine 'steam gauges', even if the radar is slightly wrong. In a pinch, you can use the MirageIII pit for it. For the Mystres, you can always swap in the TMF Mirage5 pit, as it has no radar, and is very French looking. Yes, I think outside the box!!!
  18. this is from the SF2 Canberra B.2... [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName= SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=-0.24,4.74,0.69 SeatModelName= Position= <---insert seat name and positions here --add those 2 lines MinExtentPosition=-0.49, 4.20,-0.42 MaxExtentPosition= 0.01, 5.21, 0.79 CanopyNodeName= HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=6 Armor .Thickness=6 Armor .Thickness=6 Armor[REAR].Thickness=6 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=6 BUT... it appears the seat is 'molded' into the aircraft lod. Might cause some problems!
  19. Needed: that cool Cuban Green/Blue camo too!! (just adding to the workload...... )
  20. so...tell me the truth.... do these missiles make my wings look fat???
  21. if you can edit a data ini.... yes (extraction will be necessary)
  22. Optical Illusion

  23. easiset way, just extract the entire Objects.cat, and look for anything with the associated name. Which aircraft, exactly, are you trying to import???
  24. you got all the inis, too, right??? (***.ini, _data.ini, _avionics.ini, _loadout ini, _cockpit.ini, etc) you'll need everything associated with that aircraft it's like when we were importing the SF1 F-104G into WoV, we had a whole "parts list" (posted below, as an example) double check you've got everything, and the allowed dates fit. EVERYTHING has to go into the main /Aircraft/Name-of-Aircraft folder (except any weapons/drop tanks)

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