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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. get used to using the cat extractor; it's the single MOST important tool you'll have for the series
  2. I been using that as the CVL since the WW2 mods.... You'll find it in the Okinawa map (which you've probably already got) Use the CVL, not CVL_T. That's a targetable and destroyable version, but can't carry/use aircraft cause I removed the flight deck mesh callouts so it could be destroyed/sunk iirc, there's one under construction for KAW (along with Atlanta, Manchester CLs and some other boats)
  3. nope, sorry, WRONG!! You have to extract the InstantAction.ini from the MissionDat001.cat, as that's the only control file for what appears, place it in the /Flight folder, THEN change the aircraft. How do you think we've been doing it (and WHO do you think was doing it) for era specific intalls (ie: WW2, Korea, etc), when all 'modern' aircraft have been removed? You can change the map, all the aircraft, weather, time, whathaveyou
  4. I just paint the numbers out on the runway maps, cause I'm always rotating airfields to proper headings. That is, if I'm not too lazy! I honestly don't think it's possible, or implemented to change the heading decal (actually a bmp, for the runway itself). Which DO exist in the terrain cats. Look for the "Runway TH***.bmps" in any terrain cat. iirc, the 'drm' listed in the airfield inis are for the little signs at the head/tail of the taxiways and runway ends. Never noticed if they change, after airfield rotation
  5. iirc, lindr used the TMF Floggers, not the stock 3W ones
  6. sitting on plastic milk crates, were they??? Done that a few times, when we had vehicles in the shop with the seats pulled and sent for re-upholstering. Not fun!! But, at least they were plastic and not steel wire! (ouch!)
  7. this is one of the most plausable What Ifs you've done Alfie!! the splinter looks awesome!!
  8. wouldn't it already be part of the game, if one has ExpPak2?? or the DLC?? I guess it all depends on the final price of NA ...????? NOT having it would be weird....
  9. things I use, that have known positions: tail light wing light pilot position hardpoint positions similar sized aircraft, when pre-plotted decal positions are known with a lifetime of guestimating distnaces and sizes (no jokes! please! ), it's not all that hard for me! might still be able to pick up and bolt or nut, and tell you its size, thread pitch and if it metric or US Standard!
  10. for the WW2 hawaii map, I tried removing the cargo booms from the DAT Liberty ship, to make it more resemble the hospital ship SOLACE. Nothing happened!
  11. must be a real back-breaker to add the SeatModelName=KV1 line to the /Pilot secion of Data ini, huh? all corrected/included in the recently uploaded SF2 Mongol Pak
  12. once again, moved to a more correct Forum, where it'll actually be seen by people that can answer And, once again... DO NOT POST QUESTIONS IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE!!!! Use the regular Forums, for cryin' out loud!!
  13. IR missiles, being 'passive seeker' in nature, do NOT show on the RWR. You just have to be more alert to radio messages (warnings from wingmates), and keep your head on a swivel. Game-wise, it's emulating Real Life ™
  14. File Name: Ethiopian AF MiG-23BN Flogger-H File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 February 2012 File Category: MiG-23 Ethiopian AF MiG-23 Flogger-H Skin Pak = For SF2, Any and All = *Note: Full-4 Merged reccomended, but can be use in any game with access to the MiG-23BN* A new skin/decal pak for the stock 3rd Wire MiG-23BN "Flogger-H", representing EtAF Floggers from the late 1970s to the present. This is a complete package, containing Ordway's cockpit mod (just in case you haven't made it flyable). Modified data and loadout inis, and so forth. The canopy has been activated via animation key, the Usual Suspect ™, Shift/0. An extra main ini, called "xMiG-23BN.ini" is supplied so after patching, or DLC installation, a simple 'one click' will return this aircraft to Player-Usable status. Instruction on how-to are in the "To Install" section below. The skin is based of the stock 3W one for the SyAF, as it has the closest colors and camo pattern, with all new decals and serials. Insignia decals are stock in-game items. Serials for 26 aircraft are supplied. Decal randomization is set to TRUE, and has a default start date of 1977 (when they recieved their first ones). The number sequencing (10**) is correct for these aircraft (some may have also used the 11** sequence, as there were 2 full squadrons of Flogger-Hs in the EtAF) A new, SF2 style hanger screen is also included. The GunnyPak or other weapons pak is reccomended, as the CAS/Armed_Recon loadout calls for RBK cluster bombs. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! At least once!! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  15. *** *** correction: should read "number sequecing (12**) is correct for these aircraft" 10** series is on their Fishbeds (also coming soon!!)
  16. no. tried it some years ago, and it don't work
  17. File Name: Eritrean AF MiG-29 Fulcrum-C (for TMFs MiG-29) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 February 2012 File Category: MiG-29 Eritrean AF MiG-29 Fulcrum-C Skin Pak = For SF2, Any and All = A new skin/decal pak for the TMFs MiG-29C, representing ErAF Fulcrums from the late 1990s to the present. Inis tweeks were made to the data, loadout inis. You'll want to back up your original before installing this pack. A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!). Weapons are =NOT= included, so you'll need the GunnyPak or some other full WeaponsPak for SF2. You also =MUST= have TMF's MiG-29C in your game install (doh!) to install this pak to. These skins have been partly repainted (with redrawn panel and rivet lines) in several areas to remove the painted-on markings, creating a 'blank' canvas to allow for the use of decals for ALL markings. The side effect of that, is other countries can easily be created by simple edits of the decals ini. On this version, as stated above, ALL the markings used here are decals. Serial numbers are 'best guess' based on the limited information (both text and photographic) available. In actuality, the ErAF only has 7 MiG-29s; I've cheated and extraploated numbers for 12 aircraft. So, it's not 100% historically accurate. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them after unzipping, and before installation!!! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein with thanks to TMF for creating this bird; especially to BPAO. Click here to download this file
  18. Ethiopian AF MiG-23BN Flogger-H



    Ethiopian AF MiG-23 Flogger-H Skin Pak = For SF2, Any and All = *Note: Full-4 Merged reccomended, but can be use in any game with access to the MiG-23BN* A new skin/decal pak for the stock 3rd Wire MiG-23BN "Flogger-H", representing EtAF Floggers from the late 1970s to the present. This is a complete package, containing Ordway's cockpit mod (just in case you haven't made it flyable). Modified data and loadout inis, and so forth. The canopy has been activated via animation key, the Usual Suspect ™, Shift/0. An extra main ini, called "xMiG-23BN.ini" is supplied so after patching, or DLC installation, a simple 'one click' will return this aircraft to Player-Usable status. Instruction on how-to are in the "To Install" section below. The skin is based of the stock 3W one for the SyAF, as it has the closest colors and camo pattern, with all new decals and serials. Insignia decals are stock in-game items. Serials for 26 aircraft are supplied. Decal randomization is set to TRUE, and has a default start date of 1977 (when they recieved their first ones). The number sequencing (10**) is correct for these aircraft (some may have also used the 11** sequence, as there were 2 full squadrons of Flogger-Hs in the EtAF) A new, SF2 style hanger screen is also included. The GunnyPak or other weapons pak is reccomended, as the CAS/Armed_Recon loadout calls for RBK cluster bombs. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! At least once!! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  19. f***ing-A right bubba!!! here's an idea....lets stop speculating and guess, and wishing for things we don't (and can't) know about until it comes out?
  20. Thanks Ron! Insky's, iirc, modded by lindr2, converted to SF2 & reskinned by me (Sudan AF)
  21. Naval variant a CHINESE plane!!!????? For Soviet use? That'll never happen! Why not just navalize the Frogfoot, like they'd planned to?? the 3 I have (and updated) are Q-5D Q-5E(also called E/F) Q5II based off lindr's mods. As the original models are not longer available here.... there is a slight gunsight/aim angle issue I haen't fully resolved on one of them-- they shoot stright through the sight on AG, but for 'generic' AA the sight a bit high, and will require some eyeballing of fall-of-shot (aka: Kentucky windage) Also, 'exported' the 5E, as it's reall close to some of the A-5 variants now in use some parts of the globe. (see screenshot thread) the q5II is mapped slightly differently than the others ... there's a 4 bmp that seems to be the intakes; other small difference issues in mapping. Maybe in "2 Weeks" ... need to finish other things ... Erireat/Ethiopia rebuld is this --> <--- close to completion, then back to the Gulf, then Panama, and finishin retargeting Formosa (which is why I startd fiddiling with these in the first place!)
  22. found these parked the other day, while testing the Ethipoia/Eritrea terrain ... I think I been ripped off!!! Vandels have broken onto my base, and stole the noses off my Tornados!! Obviously, it's an AMI one (IDS/ECR???) ... but what is missing that cuases this? (it actuall is quite funny to see!)

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