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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. see my answer above. it will do exactly that
  2. the FakePilot is always a FakePilot ... like was said above, it's the item being used as the seat that matters -- SuperZipper pylons, canards, etc.
  3. for WW2, FE isn't right ... lacks many "things" that'll be needed. You can use 08 level, just expect a certain amount of 'oddness' in aircraft handling (as all the FM will be porked)
  4. when done right (or close to....) you can even do borders. Below, should give you some idea Gepard did it perfectly on the old Isreal2 map.
  5. a callout of "0" items to be loaded is easier and requires no deletiion of lines
  6. http://www.helis.com/howflies/ontheair.php or, in other words, verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry carefullly
  7. extract loadout ini from whichever cat it in ... drop loadout ini into whichever Phantom is to be edited... open loadout ini and do this -changes in BOLD ... (plane-jane, no-suffix F-4E show; other similiar) nothing to it, really!
  8. I take it this was of no help??....... http://combatace.com/topic/19630-how-to-create-a-seperate-era-specific-install/
  9. File Name: India-Pakistan Terrain File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 February 2011 File Category: Full Terrains India-Pakistan Terrain -For SF2, Full-4 Merged, Reccomended (plus ExpPak1)- India-Pakistan Mod, Part 1 This is the first part of the India-Pakistan mod. This package =ONLY= contains the Terrain itself. Follow on packs will the the full GroundObjects, Weapons, Menu Screens, and later, aircraft. (ExpansionPak 1 will be needed for the Vampires, and possibly some others) This terrain is designed for use with a stand-alone Indo-Pak Mods Folder. Instructions for creating a seperate I/P install are in a seprate Word Doc, and are covered in the CombatAce SF2 Series Knowledge Base. However, it can be placed into any /Terrains folder. Just be advised you'll be missing a LOT of things! Please read the aformentioned Doc for details. Usage in a 'all is everything' install is NOT reccomended. Doable, yes. Advisable, no. You've been warned. It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we'll clown on you. Happy Landings! For the India-Pak Mod Team, Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  10. a 30 second ini edit ... for those of us that actually know how to things (re: USNCargoShip)
  11. Here's an idea: just use plane text without all the fancy junk ... so we don't have to go back in and edit it so it's understandable. and try to be a little more descriptive as to just "what this mod is", so folks know what they're getting before they download it. thanks!
  12. so is the old WoVSqmd -- the old mission builder. Excellent for setting the front line
  13. Happy Birthday To.....

    oh, hell yes..!!! a double-shot from me! happy birthday!!!
  14. a bit wrong on those loadouts -- wired for them, but never carried
  15. hmmmm....methinks Lord Kitchener and General Gordon might be interested in the goings on here.....
  16. Capitaine Vengeur Birthday Today!

    happy birthday!!!!!
  17. don't forget "The Range" terrains ... a great place to practice. which is why they were built....
  18. cruising over The Rift Valley, 60s style
  19. what, like this??? Alfie, if you want the template (assuming it the DAT Stormbird?) just ask.... complete with IJN layers for Karyu it does need to use a lot of painted-on marking due to mesh issues
  20. Happy Birthday CrazyhorseB34

    Happy Birthday man!!!
  21. or, the skin got renamed -- a nono; it has to retain the same name as the Netz lod calls for (see the Irianian F-16 I did as an example) or the skin bmp aren't in the a skin sub-folder for the 'new' F-16
  22. Lemme straighten that out .... you can have whatever you want on the map ... there are just limitation as to how the engine populates. I would seriously suggest stopping work on whatever you're doing, and study, play, examine, take apart, etc, pretty much all of the last 4 or 5 of my terrain mods. Use the WoVSQMD to study layouts (it'll give you an idea, albeit without proper reference as to 'on the tile placements', but a good general idea nonetheless as how things work). This is the single hardest thing in the SF World that can/is attempted by anyone -- proper, accurate terrain/target creation. That's why there's "a hands worth" of people doing it out of all the other modders and types of mods out there. It requires an attention to detail that crosses the border into OCD. Not everyone has this required ability ... as some really s**tty terrain mods in the past has shown. and keep a loaded firearm nearby ... it might come in handy at some point (as everyone that's ever attempted this will atest to).
  23. The "Name=" sectin can be anything you want it to be. Keep it simple, keep it easy. Don't forget, that US units usually use a hyphenated name (ie: M-55 Quad, M-35A Truck, M-113 APC). It's the "FullName=" that shows in target view. Always leave AAA as generic, unless its 100% (or better) historically known accuratly, that said unit was in said position on said date. Let the game populate them randomaly. The Game Engine ™ has some exceedingly, overriding, powerful issues with 'directly called' AD units in the _targets.ini (this includes EWRs, SAM launchers, SAM radars, etc.) They will not show on RWR (either vector or TEWS,), or show in such a random fashion as the render the RWR almost useless. Or just not show up at all. This become mostly apparent with Blue Side/NATO units, as the game really don't quite know what to do with them. (was never designed for Blue SAMs, but we've made them work) OTH, for Soviet/WarPac units that are networked via a SON-9 Firecan or other gun-laying radar -and there's a s**tload of them, all set up and downloadable all over the place-, they should be set up in batteries surrounding the radar unit. Extensive study of Soviet Air Defence doctrine would be advisable here. remember, as a Terraformer, you're not just building cities and roads, you have to have all the accurate data for each and every one of the target areas being created.

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