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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: Iran/Iraq 2003+ Terrain for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 20 November 2011 File Category: Full Terrains Iran-Iraq 2003+ Terrain - For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Reccomended) - This is a complete and total rebuild of the 1980s version of the Iran/Iraq terrain, into a slightly more modern version. IE: Post-0IF, and especially designed/rebuilt for the Operation Darius mod now circulating around. This is a completly seperate map, and will NOT conflict with the 1980s Iran-Iraq War map. Basically, the sides have been switched; making Iran enemy and Iraq friendly (as it's most definatly post-OIF). The terrain has the Limited Nations statments set, modified movements ini, some minor retiling and additions to the _targets and _types inis. The terrain also has a 'fixed' StartDate= of 2003. The rest of the Gulf states have been reactivated as FRIENDLY, but the majority of cities in Kuwait, Bahrain, Quatar and Saudi Arabia are basically 'just there for show'. OTH, all the airfields are now active. OTH, again, new planning maps were NOT generated -- so don't be alarmed when seeing the markers as Red in Iraq, and Blue in Iran. I just didn't want to redo them. No GroundObjects are included with this terrain ... for Op Darius they are/will be a seperate download. They also should NOT conflict with amongst themselves, if/when installed to a 'general all-incusive' game install, as they've been adapted for use in all installs (ie: many are nation specific, and all have new correct userlists). As always, detailed install instructions are included below. Enjoy! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  2. i really put a lot of effort in placing things, on both this and the 1980s rebuild. After all, THIS is the region where civilization began. So, if you can find the time, do a little sightseeing. There's Sumer, Ur, Babylon, Perseoplis in Iran (sp?). The only thing I didn't add were the warning signs around Babylon (as told to me by our service memebers that's been there) to 'Please Don't Steal the Bricks"
  3. already done for them in my first 'fix-it' pak for the SF2V SPADS
  4. you can always pull the tank lod/bmp/ini from a 1st Gen version, rename/repaint/hexedit -if needed by bmp name change- and create 'new' tank. There are many tanks still used in SF2 that have seperate lods from the aircraft. Look through ObjectData001.cat that's how I did the Skyraider tanks - just renamed/repainted/hexedited version of the 300 A-4 tank
  5. View File SF2 Hangar Screen Template Hangar Screen Templage for all SF2 series I've been forgetting to upload this ...and finally remembered! This is a stripped-down version of my Photoshop PSD Hangar Screen templage. I've left 2 'aircraft' layers in, other than the background/foreground items so you can see how it was done, using both a photograph and screenshot to replicate the old WoE-style. Get used to using the cut/slice tools and the eraser!! And don't forget, SF2 wants them save as jpgs for in-game use (same goes for Loading Screens, too)!!! Have Fun! wrench kevin stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 11/20/2011 Category Other  
  6. it works with just about any type, but jpgs are considerably smalle -400k vs 2.3 meg (many 1stGen birds in SF2 still have bmps, and as you say, work perfectly fines
  7. those flys are funnier than hell!!!
  8. This IS Sparrrrtttaaaa(n) well, you knew somebody was gonna say it ... it was inevitable!
  9. isn't that called 3DS Max??? (ie: apply matrerial texture? -- a MAX guru correct me, if I'm wrong -which is quite likely!)
  10. i think you have to duplicate it. Like the Phantom outer stations - one set for bombs, the other for tanks don't forget, on most of the stock birds, it's built into the aircraft lod (with some exceptions)
  11. russ, we trust you! you're one of The Good Guys!!
  12. did they supply the OUT file? wasn't that Flanker the pirated version of Marcello?
  13. dude, you a MACHINE!! fraking excellent work, brother!!
  14. go to the Virtual NATO thread, as I mentioned above, and download the aircraft zip. The Fencer in there has also been given 'the treatment' of fixing a bunch of stuff. http://combatace.com/topic/68337-ok-lets-start-a-virtual-nato/page__view__findpost__p__535273 i'm not uploading single aircraft
  15. Happy Birthday Sundowner

    Happy Birthday Ant! Here's a few pints from me to you!
  16. The zip files I posted/attached will remain in the "Virtual NATO" thread until this weekend. On Sunday, Nov 20, all those attached zips will be removed, to clear server and my PM space (even tho I have unlimited, I dislike taking advantage of the site's bandwidth). So, even if you have only a passing interest, and aren't participating, NOW would be the time to grab what you'd like. There have been some major upgrades in just about everything; ships, vehicles, other ground objects, aircraft and the terrain itself However, I will be uploading the Iran/Iraq2003 terrain as a stand-alone mod to the regular /SF2 Terrains downloads. As it's extreamly edited from the stock 1980s Iran/Iraq, and renamed to boot, it will pose no conflict with the pre-existing terrain. I will not be creating new planning maps for it, so just remember on THIS map, Red is Friendly and Blue is Enema. Also, none of the 'modern' ground objects will be included; like the Allied and Iranian AD units, vehicles, ships and etc. So, you've been adivsed! wrench kevin stein
  17. I thought I turned that off .... open the HUDData ini, and switch the comment lines // from.. [Debug] //DisplayDebug=FALSE DisplayDebug=TRUE to [Debug] DisplayDebug=FALSE //DisplayDebug=TRUE one of my many targeting tricks...
  18. don't forget Stary's 'generic' WW2 pit pak too, -- worked pretty good on the Jugs I uploaded a few weeks back
  19. actually, its a BUTTload of unused decals!! it needs some definate trimming ... and that's my fault for not removing some of 'holdthistilitszipped' folders there's also 40-odd megs of maps (onc-g5, onc-h6) that no one seems to have noticed.
  20. the one used on Wolf's D-30?? There should be an OUT file in the folder (there is in mine) iirc, there are 2 Mustang pits floating around ... the older is just called "P-51D_Cockpit" and has a LOD date of 2/13/2003 the one in Wolf's is called "P-51d30pit" and has a LOD date of 10/14/2005 Way back then, it quite possible those functions weren't yet game supported (although the slipball damn well should be!! ) alternatively, there's alway's TKs stock one from ExpPak1
  21. didn't have any problems getting one working for Op Darius (it's in the aircraft zip in that 'virtual nato' thread) ... other than the straightening out the loadouts that were f***ed up beyond belief. Lots of other little 'tweeks', too
  22. Yes, the WoI Expansion pak allows for use of Unicode LODs in 1stGen WoI -ONLY!- --- those sure as hell aren't the loadouts I created for update pak... never used mult-missile racks, as it prolly would never have been wired for them (in Real Life ™). The loads I used came right from the image Gepard posted.
  23. Drdoyo

  24. as I referenced it's need-to-be-had for the Tigershark pak, and some folks are looking for it... where the heck is it??? I searched (yes, sometime even I don't remember where everything is..), and couldn't find it can somebody post/point to the d/l link?? TIA!

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