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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. drop airfield inis into the terrain folder edit _targets ini to accomadate new airfield inis via copy/paste each target area callout of the "new" airbases into the targets ini save and hope for the best (should work with no major problems). there are a couple of issues, mostly the use of multiple areas within the airfield zones. these should be rebuilt to place them into the airfield's target listing, to prevent the 'drives you crazy' target area overlaps (like what I did with Iran/Iraq and many others) exmaple: having seperate AD zones in the region between the runways, when it's a simple matter to just lay the objects down there, as part of the airfield items listing of course, they're all military airfields, and dosen't take into account multiple use (GA/Commerical/Military) as most airports seem to be
  2. they're working fine for me (excepting the usual misses with 9B and Falcons)
  3. you can call the destroyed objects from their various cat through terrain _types and target ini callouts (including destroyed aircraft) i'd suggest either the mustang or skyraider (if prop driven)
  4. albet standard size, these templates may be of some assistance http://combatace.com/files/file/10944-sf2-series-menu-screen-templates/
  5. those are for Polak's tile set i was thinking more of Israel2, SoCal, Libya, some of the WW2 terrains I rebuilt (albeit WoV tiles) -- lots of custom TODs. People actually need to LOOK at things with a clear, descerning eye. ----------------- I'm really wondering what NA will bring to the table, as several posts at 3W seem to hint at LOD and Shader driven terrains, as opposed to what we have now. And how the older will be effected; with luck, 'legacy' reading will still be availalbe (like DX9 is for non-Win7 users) will there be a new editor released? Unknown. Should I start looking for a new job??
  6. moved to the correct Forum, as this is an SF2 series question. and, yes, that link has all the data you need
  7. guys, it's a frakking desert!!!! It ain't supposed to have trees!!! there's buttloads of custom TODs laying around for the stock Desert tiles -- one just has to LOOK for them, hidden in plane site, in various terrains that use the Desert tile set. Take a moment, and think on that ... the answer(s) should be quite obvious (hint -look for my name)
  8. that's why there's only only like 3-5 actual terrain builders; not counting the superb artistry required to create new tiles (like Stary and Brain and most recently JSF_Aggie) Creating acturate, Real World target areas is another thing altogether. So, basically, far less than 10 people, of all the 10s of thousands of End Users are recreating the World, as best we can, given the massive limitations of the engine and the suicide rate, of course
  9. I never had the max file ... maybe drop Marcello (Marcfighters) a line, and see if he still has it. Be nice to fix the flaps and canopy, too!!
  10. Yes since 99.9% of all the modders, and hence all the mods, are being built for SF2
  11. like a Gripen with Swiss markings on it???
  12. what every TE user contemplates ---> :suicide2:
  13. since 2003 for SF, 2005 for WoE/WoV (2 seperate editors) and even before you ask, have you looked in the 1stGen downloads, Utilities? ah, no ... since they're GroundObjects. The TE is something you REALLLLY don't want to get involved with ...
  14. 1) remove the airliner's aircraft folders via a rename or deletion 2) extract ALL airfield inis from relevant terrain cat, and adjust ParkingChance= percentage down 3) Options --> Graphics ---> GroundObjects --> adjust down
  15. if it's done via the "fake pilot" method, it MUST go into the /Pilots folder, in it's own subfolder
  16. which series? I don't recall a Libyan Mirage5 in 1stGEns (maybe WoI??) it'll be in the Objects.Cat use skypat's extractor -you'll find it in the Downloads/Utilities section follow these instructions: http://combatace.com/topic/32706-using-skypats-cat-extraction-tool/
  17. Flight 19

    they'll be back when the Mother Ship lands at Devil's Tower, WY
  18. nice viper!! ------ departing Winnipeg for some bomb practice ps: have I yet mentioned how much I hate these frakking tiles??
  19. my faternal grandmother was, lived somewhere near Warsaw before coming to America interestering in the RIO pit, the A & B scopes for the radar. Since it used either the SCR-720* or AN/APS 4 or 6, those all had combined scopes. This looks like a WW2 Blenheim NF.1!!! *same as P-61
  20. looking good! can't wait for the Cutlas!
  21. there's actually quite a few books out on the Tigercat ... i've had the "Aircraft Monograph" in Czech (vols 1 & 2), the In Action and one on USN/USMC nightfigters for at least 5 years now. All on PDF (in anyone can read it, and wants the Cz books....let me know) one just has to know where to look! Being the Head Prop Head....
  22. shouldn't the question be: "Do Lightnings Dream of Electric Bears?"
  23. here ya go.... since my last post, did this. You'll have to do up you're own serial number decals, however.

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