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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. yeah, right. not with all the jibber jabber and wasted bandwidth with all the unneeded comments (you know who I'm looking at....) to get back on track...here's a REAL screenshot
  2. that was done in The Wingman #6: The Final Storm terrains smaller? how much smaller than they get? again, it's the 'wait and see' game
  3. Only 78?!!!! You're slacking off brother!! The MidWestUSA has 158, and still growing! Panama has 83, and also still being worked on. The I/I2003 has 185 --and that's because I got lazy!
  4. File Name: F-15E, 492nd TFS skin & decal pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 29 November 2011 File Category: F-15 F-15E Strike Eagle, 492nd TFS 48th FW, Lakenheath =For SF2, Any and All (may even work in 1stGens) A simple repaint of the original decals create the 'blue' stipe tail markings for the 492nd of the 48th FW. This'll add another squadron for use however you see fit. While designed with the plane-jane Mud Hun in mind, these can also be used on the F-15E_04 with little or no editing (just let the decals ini work as it's designed) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. to say nothing of all the fraking work I put into it.... oh well, c'est le vie
  6. This is how WW II really happened....

    oh, damn! that's hysterical!!
  7. have you looked in the SF2/Aircraft downloads???? page 32 http://combatace.com/files/file/10443-f-15-super-pack-version-24/ wasn't that hard to find at all!
  8. prolly best to contact YAP customer support directly ... Not having the mod.... without knowing what cat it's calling to, which airfield ini are required, anything would be a worse than useless guess. maybe 8lein will stop in?
  9. F-15E, 492nd TFS skin & decal pak



    F-15E Strike Eagle, 492nd TFS 48th FW, Lakenheath =For SF2, Any and All (may even work in 1stGens) A simple repaint of the original decals create the 'blue' stipe tail markings for the 492nd of the 48th FW. This'll add another squadron for use however you see fit. While designed with the plane-jane Mud Hun in mind, these can also be used on the F-15E_04 with little or no editing (just let the decals ini work as it's designed) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  10. why do you think I put at least 2 in every city I target??
  11. actually, that was very well put. Might be a good time for some folks to dig into their library and pull out "Red Storm Rising". Or checking into USN/NATO/RN doctrine for the North Atlantic. and again, until we actually SEE the planning maps for the new terrain, will we finaly know exactly where on the ocean we'll be working from. Would be nice to see a real GIUK map, but given the 63% 'perversion of scale' (as I call it)... might be difficult to be done properly. Again, it's all wait and see. (btw, the Paran/Dhimar campaign on the Desert map could be construed as fantasy, as it ain't a real place)
  12. like this .... the "Martyr Maker" take one the loudest aircraft, with the most visible exhaust trail, an easily recognizable radar signature (TEWS), paint it the brightest color possible for maximum visibility, and use it to draw enemy aircraft into traps EDIT: new screenie. corrected decal positions, used correct slimers. looks 'more right' now
  13. pity those color charts don't give you the RGB values to create the necessary color chips for the paint palatte. and since when are aircraft sparkling clean and unweathered? might want to check, as has been mentioned several dozen times before, SimmersPaintshop.com for accurate FS color chips with proper RGB values. I can tell you right now what colors you'll need, AND the RGB values: 89,92,78 208,167,121 123,105,78 218,218,218 its a no brainer
  14. if you want, I'll just upload the whole batch, skin and all. basic rule of thumb .... if the airplane is black, you've forgotten to copy over the skin bmps (done that too!)
  15. and using the Ant's IRIAF Phantom skins, and the color picker/eyedroper tool was not an option?
  16. Do fighters really need afterburners to take-off?

    actually, methinks the question should not be 'do fighters need afterburners', but... "Do afterburners need fighters?" ducks and runs..............................
  17. Happy Birthday Erik

    Happy Birthday Erik!!
  18. because they've NEVER been player selectable, not existing in the nations.ini
  19. we're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy ahead of you! why don't you download it and find out??? Lots of surprises hidden in plane sight! ps: this is a screenshots thread, NOT a comment thread; that would be the 'Let's Start a Virtual NATO' Thread below
  20. you need the most recent ini from the latest build cat files. YOu'll have edit the hardpoints to either remove the 'addon' tanks or comment out the node names for the built-into-the-aircraft lod tanks. To be also checking the loadout ini, too! had to do the same thing with the Oz Mirage and the 'what if' F-114 Mirage.

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