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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. and maybe adjust the userlist!! thanks!
  2. View File F-20B Tigershark, Quickie Skin/Decal Tweek Pak F-20B Tigershark Quickie Skin & Decal UPgrade Pak for SF2 =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*) *Note: at minimum, you =MUST= have SF2:E, as the decals ini makes references/callout pointers to the stock F-15A serials. If you don't meet these minimium criteria, don't D/L this, as you wont be able to use it* Just a quickie pak with slightly modified skin bmps and decal pointers to use stock in-game decals for Veltro2k's F-20B Tigershark. You =MUST= have the F-20B to apply this pak to; it's just a skin, a few decals and a couple of inis for said skin and decals. It's a rather generic skin, with tail code markings for the 56th FW, at Luke AFB, Arizona. The "LF" code is a new decal, as are the intake warnings. The rescue tags are borrowed from somewhere I can't remember (an F-104???). As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things. To make it easier, I'd reccomend (highly!) you unzip this archive first, and read the install instructions BEFORE installing, as without following them, you'll have a conflict. *note: this is the correct tail code; the one shown in the "What if..." screenshots thread was not* Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 11/13/2011 Category What If Skins  
  3. the standard F-20 has 10 skin and decal sets, as of last night when I went to bed. A new cockpit, minor FM tweeks, loadout tweeks (many nation/year specific) and asssorted goodies see the 'what if screenshots' forum for pics
  4. i been doing layered defenses for years ...all the way back to ATF/FA. Soviet style, no less! The mission builder in ATF/FA had a switch to turn on radar ranges, so it was super easy to have overlapping 'rings of steel' must be my Russian ancestry!!
  5. ok, was unable to upload the 854 meg single zip .... gave up after 2 hours of waiting. so, tommorrow, I"ll be putting up the various and sundry bits in 4 parts, more or less. The objects (expecially the aircraft and GOs) will still be a little on the large side, but shouldn't choke somewhere in the pipeline. stand by for action!!
  6. USMC to buy UK Harriers

    dtm, you should SERIOUSLY upload that!
  7. that runway's not centered ..... ducks and runs............................. superbly done gerwin!!!
  8. there is an AircraftObject.ini in the /objects folder or someplace, rename or delete it. known issue with pre-08 games
  9. Version


    F-20B Tigershark Quickie Skin & Decal UPgrade Pak for SF2 =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*) *Note: at minimum, you =MUST= have SF2:E, as the decals ini makes references/callout pointers to the stock F-15A serials. If you don't meet these minimium criteria, don't D/L this, as you wont be able to use it* Just a quickie pak with slightly modified skin bmps and decal pointers to use stock in-game decals for Veltro2k's F-20B Tigershark. You =MUST= have the F-20B to apply this pak to; it's just a skin, a few decals and a couple of inis for said skin and decals. It's a rather generic skin, with tail code markings for the 56th FW, at Luke AFB, Arizona. The "LF" code is a new decal, as are the intake warnings. The rescue tags are borrowed from somewhere I can't remember (an F-104???). As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things. To make it easier, I'd reccomend (highly!) you unzip this archive first, and read the install instructions BEFORE installing, as without following them, you'll have a conflict. *note: this is the correct tail code; the one shown in the "What if..." screenshots thread was not* Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  10. you can also download the old WoVSqmd (its a 1stGen Mission builder). It read the targets ini, and shows all objects. it also gives x/y coordinates, so you can plot movement routes (this is how I do it for truck, ship an GA routes) you can install the folder directly into any sf2 mods folder, but you should rename the .exe to match (ie: SF2SQMD.exe). It is NOT good for placing targets, as it can't/dosent see the TODs, which is vitally important in placing the target object buildings and such use only planningmap1, as the others will be too large to fit the screen, but you can zoom in quite close (<1km) see below for examples of zoom levels. the 'square' box is my generic army base, with all items showing
  11. yes, but does it work??? made 6 of the damn things one day, and only got one to actually allow ships. I just can't seem to get the color pallet right!!!
  12. this may be of some help.... http://military-machine.blogspot.com/2009/09/postwar-military-aircraft-07.html
  13. yeah, pretty much. It's built with a PTO install in mind. In particular, mid/late 1944, with the southern islands in Allied hands and Luzon and points north in Japanese hands.
  14. ooppps...right! my time sense must've been a bit "skewed" when I wrote that!
  15. infinity value??? I wonder if that works.... the entries would/might be something like this?? [TargetType001] Name=barrack1 FullName=Barrack ModelName=barrack1.lod TargetType=ARMY_BASE ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=20 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=10.0 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=99.9999 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=8000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=MediumShortStructureCollapse DestroyedModel=barrack1_destroyed SecondaryChance=100 SecondaryEffect=SmallExplosionEffect nobody's ever experimentated with that, to my knowledge. Brother Sidd may be on to something here!!!
  16. i'd acutally started a Paki skin about 3 years ago; never finixhed it. the main gear tires are mapped to the upper left corner of the wingsupper.bmp tail gear is mapped to the tail2.bmp
  17. it's a ww2 terrrain ... and therefore NOT compliant with "modern" jets (runways are wwwwwaaaaaaay to small)
  18. Towards the Unknown

    been about 15 years since it was aired. One of my favs! actually, the Gilbert XF-120 was the XB-51; historically, it was to replace the Martin-built Canberras don't forget the quickie view of the XF-92 at the opening where Lloyd Nolan crashes in front of Holden's car for futher reading (and cool behind-the-scenes stuff) http://www.bellx-2.com/index.html
  19. departing Luke for Range time (quickie decaling)
  20. you know how much work that acutally entails???? Just to do that, the TerrainEngineer would need the exact coordinates (the x/y from the debugged huddata ini display), the edit each line of the targets ini, to remove/replace them with a 'destroyed model' (destroyed models are easy -- but would require adding ALL the named destroyed objects into the _types ini), then upload the new _targets.ini -- for each and every mission perfomed! NOt something I'd want to do!
  21. Last Post...

  22. ive been studying those painting intensley (that guy does GREAT work!!) ... I can do the solid green Kahu-type, but can't quite figure out the mapping for the 3-tone. you can see my mid-body slimer is in a slightly different place ... was eaiser. the nose one I prolly won't add (i've got decals sitting there for various contries)

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