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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. yes, indeed the hangar screens are working again! Speaking as the guy that's made over 500 of the cursed things.. Thank You Very Much TK!!!!!
  2. if you've got SFP1, the original 1stGen version at the 08 patch level, you can copy/paste that into the /Terrains folder of any SF2 mods folder. (provided you don't have SF2, obvously!) You will, however, have to extract the Desert_data.ini and make some pretty easy changes to add the SF2 DX10 shaders and a couple other small tweeks. you need help with it Ed, gimme a shout!
  3. same thing ... you're missing whatever is being called for that uses a "fake pilot" OTH, that dude could come in handy for watching out for bandits sneaking up from under...
  4. it's Mannie's birthday

    woot! I must add my own mazel tov too!! happy birthday!!!
  5. squadron leaders have 2 stripes flight leaders have 1 stripe 'regular dudes' don't get one -- it REALLY does look good, don't it!!
  6. export variants: http://combatace.com/files/file/12023-mirage-2000b-export-vol-1/ 2000D http://combatace.com/files/file/11811-mirage-2000d-for-sf2/ 2000N http://combatace.com/files/file/11810-mirage-2000n-for-sf2/ AdA 2000B http://combatace.com/files/file/11770-mirage-2000b-ada/
  7. kesselbrut's invaders should in the 1stGen DL section....
  8. like this? WA is a seperat decal, as is the serial (ok, borrowed from the stock A10! Hello, my name is Kevin, and I'm a decal cheater) here's the Football City AF, from "The Wingman" series. Should've gone here, as it's a WhatIF -- voilated site forum policy by posting it in the regular screenshot thread!
  9. 10th TFS Tigershark... edited post: this is the repaint, with F-15 style coloring/pattern
  10. it needs a ROCAF skin!!! (expeically after I get done rebuilding the Formosa terrain....)
  11. clone or duplicate the station? have it just mount that specific, and edit the loadout ini for a nation specific lodout (you know all about that!)
  12. shoot ... by the title, I thought it was refering to the Kama Sutra or some Swedish Sex Manual!! you're missing whatever is 'called out' for a FakePilot. Re-read the instll instructions, and see what you missed you're alos missing the seat and the 'regular' pilot figure
  13. Version


    EAF MiG-17F Fresco-C Fighter-Bomber Mod =For SF2, Any and All - Reccomended for Use in SF2:I= This is a revamping of my 2008 releade of the same aircraft, now updated/tweeked/fiddled with for SF2*. As such, it is my not-so-humble attempt to duplicate the fighter-bomber modifications the EAF performed on their MiG-17's during the 6 Day War. *meaning....I'd forgotten I was doing it and stumbled across it 'hidden' in SF2I!* Inis have been adjusted to make use of various and sundry imporvement since the initial release. This is a complete package, with weapons*, skins, cockpit (Ordway's Fresco pit). Markings make use of all stock in-game decals. The only thing =NOT=included is the Fresco's LOD, as it's pretty much available in ALL versions of SF2. Loadouts have been 'adjusted', using the new 'change by year' feature, to discontinue use of the Sakr pak, and return to standard UB series rocket pods around 1975. The data ini (ie: Flight Model) is fully updated to the latest patch level (Oct 2011 -not the betas) *weapons included are the Sakr rocket rack and pylon set. It uses the S-5 57mm rocket that should be stock in all installs. The FAB-100 may require the GunnyPak* As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  14. what about just moving the 'drop out' hole in the dispenser to center of the SUU's lod, and let the AI treat it as multiple bombs? (ie: trick it) might have to change the dispenser from rocketpod to MER or something
  15. well, since serials are all 6 digt, with the first number not shown (*)73090, those could be for FY 1987...<grin>
  16. alfie: i'll add the saudi's to the new userlist! aaron: sommat like this? (using stock serials until I make some ... year tag is wrong)
  17. spectre, look in the regular screenshot thread... (looks like the stock Lightning F.53 decals) i'm reworking a LOT of it right now ... different (stock) cockpit, and lots and lots of little tweeks. new AF decals comeing ...just need to figure out which tailcodes to use
  18. I better start a new topic

    i'll add my own dumb question: what operating system? where is the FirstEAgles folder located? (assuming FE1) these are IMPORTANT!
  19. Dude, the WoI version has been availalbe since 2008 ... this is just the SF2 re-mod. Coming as soon as it gets approved. (there's a software glitch when I approve my own files ... so I let the other Staffers do it for me)
  20. sound like the problem I was having (note my posts in the releae announcement thread) i fixed my problem by just downloading the latest version of 7z; sorted that right out!
  21. Popular AVIATION movies you've watched and liked!

    Not actally about the KC=135/B-52 crash, but a bomber goes down off a Greek or Italian island, iirc. The 2-man cres wanders around the island (one in his underwear) getting into all kinds of mischief. I remember the water gets contaminated, somehow or another "The Day The Fish Came Out"

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