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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ah, no. you'd need to start with a completly NEW terrain, covering that area.
  2. it's Formosa, with the old tileset. Haven't installed your new one yet. Would LOVE "clear" airbase tiles. Map needs a LOT of work, targeting-wise. Really don't want to build a new TE just for that, and do retiling ... one never knows when to stop!! -- on a related topic; at least relavent to THIS forum... while redong one of the airbases, and checking during a 'standard' mission, found this flock of blackbirds parked all over my ramp! Sure gets crowded fast!
  3. those are part of the Chinook's lod; offloaded cargo also, a lot of the airfield objects rcently released (iirc, sundowners), the lods are unicode and 'invixible' to 1stGens.
  4. File Name: Desert Terrain Movement Ini Fix-It Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 04 November 2011 File Category: Full Terrains Desert Movements Ini Expansion =For SF2, Any and All (with access to the Desert Terrain) *Note: will even work in SFP1 Original, if the ini is saved back to ANSI* So, you've made all the MiGs, Sukhois and other Red Birds ™ flyable... So, you're playing on the Desert terrain, and want to go out and find some vehicle or ship convoys to shoot up... So, you start the mission... and find out YOU CAN'T!!! Is that what's bothering you, bunkie??? Well, never fear! Stop your worrying!! Because this little 'fixit pak' will bring back the joys of flying the Red Side, on the Original SF2 Desert Terrain ™, by allowing you to do so! Just for you, we've added 14 new Truck Routes for your Truck-Busting pleasure. And, at no extra cost to you -but at great expense to us-, 4 Brand New Shipping Routes!! All included at one low price!! Why, we've even taken the time and effort to add one or two for the Blue Side ™ as well! Because we like to be fair! This package is guaranteed to give you several hours of Flying Fun ™, or your money back! (subject to limitations of time, distance, aircraft and munitions used, and general stufflikethatthere. Limited warranty exipres 5 seconds after downloading. Local, Federal and International Sales taxes apply. Shipping and Handling extra.) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  5. why, yes. Yes I have. Takes about a day to plot, write to the ini, and test each one, but it's one the list of "ToDos"
  6. Version


    Consolidated B-24J, Indian Air Force ver.2 For SF2, Full-5 Merged (with Expansion Pak 1 Reccomended, for bombs) This is Version 2.0 of Pasko's B-24J "Liberator", to recreate those as rebuilt for use by the Indian Air Force. Designed for use with in India/Pakistan stand-alone install. This version is designed to REPLACE the version originally released in 2011 for the Indo-Pak mod. A brand new skin, in jpg format, from my (finally!) completed Home Grown template ™. The decals are 100% historically accurate for the serial numbers. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Flight model, while somewhat tweeked by me is "OK", for a heavy bomber. However it NEEDS to be completly gone through by an FM Guru, as there are many 'issues'. It is NOT advised that is be used by the player, but to let the AI control it. Some data ini tweeks remove some of the guns, and the lower ball turret, and convert it to a surface-search radar dome (ASV), via the FakePilot method. A new avionics ini is included. Be advised, there is NO radar display in the cockpit .. in Real Life ™ this would have been (probably) in the radio compartment, aft of the bomb bays. All lighting positions have been corrected, and where necessary, new ones added to their proper places. The weapons loadout makes use of the stock, Expansion Pak 1 M57 & M64 WW2 era bombs. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Of course, the expected "Notes" section with comments, suggestions, and whatnots. Be in one's own best interest to read them. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein changelog: version 2.0 uploaded 1/10/2013
  7. a little airbase fiddling, on the mainland
  8. How much time have you got???? 98.6% of all aircraft releaed before the 2008 patch will require completly new flight models. OF those released post-2008, a majority of THEM need FM re-tuning. Most will be flyable, to some extent, but not to the 'limits of performance'. campaigns only work for the terrain they're built for If you can only get one, get either SF2 or SF2:E, as many -read most- of the terrains require either the desert or germany terrain cats to reference. Although, there ARE many terrains that need the VNSEA, too. as to useing old, original terrain cats, you'll have to pull the data inis from EACH of them, and make the necessary modifications as outlined in my tutorial on the subjec in the SF2 Knowledge Base. It's doable, and will bring them fairly close to SF2 stock standards.
  9. full-4 merged, with expansion paks 1&2 for me (but exps aren't necessary, due to the 2003 start date of the terrain) at minimum, SF2 to access the Desert.cat for the terrain object/cat pointer. Dave should have left his aircraft folder zip up above somewheres, along with a weapons pak, sounds, effects, my groundobject folder etc and suchlike
  10. in #1 above are you speaking of the actual radar screen, or the RWR display?? Possibly you're convusing TWS (Track-While-Scan) with TEWS (Tactical Early Warning System). Oddly, the SF2 manuel neglets the TEWS altogether... The TEWS symbology displays radar types, as defined in the aircraft ***_RWR.lst (the tgas for them are in one of the flightdata cats, if one wants to extract and study, as well as the lists themselves). There have been some MAJOR upgrades as well, by dtmdragon and whiteboysamauri; for both airborne and ground/sea based threats. btw, the ZPU23 is optically tracked, so there's no display for that. the "Z" is most likely the GunDish on the Zeus-23s
  11. yes, it wouldn't be too hard with repainting parts of the HFD; if one can get it into the TE ... would need the textureset list and such like to retile if needed
  12. well.....the Iranian are still using theirs.... Jon, all the D/Ls are here in these threads*. If you're missing something, let us know *except the Iran/Iraq terrain it's based on -- in the SF2/Terrains/DLs; apply the fixes
  13. Yet ANOTHER Birthday!

    Happy Birthday to ChampionsVA65, my competitor/collaborator/corrector on USN skins!! have a great day dude!!

    best wishes and no hangovers to 2 of our long timers allenjb bobrock gents, many happy returns of the day! Heres a round of each of you on me!! have a great day guys!!
  15. actually, they were the stock desert tiles, with lots added for 'clear spaces' and such. this looks MUCH better; really looks like Nellis!
  16. see nazghuls' thread on the very same issue: http://combatace.com/topic/68554-where-might-be-the-problem/
  17. that's why I keep a set of lods/extracted cats from May2011 around -- even if they take up a decent amount of HD space...it's worth it sometimes!
  18. there's no aircraft data ini included in the pak ... you'll have to cross-check with the Mud Hen's data ini in the cockpit ini: [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=F-15E_Cockpit_Beta Offset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Position=0.0,4.35,1.5 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxYaw=160 MinYaw=-160 MaxPitch=90 MinPitchFront=-48 MinPitchRear=-40 match with aircraft data ini. why it' uploaded in SF1? got no clue;
  19. considering the avionics ini is set up for SF2's fx, I'm suprirsed it works at all. check the cockpitposition; cockpit ini vs data ini ... i'll bet they're not the same. Also, check the data ini for the CockpitCGOffset= line; which is also for SF2 only.
  20. neither do i .. there's nothing on his list that points to 'bulges', 'blisters', or 'boobs! Wonder if they actually might be completly part of the fuselage mesh, and not editable out... nuts .. might have to ask TK or DanW about that one.
  21. ok people .. a VERY large update pak, with buttloads of groundobjects, newly renamed TFD/HFD to create to IR2003 terrain, LOTS and LOTS of terrianobjects (builtin). Some you'll probably have already, but they are included following my almost religious policy of "CYA". 3 CV stations are placed far enough from the 900km line to be operational .. the CVs are there; if that's a issue (not real familiar on how that works), juse edit the IR_Targets.ini to remove them. They're down near the bottom, the last object called out in each one. This will presrve the battlegroup escort ships. With luck, and no major screwups, this'll just about do it. There's a boatload of stuff supplied, a good deal of which is NOT used ... they're just there because I didn't remove the unused items. also, 2 very large, albeit somewhat outdated, maps of the relevant region (1970s era) the important stuff: unzip a always, and drop into the 'NAG' specific installl --DO NOT INSTALL THIS TO THE ORIGINAL IR TERRAIN IF IN A GENERIC INSTALL-- it will f*** it up. If you do, you'll have to d/l the IR terrain over. This 'fix' is designed ONLY for use with the NAG mod. (that's for the slightly less experienced users, not for folks that really know what's going on, and what to do!) after installing the goodies, RENAME the IR terran folder to IR2003. All the inis supplied are done with this in mind; this will create an era/theatre specific terrain, and not conflict with the 1980s IR version (unless it gets screwed up somehow during your installation) wander around -- there have been some major retiling fixes, additions and general fiddling with. (edit: for those wanting a very small update for the 1980s IR terrain, simply rename the IR2003.TFD back to IR.TFD, and drop it into the /IR terrain, allowing the overwrite. It'll just add the retiled areas) let me know what's what.
  22. thanks Florian!!! Been wanting that ... I"ll add it, and have some parked around the army bases!!
  23. I didn't know that! even with the flight engine tweek, to expand borders? I can move one north, right at the green line, if needed...
  24. the gun bulges are called 'Sabrinias' after an actress of the time, that had certain large 'attributes' which lod? FGA9??

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