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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. here's the groundobject folder ... complete. if you've made a seperate install, just allow the overwrite. this one dosen't have any IDF vehicles (tanks and such) alos, on the terrain stuff above, the terrain has a start year of 2003 ... if that's ok; i can easily change it if not. Going for a post-modern/post OIF time frame. Got some more terrain objects from Florian, so expect a terrain update in a day or so. a new IR_water.bmp, i think, may be required...the ones i make don't seem to work for some reason.... just unzip, and drop over the existing GO folder. userlists have been created where needed, some radar data may need tweeking for the EWRs or SAMRadars, but they should all work ok. Some ships/carriers may be missing (Nimitz,LHA, LPD?) guys, DO wander around the terrain ... there's an AWFUL lot of detailing in there
  2. Ok FINALLYY!!! working!! terrain fixes guns ground objects coming ... got to add 3 more
  3. cool icon! ok... here's a bunch of stuff terrain fixes ground object folder guns folder important, some of the radar equiped vehicles/sams/aaa/ducklaunchers NEED the SF2 radar statrement for the TEWS, and most likely new RWR list entries, and tga icons Test EVERyTHING!! many of the AD sites in iraq (well, iran too sometimes!) are set 'generic' (SAMRadar, SAMLauncher, AAA, etc) so expect some radomization let me know of major faults edit;;; damnit!! the site's gone wonky, and won't let me attach/upload anything. frack! I'll try again later tonight
  4. florian: those are already in the GO folder; the'll just need adding to the types ini, and placed. (I don't recognize the fuel truck, though whre's that from?-- but the rovers are there) note; Isreali stuff will be removed before upload screenie of the GO folder *i just realized that "NATO Action Group" spells NAG!!
  5. oh, which brings something elese in question, regarding "details". There's a LOT of port cities (ok, like 3 or 4) in the previously neutral regions. (KWC, Dahrain, Doha, etc) How important is it that they have the same level of population as, say Busher or Um Qsar? I mean, it'll just give the iranians something else to bomb .. and YOU to defend. ANDD....extend the time it'll take me to release and fix... and do we really want the Ikea in Riyadh (yes, there IS one!) Cause I can put it there!!
  6. im working as fast as I can on "fixing' the terrain .. and all the frakking groundobjects; most of wich don't have userlists ... which is VITAL for this theatre. I have the nations/targets converted, and will be uploading them prolly tonight. Along with my GO and guns folders ... cause simply put, there's a lot of s**t missing!! (good thing I have a backedup I/I mods folder from when i was rebuilding the terrain) Also 'upping' the detail level in previously NEUTRAL airbases (the stuff around Saudi/Qater/Bahrain/RA, etc) and adding the AD units. yes the plannning maps will still be reversed for 2 reasons: 1) pretty sure i deleted the original psds I used to make them 2) ain't gonna make new ones ... however, IF i find the psds, i'll redo them, as it's simple changing the color dots.
  7. another bad guy, with (mostly) corrected loadout. Osprey books rule!
  8. um... F-4G WW right here... http://combatace.com/files/file/5545-mirage-factory-f-4g/ split/adjusted loadouts here: http://wrench1smog.com/wrench3.html near the bottom of the page
  9. hangar screens is easy! Now, I just have to find some decent shots...
  10. actually, you forgot one vital step.... 1. Copy and paste your mod folder (for each modded install) to a safe location. 2. Delete old exe's. 3. Copy and rename new .exe's. 4. Run the .exe's once. 5) Go into the game, select Single Mission, and fly one 6. Copy the folders from #1 back into your mod directory, overwriting when asked. selecting and flying a single mission allows all the 'new' file to be built and placed
  11. i'd say yes ... 1) too politically sensitive 2) no where to base them ... Israel is way off the map
  12. the iranian f-4E seems to be missing from the aircraft pak this is the one I did/redid when I redid the iran/iraq map (big file whn unzipped, ant's skins, etc) new sf2 hangar screen, other interesting bits.
  13. for sihts and grins, here's a new main menu screen (of course, you all know I have templates for ALL the menu screens...) if you don't have one, create a /Menu folder (assuming a seperate instll), and save the pic below and name as "mainscreen.jpg" and throw it in there working out details of the targets ini ... everything friendly has to be enemy, everything enemy has to be friendlly, and everything neutral has to friendly (which is why I (re)built the thing with something like this in mind -- although it is/was geared more for a 'Warbirds' scenario
  14. I need a complete list of participating NATO nations ... since the terrran is "limited nations", i need to list all those allowed. how it stands now: [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=Iraq FriendlyNation002=Saudi Arabia FriendlyNation003=Kuwait FriendlyNation004=Bahrain FriendlyNation005=Qatar FriendlyNation006=USAF FriendlyNation007=USMC FriendlyNation008=FRANCE FriendlyNation009=USN FriendlyNation010=WGERMANY FriendlyNation011=RAF FriendlyNation012=ROYALNAVY EnemyNation001=Iran
  15. how is the nations issue being dealt with? meaning, iraq is enemy, iran is friendly and everyone else on the map is neutral?
  16. simple answer is: you can't you'll have to have edited data inis to make it work. there are no provision anywhere in the game engine (dlls, whathave you) for TER RPs as to patching, that's -to be brutely honest- the End User's Problem ™. It takes 2 seconds to back up an ini (data & loadout) by renaming (see my Patching Made Easy threads in the SF2 KB). It takes 30-45 seconds to extract a new one after patching (to check for FM changes). It take 2-3 minutes to copy/paste the RP statements/info into the newly extracted data ini, if needed. Same for the loadout ini. the same can be said for ini tweeks that put LAU-3A RPs on the winder rails -it's a been done thing; i've got a couple floating around somwheres... (albeit only 2). Allowed weight needs to go up, to accomadate the RP, which creates other issues (or duplicate the winder stations as ONLY RP mounts, eliminating one problem.) that's how it is. Unless in the highly unlikely event we get new coding to creates this. Holding my breath, I will not be!
  17. New Guy!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f_p0CgPeyA yes, being sane in a handicap around here!
  18. if the loadout ini is set up correctly, again using the FGR.3 seen above, the differing loadout can be manually selected in the Mission Editor screen
  19. aren't the Canberras and Dakota STOCK aircraft? (well, the C-47 comes with SF2I Expansion 1)
  20. you can, but it's 'funky' as to how it's done (can't seem to find my fictional Phantom FGR.3 that Sundowner and I did....) but this is what you have to do, data ini wise -- plot the postions of EACH of the rocket pods, and fakeout the TER don't know where the curssed thing went.... edit:found it! http://combatace.com/files/file/8499-raf-phantom-fgr-mk3/
  21. File Name: P/F-47D-25 Thunderbolt by Wolf257 - For SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 24 October 2011 File Category: P-47 Republic P-47D-25 Thunderbolt (BubbleTop) by Wolf257 Please note this aircraft mod is released "As Is"; any flaws or faults NOT caused by my ini edits are most likely unfixable and must be lived with (until a replacement model is created by one of our over-worked 3D Gurus). I just want to get this off my hard drive, and have 'those that know' test and experiment with the FM -- it NEEDS more fine tuning (see "Notes" below). This is a complete aircraft,and is designed for Post-World War 2 usage, by the USAF and several Allied airforces; in particular those in Latin America. Included skins are: USAF Post-War Natural Metal, 525th FBS, circa 1946, West Germany; 1º Grupo de Caça, Brazilian AF, WW2 MTO (OD/Gray); 1º Grupo de Caça, FAB, Post-War natural metal (called "FAB2"; reuses some historic decals from the above skin, repainted for NM usage, and all new post-war serials for 25 aircraft -there're still more to be done, if someone wants to!); Escuadrón de Caza, Colombian AF, 1946- the late 50s. 100% accurate serials; "Generic" NM, for anyone else, and can be used as a basis for other countries (Italy, France, RAF, etc) All markings excepting the 2 FAB skins and the FAC post-war with painted-on rudder stripes, are decals. 2 cockpits are included, one is the Mustang-style from the original release, and Stary's 'Generic Late WW2 Cockpit' - which it is set to use right now. You can switch as you wish (Stary's is better, of course). All external lighting is 100% correct for this model. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. It is suggested that you unzip the archive to a temp folder or your desktop to access the entire 'readme' before instilling. Also, give the "Notes" section a read for further information and stuff like that there, illuminating defects, flaws, my goofs, and etc. It should be noted, that as we ONLY have the -25 model, it is incorrect for the units/countries depicted herein. These would/should be later production D models, with the fin filet. We make do with what we have. Good Hunting! wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file

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