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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. there are several posts in several threads on "How To Do That" ™, by me explaining what to do ™ basically, you need to create a partial template from the original skin bmp, with as many layers as necessary, repaint the affected panel and rivet lines (each a seperate layer, then fade down to match), color match the background region, paint over the insignia. Save and boom you're done it's not that hard at all.
  2. Jonathan already asked about that ... I should have one in a day or so! (want to finish the Etendards first!)
  3. Somebody's about to have a VERYYY Bad Day ™
  4. that whole setup dosent even look right .... I see no "Saved Games/Third Wire/ .../ folders at all*. (Assuming Windows 7 - XP you should have a Third Wire folder in the /My Documents) As seen below, in a screenie of my set up. Do 'stock' aircraft work? assuming so, maybe reading some of the post in the SF2 Knowledge Base might be of some assistance http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/ to start with wrench edit: *in the 2nd posted pic; I see it in the first one. The 2nd pic just looks like an unzipped aircraft folders (hope this don't sound too rude but...) Don't forget to read the "readme.txt" that should accompany every download! That has all the install instructions, if the uploader has done his/her/its job
  5. Remember People -and this is VERY IMPORTANT!!!!-- open each of the main inis (A-1H.ini, A-1H_67.ini, A-1J.ini and A-1J_67.ini) and "save as..." x*nameofplane*.ini, because after the installation of the next patch or DLC, they'll all revert BACK to non-flyable AI-only. Then, it's just a simple matter of opening the inis (all of them in turn), and "save as..." back to the original name, withOUT the x Thanks again Dels, for cranking this puppy out!! Some superb little tricks with 'hide nodes'! wrench kevin stein
  6. nearing completion of the Super Etendard, and during CarQuals, notice a new and wonderous glitch.... the damn thing won't catch the arresting wires -- on ANY carrier, stock or 3rdParty. here's the hook statements: (the commented out sections are the originals -they don't work either) [Tailhook] SystemType=ARRESTER_HOOK //MaxDeflection=60.0 MaxDeflection=45.0 Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=1.0 ModelNodeName=Tail_Hook HookArmLength=1.701 //HookArmLength=2.16 AttachmentPosition=0.0,-4.85,-0.572 obviously, it's "carrier ready".... [MissionData] NationName=FrenchNavy ServiceStartYear=1979 ServiceEndYear=2015 AircraftRole=ATTACK AircraftCapability=DAY_AND_NIGHT Availability=RARE Exported=TRUE ExportedStartYear=1981 ExportAvailability=VERY_RARE PrimaryRoles=ANTI_SHIP,STRIKE,SEAD SecondaryRoles=ARMED_RECON,CAS,RECON NormalMissionRadius=850 MaxMissionRadius=1300 Ceiling=13700 MinBaseSize=MEDIUM CarrierBased=TRUE cross-checked against USN birds (from Scooters to Phantoms, incudind the new DLC FN Cruze). Everything look right, but is just keeps missing the wires. Tested on the SCB125, CVA63, CV59, CVAN65, Nimitz -- everything including the (notavalible) Clem -which will catch the Cruze, btw-. anybody have any ideas, cause I'm out of them
  7. good thing I still have ONE remaining 1stGen installl....and Oli included the OUT with the original release in the attached zip, is the OUT
  8. Screenies of the issue might be of some help here...as we're all guessing in the dark If running may 2010, you far behing the curve. Even for single core XP, you should be able to run the Jan 2011 or evan as far up as May2011. first off, try using a different "stock" pit, and see what that looks like. I'd reccomend the F-100, just to experiment with. It that works fine, just use tht one. It's quite possible that the pits are slightly different in mapping (but I don't see TK spending the extra time/money to crete different versions)- There also might be the differences between 1stGens ANSI and the Unicode lods being used int SF2, but this doubtfull as many 1stGEn pits (ok, by 3rdparties) work fine Also, isn't the SF2:E Mysetere IV already flyable? Full merged installs, even with seperate mods folder have everything already accessable as the use ALL the same cat files. In short, you may not be able to port the WoI version over.
  9. that's got it! Baff's tweeks, plus a few other ones lets this puppy trap every time now, just waiting for Sony to approve the use of the 2 skins I got from C6, finish the readme ... and upload they go! (2 versions!) gents, I thank you!
  10. yeah, but look at the date of my original post -2006!! Those were/are DAT models, and as such.....
  11. vampires ... just in time for Halloween, too!!! zombies next???
  12. like i'm the avionics guru!!! nice job!!
  13. i'll hae a look at those .. i know the landingspeed entry isn't even there... thanks guys!
  14. had to 'install' Gepard and Russo's new offshore oil rig... looks great guys!! (santa catalina channel,looking towards Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, SoCal.just about where the real one is)
  15. well, wadda expect from the Hunter9 FM!!! (other wise, it quite nice!!)
  16. this is with the 'new' revamped FM!!
  17. in the SF2 downloads section, under /Objects http://combatace.com/files/file/11993-basic-naval-threat-library-for-rwr-displays/
  18. looks like American NorthWest (ANW) -- it's FULL of deep, winding canyons
  19. well, A-N tail codes are/were Atlantic/Med Fleets ... (M-Z WestPac) try this site? http://www.anft.net/f-14/
  20. The "DefaultFor=" statement must match the mission statement in the aircraft's data ini [strike_LGB_85] Nation=FrenchNavy StartDefaultDate=1985 DefaultFor=Strike Loadout[01].WeaponType=AtlisII Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=BGL400 Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=BGL400 Loadout[05].Quantity=1 [Attack_CBU] Nation=FrenchNavy StartDefaultDate=1979 DefaultFor=CAS,ARMED_RECON Loadout[01].WeaponType=BLG66B Loadout[01].Quantity=2 Loadout[01].RackType=Rack_SUE Loadout[02].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank_SUE Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=Matra-155 Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=Matra-155 Loadout[05].Quantity=1
  21. File Name: Libya Map Tweeks, for 2011 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 October 2011 File Category: Full Terrains Lybia Terrain - 2011 Updates Found this while looking for something else! Way back in March, 2011, when the New Libyan Revolution started, a couple of CombatAce members asked me to add a couple of new cities. In particular, those where the fighting was heaviest at the time - Bin Jawd and Ra's Lanuf. This is the result -- just some very minor tweeks and retiling/retargeting to add these 2 places. No other major changes are in effect. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  22. (nice paraphrasing, huh?) as some of you know, i'm updated/upgrading the old Super Etendard for SF2. Now, 2 of the weapons this aircraft SHOULD be able to carry are the AN-52 free-fall/retarded Nuke and ASMP missile (so says wiki) here's where it all goes south ... adding the weapons, checking the proper format (which should be right, after all, I'm pulling them from the gunnypak!!), years, weights, size, etc. They don't even show on the 'available weapons' list on the left panel. Even when the proper weapons codes are used on the hardpoints (below) -even has them listed on the outer, even tho i'm not sure the AN52 would go there (after all, it's just a really powerfull bomb!) the an52 data: and ASMP data: I can understand the ASMP possibly not loading due to a lenghtlimit, but there ain't one on the hardpoints! The AN52 should have no issues, as it's a bomb (albeit NUC). Looking over other data ini, it seem NO external HPs have lenght limits (phantom or mirage3 for example) this is the strangest damn thing ... had similiar problems when working on the Tonka Pak with Dave (that drove me bats**t crazy) -- weapons that, within their allowable year spans simply do NOT show up and since they don't show up, don't load. Has something gotten weirded out lately that preventing things from working the way it always has? Or am I just blind(er) than usual? TIA!
  23. Version


    Lybia Terrain - 2011 Updates Found this while looking for something else! Way back in March, 2011, when the New Libyan Revolution started, a couple of CombatAce members asked me to add a couple of new cities. In particular, those where the fighting was heaviest at the time - Bin Jawd and Ra's Lanuf. This is the result -- just some very minor tweeks and retiling/retargeting to add these 2 places. No other major changes are in effect. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  24. FE terrains are a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to small for WW2 birds. All the existing WW2 terrains, excepting the EAWEuro work pretty damn well in SF2 Making a stand-alone WW2 install is a piece of cake! (tv reference/pun intended)

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