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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. one of the reasons I keep the pre-May 2011 extracted cats on my HD. Before they were locked. the '(re)moves' statements would be something like: note: stock MiG-21bis data ini, AircraftData section //moves// Component[010]=Move1 Component[011]=Move2 [Move1] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Nose_Odd-Rods_ok DestroyedNodeName=Nose_Odd-Rods DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [Move2] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Tail_Odd-Rods_ok DestroyedNodeName=Tail_Odd-Rods DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE post a screenie if it works, Sandesh!
  2. File Name: Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk Pak for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 August 2011 File Category: A-4 Douglas A4D-1 (A-4A) Skyhawk - For SF2 (Any and All, but Full-4 Merged Prefered*) - *Note: this makes use of the A-4B lods, that are stock in most installs (SF2 & SF2:V).These and the cockpit may not be available in un-mergerd, stand alone SF2:E and most definately not in SF2:I. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged Prefered' tag.* The decal sets are taken from the various 1stGen mods of the A-4A, and where necessary I've redone the skin bits, using SF2 A-4B skins to bring them to SF2 standards. This package included 4 skin and decal sets: VA-43 Challangers (Gitmo, 59) VA-72 Bluehawks (1956) VA-93 Blue Blazers (1956) VMA-224 Bengals (MCAS El Toro, 1957) The VA-72 is my original from (whenever); the others were done by some talented folk I've not be able to ID -- as I lost the original readmes (if any). So, the credit is theirs for those skins/decals. I just edited things to fit. Where needed, created new decals. Decal randomization is set to TRUE, so make sure you're at least at the July 2011 patch level (or whichever one it is...). Data ini edits remove the refueling probe. The inis included herein are the latest, as of the August 2011 patch. All loadouts are stock ala the A-4B. The canopy is activated via manual animation, use Shift/0 to open and close. The landing light has also been added. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Of course, the usual "Notes" section. These will give you a nice mid-1950s collection of USN Light Strike aircraft for use in various "hot spots" of the time period. Catch the 3 Wire! wrench kevin stein NOTE: with the release of the DLC A-4A, this mod became moot. However, the skins and decals can easily be adapted for use on that DLC. Click here to download this file
  3. you can always edit the decals ini where is says InsigniaFusR or L and InsigniaWL or WR, to just Insignia, and that'll work too
  4. so, I says to myself (well, I was actually on the phone with Fubar at the time)... "self, why can't decals be placed on the tank meshes? after all, they're part of the a/c lod" And I had a vague recollection of some mention of this very thing, after SF2 first came out. So, I go and whips out a decal, and here's the result I must say, this was much easier than I thought, AND it opens all sorts of possibilities for Naval Avaition in the Golden Age of Really Cool Paint Jobs ™
  5. Ok, with the release of DLC #9, the A-4A by 3rd wire, you can STILL use this package as intended, but now on this new, and correct LOD. If you wish, and have purchased it. ---------------------------------------------------------- Here's what you need to do: unzip your package to the desktop or somewhere else safe and easy to get to. open EACH skin folder in turn, and rename each and every one of the skin bmps as follows: so... A-4B_Body.bmp ---> A-4A_Body.bmp A-4B_LeftWing.bmp ---> A-4A_LeftWing.bmp A-4B_Nose.bmp ---> A-4A_Nose.bmp A-4B_RIghtWing.bmp ---> A-4A_RightWing.bmp A-4B_Tail.bmp ---> A-4A_Tail.bmp Then, using your image program of choice (PhotoSHop, GIMP, even IrfanView), open each of the newly renamed bmps and "Save As..." to jpg format thusly: A-4A_Body.bmp ---> A-4A_Body.JPG A-4A_LeftWing.bmp ---> A-4A_LeftWing.JPG A-4A_Nose.bmp ---> A-4A_Nose.JPG A-4A_RIghtWing.bmp ---> A-4A_RightWing.JPG A-4A_Tail.bmp ---> A-4A_Tail.JPG Use the largest size possible (should come out around 1.1k) You'll also need to use the 3rdWire Extractor, and open DLC009, and extract these two files: A-4_FUELTANK.JPG A-4_FUELTANK_WINGS.JPG copy and paste them into each of the skin folders Then, in the textureset.inis for VA-43 VA-72 VA-93 add this line: StartDefaultDate=1956 anywhere you want, in the middle, or the bottom should work fine (I put mine just above the DecalRandomization statement) you can do this for VMA-224, if you wish. (EDIT: maybe not, as it uses post-1959 double letters) save each textureset.ini when finished. YOu can leave the /Decals folder intact with no modifications. Unless you really want to dig through the cats and find the VMA-224 tail 'swoop' markings. You can delete the A-4A *** inis that I've supplied, as they're no longer needed. Coppy/Paste, move, however, the folders supplied therein to the appropriate and correct locations. If you've done everything right, it'll work just like it should. any problems, give me a shout! wrench kevin stein
  6. ok, just got mine and converted the recent Pak to this new DLC. I see we finally go the 150 gallon tanks ... wonder if they're availbe for the Skyraiders, too? however, tail markings are wrong for pre-1960s --- meaning, the flashes (excepting the new VMA224 which is much cleaner than the old one) are incorrect for 1956-1959 time frame when the Navy was using single digit letters for the CVW. That's why I always list my source books in the readmes. oh well .. it's worth the 3 buck download .. the hangar screen is MUCH nicer than my crappy clone-stamp job on B's
  7. i've just restickied it. thanks for finding it again Otto!
  8. yes instructions are the same for installing DLCs or Patchs rename the ENTIRE /Objects folde to xObjects folder Run the game, let it rebuild the mods folder run exe for DLC (or patch) Start game, select Single Mission, start mission, look at the scenery for a few seconds, end mission and Exit If having added a DLC, open the /Objects/Aircraft folder and DELETE EVERYTHING AIRCRAFT BUT THE NEWLY CREATED DLC'S FOLDER Rename the previously renamed xObjects foldre BACK to just plane Objects. Allow the overwrite. play and enjoy (covered recently in another thread, and probably posted in the KB, too)
  9. Spinners, is that the new DLC Scooter A, or the one I just did??
  10. I convered mine some time ago ... proll should triple check the data ini against the newest J version... if I can get a blank TPS (tactical paint scheme) skin template set ... it's just a matter of decaling/painting on what's needed for the other squadrons
  11. yup there should be an upgraded version (06 level) somewhere around here, too.
  12. Grider Pirate

    the desert map is stock in SF2 (no suffix letter) keep up the work -- keep flying!
  13. equlivant of the stock E 67, but on the C body w/hump (see screenshots thread)
  14. here's another odd one.... Anti-Submarine Warfare Fighter Squadron 1
  15. everybody sing!!!! oh when The Saints fly overhead... oh when The Saints fly overhead... you don't want to be underrr them, 'cause they'll drop bombs till you're dead....
  16. oh, don't get me wrong ... I'm with you. I really!!!! like the whole DLC idea! The M Scooter is desperatly desired, methinks! And, I"ll almost bet money ($5.99 USD!) one of the next Mirages we see will be the III0 (F and A variants). I seem to remember that TK said one was coming and like jake said .. .why NOT an L model??? (even if only 100 Cs were converted..)
  17. True. But on the bright side, there's now 4 new skin and decal sets that can be applies to it. (with a minimum of work, I'm sure ... just some skin bmp renaming or extraction. As they're all mapped the same -me hopes!) what's next, an A-4L??? And I'm working on SF2-izing that one right now!
  18. you're shi***ing me!!! I just uploaded the cursed A models!!!
  19. i've never believed that was a good idea, expecially for Navy birds ... look at the stock textures for all the Scooter and Rhino ... eveything is done with decals, from the CVW tail colors/codes to Modex numbers (which, obviously need to be done a Level2 decals -mind you, there is a marked lack of FULL proper coding for wings and such) that means that one set of 'base skin' map can be used over and over for different squadrons. Just like I did for the KAW Skyraiders and Panthers. You just change the color band for the squadron designator. OTH, for some that use fues stripes (and in the 1950 there was LOTS of them!) some would need to be painted on the bird. like the VF73 and 211's above
  20. well, then lets get a move-on people!!! even if the mapping is changed, all the decals can be reused!! (yes! I am that lazy!!!)
  21. already available in our handy, dandy downloads section (although they'll probably need some data ini editing to use the new style built-in drop tanks)
  22. you do know that the ww2 EAW Euro terrain is pretty f***ed, when it comes to SF2, right? both visually; there's major tile issues with ALL the transitions (and the internal HFD), to say nothing of the inaccuracy and general lack of proper targeting
  23. Any firearms experts over here?

    you do know the history of the M1911 and the 45ACP ammo, no?? the gun and ammo was designed for one purpose, and one purpose only: to stop PEOPLE. Dead. during the Moro Uprising in the Phillipines in 1905(?), the standard .32 cal revolvers the US Army had would not stop Moro warriors, even when all 6 rounds were put on the target (some of this might be attributed to the drugs they'd use, similiar to modern times with suspects on crack or other "speed-like" stuff) as a man-stopper, it couldn't be beat. But more modern stuff allows for more ammo carriage in the mags (15 on average for 9mm), and better training -always the key- like suhsjake said -- shot placement. A 22 can be as deadly as 50 when placed properly
  24. ArmorDave's SU-17s (and by inference, any made from that original) never had a _Shadow.SHD lod. You'll have to use the 'regular' statement [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=400 and see if that works without any 'tractor beams'

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