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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I've been using the one for Gunny's Ordiance Shop since it came out. Unfortunately, it's an "all in one", and hard to cherry pick the bits needed
  2. Active much, are we??? joined 2015, a whopping total of 2 posts, both of which are just above. The first post was pretty good; 'hey, i need some help, things don't seem to match up" The 2nd post, an hour later, completely different, jumped right in the "attitude well". Uncool, very uncool. and like everyone else said, you'd think somebody else would have said something over the last 13 years, doncha think? How 'bout we try this ...? delete the CL-13 and any/all associated bits from you mods folder. Redownload it, unzip it, READ the readme (if there is one, hopefully there is), check and cross check the included sub-folders (/Objects/****) for missing parts. THEN if something ain't right, give us a shout
  3. excepting we don't have a Kingcobra or Toucan (Ju-52)
  4. yup, caught that right off ... also the use of the SUU-23 gun pod === required screenie, albeit not really a what if as used in "The Hunters"
  5. SayWhat: you never tried ADF-serials.com? (i think that's the right URL, if not, search "ADF Serials"
  6. makes you wish Joe Baugher's site covered Navy/Marine aircraft instead of just USAAC/AAF/AF I'd reccomend Forgotten Jests: http://www.forgottenjets.warbirdsresourcegroup.org/ but he doesn't have anything the EA-6B (just A-6s and EA-6A) still a good place though!
  7. you can see the lod was originally from 2010!!!! I've had it that long!!
  8. I've never written a new ini for a "new and/or renamed exe" since SF2 came out. My specific mods folders all work just fine (MTO, PTO,ETO, Viet48, etc)
  9. those might have been the Insky pirated mods. if so, they're no longer here at CA due to our no-tolerance policy of theft
  10. 1st question is: why would you even want to??? 99.9% of us modders have been breaking our backs (for nearly 20 years) trying to get as much realism into this study sim as possible. to add more to EricJ's answer, you can edit the stock weapons; extract the weaponsdata.ini, place it in the /Objects folder and change the nations. I've never done it personally, as we DO have these fantastic weapons pack available, but it should be doable you'll also have to extract the data and loadout inis for every single aircraft in the game (excepting transports) and change the attachment types nationality and all weapons "to be loaded" for each given mission task in the loadout inis Lots of work for little reward.
  11. Let me get this straight....

    the central USA is starting the next Ice Age, and Mt. Etna is erupting??? I thought that was all supposed to happen LAST year (I had glaciers for December)
  12. What ever you feel most comfortable with, brudda!! ok then! it's up for grabs. It "exists" in game, but not from the ground. It blows up. Air starts only, so one can see what's messed up (a LOT!!) 2 in game screenshots. You can see where stuff is misaligned and internals missing (bulkheads, etc Any modeler interestered? PM me EDIT: maybe this explains the 'blows up on ground" anyone ever see this before? a box surrounding the entire aircraft? nothing in the data ini even points towards this
  13. NASA's Perseverance rover on Mars!

    when the images came in I was disappointed to NOT see the "Earthman Go Home" sign!
  14. I FOUND IT!!!! found the old RB-45C from who ever! Mind you, all I can do in MAX is open a file Ed, if you want it, I'll pass it all along. it's even skined!
  15. the 2nd question is: what terrains? the 3rd question is: why? the 4th answer is: most have already been done (at least the worthwhile ones). Have you checked the downloads section?
  16. Try changing it to the stock M61 sound, and see if it's actually working (it's called Vulcan). If that works, there might be an issue with the wave
  17. using the terrain editor, for starters. It ain't designed for that. you can probably try using the TFD tool, as it shows the entire terrain. DON'T USE ANY OF THE OTHER FUNCTIONS, EXCEPT MAYBE 'GENERATE PLANNING MAP'. if you DO do something wrong, exit without saving and hope the best. otherwise, the TFD & HFD will become "damaged" TFD Tool.7z
  18. don't forget the French built 190s (NC-900 locally). Used post-war by Normandy-Neiman when they returned from Russia. There's even on in the d/l section <cough>
  19. approved and available for you downloading and flying pleasure!
  20. then, that makes me wonder, not only what the hell it's for if not for the N/S E/W scale , but if that might be affecting the vertical height field?? Sometimes I wish TK would just show up and answer the fucking questions!!!
  21. always, Always ALWAYS make sure you text/image in CENTERED. All decal must be square (128x128, 256x256, etc) Also, it's reccomended you read TK decal tutorial (don't tell ya how to make 'em, but how the decal system works) REQUIRED READING' as someone who's made, literally, 10s of thousands of decals.... once you past the first 1000, it's super easy DecalTutorial_11-12-02.zip
  22. I've NEVER had a problem cycling through other targets. From 1stGens to now, that's always been possible. what I have seen, that is utterly fucking stupid, is giving wingmate the "attack ***", they dump their loads immeadeatly. Not even close to the target. Usually only seen on STRIKE, oddly auntie-ship and CAS/Armed Recon seem ok Most important thing to remember people, is between the 2012 and 2013 patches, TK fucked over a lot of the AI routines, because a bunch of whiney cunts were complaind about some of the NA missions having too smart defenses (sea and air). So he dumbed shit down for them (this was all covered on the now closed and missing 3W forums) The game is what it is. Once you accept the given limitations, you can move on

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