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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. when the problem first started after the 08 patch, I just renamed my to xAircraftObject.ini. Im lazy!
  2. are/were the planning maps different from the stock ones?? The stock planning maps are stored in the terrain cats, and easily extracted (and fiddled with, too!) and yes, all the stock terrain maps are the same across both series wrench kevin stein
  3. Moved to a more appropriate Forum, where it can be seen easier PLEASE do not post questions in the Knowledge Base! Its for answers only. thank you!
  4. and Spillone104 too!

    Happy Birthday! wrench kevin stein
  5. did it come with an 'AircraftObject.ini"???? If so, rename it. I'll bet the control/keystroke assignements come back (it's an old fix from when the 08 patch first came out)
  6. there are also other "interestering and unique" ways to get around that issue. Mostly, since 'neutral' airbase cannot be used by enemy forces (ie: the Antung complexs). When the new KAW mod is rleased, you'll see how I did it. Hint: cloning 0 value objects
  7. file removed by owner SHould be availabe at the Dev A-Teams' site. Follow instructions in the "Board and Files Policies" on this first page http://cplengineeringllc_bb.cplengineeringllc.com/Forum/index.php?sid=d13c8446379546f32d69516a4ece53ec
  8. Birthdays!

    Well, look who's another year older!!!!! EricJ EricGen Have a GREAT day my friends!!! (drinks for both of you!) wrench kevin stein
  9. Happy Birthday Stary & squid!

    Happy Birthday Guys!!!! have a GREAT day!! wrench kevin stein
  10. figures.... we leave on vacation Monday. wonder if the non-changing seasons bug is fixed
  11. To get it right, you'd need the VietnamSEA terrain (ie: VietnamSEA.cat, which stores all the terrrain bits). There are a LOT of internal differences; objects that are SEA specific in the stock Vietnam terrain that you won't find anywhere eles. So, yes, you'll need WoV to get it. wrench kevin stein
  12. Cockpit Fixes for Ki-61s that use the Hurricane Pit: This mod will 'hide' several external nods of the aircraft lod (thankfully Capun included the OUT file so we can find it!) Ok, this should fix the SF2ish 'double cockpit issue'. We'll be editating the cockpit ini (I call mine Tony_cockpit.ini, basically just a renamed version of Kesselbrut's Hurri pit, with at Japanese gunsight) What you need to do, open the cockpit ini, and the data ini. You'll be using the EXACT numbers for the pilot's position FROM the data ini, as that is the correct location. So, this is the section in question, with the ided nodes and postions: [CockpitSeat001] HideExternalNode=WindshieldFrame HideExternalNode=Windshield HideExternalNode=CanopyFrame ModelName=HurricanePit Position=0.0000,-0.60,0.85 Offset=0.0,-0.1,0.0 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 while you're in there, you might also want to metricize the gauges (excepting the fuel, which I didn't convert to KGs). You'll have to scroll through the cockpit ini to find them all, thre's not that many. So, these are the things to change: Knots -> KMPH Feet -> Meters FPS -> MPS
  13. the tractor beam is with the new (08+/SF2) shadow statement. It dosen't have a SHD of it own.
  14. Version


    Republic F-84B/C Thunderjet For SF/WoV/WoE and probably WoI This little mod is a tweek to RussoUK's F-84E, with a new lod with the bubble-top non-reinforced canopy. It represents aircraft from the 59st FS, circa 1948. Russo made the new lod for me several years ago, and this has been languishing on my HD for some time; I figured NOW would be a good time to finish it off and release to all you good folks! The new skin, with redrawn panel lines (but no rivets - this was done before I learned how, and wasn't going back to add them!), Serial numbers are accurate, for B and C models. Squadron marking, the yellow color bands, are as close as I could match the few color photos I could find. The auto-speed canopy has been disabled, as this no longer works in WoI (and by inference, when the SF/WoV/WoE patch arrives), but I somehow managed to fool the game engine by assigning it to the arrestor hook; so, the canopy will open when you hit the "H" key. A new WoE-style hangar screen, and a new loading screen are also provided. The loadouts are designed to work with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, but can be used with the Mirage Facrtory Pak. I've suppllied the necessary lods, bmps, inis and instructions for adding the older, WW2 style weapons to the TMF Pak. Also, for both, there is an edited version of Zur's F-86 drop tank, for use with this aircraft. So, get your Weapons Editors warmed up. For whichever version you wish to use, you'll still need to add the fuel tank (see Notes below) It should be noted this is 1of 2 Thunderjet mods I'm releasing; an Historic version, this one, and a "What If..." for WW2: 1946. They are designed to be mutualy exclusive, and are available as seperate aircraft downloads. This Historic version would be a perfect addition to a 'Cold War Gone Hot: 1948' scenario. As is the other for a hypothetical WW2 that runs into 1947, or later. As usual, PLEASE read the enclosed readmes; it'll make your life just that much easier. Etc, and so forth; blah, blah, blah, and so on! Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  15. It supposed to be random, but sometimes that randomization will give the same route several times in a row. Just one of them things, I guess!
  16. File Name: SF2 SA-8/8B "Gekko" SAM, Static Versions File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 15 June 2011 File Category: Ground Object Mods SA-8/8B "Gekko" SAM, Static Versions -- For SF2, Any and All with Access to the original SA-8/8B Mobile SAMs -- As per some discussion in the Forums, this mod adds 2 new SA-8 (both the standard and -8B) as 'Mobile_AAA', thereby allowing them to appear as 'fixed' air defense units around airbases, ports, factories, and other usual suspects. As being two new objects, these will NOT interfere with the 'stock' ones, that come out and play as escorts during Armed Recon missions. Simply put, this adds another level of close-in/short range Air Defense for the Red Side. It uses all stock items (read: standard, 3W missiles). NO LODS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE -- so, you'll probably need at LEAST SF2:E; AFAIK, that's where they first appeared. Of course, a Full-4 Merged Install should have access to the lods. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). This mod was tested in a Full-4 Merged SF2 install, and SF2:E. Your mileage (and PK) may vary. Duck & Cover!! wrench kevin stein **Package Updated to correct wrong SA-8B data ini** Click here to download this file
  17. whatever truck routes are defined in the terrain's movement ini, with whatever vehicles are defined as transport (that SHOULD be random) However, in a stock game, all I've seen are the USTruck, SovietTruck, USFuelTruck and SovietFuelTruck. Unless, of course, you've added vehicles, like the GAZ trucks, or modified other vehicles to make them 'convoyable' wrench kevin stein
  18. I'd guess on the wing, but you can confirm by using the panel finder bmp (it's in the 1stGen downloads somewhere in either skins or templates wrench kevin stein edit: if you can't find it, use this. convert to bmp, and rename to the skin bmps name.
  19. this is the correct data ini for the SA-8B_S unzip and just drop into the SA-8B_S folder, allow the overwrite sorry about that! I'll update the package, too, so new donwloaders get the right one W
  20. File Name: SAAB J29F Tunnan for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 June 2011 File Category: Other SAAB J29F Tunnan for SF2 = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, and/or SF2E -- *Important Note: The main reason for SF2 and/or SF2E, is this aircraft now uses the stock Hunter FGA.9 cockpit. Should be available in all versions, excepting stand-alone SF2V (and even then, possibly when merged, even using the SF2V exe?). In other words ... any SF2 install that has access to the Hunter 9's cockpit parts. --- This is an upgrade/mod of the SAAB J29F Tunnan, as released by Phlerp & Co in either 2004 or 2006 (the lod is dated 2004, and the original readme in dated 2006. Go Figure!) Several small tweeks to the various inis have been done; the cockpit switched to the stock Hunter 9, all skins and decals are setup SF2 style, and all weapons for this aircraft are included. I couldn't positiviely ID the canopy node, so that is NOT working. The weapons are taken from the GunnyPak, so if you have them installed, just allow the overwrite. There are also landing lights.<grin> The destroyed model uses a stock 3rdWire one available in ALL versions, so won't be any issue there (Fresco). The damage textures have been converted to dds format; however the original tgas ARE included. A new SF2-style hangar screen in included. Avionics mods adds a radar-ranging gunsight (weither this is historically accurate??? don't know!). A new Userlist ini is included; with luck I got the years right (or close enough) As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other stuff. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  21. gents, please check the data inis for both Gekkos ... I may have inadvertenly switched the 8 with the 8Bs ... 8B should have 6 missles (thanks to pureblue for bringing this to my attention)
  22. Those willing to create them, please contact me via PM. It's for a terrain mod (obviously!!), and will be the Greatest Easter Eggs of All Time ™. Approx 4-6 different kinds are needed for this one area (well, 2 actually....). They need not be animated or even move (although the movement may become an option, if turned into GroundObjects using existing, modificated vehicle data inis). If available to build/skin them, you must keep it a secret, until the terrain is released. No screenies, not outside discussions, etc. One would be required to be built in a 'group' of individuals (approx 6 bodies) , similiar to the Infantry squad we have. Others would be seperate, and all thereby placeable on the terrain. Destroyed models are a plus, but not really necessary (that will become apparent when WHAT is wanted is revealed). They must also be "scaled to fit" (meaning as close to actual, Real Life ™ size as possible). 100% accuracy in the shape in not a reqiurement -- they just need to look like what they might be. thank you for your attention and interest. wrench kevin stein gahds ... I really, really need to learn 3dMax!!! also...if anyone has lods for construction equipment; road graders, dumptrucks, etc. all we got now is the forklift and and bulldozer. those'll look good just sitting around someplace. just a thought! W
  23. Version


    SA-8/8B "Gekko" SAM, Static Versions -- For SF2, Any and All with Access to the original SA-8/8B Mobile SAMs -- As per some discussion in the Forums, this mod adds 2 new SA-8 (both the standard and -8B) as 'Mobile_AAA', thereby allowing them to appear as 'fixed' air defense units around airbases, ports, factories, and other usual suspects. As being two new objects, these will NOT interfere with the 'stock' ones, that come out and play as escorts during Armed Recon missions. Simply put, this adds another level of close-in/short range Air Defense for the Red Side. It uses all stock items (read: standard, 3W missiles). NO LODS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE -- so, you'll probably need at LEAST SF2:E; AFAIK, that's where they first appeared. Of course, a Full-4 Merged Install should have access to the lods. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). This mod was tested in a Full-4 Merged SF2 install, and SF2:E. Your mileage (and PK) may vary. Duck & Cover!! wrench kevin stein **Package Updated to correct wrong SA-8B data ini**
  24. Known issue, all the way back to the 08 patch. Easy fix: rebuild the weaponsdata ini and weaponsdata dat with the 08 level weapons editor (available somewhere in the /Utilities section of the SF/W0E downloads

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