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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. HOOT!!! yah, now we're talking!! wrench kevin stein
  2. gravational lensing, maybe??? (yes, such a thing DOES exist) wrench kevin stein
  3. That would make sense, as you're pushing the chamber pressures up. notice on the Mustang, there's a manifold pressure line, too. Wonder what the differences are between in-lines and radials (R-2800s to be specific!)
  4. actually, I was thinking Russo's Jug-N!! Mabye Geo's Hellcat and/or the Corsairs (have to check and see if they had it first, off course) edit: monty's 109s!!! MW50!! wrench kevin stein
  5. If u were gonna buy a game where would u buy it

    moved to a more appropriate Forum
  6. Done We now have a Screenshot Thread stickied! Enjoy my brothers! wrench kevin stein
  7. you mean open the canopy? (also assuming the stock 3W ones...) no. no animation slots are left to assign. been there, done that
  8. Birthdays!

    Happy Birthdays to Firehawkordy (who really has forgiven me for putting an Occupation Force SAM battery in his backyard on the SoCal map) and Fatman; whom we haven't seen for a while -another of our dedicated PropHeads ™ Gentlemen; congrats!! wrench kevin stein
  9. experimentating with the new decal number block randomizer, while harrasing enemy aircraft over the Home Islands
  10. also just noticed we're still missing the Mustang drop tanks ... there's the nodes called out, and fueltanktupe= in the data ini, they'e listed in the loadout ini, exist (the parts; bmp, ini) in objectdata001cat, and is listed in the weaponsdata ini. but a no-show on the bird using the old (and I do mean old!) ones, with the node commented out, makes them unjettisonable the WEP is COOL feature!!
  11. It sure does work... Look at my OzMirages ... the NM skins start, and then switch to the camo example: 75 Squadron, NM: [TextureSet] Name=75 Sqdn (Silver) Nation=Australia Squadron=76 Squadron StartDefaultDate=1964 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.600000 75 Squadron, Gray/Green camo: [TextureSet] Name=75 Sqdn Camo Nation=Australia Squadron=75 Squadron StartDefaultDate=1970 Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000 you pick 1969 to fly in, you get NM. YOu pick 1970, it's camo works a charm, as they say
  12. sounds like we needs us the 'magic 8-ball'.
  13. There's never been ANY other crew figures in either Betty (the 2 or 3) since its original release in 2004 .. no waist, topturret or tail gunner, no bombadier or navigator aft of the pilots. The 'figure' (ie: lod) for the tail gunner would have to have been built facing aft, like the USGunner or LuftGunner figures. Or, built into the aircrft lod itself. the issues with the physical placement (or pointing in this case) of the tail gun may be able to be tweeked with data ini edits to to the tailgunner station have it point more aft (but it sure as hell shoots correctly!) I screwed around with that for a long time on the G4M3 mod, before giving up. My personal opinion is, it's an issue internal to the lod. And without ArmorDave and Max files .... well..... btw, G4M2s didn't have waist or nose guns ... those came on the G4M3 Personally, I wouldn't even bother with it ... it shoots, and hits.
  14. have you checked the terrain nations ini??? RCAF, I know for a fact is NOT on the LimitedNations list. RAF is, so the Brits should have no issues with loading things (drop tanks should show up, no matter what). Isn't 56 a bit early for the 9Bs??? Check the weapons data, exportation date wrench kevin stein
  15. credit TK for the original CVW tag; I just painted stuff out! LOOKING GOOD BABEEE!!! wrench kevin stein
  16. this should do it... positioning will be EXACTLY the same here's how it was done extract the decals. open image manulipator program in alpha channel paint Red Ripper crest black in the RGB channel, paint Red Ripper crest black save
  17. ah, the GVG code. Can you getme a better close up? OTH, once the color is established, it's a farily easy job to "paint under the layer" (the alpha) and change the AA colors What SQTail number is it?
  18. try this. see if it's the one you want it's 256x265, adjust decal size accordingly.
  19. you just need to black eagle marking? s**t, that's a nothing bro!! gimme 10 minutes... wrench kevin stein
  20. as for guns, just use the gun package that comes in Gunny's Pak. They're all there. Unless they used the AvHIstroy guns, and even then it's a simple conversion using TKs gun editor. Weapons conversion is bitch... you'll need to move each called for lod to their respective folders, open each lod with a hex editor to find the skin names (the **.bmp) the major PIA is decals conversion .... the simplest, easiets (and it DO entail a s**t-load of work), is copy ALL the aircraft folder -in their entirety!!!!- into the /Decals folder. Then, open each aircraft folder and delete everything in the folder EXCEPT the skin folder. Then, open the skin folder and delete everything EXCEPT the /D subfolder. this keeps the pathways intact in the decals ini. should take a couple hours, depending on how many aircraft you have. (and number of WW2 installs, and it'll need to be done for ALL of them) Terrain conversion to SF2 takes less than 30 seconds. See the KB for my tutorial wrench kevin stein
  21. they almost look like the WW2 500 pounders; too fat for Mk82s (well, to my eyes) wrench kevin stein
  22. they're already set up in the data inis, why would you need to fiddle with it? As for the Vindicator, you mean that craptastic stand-in I built some time ago? in fact, if you get one of my SBD packs (don't remember which one), I even added the correct # of rear MGs (to say nothing of corrected running/formation lights an all sorts of little tweeks
  23. That's the Bridge of the Americas*, and the Port of Balboa, Panama If you look at the cruise ship VERRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYY closely, you can see my mom waving (she's made the Transit) *bridge 'liberated' from pureblue's Anatolia terrain -- the is just superb!!

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