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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Personally, I thinks it's a massive world-wide epidemic of HUA wrench kevin stein
  2. well, one can always do THIS to the Range.ini: [AllowedMissionTypes] FriendlyMissionTypes=STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,ARMED_RECON,RECON EnemyMissionTypes=RECON (assuming this CAS route is added:) [Route009] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Vehicle Depot EndArea=Checkpoint 8 RoutePosition[001]=412670,714040 RoutePosition[002]=414439,711590 RoutePosition[003]=415501,710627 mind you ONLY works on my Range Upgrade. If not, juse edit out (delete) the CAS statement in the above Ships, I'm having a bit of a problem with ... the 'sink' underground. I'll fiddle with more when I get home Sunday night wrench kevin stein
  3. aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh s**t!! YOu mean I left it out??? How the(*&^%$##!!!!! did I miss that? i'll upload it now. Attached below wrench kevin stein
  4. this what you're looking for? have a few more decals to make. Perfect example of what I was saying ... less than 10 minutes work!! (well, I DO cheate, having an exceedingly large stash of Modex numbers ready for use as needed There are some marking on the ver fin, below the yellow box that the Warpaint book isn't telling me what they are. If you all have any pics, or links to some, it'll help wrench kevin stein
  5. don't they have to be called out inside the lod, just like skin bmps??? try this first... convert you damage bmp (or whatever) to tgas, 24bit +8bit alpha (32bit total), call them out as usual (old style) [DamageTexture] DamagedPostFix=_Holes.tga DestroyedPostFix=_Shredded.tga (ignore the _shreded) and see if those work. I've made quite a few damage tgas, and they always seem to work. Mind you, EACH damage tga MUST have the exact same name as EACH skin bmp (I cheat, and create them FROM each skin bmp, so the holes actually match the aircraft parts), and the MUST be in the main folder of the aircraft, whre all the inis and such go wrench kevin stein
  6. Canadair IS correct, if there is no route defined for a mission type, the loadout usually defaults to nothing or sometimes a-a loadout. I can whip out some routes first thing next week, if you want, for CAS and A-S (that IS gonna look a bit odd....just pretend the ship is on railroad tracks or something)
  7. the Nighthawks have been out since ODS was released
  8. that one, my friend, I can't help you with. but, I'd try it. since it ctds already, you really can't loose anything!?
  9. I always type/say what I mean!! Here's a link to the Ra(n)ge Targets Upgrade: http://combatace.com/files/file/6164-modern-range-and-red-range-upgrade/ now, it IS 100% possible to add CAS routes, hell, even a shipping route if one REALLY wishes to suspend disbelief... wrench kevin stein
  10. ALL inis are ok to upload. NO lods are allowed, so folks will need to get the bird themselves from the DAT site, and apply the fix wrench kevin stein
  11. 1stGen Knowlege Base has the information you need; nearly EVERYTHING in there is equally valid in SF2
  12. I uploded the complete USN BuNums from 1920-1985 several years ago. They're in the 1sGen Downloads section, prolly in the Templates/Decals section
  13. I think you need to spend MUCH more time in the Knowledge Base ...what parts do what. Especially the various data ini (aircraft, groundobject, weapons --there's one for each type) Readup on the aircrft data inis.
  14. I second that, EXCELLENT news!! And (belated) congrats on the addition!! wrench kevin stein
  15. An LST and/or APA class vessals? Or early LVTP-5s??? just wondering..... wrench kevin stein
  16. shayad's site is EXTREAMLY thin on some the early IIAF/IRIAF serials (almost nothing at all on the Jugs, T-jets and Sabres) btw, the F-5A/E, F-4D/E and F-14As that are out already have historically correct serials, some even down the TAB they were assigned to final result: spend lots of hours scouring the net. Also, i'd reccomend the following Osprey books: Iranian Phantoms Units Iranian Tomcat Units lists all the serials, also right down the TAB assigned wrench kevin stein
  17. mind you, this is the IrAF F-1EQ, but I had no problems getting the loadouts to work. weapons stations from data ini: Loadout ini:
  18. speaking of FM ... don't forget the US Navy and all the Japanese stuff! (PTO is my theatre of choice, since my father served there) wrench kevin stein
  19. I'd like to found out "How To.." as well. The old SFMap works most of the time, but to create the old style maps, you need to run the exe from inside a 1stGen; absolutely does NOT work from inside SF2 at all. Now, even in 1stGens, every once-in-a-while, it gives a runtime error, and crap out. In essence, we need a new map generator. wrench kevin stein
  20. Well, then I suggest you start work on it, eh?? you'll need 2 islands at opposite ends of the map for the airbaes (one for each side is the minimum game requriement), each one just big enough for a Runway4 -that'll allow large aircraft to operate. Sounds like a good projet for you
  21. I beg to differ on the movements ... there are, yes, NO CAS locations, but there are ARMED_RECON routes. I'd download my Rage Upgrade Pak, as it adds these There's very few terrains around that I havn't "fiddled with" !!!
  22. File Name: P-2H Neptune MLD (Netherlands Naval Air Service) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 April 2011 File Category: Other P-2H "Neptune" RNNAS (MLD) Skin/Decals Pak -- For SF2, Any & All -- This skin and decal pak is for the P-2H Neptune, and recreates aircraft from 320 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service (aka Marine-Luchtvaartdienst or MLD), in the 1970s. Designed for the recently released SF2 upgrade, which can be found here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11914-p-2h-neptune-skinsdecals-and-ini-update-pak/ (yes, shameless self-promotion!) This adds another user's skin, with (hopefully!) historically accurate markings and serials. Another minor tweek, is the canopy glass tga has now been made fully transparant. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. A note about the canopy glass tga is in here too! Happy Hunting! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  23. O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somebody READ the Knowledge Base!! my work is done here.... HR, blessings upon you and all of yours!!
  24. I KNEW you'd read those!! defending London with a single destroyer armed with Metalstorm launchers ... oh, yeah! wrench kevin stein

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