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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. are you missing the IJN/IJAAF/Axis guns from the gundata ini???? IIRC, my WW2 weapons pak should have all of them listed. It's somewhere in the downloads section, under "Weapons Paks" or something like that The US guns are working cause the 30 & 50 cal are stock weapons wrench kevin stein
  2. the OTC map rebuild is over 2/3rds completed ... why not just wait for that one? wrench kevin stein
  3. considering the map is/was for TORCH .... Spain is just there so Gibralter can have a place to be btw, the VietnamSEA tiles would have been MUCH better for use on the Carribiean/Central America region ... (that's what I'm using on the Central America map. Not perfect, but a lot closer than european/germany) wrench kevin stein
  4. so, how about some screenies??? (VF-111 is my favorite Navy Phantom skin, too!) wrench kevin stein
  5. (slaps self in head...) only been staring at that bmp for how many years??? D'oh!!! wrench kevin stein
  6. Auckland and Devonport (in progress) wrench kevin stein
  7. bumpmapped TILES??????? Very interesting.......how does that work?? wrench kevin stein
  8. all being taken care of .. I even split it further into Tasman Sea and Pacific Ocean. City/airport names, etc, spelling corrections being done. Sea levels adjusted, and missing tiles replaced (mostly caused by over use of 3-way transitions -city/rock/grass or grass/city/rock tiles), some areas retiled to fit (Wellington for example), rivers added. Even stripped it of the supplied tiles, and let it pull from the GermanyCE.cat; reduces folder/download size. Like been said before, it's a GREAT first effort -on the terrain itself!!- the mountains are really cool! But (oh! that word!) further development of the targets ini (acurized targting & tiling) is required, and already in the works. The best terrain guy around here is already on it, despite having 3 others well developed, and in the pipeline (Central America, Cuba, MidwestUSA) Tonix, I'd suggest reading my targeting tutorials in the Knowledge Base. And studying GoogleEarth images of region. some screenies are up in the SF2 Forums, in dtmdragons theard about the terrain wrench kevin stein
  9. First off, Welcome Back! 2nd, Please!!! DO NOT POST QUESTION IN THE KNOWLEDGE BASE!!! (thank you!) It's where the answers are. Questions go here, in the regular Forums ™ ------------------- Since I'm not a campaign guy, I can't answer accuratly. But I do know they must be added to the existing campaign ini. I"m sure someone with the right answer will be along shortly! wrench kevin stein
  10. (insert radio/tv advert announcer's voice) "Also available, at no extra charge, in Anti-Flash White and RAF 2-Tone Camo" spinners, don't forget the B-49s on site ... there might be some ini edits and decals you can use (A/R slipwaydoor decal) wrench kevin stein
  11. I must correct myself ... retiling is NOT done. I decieded to go ahead and do some additions. Hope you like rivers*! Also added a couple more cities (right now, just reworking North Island -- south will come after). Swapped out a few airfields ... far too many 1/5/6s are being used, instead of smaller 'aerodromes/airports' -they are also named wrong in the original Targeting, however as I don't have enough time to really do it up right, I need a local volenteer ... how about it Dan? You up to learning?? Might as well recruit the local talent! If not, I can do some very basic targeting, and after Cuba and Central America and American Midwest, go in and really detail it (want to add the Weta Studios, and The Shire!!! btw ... can a 3dguy build me Minas Tirith???) wrench kevin stein *=unfortunately, due to terrain countours, and tilesize issues, cannot add all of them
  12. and, as it's an SF2 lod, make sure you check the Unicode box
  13. converting the terrains is a nothing job (EXCEPTION: the EAW Euro WW2 is totally f***ed, even in 08 and needs rebuilding from the ground up -so to speak) what's really needed are FM guys new models, of course, and the associated skinners, etc. Those can and will appear if decent models and FMs are present. Look at the work ndiki has done (sf2wise) on the spits and Monty's 109! maybe we should open a PropHeads in SF2 .. I"ll ask the admins for one wrench kevin stein
  14. Guess who's birthday it is?

    actually, it's not till tommorrow (is icq screwing up BDs again?) But I'll sure take that milkshake!!! yyyyuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm Thanks guys! wrench kevin stein
  15. Nice pics Gunny! In the same vein ... Mytai's decals adapt quite easily to the new skins (with only 1 small change!) You can easily guess what movie I watching today.... now, where's that soup...???? wrench kevin stein
  16. so, you went and overwrote weeks and weeks of work, on the terrain itself and the targets ini -which is 95% realworld- with the old, inaccurate targets ini and whatever else from the original? Just to play a campaign that's outdated? wow. This gives me lots to think on
  17. small movie help

    assuming you're speaking of feature films... Breaking the Sound Barrier (lots of neat stuff!) No Highway in the Sky (not so much for the Reindeer, but stuff at Farnborough) there's a "Movie Page" on my site, while not updated for several years ..... is/was fairly comprehensive
  18. i share the sentiment, my brothers! but considering what's needed .... i'm so sad.... wrench kevin stein
  19. well, got all the tiling issues fixed (took 8 hours!) ... even made some 'repairs' to wellington (mind you, due to size/scaling issues with the objects, the airport is NOT in it's correct location), the bay inlet looks a little closer to reality just have to move all the airports into the center of the cleared zones, move the city 'targets' to their appropriatly tiled regions... I'm loving that huge volcano at the top of North Island! edit: also generated to real planning maps; not perfect but a lot better then the height map bmp that was being used. wrench kevin stein
  20. or to be using the cat pointer line....
  21. yes, we know. The targetization leaves a lot to be desired (as well as the tiling). Targeting was done via copy/paste, without checking the actual physical locations in-game. It'll get fixed, eventually
  22. check your power supply too ... it's similiar to what happened to me when mine died wrench kevin stein
  23. Dan, try this: copy/paste the infor directly OVER the sections of the data ini ... don't forget (because I'm the High Priest of CYA), to keep a backup of the data ini... right down to the first tile listing (just right on top of it) that should get it working wrench kevin stein

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