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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Don't I know it ... having had several HD crashes. F'ing nighmare to rebuild "quite a few" mods folders good luck, and let us know how it goes!
  2. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    they're too high on the Liberator as well, I never could figure out how to reduce them (I knew someone years ago that flew B-24s in the south pacific, and all other reports always said what a bitch it was to fly, you needed Arnold Schwarzenegger upper body to move the ailerons and elevators)
  3. New Aircraft

    Yeah, that's kind of uncool, and against the site's anti-piracy policy. Please don't do it again. thank you!
  4. there's a whole set of templates available for SF2 in the downloads section (albeit 1024x768 stock size) as to the "outside ccip", did you try just "turning off" the cockpit (ie: no-cockpit view). HUD data always stays up
  5. "parked" only. a shipping route, tho historically accurate, would be impossible due to the cargo ship formations. and as the game reads not real difference between land and sea ... we all know THAT one!! :)
  6. right, because you can't share stock lods and most assuredly cannot share payware mods. (however, if one looks hard enough, you can the 3W Intruder cockpit "someplace else". but I didn't say that on an open forum)
  7. if using Paladrian's MiG pits, they're in spanish (Cabina, avionica, etc) unless they've been renamed, of course. what I'd do at this point, is rename the /Aircraft folder. Just call it xAircraft. Run the game and let it rebuild a STOCK install. Then start re-adding mods from the archive. I can't think of anything else, unless there actually IS a limit on the number of aircraft. I'd say only one person can answer that, and he's pretty much blown off to never-never land. But you can try shooting TK and email, although I doubt there'll be an answer
  9. I knew it had that feature, but have always been too scared to use it!!
  10. and at some point in the future ... Vietnam48 lemme tell ya, the the Delta is a fucking nightmare!! (and don't even get me started on Red River in Hanoi or the port of Haiphong!!!)
  11. Not a frelling clue ... but, if he's enjoying it, who am I to interfere!!
  12. the first thing they taught us in automotive diagnostics: "Common to one or common to all" I would also like to look into the main ini of the STOCK non-flyables (ie: the MiGs and Sus, just pick a 21 and/or 23) I would definately thin that mess out, though It also shows you're one of the few left here at CA that can access and download "products" from the DAT
  13. AIR_AND_GROUND for aircraft gunner doesn't work. Only for ships/vehicles GunnerID is for how many AI gunners for each gun station Min/Max Extension are the hit boxes, similiar to the bounding box as seen in MAX and in the Lod Viewer (also the Hit box itself when making those adjustments for "in the works birds") Armor materials wood glass aluminium steel titanium (don't think "Fabric" is valid, even in in FE) thickness in in mm, of course. IIRC, TK said each one is approx 5x the previous 25mm of wood is equal to 5 mm glass unfortunately, it's not excatly an accurate measurment. even on stock aircraft, the values vary wildly -- look at the F-4E's, vs the Mig-21. It tends to favor Western aircraft, and more so Player Usables As to where this info is archived, there used to be posts about this in the 1stGen KB. I don't know if they're still here; they may have gotten lost over time.
  14. notice the lod viewer window where the texture show up .. blank, nothing listed. as to landing gear, what about the landing system as seen on Moff Gideon's TIE in The Mandelorian**? Wings fold flat at the pylon, and skids drop down (don't know how the game can/will simulate repulsor lifts) ** please note, that's a special version, post-Empire, and somewhat rare
  15. Could you be a little more specific as to WHICH aircraft are missing, and missing from WHERE??? Definately need more to work with here... Missing from the "flyable" dropdown list?? Missing from the Objects/Aircraft folder (which you say is populated by 2000+ folder) I'll be real money the birds that vanished are the stock AI onlys that got rewritten. If that's the case, there's several thread in the KB that tell you how to stop it permanently
  16. well, don't have to worry about control surfaces!! (Thrust Vectoring maybe, according to some sources)
  17. these day, probably smarter to keep the windows closed, mask on and use the internal O2!!!
  18. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    roll rates are WAAAAAY too high!!! also, maybe film the next one at noontime, without clouds. the video was very dark. the plane is looking very good!!
  19. A.M.I. F-104 Starfighter "Storia di un mito"

    Matt, really?? Eastern Med Libya Black Sea (Turkey) only one missing is the Balkans...
  20. will there be a PBR with a Jermry Clarkson figure??? -----------------------------------------------> ducks and runs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  21. Oh, hell yes!!! wish i had more info on her, other than that USAF Transport Planes book!! (decals be easy!!)
  22. I'm sure one of our modelers will step in if i get it "not quite right". you're still going to need 3dsMAX to rebuild it to fit the 3dWire standards; meaning, the exporter for a game usable lod is only available for MAX*. From what I understand, all animations must be checked and reset as needed. Then the UVmap generated for the skin. data and other ini work is next, probably the simplest part *I vaguely remember someone trying to build one for blender, but don't remember what came of it.
  23. Yes, there is. I've been working on that for the last 10 years ... Hence the lines I, and several others, use in the read me "standard animation keystrokes" we're using s/0 for canopy s/9 for wingfolds, as those are the most used. everything else is up for grabs, as most of them serve no real function (seriously, faked night vision? air refueling in a game that doesn't support it???) those 2 are really the only ones that count
  24. the Detail & Scale books might be of help too, they usually list the changes

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