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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. AHA!!!!! I'll go looking for it ... it's needed for Cuba, too!!! (or, can you just shoot it to me???) thanks D!! (the fun part starts, when placing it, and getting the launchers to face their correct headings -more or less!) wrench kevin stein
  2. prolly S-99s (before they ran out of Daimler engines) wrench kevin stein
  3. there isn't one. Fubs made one a year or so ago, but it has Zbuffer issues, and has never been released because of that. wrench kevin stein
  4. See above but, if you insist on commiting suicide... copy/paste the text below into Range_targets.ini, Where *** is the next number in sequence
  5. because there aren't any ... one must make them themselves. Time consuming, but doable. wrench kevin stein
  6. They were left off on purpose. wrench kevin stein
  7. you're tga is either a) too large or b) (and more likely) has a defect in the alpha channel or c) (less likely) more than 3 decals on the mesh a screenshot would be of TREMENDOUS help in nailing down the diagnosis Make sure that 1) your "background" image is square -- ALL decals in 3W sims MUST be square (128/128, 512/512, etc) 2) make sure you have AT MINIMUM a 5 pixel 'clear zone' around the central image 3) make sure you're saving the image as a 32bit tga (24bit + 8bit Alpha) there's several tutorials around here on decal creation ... inculuding TKs original from 2003 ... i don't rememember where exacatly they are, so you'll have to search for them btw, in the all the ObjectCats, you'll find 3 digit "GermanNum***.tga" (albeit it black and only numbering 100-199 -and most likely WEST German...), but those should give you a basic idea for the size/etc for DDR Borts wrench kevin stein
  8. misnamed bmp or misnamed in the LOD. Like Frank said, you'll need a hexeidtor to fix the LOD, or just rename the bmp to match what the LOD calls for wrench kevin stein
  9. parkbrich klein (sp?) from Gepard's Euro/WarPac airfields is a nice flat slab 100x50 meters. (makes a nice helo landing/parking area) HOWEVER ... like the 3 concrete_plattes from The Factory Place, they are a completel "flatobject", and need to be placed ONLY in regions taht are already flat, OR that get flattened via the Terrain Editors "Level Airfield" function and, like PB said, ther's a ZBuffer issue since the last patch that causes some visual oddities.... wrench kevin stein
  10. It's "ASW" (as in American SouthWest -even though, traditionally, that would be more Arizona/New Mexico than SW Texas). Both ASW and India-Pak do NOT make use of limited/allowed mission statments ... something's wrong with aircraft and/or game install. No problems at this end; my stuff gets tested to destruction, and beyond. Maybe a delete/reinstall of the modfolder may be necessary? wrench kevin stein
  11. It uses the same Sabre cockpit we've been using since Zur (the Great and Powerful) released it years ago. The only changes are to the avinoics ini, adding the radar ranging gunsight. (an SF2 only thing). You might have to adjus the landing gear's rolling radi; SF2 seem to read "center of the lod as being lower", making need for some adjustments. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same as it ever was wrench kevin stein
  12. ..............

    . wrench kevin stein
  13. Specificaly, WHICH terrain??? 'Cause as of the 08 patch, and continuing into SF2, you can limit the types of missions flown ON that terrain, regardless of what the aircraft's data ini says Have you looked at the terrains main ini, for the AllowedMissionTypes= statements??? A little more information here would be of great assistence... wrench kevin stein
  14. For TOD objects; trees and buildings, require a higher SolidObject and AlphaObject count (AFAIK) wrench kevin stein
  15. ok, NOW it's clear to me!! Well thought out!!! .. usually, for WhatIfs, one just 'shoehorns' in whatever seems to work, for a given time period. Whereas, the SAN Mirage is loosly based off what the Paki's did to their Mir3s and 5s (using what's already in game due to laziness, although heavily researched on the PAF versions) As the Once (and maybe again Future) King of What If..I couldn't AGREE more!!! "If so-and-so chooses to use this-or-that, how would it be made to work" The very essence of historicaly accurate "What Ifs". My compliments, sir!! wrench kevin stein
  16. [GunData001] TypeName=30MM_GAU8 FullName=30mm GAU-8/A Cannon Caliber=30.000000 ROF=4200.000000 MuzzleVel=1030.000000 AmmoWt=0.360000 WarheadWt=0.036000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=50.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=Gau8FireEffect GunFireSound=Vulcan EffectClassName=x30mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=xTracer.tga TracerSize=0.200000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.018000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE Try that You HAVE, of course, see the videos of real Avengers firing, right??? LOTS of smoke. Personally, I'd leave it alone. But that's me, as kinda like my guns realistic wrench kevin stein
  17. all this radar running around has been taken care of in my aformentioned Panamanian ROSE1 Mirage (albeit, for the 90s - one could easily remove the HUD statements from the avionics ini, and rewrite it for a simplified, pre-HUD style, late 70s maybe; it that's a choice) Y'all are working WAY too hard for a "What Ifer..." (why do you think I use ALL stock, in-game items, right down to the CorsairIIs pit??) wrench kevin stein
  18. look in the SF2/Aircraft downloads section .. I rereleased one a month or two ago. You'll have to move the decals sub-folder BACK into the skin folder, but the back-conversion work should minimal. HOwever, you won't be able to take advantage of the radar-ranging gunsight, as that's an SF2 only thing http://combatace.com/files/file/11593-raaf-cac-sabre-mk32/ wrench kevin stein
  19. and commenting out the GunFireEffect= and TracerTexture= ...would do...???? think about it wrench kevin stein
  20. did you try removing the statements from the guns' data ini??? wrench kevin stein
  21. Or the SF2I Nesher body ... wrench kevin stein
  22. It's good to see you back, Paul!!!! But I'm "concerned" about that sheep in your avatar!! wrench kevin stein
  23. did you add the advanced AI sections to the Flucrumbs data ini?? (the various listing for Dogfight Novice/Experinced/Ace/whatever) AND, I would DEFINATELY add the correct weapons, and reedit the loadout ini. I'll also bet that there's might be something 'off' in the avionics and/or detect systems. But not having it in front of me, I can't say for certain. wrench kevin stein
  24. the creator of the cockpit left the community some years ago. Go for it adding effects to weapons is a simple edit of each weapons' data ini. Look to one that has effects (stock CBU or napalm, for example) to see how they sit wrench kevin stein
  25. a lot of my 'what ifs' were WW2 time frame... Kawasaki Ki-109 "Mike" and the Ki-201 'Night Dragon' wrench kevin stein

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