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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Bf-108 "Taufin" (used in many movies as 'standins' for 109 -- these went after Indy & and his father in "Last Crusade", were used in Von Ryans Express, and countless others, like The Great Escape and 633 Squadron. Yes, I know my 'movie planes') wrench kevin stein
  2. Duh, what version do I have?

    First Eagles, + expansion pak 1, 1stGEn look in the lower right corner, youll see the date, 2008 wrench kevin stein
  3. so, like where is Prof. Lindenbrook & Co????? wrench kevin stein
  4. EXCELLENT!! yes, it'd be the same for all the squadrons in the Wing. Sort of a 'standard of markings' for USAF in the 50s. Fer Example: 100th TFW has 3 squadron (which is usual), 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Each as it's own color, lets just use the 'standards" (ie: RGB ) 1 = red 2 = green 3 = blue W/C's aircraft would have the 3 stipes, one of each color (now, what I"m NOT sure is the order -- meaning, is top red?) S/C of 1st would have a double red, 2nd, double green, 3rd, double blue I'd read somwhere .. and can't seem to find it, that sometimes the Flight Commanders would have a single stripe of the squadron color ... but I wouldn't worry about that. The 'general population' aircraft would have no stripe, but the regular colors on the nose & tail. I'd run into the very same (non)issue when I was doing up all those F-89 skins; which is where I learned of the color stripe combos. Found decals were the way to go at level=2 (if there were enough meshes to allow them, of course) this bird is looking REAL good! TK is gonna be jealous!! wrench kevin stein
  5. remember, ONLY the wing commander would have all 3 stripes on his aircraft. The squadron commander's would have 2 stripes, in the squadron color (like the AdA tail colors) wrench kevin stein
  6. avionics ini would be the same as the 104G; no problems there! wrench kevin stein
  7. veltro once showed off a MikkyDs ... that I was just dying to add!! Of course, there's the "hot dog stand" that does double/tripple duty on several terrains, and the one building I did up as "Deuce's Bar & Grill" on DBS. (the hotdog stand reappears on the mid-west terrain as "St.Louie Ray's BBQ Shack" -right next to the MWRs!) Most definately, a myirad of new ground objects are needed by us TerrainEngineers; from simple buildings to vehicles and all sorts of sundry items. (come to think of it, one could modd the SovietCommandVehicle, as it's nice an boxy, into a 'mobile canteen' -- I turned it into an ambulance for WW2 and Korea -suitably reskinned with a Red Cross) wrench kevin stein
  8. KM everything (measurementwise) is these games is metric wrench kevin stein
  9. It's also HIGHLY reccomended that a new user NOT start adding mods until they get familiar with the game system itself; how the file and folder structures are set up, how things work in a complete 'stock', unmodded game, etc and so forth. Otherwise, we just keep answering the same things over and over and over again, that are already covered in BOTH Knowledge Bases (and a LOT of data in the Original Series (SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI) is 99.999999999999% usable in the SF2 series. My advice; read BOTH Knowledge Bases, get intimately familiar with the system, and after a couple of months, start adding mods. This way, seems to work the best wrench kevin stein
  10. I sent carlo the Aerofax & Aircam books on pdf ... see if he can send them to you. I also have the 'Profile' series, #94. It's not too helpful, but has serial numbers wrench kevin stein
  11. There are not just 1, but 2 upgrades for Gepards Formosa for SF2, in just targeting alone ... Stary's done a very cool retile set. Like most terrains, it's self-contained; the airfield supplied work just fine. Are there still some 'tsunami' issues at the sea/land interface on the island of Taiwan? Sure, in a few places where nobody would go. But overall, it's just fine. (could stand some more targeting, like factories, and increased detials to cities and other military installations...but that's not a real issue) One should check out what's available before making blanket statements that don't apply to NextGen terrains & other mods. wrench kevin stein
  12. Safe to assume you have the "bailingout pilots mod" installed, yes? wrench kevin stein
  13. That's what HUDDataini Debug=TRUE is for wrench kevin stein
  14. That would have been my suggestion .. no ammo, no shooty! umm...KS-19s are STATIC_AAA. they're fixed emplacments Also, if stayng as a standard GroundObject, you might want to change the NationName= to Range (if using JSF_Aggie's nations ini), exported=FALSE (so it won't show anywhere else. This assumes, of course, a NEW GO, specific ONLY to the RANGE, and NOT for use on all other terrains (cause the game engine WILL place them on regular maps) or.... drop the lods, inis, skin bmps DIRECTLY into the terrain folder, list it in the types ini as (F is for FAKE) [TargetType***] Name=KS19F FullName=KS-19 100mm AA TargetType=STATIC_AAA ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=50 UseGroundObject=FALSE RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=8000.0 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion DestroyedModel=sa-2_launcher_destroyed.LOD SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryChance=100 then place as anyother Terrai Object wrench kevin stein
  15. HOOOOT!!! Glad to be help! (and thanks to Raven and Champ for pointing me the right way) wrench kevin stein
  16. Happy Birthday bobrock & allenjb42 !

    All right!!! More folks getting older!!! Have a great day, BOTH of you! That's an order!! wrench kevin stein
  17. intake_door_R intake_door_L intake_door_edge_L intake_door_edge_R maybe? (bypass air vent doors or whatever?) those are all I could find that might be related to (something) not associated with the landing gears. They don't seem listed in the data ini at all (as anything contoled, let alone automatic_aerodynamic_load or whatvever) on a side note, the r/l spoilers are called out in the data in (as roll_control devices w the ailerons), but there's no meshes for them. wrench kevin stein (with thanks to Champ for lighting bulb over my head -those hints pointed the way, me hopes)
  18. it's not fuselage_p??? (like the nose ID tag?) or nose? I looked into the lod, and there's only nose and fuselage_p (nice looking skin, btw!) wrench kevin stein
  19. ah, yes the famous beached cargo ship.... I thought that was a nice touch when I added it. I almost added a shipping route, so it would sail in circles around the inner target area. I still can, if anyone wants me to... wrench kevin stein
  20. and check out this thread over at 3rdWire: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7966 that pretty much sums it up wrench kevin stein
  21. re: French F-84F .. don't forget there's a whole bunch of them in the Suez56 mod, too.!!! (albeit 'time frame' specific) Juls bird looks like some kind of SuperSuperTiger (F11F). I LIKES it!! wrench kevin stein

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