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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Living in Europe...

    I find the thread most educational!! wrench kevin stein
  2. Midway class CVs are no longer available here. IIRC, they were pulled by the DAT. However, it should still be available from their site wrench kevin stein
  3. Who has time to play-fly?? Got too many projects in the pipe to fritter the time on stuff like that (if'n you all want the playgrounds for your fancy toys! ) wrench kevin stein
  4. That IS the stock Eagle cockpit.... the placment of the radar scope, RWR, and twin engine annunciators is a dead give-away wrench kevin stein
  5. Although this thread hasn't been updated for some time (like a year or more), it's listing of "What Available" http://combatace.com/topic/21870-the-mods-thread-a-listing-of-whats-available/ Perhaps, if I may be so bold to reccomend, browsing our ever convient (and ever ignored) Knowledge Base is a REALLY good place to begin, for those New To 3rd Wire Sim Series. wrench kevin stein
  6. Some FE2 action, in an "undisclosed location" (comming soon to a download near you) wrench kevin stein
  7. The worst movie ever

    so, the consensus is .... wait 3 months, and it'll be on cable?? damn...and I wanted to see LA get stomped again!!! Thats the best sequence in 2012 .. the destruction of Los Angeles (I can even see where I live fall in the Hellish Pit! In fact, when Our Heros ™ depart SM airport, they fly right over my house (well, where it would have been, had it not been sucked down into the earth....) wrench kevin stein
  8. Missing object cats, or incomplete object cats. This happens a lot with, well there's no polite way to say this... pirated copies. Unfortunately without a full version of the game, the items will still be missing. Sorry, friend! wrench kevin stein
  9. Are you sure they're decals? Lot's of skins have their marking painted directly ON the skin bmps, and if the skin is lo-rez, they WILL be blurry. Screenies would be a big help, as would knowing exactly which skins for what aircraft, ya know? wrench keving stein
  10. on the recently uploaded Neiuports. Looks kinda funny with a muzzle flash and no weapon! Where can one find the missing lod? wrench kevin stein edit: never mind! I found them ... damn things for some reason wound up in the /Guns folder! (most likely by me mis-copying them!)
  11. Is any particular terrain associated with the glitch? Is the LimitedNations=TRUE statement active on said terrain(s) (extraction of the main terrain ini may be necessary to confirm/deny this) Of the above listed aircraft, assuming 3rdParty addons, have they're decals inis and textureset inis been brought up to FE2 standard nomenclature? Do the aformentioned aircraft have the proper NationName, as stated in the game's Nations.ini? What are the operational years flying does this glitch occur? Do the Service start and end years fall within the allowable year spread of the game? Are these aircraft set to Exported=TRUE, and if so, do the exported years fall within the allowable year spread of the game? Also, can you post a screenshot of the "offending" insignia as they appear on the wrong sides aircraft? wrench kevin stein
  12. .INI Tweaks and Changes

    As posted in the Release Announcement Thread for the Nieuport Pak, fixes for the Lewis Guns A quickie note on the loadouts, for all these Nieuports. Sometimes, you may notice the 'external model' of the wing-mounted Lewis guns is missing. There is a glitch in the data ini, where the Left and RightWingRocketRails are assigned mis-matched grouping (they should BOTH be StationGroupID=2 This will remove the mix-up chance, as the the LeftWRR was taged with the GroupID=1; the same as the wingmounted Lewis guns, which is assigned as StationGroupID=1 Adjust your data ini's accordingly. Also, open and check ALL the loadout inis, and make sure the lewis01 is set to I caught a couple that had typos, saying 01 instead of 11. Do this for all them, and that should take care of that wrench kevin stein
  13. A quickie note on the loadouts, for all these Nieuports. Sometimes, you may notice the 'external model' of the wing-mounted Lewis guns is missing. There is a glitch in the data ini, where the Left and RightWingRocketRails are assigned mis-matched grouping (they should BOTH be StationGroupID=2 This will remove the mix-up chance, as the the LeftWRR was taged with the GroupID=1; the same as the wingmounted Lewis guns, which is assigned as StationGroupID=1 Adjust your data ini's accordingly. Also, open and check ALL the loadout inis, and make sure the lewis01 is set to I caught a couple that had typos, saying 01 instead of 11. Do this for all them, and that should take care of that wrench kevin stein
  14. Missing Lewis gun ...

    All fixed ... like I said above, some dummy (who will remain nameless ) put them in wrong folder when installed the new pak christian59 uploaded. He has been suitable punished all is well wrench kevin stein
  15. and make double damn sure the game is NOT installed to C/Program Files(x86)/whateverthegamenameis but to the ROOT of C. exmaple: C:\Wings Over Europe Otherwise, you won't be able to add anything too it. wrench kevin stein
  16. FilenameFormat=

    look to the NationName= the skin's textureset.ini also, check the drop down Nationality selector on the Single Mission page, you can change it from there wrench kevin stein
  17. if you fly far enough south on the GErmanyCE map, you'll see them wrench kevin stein
  18. Hey, Spinners, since when do you do historic skins?? (RAF Germany, Sabres) wrench kevin stein
  19. I was gonna say "don't pull so hard on your stick" wrench kevin stein
  20. Oh man, Otto! You just gave away my favorite fishing spot!!! you ain't seen nothing yet... now, if the damn expansion pak would come out (so we can see how FMs get changed), and our new birds finished.... wrench kevin stein
  21. looks like it's time for some computer classes... right/click, a popup pops-up and one of the selections is "delete". left click to highlight, then use the "delete" button on your keyboard
  22. Um.... all of them?? (but, it should be noted my opinion is slightly colored....) You want mountains, you can't go wrong with the 4-seasoned ANW, and DBS. Libya has some nice ones, too (although the biggest one is on Sicily) Or the Himalays... The choice be yours wrench kevin stein
  23. checking out the harbor defenses... wrench kevin stein
  24. or a collison box issue wrench kevin stein

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