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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. it's a good thing your 3000 miles from me ... otherwise, I'd expect you at my door ready to kick my ass!!! wrench kevin stein
  2. remember, if it was made for SF/Wo*, it might not work on the SF2 Phantoms, as the mapping has been changed wrench kevin stein
  3. Aren't the FW already available, vis mods of Wolfs originals (as I seem to remember DOING most of them)??? A Firefly 1 would be perfect on the WW2 Okinawa map... WEll, if we're going to inudate Ed with with work... Hurricanes Spitfires (all marks) Beaufighter Blenheim He-111s Ju-88 Do-17 Bf-110s Me-262 Ju-52 P-40s (E and later) A5M B5N B6N D4Y Ki-45s Ki-61s Re2000 Re2001 Re2002 Mc-200 Mc-202 Mc-205 SM-79 A-20 B-25 (all variants) B-17E/F/G F2A/B-339 and more that I can't think of right now.... wrench kevin stein
  4. Don't know .. I been using the F-4B pit on it since the original release! (twin engine annunicator panels, etc) wrench kevin stein
  5. slow loading times can be caused by the shear number of ojbects -- believe me I KNOW!!! When workingin the TE, make sure you've zoomed up to the max 3200 .. and even that isn't a hight enough zoom factor. another thing to do is cheat, like I do! For some of the tiles, where it's hard to see which way their pointing, paint a line along the transition edge (for say, like the city2Farm, or any of the 75 corner tiles, or the road tiles for GermanyCE) You can see in the attached screenie, how the roads and citys work. Make life a LOT easier (it also shows I forgot the city-road-grass tile on the east side of Sinujiu!!! Have to fix that!) I uploaded the Germany road tiles, for TE usage some time ago ... possibly to the /Terrains download section. But it's here somewheres! Includes the river/road tile where a bridge would cross, too btw, each 'center span' bridge section is 100 meters long, and it takes 3 to span the stock rivers. Bridge ends are the biggest bitch to place, as they not quite 25 meters, so you have to 'slide' them into the center sections (see the target area below ... note the offset numbers for the bridgeEnd) wrench kevin stein
  6. If I get my way, BOTH! In fact, I tested the pit in 08 the other day, and it worked fine, as did the aircraft itself. We just need the FM re-worked to at least 08, and more likely SF2 (as it's been rebuilt for KAW, which will be SF2 only; although the terrain will work in either. Some aircraft won't, unfortunately) wrench kevin stein
  7. For vista and win 7, I've found that placing them on the desktop works good too. Also, Skypats old extractor works when done that way wrench kevin stein
  8. you're missing the damage tgas. you'll find them in vers.6 btw, that entire aircraft will be replaced in a few months, with a completely rebuilt model (with folding wings, mnaual canopy), lots of new skins AND a complete 100% accurate cockpit by Dels (the cockpit is a work of art!!) wrench kevin stein
  9. ....and that they work!!! daaaaayyymmnn! looks much better! wrench kevinstein
  10. My Dad's gone...

    To use the ancient Egyption benediction: "Another eagle has flown unto the sun" My condolences, X. wrench kevin stein
  11. I already did my F-104S/ASA/ and ASA-M. There's some glitches with the HUD, that are easily fixed by just pointing to the F-15A's avionics ini Paulo, I'll send you what I've got, if want to fine tune it! wrench kevin stein
  12. Yes and no ... definately convert the inis back to ANSI, but there's something with the lods too... I just added it to WoI, and there's no aircraft on the runway, the cockpit is 'twisted' to the right, and the gunpods are missing (as they're part of the model?). Wonder if the bmp mapping is part of the issue??? So, methinks running the max file through and saving to an earlier format is possible (considering how little I really know about MAX....) wrench kevin stein
  13. Probably easier to edit the _Campaign ini, than to try rebuilding the terrain; otherwise you'd be a) finding a location for the base b) placding base via taragets ini c) exporting from the IsralME.cat the HFD, TFD, all tiles (and converting all tgas to bmp format) d) adding IsraelMe to the Terrain Editor e) creating a citylist ini that has the new base, f) flattening the region of the new base g) placing the new TFD/HFD back into the IME terrain folder h) and hoping you got it right! Editing the campaign ini would most definately be a LOT less work!!! Which is something one of Campagin Gurus ™ will have to answer, as I've never done that wrench kevin stein
  14. The following will give you instructions on how to get cockpits, and the associated inis (cockpit and avionics) and making the 4 F-104s in SF2 (mostly for a full-4 merged) install. Also, this information CAN be used to add the F-104G to those 1st Gen games (SF/SFG/WoE/WoV/WoI) that do not have the Zipper as a stock aircraft. First off, you'll need to download the 3rd Wire Free add-on F-104G (originally released for SFG) from Third Wire or here at CombatAce at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/1485-f-104g/ Now, here's where it starts to get tricky....the installer exe will be looking for ther SFG.exe, as this was the game it was designed for. It will also be looking for a "Third Wire" folder, where the SFG.exe is residing. The easiest and simplest way to this, is take one of the SF2 exes; use whichever one you want. In your SavedGames folder (for Vista/Win7) or Documents & Settings/-YOURNAME-/My Documents/ThridWire/ folder you'll have to create a NEW subfolder, and name it SFG. Take the SF2.exe, drop it into the new SFG folder, and then -this is IMPORTANT!!!- rename the sf2.ext to SFG.exe. Don't worry that there's nothing there .. this is the 'fakeout' to get the aircraft's install exe to run and create the new aircraft. So, double click the F-104G_addon_EXE, and following the on screen prompts, point the installer to the SFG folder. It'll run through it's little install program, and create the new folder, containing EVERYTHING from the F-104G. As TK kindly gave us the full aircraft, with all the lods, skins, inis and most importantly -- THE ENTIRE COMPLETE COCKPIT FOLDER! The cockpit folder is actually the only thing we're instersted in, so just ignore everything else but the /cockit folder and these 2 inis: F-104G_Cockpit.ini F-104G_Avionics.ini So, now that we have our parts, let's get one of the supplied Zippers flyable. For our example, we're going to use the AI controled F-104G that came with SF2:E (don't forget, there's also CF-104s that will need doing too!) So, take the /Cockpit folder from the newly "installed" Zipper, and drop it into the SF2 F-104G's main folder. Then, take the 2 inis listed above, and drop them into the SF2's F-104G main folder. Now, we need to edit the stock F-104G.ini to add the lines to make it flyable. Open it up in your favorite text editor (notepad is just fine) As it stands, originally is like this: You'll need to add the relevenat lines, just like we've been doing for years with the Red Air birds. This is what it looks like with the added line, including a hangar screen and loadout image (note, these are still in bmp format. Expect an upload of a new SF2 dedicated hangar and loadout image in the near future) In fact, if you're lazy like me, you can just copy the data above, and paste it into the the ini. Save some typing! <grin> Save and close the ini, and you now have a flyable F-104G. Do the same for the RCAF CF-104s, and off you go!! With thanks to Jet-Z, who first figured this out; and to Fubar512 for the sf2 exe rename trick. Comments? Questions? Elaborations? Post in the General or Mods and Skinning Forums. Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein
  15. we'd also need Richard Widmark, George Chakaris and Yul Brenner figures to stand next to it on the ramp I LOVE flying boats! wrench kevin stein
  16. looking good Ed!!! wrench kevin stein
  17. File Name: F-104, SF2 Hangar Screen File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 07 July 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects F-104 Hangar screen for SF2 This is a modification of the stock, SF/Wo* F-104G hangar screen to match the format used in SF2. It's a rather simple addon, but adds just that little 'something' for you to look at whilst in the Hangar. These screens can also be used on the CF-104, CF-104_72 and CF-104_76. (sorry, no screenie!) As always, full instructions in the enclosed readme. So read it!!! Have Fun!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  18. F-104, SF2 Hangar Screen



    F-104 Hangar screen for SF2 This is a modification of the stock, SF/Wo* F-104G hangar screen to match the format used in SF2. It's a rather simple addon, but adds just that little 'something' for you to look at whilst in the Hangar. These screens can also be used on the CF-104, CF-104_72 and CF-104_76. (sorry, no screenie!) As always, full instructions in the enclosed readme. So read it!!! Have Fun!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  19. do you have an avionics.ini associated with the aircraft? wrench kevin stein
  20. F-104J

    Some years back, TK re-released the F-104G as a seperate add on ... it should still be available either here or at the 3rd wire site. All the necessary cockpit parts are there, you'll need to jump through a hoop or 2 to get the bits and drop them into SF2. I"ll lookover the thing, and see if I can't come up with a procedure to SF2 installing wrench kevin stein
  21. F-104J

    an SF2 version will definately be needed ... the new Korea terrain will have LOTS of airfields in Japan on Kyushu and Honshu (perfect for those "Red Phoenix" scenarios or other 'What Ifs...') wrench kevin stein
  22. and there's a Daimler 601 sound in Russo's Bf-109E that I used for the S-99. Or, I an post it, if it's warranted wrench kevin stein
  23. Where I've been noticing it, mostly, is any land/sea transition tile (with HM). Yes, even Korea is doing it; and even in places withOUT HM (mountains, etc) The 'idea' was something JSF_Aggie mentioned elsewhere .... in the new IsraelME.cat are 2 new bmps ... a _Locations.bmp and _water.bmp. the locations are just that ... color coded regions that match the locations called in the Nations.ini the water bmp, however, looks almost like a global HM, as it's in Index color coding. I made one for Korea, and it didn't work. Below is the IsralME one, saved as jpg, in RGB. Kinda/sorta/maybe looks like a HM. I posted ? about it at 3rdWire, but TK hasn't answered yet wrench kevin stein
  24. Try a system restore??? wrench kevin stein
  25. that 'oceanic seperator' is in ALL 1st Gen terrains used in SF2; especially a low viewing angles - looking along the ground up towards a mountain near a coastline. I've been going bat-s**t crazy trying to figure out WHAT is causing it and how to fix it. I have some idea that it may be related to alpha objects in the tile's TOD file, (as in if you remove the callout for ALL trees, it goes away), or some defect in the Height Field Display, but can't pin it down. There IS one experiment I haven't tried yet, but I'm keeping that to myself, just in case it dosen't work. wrench kevin stein

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