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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. OpenCockpit=TRUE only works with 08 and SF2. Yah, thre's a LOT of meshes. The hard part is finding the main (or parent), and hopefully it'll drag the 'children' out of sight (and with luck NOT take the insturment panel with it!) wrench kevin stein
  2. also in the Aero Detail book on the 109s. In the SF/Wo* downloads section, in decals/templates, should be a template i uploaded a few years back with most of the stenclling and markins for 109 and 190s wrench kevin stein
  3. Yes, the data.inis and ***.inis that are just loose in the put_in_GO_Folder. I didn't resave mine in Unicode, and they work just fine. But if you really want to.... open the ini in notepad and "SAVE AS...", and they're be a selector dropdown. Choose Unicode, and when asked "Overwrite?" just say yes.
  4. Happy Birthday Slartibartfast

    Happy Brithday!!! Keep up the good work on those fjords!! wrench kevin stein
  5. Happy Birthday JediMaster

    Definately not a day over 1163, and still going strong! Have a great BD, JM!! wrench kevin stein
  6. you'll probably want to edit the cockpit ini, and "move" the Cayuse cockpit framing out of sight I LIKE it though!! wrench kevin stein
  7. You all never DID believe I was a sneaky bastard.... I AM the Easter Egg ™ King after all. It was Fubar that actuall gave me the idea (aren't you all glad I never gave the Zils or the M-35 trucks guns as well???) yup, I remember when testing the terrain's movements ini getting my Hog filled full of holes. I quite upset!! wrench kevin stein
  8. Nigel, don't forget you need 1 runway for each side; so you can get away with 2 (1 red, 1 blue). You can always use the "Empty Desert" terrain I uploaded last year ... it only has 1 on each side, and should work in SF2 with minor data ini editing the water looks pretty damn good! wrench kevin stein
  9. BBBBBzinga!!! That'll look great in my gunsights over China.... thanks Ed!! wrench kevin stein
  10. WOOT!!!! WOOT!!! thanks Nigel!! I really need to get back to finishing off the targeting for Korea...but I can't stay away from my beloved WW2 installs!!! I gotta say, Monty really did a fabulous job on both these birds. wrench kevin stein
  11. Or the T-55 bridgelayers in ODS ... that was a nasty sneaky bit I snuck in there....giving them AIR_AND_GROUND weapons statements..... evil laugh goes ---> HERE <--- wrench kevin stein
  12. CG= Center of Gravity new statements since the Expansion Pak add cockpit offset postioioning in relation to aircraft CG. EVERY pre-SF2 aircraft has some displacement of the cockpit due to this new parameter. Usually handled by raising, and moving forwared, the cockpit position in the _Cockpit.ini. I find moving it forwared between 0.10 and 0.25 usually fixes it. Sometimes a verical move of 0.20 moves the cockpit lods framing to just about where the external lod (ie: the aircraft itself) framining ise One can also hide the cockpit frame nodes via a cockpit ini edit (can't remember where I saw, but it was just the other day. Corsair in Suez Expansion???? disremember...) wrench kevin stein
  13. oh ... PLEASE say it'a Nell..... wrench kevin stein
  14. I can think of at least 3 or 4 camo's needed just for MTO; sand, sand and green wavy, standard splinter and splinter/gray Ini edits create a Luftwaffe version, although the folder is still called "S-99", all the small bits have been changed for Luftwaffe usage. And I've got all kinds of decals ready for use (stabs, squadron badges, those funny font numbers in all kinds of colors) wrench kevin stein
  15. quick/dirty (VERy dirty) re-decaling of the S-99, just to have something in the MTO install. I'm calling it a 109G6. Supposed to be II/JG51 in Tunisia circa 1942. The green is supposed to be MUCH darker,with lighter green sploches, and probably standard splinter on the wings/tailplanes (the profile in the Mushroom YS 190G also showed no numbers, stab markings or anthing esle, making it easy to just replace the decals.) Have to fix the tail swas', move them off the rudder a bit (right side has a glitch) Monty, any chance for a template? wrench kevin stein
  16. and for EVEN attempting it... wrench kevin stein
  17. Requests??? Can you sing "Strangers In the Night"????? wrench kevin stein
  18. That's because HAWK batteries MUST be placed on the terrain via the _Targets.ini. They're just like Sov/WarPac SA-* batteries, and will not show up on their own wrench kevin stein
  19. FastCargo passed this on to me, to see what I can do with it. I'm sure some folks wondered what happened to it...Well, I'm doing my best. Here's some progress shots showing skinning and decals and some details: Yes, for the purists, the Buzz number prefix IS correct - it was assigned to the F-103. Serials, however ... well, they're fantasy. It's almost to the point where (hopefully!!!!) some FM guru can take a look at it. The existing FM is,well, in FC's own words -a mix-match of things. There's still a major cockpit issue--don't know if that can be fixed, but I"m gonna ask FC if in can't fiddle the animations so the main gear door stay open, so you all can see the neat detailing in there. Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  20. I'm suprised you can fly Aussie birds there, given the LimitedNation=TRUE statement. Maybe that dosen't work for single missions???? Anyway, try changing their GroundObjectRole= to EW_RADAR, and see what happens. It's wrong, but it may help. Like I said, it never happened during testing; on any terrain so far (and Korea is littered with them!!) wrench kevin stein
  21. did you check the light 'on' time in the cockpit ini? You can change it to make it come on earlier.. This is actualy from the Meteor, as I don't have the other esxtracted (yet) worth a try to see what happens!! wrench kevin stein
  22. Cocas sent me a little something to fiddle with... wrench kevin stein
  23. that's a GREAT resource site for books. I ORDER all you to bookmark it for future downloads!! wrench kevin stein
  24. WOOT!!! WooT!! just in time to be experimentated on in SF2:MTO!! wrench kevin stein
  25. yes, that's because it's a GroundObject, placed 'in port' via the targets_ini Thanks for the info Hinch; I'd automatically credited you with it, since you ARE the major shipbuilding company for 3W sim! I guess an email to capun is in order, to check and see if he created it. Since it came with the terrain ... I jsut don't know anymore!!! wrench kevin stein

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