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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. is the runway region (the terrain) completly flat?? As in the "flatten airfield" function of the terrain editor. What little I know of MAX (and it's VERY little), is if it shows correctly in your view, it should (the operative word!) be ok in game I've seen that "floating" number thing even on stock runways when the terrain is not flattened
  2. Yes, Torno's are legit models. He did/does them hisself. When they get released, however, is up for grabs. He pretty much works alone, and in what little spare time he can find
  3. I seem to recall in my original read me, that "full 5 merged install plus expansion packs" is clearly stated. You NEED NA for the CV ops; in fact it's suggested you build your KAW mods folder FROM a copy of NA exe. What Do335 did, I can't recall, as I never d/led his full mod. After spending nearly 5 years on it from the beginning ... well, you get the picture. I hope
  4. and he'll STILL need the VNSEA _water.bmp to enable CV ops. you can't just add a single line to the ini. ------- and the question still needs to be answered if all the necessary ships are resident in the /GroundObjects folder.
  5. from the original terrain's main ini [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Korea (V3) DataFile=korea3_data.INI TargetFile=korea3_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=korea3_types.INI MovementFile=korea3_movement.INI NationsFile=korea3_nations.INI BriefingText=korea3_briefing.INI DogfightFile=korea3_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE //CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat Longitude=126.0 Latitude=37.0 WaterMap=korea3_Water.bmp GroundObjectTexture=Green LimitedNations=TRUE NavalMap=TRUE
  6. sorry, I got confused with the other poster's thread
  7. yup, mos def the 111's pit. had such an odd layout, with the panel on the roof above pilot's eyeline. (re: the Movie BoB)
  8. I have to ask this question, and you'll see why: is this the full game purchased from 3rd Wire?? there are a lot of illeagal copies out there, and most are NOT full versions. They're sometime missing critical components or are outdated versions. This happens at least twice a year (someone complaining the game isn't doing this or that, and turns out they have a pirated copy. This is just CYA for us) now, having said that, and seen your other posts of your difficulties, I'd likely believe that something is missing from your game setups. Have you looked in the /GroundObjects folder to see if the carriers actually are there?? Same for the AAA and SAMs you mentioned in the other thread Last night I started a navy campaign in SF2V with the Scooter, and bingo! sitting on the cat on the bow of INTREPID. Started another with the F-4, an the same. my suggestion is to start completly over. Delete the mods folder in it's entirety. Delete the game completly Start the entire process fresh, from the install exe. then test the game, and see what happens.
  9. indeed, there's PLENTY of AAA/SAMs in the stock game.
  10. safe to assume "home built' single missions??? without extensive modifications to the terrain, covered elsewhere, it won't work. (notwithstanding the VNSEA terrain doesn't really have the sea room for proper CV zones ala NA) CVs only show up in the campaign, as they're built into the campaign ini (location and such)
  11. I don't think that's possible, unless you have the MAX files. Adding something like a picture (girlfriend type) was done in 1stGen. But what you describe, I highly doubt it. don't forget, cockpits are a seperat model from the aircraft, and the 2 really don't meet
  12. wasn't the F-5F what (almost) became the F-20 Tigershark?
  13. yes, the cockpits all have the limited view; like in Real Live (tm) you can only turn you head so far
  14. Meh. be a lot more interesting if it was Rodan or The Giant Claw
  15. you've no idea how many times I've done that!! that looks just GREAT!!!
  16. yes. I had working silkworm batteries on the Iran/Iraq map in 2011. And also on one of the Taiwan versions (can't remember which)
  17. Hello?

    Stay safe and well, Stephan! Well, and EVERYBODY else too!
  18. yes it does. i've used it several times, on the Iran/Iraq map, iraq, the IsraelME upgrade and a few others. (below, Dimona reactor/research center) if this is the one you mean, of course!
  19. Not to be forgetting that the terrain itself needs to be modified for CVBGs. None of the original 4 (Desert, Europe, VN and Isreal) are set up for it.
  20. Nope, following policies -- something YOU'RE not.
  21. what, you cant just re-upload the aircraft with the fix included? Don't be lazy -- do the job right
  22. unfortunately, I can only hide or delete them. Can't move single posts. ============ I'm thinking this situation (BoB terrain) is almost opposite f the 69 movie! Here, in game, we're only missing the He-111H series; having all the other LW bomber. In the move, the 111s are ALL they had!! sorry for the hijack, Gepard.

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