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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Yup, you need seperat skin folder for EACH nation involved. Just look at how the stock MiGs are set up. wrench kevin stein
  2. for XP you path would be similiar to this: C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 but definatly, check the SF2 KB. Answers in there wrench kevin stein
  3. amen, brother!! The TE really blows goats. WE can only hope that in the next iteration of the engine, and if/when TK releases a new TE for it, has MUCH more functionality. Jan Tuma's terrain WOULD be closer ... does FE use the WoV/WoE/WoI TE??? If one has the texturelist, it shouldn't be too hard (famous last words, eh??) wrench kevin stein
  4. Dosne't seem to really matter .... for example, AmericaNorthWest in 'one' of my SF2 installs, NOTHING has been changed from ANSI and it works just fine. In fact, the glitch on 08 on the winter tile set seems to be gone completly. We're talking about the 'usual suspects'; factory place & it's buildings, other add-on structures. In another terrain (still building), I'm using a lot of the objects as seen in Polak's "Object Library 1", and haven't had issues with them either. ...other than screwed up shadows caused by the 2/10 patch, but ALL the objects (stock included) are equally messedup. The only thing I think it does, is increased loading time of the mission/terrain as it has to read both types. If all in Unicode, it's supposed to be faster (slightly -also depends on the target area density; how much 'stuff' has to get loaded) wrench kevin stein
  5. File Name: GermanyCE Road Tiles for TE Usage File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 19 Mar 2010 File Category: Tilesets GermanyCE Road Tiles - for use with Terrain Editor =ONLY= This little mod, as stated above is for use with the WoE terrain editor ONLY. It will allow Terrain Engineers a MUCH easier time in trying to place and link the various road tiles, without going crosseyed and blind in the process. What's been done, is after extracting the stock road tiles, I've painted the actual 'road region' a bright yellow (as seen in the accompanying screen shot). Now, when you load you textureset, the roads will show up so' s you can see them. As always, unzip to a temp folder somewheres that easy to find, and READ the enclosed readme for full, easy to follow instructions for useage Have Fun -- this'll help keep you sanity (just a little bit!) Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  6. Version


    GermanyCE Road Tiles - for use with Terrain Editor =ONLY= This little mod, as stated above is for use with the WoE terrain editor ONLY. It will allow Terrain Engineers a MUCH easier time in trying to place and link the various road tiles, without going crosseyed and blind in the process. What's been done, is after extracting the stock road tiles, I've painted the actual 'road region' a bright yellow (as seen in the accompanying screen shot). Now, when you load you textureset, the roads will show up so' s you can see them. As always, unzip to a temp folder somewheres that easy to find, and READ the enclosed readme for full, easy to follow instructions for useage Have Fun -- this'll help keep you sanity (just a little bit!) Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. Um, I actually have Dave's terrain partly converted to use the GermanyCE tileset. BUT ... like any other conversion from the desert set to european, there's major differences (like desert uses 68 tiles, and Germany uses sommthing like 128), so MASSIVE amounts of hand-retiling will be necessary; the WoEtextureset ini will need some 'looking' at, and renaming to Kosovo_texturexet ini -not a big deal-, the cities list rebuilt for good measure and every single target area -in particular cities and airbases (to say nothing of mountains, rivers, roads, lakes, coastlines) will have to be cross-checked and matched to where you place tiles. Having done a couple of these conversions, I can tell you this is abso-frakking-lutely NOT for the squeamish or inexperienced Terrain modder. There is also the issue of a lack of some transition tiles, and certain 'mountain' tiles (like is just plane rock with some trees) The T series is just "OK" for hills/mountains, while the A series are snow-bound all year. Having said that, if anyone has the experience, and the cojones to take it on, I'll pass along everything I have. And wish you "good luck chuck!!" wrench kevin stein
  8. Five Guys Burgers

    MDR is almost right around the corner from me....i'm just east of SM airport. while you're there, and if you have time, eat at Aunt Kizzy's Back Porch. It's in the big shopping center off Mindanao Way/Lincoln Blvd. Try the chicken fried steak. Down=home deep south cooking. Damn good, too! Linky to their site: http://auntkizzys.com/ wrench kevin stein
  9. Five Guys Burgers

    I wanna try the corn beef sandwich at Harolds.... speaking of 5 Guys, there's one in Cerritos, not far from my mother=in-laws (now my wifes house). As it seems that I'm going be to out there this weekend...an expedition seems in order. Any suggestions on what to order??? wrench kevin stein
  10. For our newer members, that probably aren't aware of it, a listing of "available mods" has been in the Knowledge Base for several years. Now, mind you, I haven't updated it since earlier this year (i think!), but here's a link to it: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/21870-the-mods-thread-a-listing-of-whats-available/ enjoy wench kevin stein
  11. interesting ... the ADs have the APS-31 radar, but not the searchlight pod. Looks like the left/right gear doors have been removed, too. One could easily convert/mod Razbams E into the -5. Of course, new templates would be needed.... I'd love an Altabross ... we coud redo "Flight From Ashiya" (and it'd fit nicely in the KAW mod, too). I have a thing for flying boats/amphibs. Capun's got the WV-2/EC-121 as well. wrench kevin stein
  12. moved to the correct forum PLEASE do NOT post questions in the knowledge base .. it's for answers only --------------- now, to the issue at hand .... it's safe to assume you have this statement in data ini for the aircraft in question (in fact, it's from the SPE's data ini): [Canopy] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED ModelNodeName=Main_Canopy Setting[1].Angle=45.00 Setting[1].DeployValue=5.0 Setting[1].RetractValue=3.0 MaxDeflection=45.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.3 AnimationID=9 [WingFold] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED Setting[1].Angle=60.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=3.0 Setting[1].RetractValue=1.0 MaxDeflection=60.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.1 AnimationID=10 you'll note their still "auto speed". Using the instructions I posted in the KB about 'manual animations for canopies' (actually, the Thread is titled "Canopy Operations", you can easily switch them over to an animation key. wrench kevin stein
  13. link to the Warbird Tech catalogue listing over at farposst: http://www.farposst.ru/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8066 the maraurder book is in 2 parts (there's 2 rars) wrench kevin stein
  14. I should also mention, I think there's a Detail and Scale and probably a Warbird Tech on the Marauder over at farposst. Be worth a look-see! wrench kevin stein
  15. can only be changed in MAX wrench kevin stein
  16. if the squadron id patches are numbered (ala 001 for 1st squadron, 024 for 2nd squadron, 048 for 3rd squadron, they'd have to be DecalLevel=2 or, you can just create 3 skin folders, one for each squadron, THEN you can use DecalLevel-0 for the squad patch. I had to do something similiar on a P-38 skin I did earlier this year, as each had particular geometric tail markings. That's acutally the simpliest (read: lazymans -insert picture of me -->HERE<--) way to go, IMHO. wrench kevin stein
  17. VERY Nice!! Veltro, if you don't mind, I'm going to move this thread into the "PropHeads" forum. wrench kevin stein
  18. If you have permissions to download, you can get to the Forums, too wrench kevin stein
  19. are you kidding me???? we don't have an entire sub-sections in the Downloads called "WW2 Aircraft" and "WW2 Skins"??? You'll find an adjusted data ini for the Razorback in the updated 61st FS, 56thFG skin right at the very top of "P-47 Thunderbolt Skins". wrench kevin stein
  20. Best Sci-Fi movie ever

    ....and what I can't believe is when SyFy Channel showed mega-shark-octosquid whatever, I actually sat there and watched it all the way through!!! I mean, I just had to see the shark jump out out the water and eat a 747 at 10000 feet.... Gotta admit, SFC's movies ARE good for a few laughs, and more than a few groans... (c'mon, Debbie Gibson?????) wrench kevin stein
  21. Honest to gods truth...I'd give my left nut for 08 level FMs for our 300-odd WW2 birds. I don't care if their 1%, 10 or even 15% of real life. I just want ones that'll work in 08 and SF2. Now, in working on the KAW mod, we've discovered a 'new' bug on take offs ... a lot of the prop-job assume a WWAAAYYY to nose-high attitude, stall out, spin in and crash. Bobrock posted a fix to add or replace the AI section in the aircraft's data ini. I feel I'm not voilating our 'secret squirrel agreement' by posting THIS bit, so here's what you do: open the data ini for which ever aircraft, copy paste the section below somewhere, usually near the top above the ]AircraftData[ section. This most definately helps in SF2 with the latest patch (2/10???), and seems to work in 08's too, although I haven't spent much time there lately, being ass-deep in NK and CCF troops ...(which also explains my absence here) at the least, it's worth a try. wrench kevin stein
  22. yes, you'd just remove the "seasonal changes dates listing thingies" at the bottom of the main ini (GermanyCE.ini) Don't forget, whichever tileset you choose, goes UP one level, into the main GermanyCE folder. Should work with no problemos!! Shouldn't have to edit the data ini, as all seasons use the same tile names. But I'd reccomend archiving the set, for a future time when more HD space might become available. wrench kevin stein
  23. Why don't you save your self some work, and just download one of mine that ALREADY has the seat and pilot positons fixed? To say nothing of updated gunsights and historically correct lighting? wrench kevin stein
  24. Version


    MiG-17PF (SP-16) Fresco-D upgrade for SF/SG/ WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2 & SF2-V UPDATED 4/21/09 This version is designed to completly REPLACE the mod I released some time ago..... This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF (SP-16) 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor. This has been tweeked to use a modified UV-16 rocket pod as an air-to-air weapon, along with new-ish versions of the S-5 unguided rocket. This aircraft is also equiped with the RS-2U 'Alkali' beam-riding missile. This mod also makes ue of the 'station specific code' for the rocket pods, disallowing the use of other weapons as a saftey measure. Most of the data for this weapons tweek was worked out by Lexx_Luthor in a thread over at the 3rd Wire Message Boards, using some data I've discoverd in the past. (see "Notes" section below for more details). The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's, so they are the most current. There is also a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines. And, ONLY available in this mod, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen; the original 'artwork' type is also still included You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the new rockets and rocket pod, if you are adding this mod for the first time. However, there HAS been a slight change in the UV-16AA rocket pod. These changes are documented below, in the "Weapons Installation" section. == IT IS HIGHLY SUGGESTED YOU HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS EDITOR == As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions. Or, in other words..... You WILL also be reading the enclosed readme, by order of the State Ministry of Instructions, which contains fully detailed, step by step procedures for installation. There is also a substantial section by Comrade "General Notes", that you will find interestering and explanitory. If not, the uranium mines of Siberia await.... Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  25. Easiest and simplest answer: how about just using ONE season from Stary's pak???? you'll just need the TODs for their placement, and tgas for the proper season's trees wrench kevin stein

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