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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. you'll find it in the appropripate place ... in the PropHeads forum wrench kevin stein
  2. If the OUT file is included with the A/C download, it'll list the mesh names. wrench kevin stein
  3. wouldn't it be far easier to switch to an manual animation key, instead of the old, outdated "automatic airspeed" style??? wrench kevin stein
  4. The new Korea terrain (and by inference, all aircraft,weapons and ground objects) is being built at the 03 patch level, so there'll be no water effects, no trees, no clouds, no "special effects", no seasons, or any other eye candy of any type. ---- GOTHCA !!!!! ------ actually, I think KAW mod might be the very fist one, built from scracth, with ONLY SF2 in mind, and not something ported/tweeked/fiddled/diddled with (although the terrain is easily back-dated for use in 08 level 1st Gens -because I've tested it. As are most of the aircraft/ground objects. However, there ARE many internal changes in the aircraft to make the 'fit' better in NextGens; the game reads LODs and data ini slightly different, in my experience, than 08 1st Gens. here's another screenie, just for fun wrench kevin stein
  5. it's the standard "rotor diameter" problem that was created by the 08 patchs for 1st GEns. Look for the "PropDiamter" line in the Engine sections -as pointed out above-, reduce said diameter to less than 6 meters (5.5 would be fine), and issue is solved Remember, too, this mod was built with the 06 patch level in mind, running in the 08 level 1st GEns or in ANY SF2 install, you WILL run into all sorts of interestering problems wrench kevin stein
  6. Loading screenie

    individual aircraft hangar and loading screens MUST be in the aircraft's main folder wrench kevin stein
  7. you'll find accurate Hog sounds in the Desert Storm mod, iirc. wrench kevin stein
  8. what did I just say? No, you do NOT need to convert the inis; you can if you want to but you have to convert ALL of them, and on some terrains you're looking at converting upwards of 75-100 files. All those peksy inis for the "af" items, all the terrain inis, airfield ins (which may re-extration as a recent 'glitch' pointed out to me), etc, etc, etc. It's drag/drop. It can't be any eaiser than that. Why make things harder? wrench kevinstein
  9. actually, no conversion is necessary. I'm running butt-loads of terrains with their inis STILL in ANSI, including the new KAW terrain. The only real side effect I've seen, is longer than usual loading times (on the order of 3-5 minutes -but that just may be my oldish XP machine) I haven't check the latest patch, 2/10, but if one were to extract a terrain, say Desert or Germany or VnSEA, you'll find the inis within are also still in ANSI (edit, yes, just checked; the latest versions ARE in unicode) So, to answer the question directly ... follow the instructions EXACTLY as stated in the various readmes. Installing new terrains is just as it's always been ... drop the new terrain folder into the /Terrains -note that its PLURAL- in your mods folder, and off you go. PROVIDED the necessary terrain cats exist in the core install. and read the readmes wrench kevin stein
  10. Loading screenie

    are we talking the 'generic' loading screen, or one specific to a particular aircraft? If 'generic', you can have whatever you like, placed (at least in SF2 series), in the /Flight folder in your mods folder. If there isn't one, you'll need to create it in the MyDocuments/.../....FE2/, for XP. I forget the exact path for Vista/7, but it'll be in the SavedGames folder. Also -very important- if FE2 has gone down the same path as the SF2 series, all the STOCK menu screens are now in jpg format (extract the various menu screen inis, and they'll be listed as "BackgroundImage=****.jpg"). So for those that make new screens, I'd really reccomend pulling the stock hangar screen out of the cat, and create a NEW layered PSD in the new format, since the hot spots have been moved around, as has been mentioned in another thread. I had to do this for SF2 series, to update a boat-load of hangar screens. for individual aircraft hangar and loading screens, the old way still works; the image, either jpg or bmp, placed in the aircraft's main folder, with the correct pointer lines as shown above. wrench kevin stein ps: if someone can post screenies of the hangar screen, I can see if they match sf2, and if they do, can release my new templates. If not, well.....not having FE2 limits me to just giving usefull advice w
  11. the stock A-1H/J has MANY issues, as it's designed to be an AI-only aircrft (you'll also note the elevators don't move) Extract the data ini, and look at the thrust line in the engine statement [Engine] SystemType=PROP_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=1 SLPowerDry=2013390.0 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 <--- ThrustPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 using the 0s give no 'torque steer'. If it's already that way (this above is from a 6/09 patch level data ini -I haven't extraceted the newest 2/10 one), don't know what to tell ya wrench kevinstein
  12. overflying West Hollywood???? wrench kevin stein
  13. "splitting the hardpoints" is what I called. it. Basically, duplicating existing stations, keeping the same GroupID, but calling them "new" stations in the data and loadout inis. (NOT be be forgetting to add the new SystemName= on whichever component they're supposed to be mounted to, like the inner or outer wing) This seem to be more critical in the SF2 series, as MANY of the older weapons appear to have World Centers that are NOT at the 0,0,0 point of the weapon's LOD. As another member showed screenies some time ago, TMFs F4U-4B & AU-1 Corsairs have the wing mounted bombs (if using the old BunyPak AN series 250,500 pounders), are now showing 1.5-2 meters AFT of they pylons. Where as the HVARs are pretty much where they're supposed to be. The fix was to duplicate the stations, add the 'new' hardpoints to the loadout ini -for bombs ONLY- move the weapons forward till they fit,, and BAM, you done. like the F-4D/E/G with the ALQs in the left forward sparrow bay, you simply renumber the right forward bay to match the 2 aft bay, so those 3 are all in one group, and the L/F is it's own group. Then you can perma-load the jammer pod on that station via the loadout ini. look in the KB, in the Old Bunyap Weapons Pak Fixes thread; whilst some names have changed, the basic premise, and hardpoint station numbers should be close. Of course, ALWAYS extract the latest data nd loadout inis from whicheve cat they're hiding in. Like malibu said, anything past Group 7 won't show on the Loadout Screen, but WILL show on the aircraft. So make sure it's something you want perma-loaded wrench kevin stein
  14. and the point to the above post .... is....?????? wrench kevin stein
  15. I answered the question in your original thread; even TOLD you exactly what's needed to fix it. wrench kevin stein
  16. why would you use the H key, when there are 10 manual animation keystroke slots available, and it only takes seconds to convert from airspeed_controled to animation controled??? wrench kevin stein
  17. Flight Simmers and their books

    got a lot of those on pdf ... although I LOVE a copy of "Mig Alley" -- in ANY form!! of course, NO library is complete without Dale Brown. like FC, I'd say 2 floor-to-ceiling sectionals, with nothing but military (ships, subs, AFVs, of course aircrft). Some long out of print dating back to the late 60s/early 70s (well, for the Martain Caidin stuff) And a 180gig external with about 100gig of books-on-pdf. Dave, those your Challenge Coins ™??? wrench kevin stein
  18. yes, interesting, but can you write you name with it???? wrench kevin stein
  19. Of course it won't ... it's calling for different files, due to how the ADs LOD was constructed wrench kevin stein
  20. the game actually calculates moonrise, sunrise, moonset and sunset, as well as plaentary and constellation positions based on the lat/long of the terrain (look up at the night sky sometime, and look at the star patterns) Moon phases are also calculated, based on the date of mission flown. Weither their 100% accurate or not..??? TK also said somewhere recently, he'd made the night "lighter" cause folks were gripping it was too dark. these can all be adjusted in the environmentalsystem.ini, for global functions, or in each terrain for specific regions wrench kevin stein
  21. ini edits won't do it, if the issue is LOD related (which is most likely in some cases, or sometime even game related) the Ki-43IIB IS wolf's standard Ki-43 the one credited to madjeff is probably ArmorDave's Japanese Planes Pak for ADs, try moving a copy of the prop tgas' into the various skin folder, and see what happens you negelected to mention, which game and what patch level. Kinda helps, as NextGens handle things VERY differently wrench kevin stein
  22. you should also be able to add this to the singlemission ini (after extraction from the flightdata.cat, and placement into the mods/..../Flight folder) wrench kevin stein
  23. What is the UK becoming?

    there are nearly 7 billion people on the planet ... what's the removal of one s**t-bag, more or less equal to? NOTHING. Homo sapiens (a misnomer if there ever was), is the most easily replaced resource on the planet ... they can be made in nearly infinate numbers by completly unskilled labor. The only problem is the long lead time to a finished product -approx 16-18 years. Hopefuly, somewheres within that time frame, a moral framework would be instilled in them. Doubtful, in many cases. Like many Americans, I'm a 'armed citizen'. Can I pull the trigger if needed? I certainly hope so, but pray I never have to find out; like any other sane, logical and reasonable person. If this "thing" is in my house, uninvited, performing whatever actions with illeagle intent, it's my DUTY to protect my family. Plain and simple. as to the "playing god" statement, we play god EVERY f***ING DAY we make a descision to do one thing or another. Deities have nothing to do with it. Yes, the laws ARE weak .. they protect the unjust as well as the just; it just seems that in the last 20 years or so, the Unjust have been getting the upper hand. wrench kevin stein
  24. Boba Fett deserves better death than this

    So falling into a giant anus in the middle of desert is bad???? wrench kevin stein
  25. A: you mean like this: been in aircraft data ini's since the 08 patch for 1st Gens. They can also be custome fine-tuned per aircraft wrench kevin stein

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