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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. You are aware that this planet has different times zones, right??? That folks on the east coast of the US are 3 hours different (ahead) of, oh...say like me in California??? so, maybe he's gone to bed. Here's some free advice ... get the attitude adjusted. It don't fly here anymore wrench kevin stein
  2. Kill Markings

    DecalLevel=3 is for killmarks. You just need to figure out location. Look through various decals inis and you'll see how its done. Also, grab TKs decals tutorial from the download section -can't remember exactly where- it explains things very well wrench kevin stein
  3. afaik, there aren't any 3rd party skins for the stock A-7. could you clarify that statement a bit?? It makes no sense; skins for aircraft X are in the "Skins for Aircraft X" download section. meaning; skins for an A-4B are for an A-4B (at least in 1st Gen versions. SF2 uses different mapping, and therefore some skins will NOT work properly when moved from SF/Wo* to SF2) wrench kevin stein
  4. what Forestall?? don't think we have one... what carrier skin pak are you asking about?? wrench kevin stein
  5. Yup, as shown in our ever ingored Knowledge Base, albeit this thread was designed with the old Bunyap Pak in mind, the loadout (with name changes for the missiles to their proper designations), is STILL valid http://forum.combatace.com/topic/18346-how-to-edit-loadouts-for-weapons-packs-bunyappak/ 9th post down, first page. The Mig-23s start there wrench kevin stein
  6. don't waste your time on that korea mod ... it' so outdated, and with so many errors, it's not worth downloading. it should, however, run in the 06 patch level (although it was built, iirc, before that), but you'll probably be doing lots of tweeking and fiddling to get things right. a newer and MUCH better mod is in the works, albeit based off a stand-alone SF2 install. It'll blow your doors off when it done, believe you me!! wrench kevin stein
  7. this should be the patch ypu'll be needing http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=3227 is this the ine you're usung? wrench kevin stein
  8. I LIKE it!! wrench kevinstein
  9. In a word, NO. the reasons have been explained a multitude of times, and I'm NOT going over them again. wrench kevin stein
  10. and the decal tutorial I pointed to in the FE forums was of no help??? trail and error is how we ALL learned. wrench kevin stein
  11. use the F-100_Destroyed.lod. It's close enough it shape. Change the effect to MediumOilFireEffect, and it'll hide any oddities of the Hun's vs Voodoo shape wrench kevin stein
  12. can you get me a screenie WITHOUT the properties box in the way?? like below... wrench kevin stein
  13. ok, then, what's the date of the SF executable?? When did you buy the game? see screenie below for correct positon; it's in the place in EVERY iteration of the series, including SF2 wrench kevin stein
  14. did you scroll down THROUGH the OV-10A_Cockpit.ini???? Unless mine is an earlier version, left over from building ODS, this is what I have (belive it or not, I've never played the campaign, and I BUILT the damn terrain!!) some data snipped for bevity.... the duplicated entries at markedly missing in the OV-10D's cockpit ini. Did you try swapping them between? Bet you'll find they work As to the "fake prop pit", well....lets see....8+ years modding the games, 30 years in automotive (even if I only worked on in-lines and V types, not round engines...), having an extreamly detailed book on Skyraider, complete with engine specifications and operating parameters, etc. Extracting all the needed gauge bmps for repainting, use a protractor -- that's right, laid a protractor right up against the monitor on top of the gauge psd, measuerd the angels, made the entires, tested, tested, retested, and then tested again. Took 2 solid days to dial in the gauges, and they're still not quiiittte right. But damn close. And, it was built in an 08 install; also tested in my 06 WW2 PTO install on the BT2D. So I knew it would work. ConstantSpeed is for the propeller. Ie: is it fixed pitch, variable pitch or constant speed? CS props adjust their pitch automatically to maintain a 'set' RPM, no matter what amount of power is applied (iirc---it's been a really long time since I looked at my friend's ground school book -someting like 40 years!) If I'm wrong, someone correct me, or you all can simply Google it. You DO know the difference between a reciprocating engine, and turbine, right??? The ADs recip NEEDS a variable pitch, to maintian optimum RPMs for safe engine operation as do all others; look in a Mustang, Lighting, T-bolt or Cessna 150 cockpit; there'll (usually) be a lever for prop pitch adjustment. At least on WW2-era, and pre-computer controled civil/light aircraft. Turbines don't need 'manual' controlled pitch, as they pretty much (again, iirc) generate nearly 100% power even when idling (again, it's been a realllly long time, and corrections from more modern, REAL pilots may be needed). Keeping the pitch constant, prevents overspeeding the turbines or reduction gears (if used, more than likely, given a trubine usually idles around 10000+ rpm, and can reach 50-70000 rpms or MORE at full power. well beyond the capabilites of any prop to absorb that shear amount of torque. To say nothing of having tip speeds WELLL beyond the mach) wrench kevin stein
  15. have you gone line-by-line in the cockpit ini, comparing each of the gauge sections? Are the cockpit LODs identical?, meaning they have the exact same build date and file size? Have you looked through the cockpit lods (both!) or the OUT files (if available), to see if they have matching node-names? the ThurstPosition line has nothing to do with the gauges; it's just where the line-of-thrust is through the aircraft lod (should match the postion of the center of the prop hub, or the center of the turbine hub/crankshaft, but that can only be checked in MAX) remember WHAT the 3 positions listed mean: x/y/z x=distance left/right from center of lod (right with a negative number) y=distance fore/aft from center of the lod (aft with a negative number) z=distance up/down from center of lod (down with a negative number) so,in this case, they look right to me; both engine's center of thrust is 1.19 meters FORWARD of the 0/0 point of the LOD a quick look at 10A's cockpit ini, shows EngineTempL and EngineTempR listed twice each, with differing values, but all 4 calling out the same nodes. Comment out one each, -the pair that matches- and see what happens. as to the SPAD, it's important to know WHICH cockpit you're using. The one I released last year, albeit based off the A-4Bs, has an accurate tachometer, and a resonalbly accurate fuel gauge (although nearly none of the gauges are actually in the correct places....but they all work!). If you're using the one based of the Cruds, it's probably gonna need LOTS of ini editing; cause, after all, it's a jet pit being used for a prop (and not having it, as I like mine better, couldn't tell you what was or wasn't changed). As to the Invader, ARE you using the same cockpit ini for 06 and 08, or another one? It should make absolu-frakking-lutely no difference, only if something dosen't match. wrench kevin stein
  16. when you start the game, on the main menu, down in the lower left corner (methinks!), there is a date ... what is it? be in a format like 08.12.08 or digits to that effect wrench kevin stein
  17. WoE, at the 06 patch level ONLY. Anything higher (ie: the 08 level) will bork your flight models. I've never tested it with SFP1, but it should work; however some editing of the terrain's main ini may be necessary to adjust the terrain cat pointer line. edit: explination and useage of cat pointer line: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/50389-selecting-the-proper-terrain-cat/ wrench kevin stein (the head prop head)
  18. The KnowledgeBase is your friend: Setting up manual animation keys http://forum.combatace.com/topic/24370-using-animation-keys/ wrench kevin stein
  19. once you can read an OUT, it sure DO make things easier!! wrench kevin stein
  20. there's a decal making tutorial in the First Eagles forum, that might be of some help. Although it's geared more towards PhotoShop, the steps should be faily similiar. Don't worry about the background, the alpha channel will hide it all (look at regular decal tgas, and you'll see what I mean). Think of the alpha as a 'hold-out matte', like those used in special effects filming (in the days before CGI and green/blue screens); if you turn off the R/G/B channels, you'll see it's actually black, while the area to be seen is white. White is transparant We're not even gonna start discussing opacity in the alpha, it'll just confuse you at the start. wrench kevin stein
  21. my fingers are crossed!!! It would be a nice gesture... here's hoping! wrench kevin stein
  22. well, shoot, I'm down to 58 gigs of HD space left, gotta save some room for all the p0rn!!! FOTW is a great site .. it's where I've gotten 99.9999% of the flags that I've used on terrain mods (3 I 'liberated' from Major Lee's ANW and DBS). I say upload the icon pak!! Folks love new and interestering stuff, and having a shortcut icon that ACTUALLY fits the install is the best idear yet! wrench kevin stein
  23. a simple answer: DON'T the 'shd' are the shadows for various objects. thumbs.db is a thumbnail database file. I don't think they really do anything, but they're so small....keeping them won't hurt wrench kevin stein
  24. I was gonna say, some of the shortcut icons DO look a bit familiar ... that's beats me ... I'd had 21 installs (including FE) at one time, but now I'm down to only 12 (included FE and sf2) wrench kevinstein
  25. can't be done without TK rewriting the ENTIRE source code. Or adding all the 'missing' bits into the various objectdata cats. Neither is likely to happen, what with his constant budget constraints. yes, as we all know, they're called the objectdata.cats; and that's exactly what they do. Unfortunately, for cockpits for example, they MUST reside in the /cockpit folder of the aircraft in question, as called out in the ***_Cockpit.ini, and more importantly, within the cockpit LOD itself. Hence, back to the original problem, and the only viable solution -extract and copy to said aircraft's /cockpit folder no other way around it. But, it WOULD be nice if the fix came from the factroy, no?? But don't hold your breath wrench kevin stein

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