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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. speechsystem.ini??? don't know which cat it's in, though wrench kevin stein
  2. and with that, I think it's time to close this one down wrench kevin stein
  3. WOOT! Marauder!! wrench kevinstein
  4. "Got enough missiles there, Butch?" --- sorry, couldn't resist! man, I AM liking that!! reminds me of the gloirous heydays of Fighters Anthology!! Looking Good Dels!! wrench kevin stein
  5. another small "cheat", is if there are less than 18 (TK minimum number of serial/modex/whatever) decals, simply rename the numbers.lst to xnumbers.lst. The game will then 'recycle' the numbers. Most of the time wrench kevin stein
  6. ah, no. An Iran/Iraq map already exists. that's a completely seperate map, with no correlations between the Isrealo-centric maps. Meaning: if someone WANTED the entire middle east, from the Med shores of Isreal to the eastern mountains of Iran/Afghanistan (and points between), a totally new terrain would need to be built. the i/i map IS back in the TE for a total rebuild, but not expect ANYTHING before next year. Too many projects, too little time, and too few people actually doing things. wrench kevin stein
  7. you can also download the black HM bmps I created right after the issue appeared with the 08 1st GEn patchs. what these do, is "fool" the game engine ™ into thinking it's a hard surface. Also, as Gepard instructed, change the HMS number to 1. wrench kevin stein
  8. looks like someone didn't update their 17PFU Izrumd nose to use the 'fake pilot' seating arrangment. The one you're using is either set to a) a gunpod, as originally issues in 2005 or b) set as an ECM pod. d/l the 17PFU upgrade pak from our handy dandy downloads section, and follow the detailed instructions I wrote, and all will be well wrench kevin stein
  9. ah....no wrench kevin stein
  10. again, we refer you to FC's post above ... none of the DAT members post here anymore. wrench kevin stein
  11. Happy Birthday Veltro2k

    Happy Birthday Ed!!! Have a GREAT day!! wrench kevinstein
  12. neither are designed for use with the 08-level 1st Gen sims and most definately NOT with the SF2 series. To say nothing of that original terrain (to many flaws to even list, and it's from 05, don't even have water effects) for those folks spending time on a Korean War mod, and not paying attention to whats going on all around, I'd tell you to stop wasting your time ... a whole NEW set up is being built for KAW. Some of the best people in The Community are on it. Be paitent, and be ready to be stunned. In several months, of course wrench kevin stein
  13. yes, the bmp files for the 3 barbed wires sets are missing..... that's because they're tgas wrench kevin stein
  14. real money says the control key swapping is due to an older version of the aircraftobject.ini residing in the /Objects folder. There's thread in the KB on just that very subject. Delete it, and I"ll be the keys come back to 'normal' as to the 'crash', well, without an error message, or WHICH aircraft and WHICH terrain it's happening on, can't help the quote Dr. Asimov: "There is as yet insuffiecnt data for a meaningful response" wrench kevin stein
  15. could you be a little less vague with "progarm bugs out"??? A little better defination, please you do know that this is a WW2 terrain only, right?? It ain't designed for jets. And that even in the 'what if...' world of SWOTL, there's only my MTO 262 and 229 skins readily available. there's plenty of MEDIUM airbases available on the Axis side for the 2 jets to fly from ... they should ONLY be set to MinBaseSize=MEDIUM in their data ini (something I forgot on the 229 update mod); given their long spool=up times and relativly low power/throttle response. I just tested BOTH the 262 and 229, and had no issues (excepting the expected odd behavior of the Horten, which needs a FM update for 06 levels). Didn't test the 162, as it weren't used in MTO (even in SWOTL what ifs) wrench kevin stein
  16. WoI MiG-17PF Fresco D Pak



    EAF MiG-17PF Fresco-D for WoI This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor, as used by the Egyptian (and by inference, the Syrian Air Force) during the late 1950s, through the late 1970s. The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's (WoI), so they are the most current. This aircraft is NOT equiped with missiles or rocket paks, it's a simple guns-only radar equipped version as used by the EAF. Included is an 'interception procedures.txt', that gives you instructions on how to read the radar scope, as it's very short ranged. There is also a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines. Also included is a revamped "M17PF.bmp" for the nose radar bubble, also resized and repainted, that matches as close as possible, the camo pattern of the fuselage. I've even given you my 'Early Russian Pilot' - PilotER, to use. This is a COMPLETE package, including a modified version of Paladrain's 21MF cockpit, 'downgraded' for use in this aircraft. All inis, skin bmps, cockpit bits, and a new WoI style hangar screen are included. It is designed to be used ONLY in WoI, with the Mirage Factory Weapons Pak. (although it CAN be used in WoI with the bunyap pak) You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the 'radar nose bubble'. ==YOU MUST HAVE THE WOI WEAPONS EDITOR== PLEASE read the enclosed readme for more, detailed install istructions Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  17. to quote the Trolly Boy from 'Hot Fuzz', "Yarrp" :yes: it should alse be mentioned, that the 06 patch level is as high as you want to go, due to 350+ aircraft needed completly new flight models (and there are some even at 06 levels that are "iffy") wrench kevin stein
  18. I'll bet real money that it's for the next title, NOT for the SF2 series. (even though the terrain in the background kinda looks like israelme) I'd be very happy to eat my words, but don't expect to be doing so wrench kevin stein
  19. maybe a screenie would help us ID said "canoe"??? although I suspect it's the LD wrench kevin stein
  20. Seismic Activity

    Not anymore!!! wrench kevin stein
  21. Sorry folks....I don't get over here very often (TS, you shoulda let me know there was a question!!!) Anyway, what you're trying to do is convert a terrain object into a ground object. In particular, you're speaking of the parked statics that iirc, Capun did. They are best left alone, for what they are ... eye candy and something to strafe. Now, the game WILL generate it's own parked static aircraft, so there's no real need for these even to exist. These were created before one of the patches/expansion pak that allowed the in-game generation. You're also consusing GroundObjects with TerrainObjects. TerrainObjects ONLY exist inside the terrain cat, or, like these aftermarket parked statics, in the terrain folder itself. GroundObjects are added, as you've figured out, via edits of the _targets and _types ini. An example of a ground objects being used, are the various trucks seen on the airfields. An example of terrrain objects are the hangars, tents, oil drums, etc. Anything that is NOT an aircraft, ship or vehicle found in the GO folder. This would include the aforemetioned 3rd Party parked aircraft; terrain objects. I haven't looked at the airfield inis for FE, well, ever, but if it uses similiar statements as SF/Wo* and SF2 series, said airfield inis will have parking slots assigned. Now, if one wants to ADD more parked aircraft, you'll have to plot the positions using the HUDData.ini DisplayDebug set to TRUE, and note the offsets. All in all, I believe it's simply something NOT worth messing with. Leave them as terrain objects, and be done. Take it from the Terrain Targets Guy! as to building missions, I never figured out how to use either of the mission builders. I just wouldn't worry about it. The game should generate the stock parked planes on it's own (well, at least in SF/Wo* sometimes!). If the airfield inis are like the other, there should be parkingchance= percentage. Up that to 90-99 and see what happens. wrench kevin stein
  22. I stand corrected, thanks Greg!! one can assume they work as well for us cowards that fly on normal??? (I like my "here's the enemy pointer" ) wrench kevin stein
  23. even better than using the Alt/D switch, is simply edit the HUDData.ini. Extract from flightdata.cat, leave in /Flight folder and edit as follows: (just ingore the DisplayDebug=TRUE, that only used for terrrain targting) try those edits, and see how they work. Be advised, that if you're EVER use one of the radar-equipped nightfighers, you will have NO display in the cockpit, so it's vitaly important that the radar display is left intact. As we don't have any pits with scopes (since most were handled by the GIB anyway...) HARD flight model is NOT reccomended, as there are no WW2 aircraft taht I'm aware of that make use of it. All DAT birds are optimized for NORMAL, and using hard will cause 'issues' Most, if not all info needed on setting up is the the SF (1st Gen) Knowledge Base. wrench kevin stein
  24. I thought the Ekco just 'hung there' on the pylon ... are you saying it has a clear nose, and the dish is animated??? Now, THAT would be cool!! wrench kevin stein
  25. Happy Birthday Ghostrider883

    Happy Birthday Sandesh!!! wrench kevin stein

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