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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Warbirds Arrive at Pearl Harbor - Aug 2020

    now, it was craned off. LPH decks are shorter than even the old Yorktown/Enterprise class
  2. ATTACK has a completely different mission profile than BOMBER. Leave bombers as bombers. You'll fuck things up changing to the wrong profile. To say nothing of the screwed up formations -- player flown bombers do NOT create mass formations. You get 2 -count 'em- 2 aircraft. You and wingman that's an idiot. Leave things as they are intended to be. From the readme "Notes" section of pretty much all the heavy bomber mods that I've done. And nobody around here has done more than me . . . 'nuff said
  3. Yep. Iwo based use a double vertical antenna (also seen on P-47Ns), and a "thingy" inside the canopy and the "camera lens" equipped versions would be F-6s. They're NOT P-51s
  4. and the nose wheels?? Really??? I can't be hallucinating that badly .... i was too young to take acid in the 60s (well, or ever!) == as to "transport missions", I've only seen it ONE time, in the original SFP1 Desert campaign. Must have been around 2005-ish. My flight of phantoms was getting ready to take off, and a C-130 (the stock 3w one) had just departed.
  5. Russ has given me the honor of bringing the imported FSX Connstellations (WV-2/EC-121K, RC-121D, and L-1049 airliner) into the SF2 world. Skins and decals are nearly done but I'm having an issue with the FM. All 3 aircraft share the same one, and each has a 1-1.5 degree per second drift to the right, like they're out of trim or something. On autopilot, they'll track true. But on manual flight or in wing leveler mode, they drift. I've gone line-by-line in the data ini, checking for the obvious mismatches (wings, tail, fins, engines) and I can't find anything. Admitedly, I'm no expert on such things. So, I'm reaching out to those of you 'in the know' to lend a hand and see if we can't figure this out. Even though these would be more of eye candy then actual use (you WANT to fly around for 16 hours??? LOL!!), but it would be nice for those that want to. At the very least, the military versions will appear in missions in their Naval Search and AEW tasking TIA!!
  6. Only if Russ builds one !!! (do we even NEED one??) === but what of the nose wheel steering issue? one of the good things, is IF people allow the plane to be used CORRECTLY --that NOT player flown, most issues simply won't show up. The game makes no provision for player usabel AWACs, bombers and tranports. As I've said in readme for over 15 years -- leave them for the AI
  7. Warbirds Arrive at Pearl Harbor - Aug 2020

    AWESOME!!! thanks for sharing, brudda!!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 P/F-51D/K Mustang Pack by FastCargo 8/7/2020 -For SF2, Any and All- "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" This is the long delayed release of the P/F-51D/K Mustang by FastCargo. This aircraft was originally built for use in the "Korean Air War" mod, circa 2011. As we'd chosen to use the stock 3W Mustang, this one was shunted aside. A little while ago, one of our CombatAce members contacted me, and asked what happened to it. So, I went ahead and finished it off. With FC's permission, it's now being released for General Usage (tm). Originally built with (the problematic) DDS textures, the LOD has been hex edited to take jpgs. This aircraft is issued with 3 skins: USAF1 - generic NMF, for USAAF WW2 & post-war service from 1945-1947 USAF2 - generic NMF, with post-1947 USAF markings 12th FBS, 18th FBG as used during the Korean war. The SF2 'date switch' is used on all skins: the 12th FBS will activate in 1951. Almost all markings are decals, excepting where needed for painted-on squadron markings (12th FBS flashes and sharkmouth). 100 serial & 'buzz number' decals are provided for WW2 and post-WW2 use, and decal randomization is TRUE. All sounds, weapons, and the pilot figure are included. The canopy operates with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero). When in-game, on the aircraft selection drip-down panel, you'll see: F-51D/K Mustang (FC) This will differentiate THIS model from all the other Mustangs available, both 3rd Party and Stock. Even though the "P" wasn't changed to "F" until October, 1947, this is easier. The D/K Mustangs are identical, differing only in production location (D = Los Angeles, CA. K = Dallas, TX) The "FC" is obviously for 'FastCargo', the Maker. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. It's also suggest to give the "Note" section a read as well. Just for grins and giggles, obviously. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein With many thanks to Harold 'FastCargo' Saunders for permission to share with you all!!
  9. i'll zip up all 3 and get them to you as soon as I can
  10. the one that's here was rebuilt by me. so, you know what to expect. I'm very sure theirs is based of the same inaccurate one by Edward from around 2005, and probably stripped out. Given what I've seen, especially in their Persian Gulf terrain -the same one that's here by Gepard and stolen -let's call a spade a space- and used without permission, has NOTHING on it. While my rebuild, well...you see the point. All in all, they don't have a good reputation. Some of their models are good, even passable. But they're all optimized for the 1stGen 06 patch level. All need extensive work to get them "sf2 ready". Ie Shima is there on my rebuild - I should know, I put it there. Along with the anchorage at Karama Retto. The Pacific War is my thing -- most of my family was there (well, perevious generation)
  11. I have no idea!!! Even using the old data ini from the TWA Connie, it's still doing it. I'm lost!!
  12. LOL! and you're saying this to the ex-car mechanic (-cough- excuse me, automotive repair technician!!) There is a problem with the steering linkage on all 3 however... do both sides need linking through the axle? (broken tie-rod?? )
  13. Since it was originally for the AAF CBI Jugs, looking in the downloads section, one can find this: you can throw out the rest, all you'll need is the adf nm and fake pilot folders in the /Objects/Pilots folder. and you should thank Russ for building it, and reminding me what I did with it!! (some other people don't seem to do that anymore) OUt of curiosity, why YAP map?? They're terrains are fucking horrible! There's one here (Okinawa) that has much more detail, even if it has numerous flaws. At least the cities have things to bomb, and stuff is actually IN (or very close to) Real Life (tm) locations. Given the game and terrain engines limitations
  14. I think I got it ... it was the rudders & fins! Now it flys straight thanks guys! now, I just have to have Russ fix the nose wheels...they look funny
  15. wing tanks can easily be hidden by the 'remove mesh' trick in the data. easy peasy (been there, done that lots of times) I'll still send the books along. I mean, why not, right?
  16. The Phantom was the FH-1, the first USN jet. my profiles also show a short nosed -3, so I must correct myself (Naval Fighters #2 & #73). If you need those, Ed, just ask!
  17. the -3 & -4 had longer noses. Veltro's showing a -2 hell yes, finish it!! I've got lot's of decals I can reuse from the RazBam kit i did some years back.
  18. Thanks Russ; I just couldn't remember, and thought it Raven!!!
  19. Raven, iirc, did the loop for me for CBI Warhawks. It's added via fake pilot.
  20. looks like something from Gerry Anderson!!! Nice Mariners Russ!
  21. View File SF2 P/F-51D/K Mustang Pack by FastCargo SF2 P/F-51D/K Mustang Pack by FastCargo 8/7/2020 -For SF2, Any and All- "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" This is the long delayed release of the P/F-51D/K Mustang by FastCargo. This aircraft was originally built for use in the "Korean Air War" mod, circa 2011. As we'd chosen to use the stock 3W Mustang, this one was shunted aside. A little while ago, one of our CombatAce members contacted me, and asked what happened to it. So, I went ahead and finished it off. With FC's permission, it's now being released for General Usage (tm). Originally built with (the problematic) DDS textures, the LOD has been hex edited to take jpgs. This aircraft is issued with 3 skins: USAF1 - generic NMF, for USAAF WW2 & post-war service from 1945-1947 USAF2 - generic NMF, with post-1947 USAF markings 12th FBS, 18th FBG as used during the Korean war. The SF2 'date switch' is used on all skins: the 12th FBS will activate in 1951. Almost all markings are decals, excepting where needed for painted-on squadron markings (12th FBS flashes and sharkmouth). 100 serial & 'buzz number' decals are provided for WW2 and post-WW2 use, and decal randomization is TRUE. All sounds, weapons, and the pilot figure are included. The canopy operates with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0 (zero). When in-game, on the aircraft selection drip-down panel, you'll see: F-51D/K Mustang (FC) This will differentiate THIS model from all the other Mustangs available, both 3rd Party and Stock. Even though the "P" wasn't changed to "F" until October, 1947, this is easier. The D/K Mustangs are identical, differing only in production location (D = Los Angeles, CA. K = Dallas, TX) The "FC" is obviously for 'FastCargo', the Maker. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. It's also suggest to give the "Note" section a read as well. Just for grins and giggles, obviously. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein With many thanks to Harold 'FastCargo' Saunders for permission to share with you all!! Submitter Wrench Submitted 08/11/2020 Category P-51  
  22. On the North Atlantic Barrier Patrol, VW-11 out of NAS Argentia
  23. sounds like a twat. guess we stick to in house
  24. oh, you mean the DAT one??? Has lots of issues, least of which are the shapes Russ, I've got a buttload of reference books ... just tell me when you need them
  25. Ok, here's the deal -- English is the main language used on this site. It's perfectly OK to have PART of the announcement in Spanish, the MAIN announcement MUST be in English. Also, can you PLEASE try and put your uploads in the proper place???? "What If" aircraft and skins have their own sections. Otherwise, we (moderators and admins) have to keep moving from where you put them, to where they actually go. thank you

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