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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Yah, still working on that ... can't quite figure out how AD did the mapping on the cowl, as it appears (when looking at the skin bmp), the bottom section is split between the top and bottom of map, and might not be fully symetrical. However, I DID manage to paint the rest of the oil cooler intatke to match, so it looks a little better. Nobody noticed the 'missing' item??? Remember, AD linked the canopy animation to the "H" key ... and there's something NOT dangling off the tail (which may be added back, just in case III 9/JG2 get assigned to GRAF ZEPPELIN or PETER STRAUSER) wrench kevin stein
  2. Copy the "propdisc.tga" from the -3 or -4 wildcat, and drop it into the MAIN aircraft folder and the VF-26 skin folder. It appears that someone forgot to add it to the package.... (insert whislting smile, that seems to have disappeared).... wrench kevin stein
  3. Also, one mustn't forget that technology transfers don't exist in a vaccum...it's a 2-way street wench kevin stein
  4. That would be my suggestion. That decal trick works a charm for ALL kinds of things!! wrench kevin stein
  5. Empty Desert Terrain



    Empty Desert Terrain for SF/SFG/WoE/WoV, possibly FE & WoI, and SF2 Series This is a 98.6% stripped down version of the STOCK SF desert terrain map. By that, I mean that every target area, citywise is still there, and all but 2 airfields -one large airbase for each side- has been removed. The cities themselves have been cleared out of all 'targets of value'. This creates a fairly 'clean' map, and still allows for ALL mission profiles. However, Strike missions will be confined to the enemy airbases, as no 'valued' targets exist elsewhere on the map. CAS, Armed Recon, Recon, Anti-Ship and all the Fighter mission statements, CAP, Sweep, Intercept are all still valid. This was done to create a fully operational map, where mission/campaign/terrain targets builders can have a relatively clean slate to experiment and test their various projects. This package ONLY contains the inis necessary to get up and running -- there are NO terrain tiles included. As the cat pointer line 'reaches around' back to the existing Stock Desert.cat, this should pose no problems for End Users ™ that already have the needed stock terrain. However, edited Planning Maps for all 3 levels are included. For those End Users ™ WITHOUT the stock SF/SFG/SF2 desert terrain, you'll have to obtain terrain tiles. There are plenty to choose from in the CombatAce downloads section. My preference would be Photo-Real desert by Polak: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=4461 These are REALLY nice tiles, and enhance the look. The additional cat pointer lines for GermanyCE and VietnamSEA exist, but are commented out. See below for more information of "Selecting the Proper Cat File". It has been tested in SF, WoE and WoV, post 08 patch levels. It should work in FE & WoI (also post Expansion Pak and Post 08 Patch) with the correct cat pointer and existence of the stock SF Desert Terrain -- this has NOT been tested, however. It also works in SF2, as long as you adjust the cat pointer lines in the main ini. It should also be noted the inis herein are in ANSI coding, and may need conversion to Unicode for use in SF2 NextGen series games. This has NOT been tested, as the stock SF2 desert inis ARE still in ANSI. As always, it's reccomended you unzip this archive to a temp folder, or you desktop, to gain access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. This is right out of my WoE (08 level) IA.ini: It's the 4th section down from the top. It looks like it 'adjustable', like everything else [Weather] WeatherType=CLEAR WeatherAlt=2000.0 WeatherThickness=500.0 FogAmount=0.1 ContrailAlt=8000.0 StartWindDirection=150 StartWindSpeed=2.57222 WindGustingAmount=2.57222 wrench kevin stein
  7. And a 'stand-in' version has been available for IDF use on my site for about 4 years now....(using Wolf's 109G10) wrench kevin stein
  8. getting the same error code and font issue as GRV wrench kevin stein
  9. You know, on further thought, I LIKE "Ki-109" for the designation. It seem better, and more matching to the description in Francillon's book. And more fitting for a Me-109, given the lack of range it had.... And we ALL know how many times, historically/retrospectively, ATIU got things wrong during the war. wrench kevin stein
  10. Brother, it's time to get off your lazy butt and jump in!!!! I was just as hesitant (ok, maybe more so than most), as the TE is a REAL piece of work -read not intuitive. But, one learns by doing with this set of sims. And there's plenty of folks to reach out to for help. Hopefully And yes, more screenies are good!!! You know, if it's simple repaints of the alphas, and repaint of a couple of transition tiles, I can probably squeeze them in amongst all the other couple of hundred things I'm working on. I just need locations, so I can find WHICH tile it is. You'll probably have to activate your ShowDebug=TRUE in the HUDData.ini, as to give me the map coordinates. Those are some NICE looking tiles, guys! A lot closer to photos I've seen than the 2 existing Falklands/Malvinas maps. Unfortunately, they're not going to do UltraMax any good without the TFD and HFD that make the terrain work and/or the texturelist ini for importation to the TE to retile the exisiting Desert terrain (and conversion of tgas to bmps for the TE to use, but that only takes a few minutes), as there are several NEW tiles the game won't/can't recognize without a TE rebuild. A lot of others will definatly need hand placement. (those island tiles for instance -which are VERY cool btw!). And then, there's city placement.... UM, you know Deuces did a 'Euro' (read: green) style tile set for the original SF Desert map waaay back 2005, it may still be available at his site. It too, probably needs the sea/land transitions redone to have the water effects activated, as those old tga's alpha channel is solid colored, not 'mottled' like the post-06 tiles are. (a quick look at said tile just confirmed this -- they'll need the alphas "borrowed" from the stock desert tiles) There's also at least 4 or 5 desert tilesets already available that look pretty damn good, and drop in with a minimum of fuss. The attached screenie illustrates what I was talking about above, about the differences in the alpha channels. You can see they're the exact same tile, Sea2Desert50B.tga, one is stock 3W Desert (on the left), the other comes from, well, Deuces Euro-repaint. That one needs a new channel (or replacement) to activate the water effects, as well as the addition of the effects lines to it's data ini. This is something we ran into back in 06, when the new terrain effects were added. A lot of the older terrain mods (most likely) have not been brought up to 'modern' standards. wrench kevin stein
  11. Ok, then. I'll write up a readme with install instructions, and upload it tommorrow sometime wrench kevin stein
  12. SHOUT!!! <grin> couldn't resist! I'd like to keep the area around Tokyo, so 150km below Tokyo bay would be a good southern end, as that avoids "THE WALL". Simply, because we've never had it before, and if a 3d modleer ever builds us a Gojira, we'll need that area. You just hit the nail on the head ... all these tripple damn cursed terrains are TOTALLY lacking in proper transition tiles. The 3 or 6 we have simply don't do the job AT ALL!!! As to snow mountians, rocky mountians, and stuff, there some GREAT one Dueces did with the Indo/Pak map that could also be easily imported. Yah, baby, I'm down with it!! Now...If I could just find my old USNF97 or FA maps ... well, there's always google earth. Definatly want to add the Sapporo brewery on Hokkaido as a 'stargetic target'. Russian Far East bases on Sakalin...oh yeah, lot's of potential here wrench kevin stein
  13. Shhoooot, forgot all about that!! I guess I can assemble an update package, if there's really a want for it! If you all want, I have a completley stripped down stock Desert terrain I made for Fubar to use in testing some SAM sites. All the cities are intact, but with nothing of value to bomb (like a water tower or mosque), and only 1 large airfield for each side. All other stuff works (movements ini is stock, etc) Works in all versions of the sim, but you need the desert cat for the tiles, or get an alternate desert tile set. Works really well is SF2 weighs in at like 500k zipped, as it's just inis wrench kevin stein
  14. damn, frakking board software didn't "keep" my first replay...I'll try this again. --- Picture 2 w/the funny water: Alpha channel problem in what looks like the sea-farm-city or sea-city-farm tga - I always get them 2 confused. You'll need to replace the exsisting alpha with a 'working' one from another tile (that matches the pattern of the surrounding tiles) What looks like happening, is the alpha is either solid white or solid black. Look at the stock or other Malvinas sea-to-whatever tiles in PS or GIMP or something that can handle the 32bit tga w/alpha channel. You'll see the differences. Picture 3 w/funny water and non-matching ground: Same alpha channel issue as above. Wrong tile for that area; meaning, the ground section dosen't match the surrounding ground. That can also be fixed in you run-of-the-mill imaging/paint programs. Also you need to check the data ini (and texturelist.ini if available) to find the matching tile (ie what name is it??) Picture 4 with Oceanic Trees ™: that tiles TOD file needs to be rebuilt, to remove or move those trees back onto land. Unfortunatley, can only be done in the terrain editor. If you know EXACTLY which tile that is, you can import another TOD of the same name, and hope the trees are back on Dry Land ™ If you want mountain flying, there's no terrain better than the America NorthWest, especially now with the 4 seasons version (if I DO say so myself!) Wrench kevin stein ps: it looks like it time to take the plunge, and start learing the TE, UM!!
  15. and, if you act now, at NO extra charge, we'll through in the Warpaint issue devoted to the FW-200 Condor!!! Just follow the link below, operators are standing by!! http://wrench1smog.com/books/warpaint_fw200.zip wrench kevin stein
  16. can't go far wrong with a money-back guarentee!!! wrench kevin stein
  17. Ground Objects, The List: All vehicles and objects listed below are usable in either SF/SFG, WoV, WoE ,WoI 'ie the "TOS" or Classic series, and the SF2 series "NextGens". It should be noted, the stock vehicle from all version are NOT listed, as they already exist in every version of the game. This includes mods of them (reskins and ini edits) to "backdate" or create similiar looking vehicles. Remember: this list is NOT fully up-to-date! It's suggested you browse the Ground Object Mods downlods section!! --------------------------------------- === RELEASED VEHICLES: === 1920s - 1950s: 90mm AA gun [by Wolf] L.3/35 L.6/40 75/18 Semovente {Italian Tanks by Dev A-Team} SOUMA S35 (French tank) Type 95 Japanese tank Type 96 Tank Type 97 Chi-ha IJA tank Japanese Infantry (early) Japanese Infantry (late) Japanese Type 96 25MM AA Japanese Type 88 75MM AA Dihatsu IJN Landing Barges (3 types) US Marines Squad M4 Sherman {early} M4AE8 Sherman (late) -both these by Geo M-36 Jackson TD M-8 Grayhound Armored Car M-3 GMC Half-Trak TD [by Geo] M-16 Quad .50 USA half-trak M-24 Chaffee {by AD - released through Geo} M-3 Grant M-3 Lee M-7 Priest SPG (Dev A-Team) M-41 tank 37mm AT gun US Infantry Squad (early) 40mm Bofers AAA [by Kesselbrut] Panther Sdkfz.251 Sdkfz.251 Flak PZKW IVA PZKW IVG PZKW IVJ Tiger II PZKW III Aus F PZKW III Aus L (by Kesselbrut)* *=reworked versions released 5/19/06 by Kesselbrut King Tiger [by Geo] Sdkfz251 Flak 20mm Flak {German} Opel 'Blitz' trucks -open and closed top 88mm Flak 36 20mm Flakvierling [all by Kesselbrut] 37mm Flak gun German -Wermacht- Infantry squad JagdTiger (by russoUK) Su-100 Tank T-34/76 Model 1940 (by Dev A-Team) T-34-85 Daimler armored car (hidden in some terrians -reskin of BRDM) Crusader II tank Comet A34 tank Centurion V [Desert skin] by Phlerp Centurion V [Euro-green] skin by Kesselbrut 3.7in AA gun unit (2 types - standalone and emplaced) British Infantry squad Aussie Infantry squad US 90mm AAA gun (mod of Pasko's KS-19 by The Wrench) JS-1 MBT IS-3 MBT IS-2 MBT T-26 M-42 Duster BL 4.5in Artillery gun Chevy 'woody' station wagon, 1940 (by ?? Fort, w/ 6" naval gun Pillbox, MG (both modded into working GOs from static terrain objects by Wrench) SCR-270 search radar (mod of stock ???somethingoranother???) vz.35 Czech Light Tank 'Artillery and GroundObject Pak' Pzkpfw 35(t) tank (all 3 above by MontyCZ ZIS truck (by???) *Note: RebelRyder has releases several M4 Sherman variants. Please check the CA downloads section.* Ships: Fletcher DD (by Grinch) Jaccard DE Benham DD Cavalier (aka C class DE) Brooklyn CA CV-5 Yorktown/Enterprise CV CV-9 Essex (WW2/Korea era straight deck) Liberty Ship Belfast CA Illustrious CV Irrestable (HMS Eagle?) CV Formidable CV Victorious CV MAC (merchant aircraft carrier) Submarine (generic) Sub Chaser Type VIIC U-Boat Repulse class CA Oklahoma class BB Tennessee class BB Iron Duke class Dreadnaught Kriegmarine DD Kriegsmarine Flak DD (static object) IJN Destroyer (mod of KM DD above) MTB (generic PT boat) CVE Gambier Bay Class (mod of hinch's MAC CVL Princton Class (mod of hinch's IJN Zuhio) Foch (French CL) Cavour BB Cesare BB (Italian BBs) Oiler (generic tanker by Fubar512) Akagi Zuhio Fuso BB Ise BB Nagato BB KM Graf Zeppelin CV (mod of Irrestable/Eagle into stand-in version) "Enterprise6" (one time terrain object, now modded into working carrier) Tribal DD (mod of hinch's Daring DD into passable stand-in) "USNCargoShip" (mod of stock 3W unit) Fishing Boat aka small trawler (by cocas) Small Cargo Ship Fishing Trawler LCM (these 3 by kesselbrut, imported from Flaklands mod) *Please note, many of the WW2-era ships are Dev A-Team releases. You'll need to register with them to obtain access to their downloads section* == MISC INI TWEEKS & STRUCTURES: == Camonet/tent {Pasko?} Radio tower (various terrain installs) The Factory Place by Mitch (re-released by Wrench) DBS Objects, Snow camo's, etc [by many talented people!] "Factory Place Fix" - For Desert Map, English translations [by Wrench] "Factory Fix, SEA" - includes Englishized translations [by Wrench] Various stock vehicle ini-tweeks (adding guns/MGs to stock vehicles, changing tasking to "TANK") {by Wrench} Train Station (Gepard?) - see below Generic Radar Facility (grampotomus) Factory Building Pak (wingwinner) Generic Hangars Pak (CA_Stary) small pier w/attached small boats (by cocas) -WW2 Structures (in EAW2 & PAW2 sets) Ball Bearing Factory Submarine pens Train Staion Train Engine Train Flatcar Train Fuelcar Train Siding Traintracks Train cars (wagons?) V-1 Launch units (includes various parts) Parked Allied & Axis aircraft (in terrain packages) *Note: not mentioned is Polak's CFS2 Converted WW2 Buildings and Objects Pak. Many have appeared in various terrain mods* == Terrains/Maps == WW2 Maps: all by Edward, except where noted Battle of Britan (by Gepard) EuroWW2 Libya (mod by Wrench of USAFMTL's Modern Libya) NAfrica Tunisia Burma China Darwin New Guinea2 Okinawa Phillipines Solomons WW Midway Islands (by Gepard) WW2 Mariana Islands WW2 Hawaii (both by The Wrench) NOTE: there are surely some map mods I'm missing, so PM me and I'll updated the listing. =Terrain WIPS: Malaysia (by baltika) Wrench Kevin Stein ------------------ = Editing Older Ground Objects To Add Them, Post-Patch3 (2004) = After the latest round of patching for SF & WoV, there is a new format for ALL ground objects. The old standard of editing the GROUNDOBJECTDATA.INI in no longer necessary, as that entire file has been replaced with a new, simpler structure. This format is now also native to Wings Over Europe and Wings Over Isreal, and the SF2 series. You must open the main ini, NOT the objects data.ini, and add the following to the top [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName= object's full name, as you want it shown in game ObjectDataFile= name of object's data file, or data ini example: [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=M48A1 Chaparral (OD) ObjectDataFile=ChaparralLE_DATA.INI One can also just look at an existing stock vehicle, to see how it's shown, and use that format
  18. Hmm....worth looking at. Francillon's book lists the Ki-109 as "Mistubishi, Army Experimental Interceptor Fighter", which actually looks like a conveted bomber. (which is ok, as the real Ki-58 was an escort fighter variant of the Ki-49 Helen bomber, but as it never went into service....hmmmm.......) It's really hard to find a designation, as EVERY number seems to have been used from Ki-1 to Ki-230!!! Little did they suspect, I think, how hard they'd make my life 70-odd years later!!! wrench kevin stein
  19. Dosen't the DAT have one??? wrench kevin stein
  20. For anyone that DOES step forward and help Veltro out, I've got the "Warpaint" book on the FW-200 on pdf, and you'll get a link to a copy of it. And any other resource material I may have My knowledge of the larger LW schemes and markings is rathter limited. V, if nobody else steps up, I can at least do up a basic skin for it. Given time, of course to finish the P-61!!! wrench kevin stein
  21. PB: the program I use is an old one by Kreelin, called "SFMap". It reads the HFD and targets ini, looking for runways, and then adds them Mostly I make 2 version, 1 with the lables and one without, import the bmps into Photoshop as a multi-layerd PDS and then just add the new airfield/city dots and labels in there. If it's not around here in the d/l section, let me know and I'll write a quickie readme (as the maps are odd sizes when created, and need to be squared up to the 512x,1024x and 2048x sizes the game needs) and upload it. What's good about SFMap, is it sits right in the main folder (example: C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe\SFMap.exe). It'll read ALL terrains in that game install; you can have as many copies as you've got installs, and it don't care. SB:, man do I KNOW that feeling! I've some ultra-Orthodox relatives, and I can't understand a thing they say! I've probably forgotten most everything I've ever learned ... a terrible thing to loose one's historical heritage. wrench kevin stein
  22. My Cat Marty

    I grieve with you, my friend. I've been there 3 times already. The last of our original 4 cats, Prissy, is 16 or 17. She's outlived all the others, Savvik, Pixel and Patches. I don't know what or how I'm gonna handle it when it's her time. We do have another, Tipsy who's only about 5 or 6, so she's got some time to go. wrench kevin stein
  23. Yes and no, my friend. I've already finished the tilling, using the ones that came with it, and some 'new' ones for the airfields (as there are many new and other moved to their historical placements). They now have completly clear zones for those in a 'farm' region, plus several custom made ones that I've either created or borrowed form other projects. I'll have to see how the targets sit (as that's the major bugaboo with city TODs ... the building fill in all the spots where targets go. I"ll definately let you know if it works, dosen't work or if I need some other stuff thanks! wrench kevin stein
  24. He really outdid himself on this one, expecially on the skins AND that very cool damage modeling!!! Of course, it goes without saying that the cockpit is excellent!! Can't wait for his Jack!! (i've seen a real one at the Chino Air Museaum, about 50 miles east of me) wrench kevin stein
  25. 11 Sept 01

    . Wrench Kevin Stein

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