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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Improperly positioned cockpit, and maybe screwing around with OpenCockpit=TRUE where it don't need it?? try these: [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=P-51D_Cockpit Position=0.0,1.20,1.15 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxYaw=155 MinYaw=-155 MaxPitch=90 MinPitchFront=-46 MinPitchRear=-30 LightRange=1.5 also, you'll find a nice update for the gunsights in the "What If..." Korean War F-47N-15 over in downloads section.... Be advised of landing gear "issues" in 08 patched games. I'll have to look up my fixes, which ain't perfect, but DO work. Sorta oh, and remove the avionics lines from you main ini --- this beast ain't got no radar!! wrench kevin stein
  2. 12th of Never, unless I get my ass in gear and finish retiling, targetizing and a myriad of other things!! Still waiting for more tiles from CA Stary; he may have lost a bunch when his HD crapped out last month wrench kevin stein
  3. too close to other terrain features (look like in this case mountains) and NOT being flattened in the TE --the most likely candidate wrench kevin stein
  4. He's just the uploader. It was actualy created by PFunk. Try pointing to the GermanyCE.cat; the WoI IsraelME cat can only be used for terrains USING WoI tiles, as they have completely different naming conventions wrench kevin stein
  5. Nope, you can only have ONE name in the data AND loadout inis for drop tanks for sf2 seris, the SKIN for the specific coloration goes in the SKIN FOLDER for the matching unit (ie: SEA camo skin folder will now have the SEACamo f16 wing tank skin INSIDE the skin folder) at least, that's what I've been reading on how it works, all over these forums wrench kevin stein
  6. Well, since I was on a roll with getting all the lights dialed in, I thought I'd take a little stab a re-decaling this bird. A partial-reskin, as I had to redraw some panel lines (my partial templates will be included with the upload when finished). Might look good in natural metal, too...cause I ain't quite good enough for the camo patterns!!! So, here's a couple of shots. The MAC stripe/Flag are new decals, as are the serial numbers, and the nose serial tag. Anyone care to venture a guess at the Historical Significance ™ of this serial number/aircraft???? BTW, Dave, you're disqualified -- you've seen the real one. Unfortunatley, there's a small, but quite noticable decal bleed at the edge of the fuesalage/right cargo bay door, and I'm going crosseyed trying to keep those big wing-walk-looking lines from bluring/jaggedizing...annoys me! I gave it a different cockpit, albeit yet another 'not even close, but it's for jets' pit -from the Vark. Remember, the game itself is/was never designed for bomber/transport flying, so we make do with what we have. oh, the person that guesses correctly, gets a personalized aircraft next time I do up names! wrench kevin stein
  7. Or, even simplier ... use the terrain in a post-08 patch level game, and the parked aircraft should be automatically generated via the various airfiled inis wrench kevin stein
  8. To my knowledge, Ant never did one. They'll be several released when (and don't ASK when) the Indo-Pak mod is released. For both AD's hunter and the stock WoE version wrench kevin stein
  9. Normally, there'd be an error message associated with the CTD; you know, that little M$ box that pops up with "Such and Such has experienced a problem and needs to close. Click here (with a hyperlink) to see what this message contains." It'll be something like "aircraftformation.dll" or "aircraftobject.dll" or something like that. Basically, all the ww2 terrains, that have not gone through one of my upgrades will have this, as all the airbases are set WRONG. The Number of squadrons on Runway3 should be 1 max, not the 4 or more usually used. That's one of the reasons that I've been rebuilding them ... adding several runway1, 5 or 6 to for each side. Also, the ww2 formations ini has several faults, in particular for Imperial Japan, that will overcrowd the SMALL (Runway3) airbaes. I've addressed this not only by the terrain rebuilds, but in the readmes for the terrains, with an amended for Imperial Japan I quote: You should also find that in my upgrades for a lot of the IJAAF/IJN, the MinAirbaseSize= should already be fixed wrench kevin stein ps: don't forget on ALL aircraft moved up to SF2, and even the 08 patch for Classic Series, check the steering angles on the the tail or nose gears!!! They must be positive numbers!! And even then, you'll get "odd things" happening.
  10. I've also started "taking a look" at the North Africa and Tunisia maps. They could really use some help, in the targetization realm....fixing airfields, adding 'stuff to blow up' ; the usual. don't expect nothing soon; there's still a lot to do (an of course, the expected Unavaliable Items ™ will need substutiting ) What I do NOT plan on doing is any retiling ... even though Alex and Benghazi could use some real city-port tiles (the one from WoV with the built in piers). just letting you all know; wrench kevin stein
  11. That would mean I'd have to take, and is some cases, re-take all the ASE certification tests for the "Master Double-Gear" patch. I been out from under the hood so long....take me forever to get up to speed with the OBD II electronics, ABS, A/C -what with all the recycling and non-CFC refrigerants and gods all know what!! To say nothing of the brakes, suspension, engine ....don't even want to think about!!! wrench kevin stein
  12. Also, with the OpenCockpit line postioning is beyond critical....off by 1 or 2 cm, and you see nothing, even on those with framing visible internally. One way to check IF framing exists, is use the F12 free camera, and 'back down' the fuselage a meter or two. If the framing shows, you're pit's not positioned right. I know this very well, from dialing in the 103's pit wrench kevin stein
  13. Well, after downloading the Warbird Tech for the C-141 (all 335 megs of jpgs, reinverting 50% of them as they were scanned upsidedown but nicely done in 300dpi) and assemling it into a pdf....which weighs in at a hefty 331mgs!!!!.... Most A were converted to B, which a goodly number were converted to C with the all-glass pit (Hanoi Taxi among them) Skinning the B shoudn't be too hard .... mind you, I don't think I can do the Euro Lizard, but the AMC Proud Gray shouldn't be too hard. I shold have lo-viz markings I can make decals from around here somewheres... If you like Ed, I'll give it a try! Also lets me re-dial in the lights for the extended fues. wrench kevin stein
  14. reduce the rotor diameter to 8.0 or less wrench kevin stein
  15. Like the guys said above, it's caused by the lod itself. To be exact, it's caused by an open mesh in the polygons that create the lod, and usually occurs at the mating surfaces (think of a plastic model, where you glue the fues half together, and don't use Green Stuff ™ to fill in the gaps before painting -- boy does THAT take me back!) That russo's emil??? Maybe we can 'convice him - with at nice dram or 2 - to give it a look at in MAX? But easiest way, as stated in the PropHead forum, is to simply paint the national markings on. There should be enough 'slots' on the fues mesh (4 decals max) for the Stab markings/numbers/ squadron badge wrench kevin stein
  16. Which version of Libya??? There are 3 you know...updates of updates to updates to Ultimate Final. There's shouldn't be ANY stray trees on the runways; with the possible excpetion of Trapani-Briggi on the far west end of Sicily. That one DOES run a little close to the farm tiles, and needed some odd juxtapositioning. I should know ... I built it some shots of the offending airfiled in Libya would still be of help wrench kevin stein
  17. That's how I did the Pearl Harbor stuff....whilst working on the terrain, I was doing up the planes at the same time. As the planes got finished, they got uploaded. wrench kevin stein
  18. Went a LOT faster than I thought/expected... Was able to adapt my exisiting template. The only thing 'off' is there's some missing panel lines I didn't re-draw on the aft cockpit hump (and you got to get REALLLLLY close to see they're not there...) Easily removed the Naxos antenna via data ini edits, and reused the decals from the single-seater (saved a bit of time, even though there may have only been half a dozen of these produced in Real Life™ ) just needs some tweeking of the lights, a new WoE-style hangar screen, and readme. Loadout wise, for CAS/Armed Recon it's set up for R4Ms. I'll try to see if I can get the RS-82s in their place. wrench kevin stein
  19. For those that may still be interested, it's now available at my site. READ THE ENCLOSED README FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION -- you'll still need the lod from DATs Me-262B and other stuff It's on this page, 1/3 the way down http://wrench1smog.com/wrench19.html wrench kevin stein
  20. It might help knowing WHICH terrain has the issue, so the terrain builder can take a look at it, and see what's up the TOD for the tile. And some screenies might help, too wrench kevin stein
  21. 'bout flipping time!! maybe we'll get an updated Terrain Editor too.... wrench kevin stein
  22. Short answer ... No. What I did with Gerwins cat pak extractor, is make a new folder for at the root of my C drive, C:/CatPakExtractor. I COPY the various cats there, extract them (which creates a new folder for each extracted pak), toss the cat copies out, then copy/paste the various inis I need to the various aircraft folders. That pretty much makes in NO different than the Classic Series ™, in the fact the the F-4E_67_data.ini will be going in the F-4E_67 aircraft folder. The aircraft will always reside in the (in my case for an XP users) C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin J. Stein\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft folder The major difference is NOW the core game files are NOT together, but placed up there. As to the compliant of " just takes way to long going back and forward as I install does cause me to make one or two misplaces/ mistakes. " You need to just watch what you're doing, pay a little closer attention, and unfortunatley, just simply get used to it. this is how things are now going to be with these NextGen series. wrench kevin stein
  23. It works JUST fine without the clipping mods....trust me. That's not longer needed with 08 patch levels, as it has the FE coding for the open cockpits The "ShowFromCockpit=" lines ONLY go in the _data ini, in the named components (nose, fueselage, tail, etc). This is from the (as yet unreleased) F-103 Thunderwarrior's cockpit ini: wrench kevin stein
  24. Do you have the Line OpenCockpit=TRUE in the cockpit ini???? won't work without it wrench kevin stein
  25. Nicely done! But... you're clock dosen't say TIMEX j/k!!!! wrench kevin stein

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